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Software Recommandations
The "centreon-esxd" connector has been tested on linux systems.
Installation on other system is possible but is outside the scope of this document.
==================== =====================
Software Minimal Version
==================== =====================
VMWare SDK Perl 5.0
Perl 5.8
centreon-esxd 1.3
==================== =====================
Hardware Recommandations
Hardware prerequisites will vary depending on the number of monitored hosts. Without configured, no checks are done. Minimal used ressources are :
* RAM : 512 Mo (May slightly increase with the number of checks).
* CPU : same as poller server.
Centreon-esxd Installation - centos/rhel 5 systems
SDK Perl VMWare Installation
The "centreon-esxd" connector uses SDK Perl VMWare for its operation. So we install it. To do this, we begin by install CPAN, it's the name of a Perl module who improves the download, the installation, the upgrade and the maintenance of others Perl modules who are archived on the CPAN.
Install CPAN prerequisites ::
root # yum install gcc make unzip wget expat-devel e2fsprogs-devel openssl-devel
root # yum install perl-XML-LibXML perl-Crypt-SSLeay
root # cpan install Class::MethodMaker
root # cpan install LWP
root # cpan install Net::SSLeay
root # cpan install LWP::Protocol::https
root # cpan install SOAP::Lite
root # wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JN/JNH/UUID-0.04.tar.gz
root # tar zxvf UUID-0.04.tar.gz
root # cd UUID-0.04
root # perl Makefile.PL
root # make && make install
All SDK prerequisites are installed.
Download the last version on the VMWare website (`SDK VMWare <http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/viperltoolkit/>`_) (choose the file correponding to your architecture)
Install VMWare Perl SDK::
root # tar zxvf VMware-vSphere-Perl-SDK-5.1.0-780721.x86_64.tar.gz
root # cd vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib
root # perl Makefile.pl
root # make && make install
Addtionnal Modules Installation
Some features require additionnal prerequisites.
To send data to a syslog daemon, the " Unix::Syslog" must be installed ::
root # cpan install Unix::Syslog
To check a virtual server snapshots date, the "DateTime::Format::ISO8601" is required (**be advise that this module has a lot of CPAN dependencies and may need a full Perl update. This update is hazardous**) ::
root # cpan install DateTime
root # cpan install DateTime::Format::ISO8601
root # o conf make /usr/bin/make
root # o conf commit
Reboot your system to complete.
centreon-esxd Installation
Download « centreon-esxd » archive, then install ::
root # tar zxvf centreon-esxd-1.X.tar.gz
root # cd centreon-esxd-1.X
root # cp centreon_esxd /usr/bin/
root # mkdir -p /etc/centreon
root # cp centreon_esxd-conf.pm /etc/centreon/centreon_esxd.pm
root # cp centreon_esxd-init /etc/init.d/centreon_esxd
root # mkdir -p /usr/share/centreon/lib/centreon-esxd
root # cp lib/* /usr/share/centreon/lib/centreon-esxd/
Configure "centreon-esxd" daemon to start at boot ::
root # chkconfig --level 2345 centreon_esxd on
*"centreon_esx_client.pl" is the corresponding nagios plugin.*
Centreon-esxd Installation - centos/rhel 6 systems
SDK Perl VMWare Installation
The "centreon-esxd" connector uses SDK Perl VMWare for its operation. So we install it. To do this, we begin by install CPAN, it's the name of a Perl module who improves the download, the installation, the upgrade and the maintenance of others Perl modules who are archived on the CPAN.
Install CPAN prerequisites ::
root # yum install gcc make unzip wget expat-devel e2fsprogs-devel openssl-devel perl-CPAN libuuid-devel
root # yum install perl-XML-LibXML perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-Class-MethodMaker perl-SOAP-Lite
root # cpan install Test::More
root # cpan install LWP
root # cpan install Net::SSLeay
root # cpan install LWP::Protocol::https
root # wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JN/JNH/UUID-0.04.tar.gz
root # tar zxvf UUID-0.04.tar.gz
root # cd UUID-0.04
root # perl Makefile.PL
root # make && make install
All SDK prerequisites are installed.
Download the last version on the VMWare website (`SDK VMWare <http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/viperltoolkit/>`_) (choose the file correponding to your architecture)
Install VMWare Perl SDK::
root # tar zxvf VMware-vSphere-Perl-SDK-5.1.0-780721.x86_64.tar.gz
root # cd vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib
root # perl Makefile.pl
root # make && make install
Addtionnal Modules Installation
Some features require additionnal prerequisites.
To send data to a syslog daemon, the " Unix::Syslog" must be installed ::
root # cpan install Unix::Syslog
To check a virtual server snapshots date, the "DateTime::Format::ISO8601" is required (**be advise that this module has a lot of CPAN dependencies and may need a full Perl update. This update is hazardous**) ::
root # cpan install DateTime
root # cpan install DateTime::Format::ISO8601
root # o conf make /usr/bin/make
root # o conf commit
Reboot your system to complete.
centreon-esxd Installation
Download « centreon-esxd » archive, then install ::
root # tar zxvf centreon-esxd-1.X.tar.gz
root # cd centreon-esxd-1.X
root # cp centreon_esxd /usr/bin/
root # mkdir -p /etc/centreon
root # cp centreon_esxd-conf.pm /etc/centreon/centreon_esxd.pm
root # cp centreon_esxd-init /etc/init.d/centreon_esxd
root # mkdir -p /usr/share/centreon/lib/centreon-esxd
root # cp lib/* /usr/share/centreon/lib/centreon-esxd/
Configure "centreon-esxd" daemon to start at boot ::
root # chkconfig --level 2345 centreon_esxd on
*"centreon_esx_client.pl" is the corresponding nagios plugin.*