2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
2018-01-29 14:11:11 +01:00
# Copyright 2018 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
2015-07-21 11:51:02 +02:00
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
package centreon::plugins::script_custom;
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# $options{package} = parent package caller
# $options{options} = options object
# $options{output} = output object
$self->{options} = $options{options};
$self->{output} = $options{output};
arguments => {
'mode:s' => { name => 'mode_name' },
'dyn-mode:s' => { name => 'dynmode_name' },
'list-mode' => { name => 'list_mode' },
'custommode:s' => { name => 'custommode_name' },
'list-custommode' => { name => 'list_custommode' },
'multiple' => { name => 'multiple' },
2015-11-10 10:44:19 +01:00
'sanity-options' => { name => 'sanity_options' }, # keep it for 6 month before remove it
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = ();
%{$self->{custom_modes}} = ();
$self->{default} = undef;
$self->{customdefault} = {};
$self->{custommode_current} = undef;
$self->{custommode_stored} = [];
$self->{option_results} = $self->{options}->get_options();
foreach (keys %{$self->{option_results}}) {
$self->{$_} = $self->{option_results}->{$_};
$self->{options}->add_help(package => $options{package}, sections => 'PLUGIN DESCRIPTION');
$self->{options}->add_help(package => __PACKAGE__, sections => 'GLOBAL OPTIONS');
return $self;
2015-09-18 15:44:17 +02:00
sub load_custom_mode {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->is_custommode(custommode => $self->{custommode_name});
centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load(output => $self->{output}, module => $self->{custom_modes}{$self->{custommode_name}},
error_msg => "Cannot load module --custommode.");
$self->{custommode_current} = $self->{custom_modes}{$self->{custommode_name}}->new(options => $self->{options}, output => $self->{output}, mode => $self->{custommode_name});
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sub init {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options{version} = string version
# $options{help} = string help
if (defined($options{help}) && !defined($self->{mode_name}) && !defined($self->{dynmode_name})) {
if (defined($options{version}) && !defined($self->{mode_name})&& !defined($self->{dynmode_name})) {
if (defined($self->{list_mode})) {
if (defined($self->{list_custommode})) {
2015-11-10 10:44:19 +01:00
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# Output HELP
$self->{options}->add_help(package => 'centreon::plugins::output', sections => 'OUTPUT OPTIONS');
if (defined($self->{custommode_name}) && $self->{custommode_name} ne '') {
2015-09-18 15:44:17 +02:00
2015-09-18 15:49:07 +02:00
} elsif (scalar(keys %{$self->{custom_modes}}) == 1) {
$self->{custommode_name} = (keys(%{$self->{custom_modes}}))[0];
2015-09-18 15:44:17 +02:00
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
} else {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to specify '--custommode'.");
# Load mode
if (defined($self->{mode_name}) && $self->{mode_name} ne '') {
$self->is_mode(mode => $self->{mode_name});
centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load(output => $self->{output}, module => $self->{modes}{$self->{mode_name}},
error_msg => "Cannot load module --mode.");
$self->{mode} = $self->{modes}{$self->{mode_name}}->new(options => $self->{options}, output => $self->{output}, mode => $self->{mode_name});
} elsif (defined($self->{dynmode_name}) && $self->{dynmode_name} ne '') {
2016-05-02 21:06:27 +02:00
(undef, $self->{dynmode_name}) = centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load(output => $self->{output}, module => $self->{dynmode_name},
error_msg => "Cannot load module --dyn-mode.");
2014-12-08 20:15:21 +01:00
$self->{mode} = $self->{dynmode_name}->new(options => $self->{options}, output => $self->{output}, mode => $self->{dynmode_name});
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
} else {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to specify '--mode' or '--dyn-mode' option.");
if (defined($options{help})) {
2014-11-18 15:49:02 +01:00
if (defined($self->{mode_name}) && $self->{mode_name} ne '') {
$self->{options}->add_help(package => $self->{modes}{$self->{mode_name}}, sections => 'MODE');
} else {
$self->{options}->add_help(package => $self->{dynmode_name}, sections => 'MODE');
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
if (defined($options{version})) {
$self->{output}->option_exit(nolabel => 1);
$self->{option_results} = $self->{options}->get_options();
push @{$self->{custommode_stored}}, $self->{custommode_current};
$self->{custommode_current}->set_options(option_results => $self->{option_results});
$self->{custommode_current}->set_defaults(default => $self->{customdefault});
while ($self->{custommode_current}->check_options()) {
$self->{custommode_current} = $self->{custom_modes}{$self->{custommode_name}}->new(noptions => 1, options => $self->{options}, output => $self->{output}, mode => $self->{custommode_name});
$self->{custommode_current}->set_options(option_results => $self->{option_results});
push @{$self->{custommode_stored}}, $self->{custommode_current};
$self->{mode}->check_options(option_results => $self->{option_results}, default => $self->{default});
sub run {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{output}->is_disco_format()) {
$self->{output}->exit(exit_litteral => 'ok');
if ($self->{output}->is_disco_show()) {
if (defined($self->{multiple})) {
$self->{mode}->disco_show(custom => $self->{custommode});
} else {
$self->{mode}->disco_show(custom => $self->{custommode_stored}[0]);
$self->{output}->exit(exit_litteral => 'ok');
} else {
if (defined($self->{multiple})) {
$self->{mode}->run(custom => $self->{custommode_stored});
} else {
$self->{mode}->run(custom => $self->{custommode_stored}[0]);
sub is_mode {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options->{mode} = mode
if (!defined($self->{modes}{$options{mode}})) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "mode '" . $options{mode} . "' doesn't exist (use --list-mode option to show available modes).");
sub is_custommode {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options->{custommode} = mode
if (!defined($self->{custom_modes}{$options{custommode}})) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "mode '" . $options{custommode} . "' doesn't exist (use --list-custommode option to show available modes).");
sub version {
my $self = shift;
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Plugin Version: " . $self->{version});
$self->{output}->option_exit(nolabel => 1);
sub list_mode {
my $self = shift;
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(long_msg => "Modes Available:");
2015-01-27 11:48:33 +01:00
foreach (sort keys %{$self->{modes}}) {
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(long_msg => " " . $_);
$self->{output}->option_exit(nolabel => 1);
sub list_custommode {
my $self = shift;
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(long_msg => "Custom Modes Available:");
foreach (keys %{$self->{custom_modes}}) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(long_msg => " " . $_);
$self->{output}->option_exit(nolabel => 1);
=head1 NAME
=over 8
=item B<--mode>
Choose a mode.
2014-12-09 19:31:52 +01:00
=item B<--dyn-mode>
Specify a mode with the path (separated by '::').
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
=item B<--list-mode>
List available modes.
2014-12-09 19:31:52 +01:00
=item B<--mode-version>
Check minimal version of mode. If not, unknown error.
2013-12-13 16:14:12 +01:00
=item B<--version>
Display plugin version.
=item B<--custommode>
Choose a custom mode.
=item B<--list-custommode>
List available custom modes.
=item B<--multiple>
Multiple custom mode objects (some mode needs it).