diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/deb.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/deb.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..663aaaceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/deb.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    "dependencies": [
+        "libsnmp-perl"
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/pkg.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/pkg.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e91efedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/pkg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    "pkg_name": "centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp",
+    "pkg_summary": "Centreon Plugin",
+    "plugin_name": "centreon_kvm_avocent_8000.pl",
+    "files": [
+        "centreon/plugins/script_snmp.pm",
+        "centreon/plugins/snmp.pm",
+        "snmp_standard/mode/cpudetailed.pm",
+        "snmp_standard/mode/loadaverage.pm",
+        "snmp_standard/mode/memory.pm",
+        "hardware/kvm/avocent/acs/8000/snmp/"
+    ]
diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/rpm.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/rpm.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..418a331fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Kvm-Avocent-Acs-8000-Snmp/rpm.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    "dependencies": [
+        "perl(SNMP)"
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Ibm-Storwize-Ssh/deb.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Ibm-Storwize-Ssh/deb.json
index 21ed5ecd4..1c3f524e6 100644
--- a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Ibm-Storwize-Ssh/deb.json
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Ibm-Storwize-Ssh/deb.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     "dependencies": [
-        "plink"
+    	"plink"
diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/deb.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/deb.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..663aaaceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/deb.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    "dependencies": [
+        "libsnmp-perl"
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/pkg.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/pkg.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e308a274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/pkg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    "pkg_name": "centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp",
+    "pkg_summary": "Centreon Plugin",
+    "plugin_name": "centreon_teldat_snmp.pl",
+    "files": [
+        "centreon/plugins/script_snmp.pm",
+        "centreon/plugins/snmp.pm",
+        "snmp_standard/mode/interfaces.pm",
+        "snmp_standard/mode/listinterfaces.pm",
+        "snmp_standard/mode/uptime.pm",
+	"snmp_standard/mode/resources/",
+        "network/teldat/snmp/"
+    ]
diff --git a/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/rpm.json b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/rpm.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..418a331fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/centreon-plugin-Network-Teldat-Snmp/rpm.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    "dependencies": [
+        "perl(SNMP)"
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/cellsradio.pm b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/cellsradio.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee75879fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/cellsradio.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
+# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
+# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
+# service performance.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package network::teldat::snmp::mode::cellsradio;
+use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use centreon::plugins::templates::catalog_functions qw(catalog_status_threshold_ng);
+sub custom_signal_perfdata {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my $instances = [];
+    foreach (@{$self->{instance_mode}->{custom_perfdata_instances}}) {
+        push @$instances, $self->{result_values}->{$_};
+    }
+    $self->{output}->perfdata_add(
+        nlabel => $self->{nlabel},
+        instances => $instances,
+        value => $self->{result_values}->{ $self->{key_values}->[0]->{name} },
+        warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{thlabel}),
+        critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{thlabel}),
+        min => 0
+    );
+sub custom_status_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return sprintf(
+        'sim status: %s [imsi: %s] [interface state: %s]',
+        $self->{result_values}->{simStatus},
+        $self->{result_values}->{imsi},
+        $self->{result_values}->{interfaceState}
+    );
+sub cell_long_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return sprintf(
+        "checking cellular radio module '%s' [sim icc: %s, operator: %s]",
+        $options{instance_value}->{cellId},
+        $options{instance_value}->{simIcc},
+        $options{instance_value}->{operator}
+    );
+sub prefix_cell_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return sprintf(
+        "cellular radio module '%s' [sim icc: %s, operator: %s] ",
+        $options{instance_value}->{cellId},
+        $options{instance_value}->{simIcc},
+        $options{instance_value}->{operator}
+    );
+sub prefix_global_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return 'Number of cellular radio modules ';
+sub set_counters {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    $self->{maps_counters_type} = [
+        { name => 'global', type => 0, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_global_output' },
+        { name => 'cells', type => 3, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_cell_output', cb_long_output => 'cell_long_output',
+          indent_long_output => '    ', message_multiple => 'All cellular radio modules are ok',
+            group => [
+                { name => 'status', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
+                { name => 'signal', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } }
+            ]
+        }
+    ];
+    $self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [
+        { label => 'modules-cellradio-detected', display_ok => 0, nlabel => 'modules.cellradio.detected.count', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'detected' } ],
+                output_template => 'detected: %s',
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%s', min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'name'}
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    ];
+    $self->{maps_counters}->{status} = [
+        {
+            label => 'status',
+            type => 2,
+            warning_default => '%{interfaceState} =~ /disconnect/',
+            critical_default => '%{simStatus} =~ /LOCKED/ || %{simStatus} =~ /DETECTING/',
+            set => {
+                key_values => [
+                    { name => 'cellId' }, { name => 'operator' }, { name => 'imsi' }, { name => 'simIcc' },
+                    { name => 'simStatus' }, { name => 'interfaceState' }
+                ],
+                closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
+                closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
+                closure_custom_threshold_check => \&catalog_status_threshold_ng
+            }
+        }
+    ];
+    $self->{maps_counters}->{signal} = [
+        { label => 'module-cellradio-rsrp', nlabel => 'module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm', set => {
+                key_values      => [ { name => 'rsrp' }, { name => 'cellId' }, { name => 'simIcc' }, { name => 'operator' } ],
+                output_template => 'rsrp: %s dBm',
+                closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_signal_perfdata')
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'module-cellradio-rsrq', nlabel => 'module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'rsrq' }, { name => 'cellId' }, { name => 'simIcc' }, { name => 'operator' } ],
+                output_template => 'rsrq: %s dBm',
+                closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_signal_perfdata')
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'module-cellradio-snr', nlabel => 'module.cellradio.snr.db', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'snr' }, { name => 'cellId' }, { name => 'simIcc' }, { name => 'operator' } ],
+                output_template => 'snr: %s dB',
+                closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_signal_perfdata')
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'module-cellradio-rscp', nlabel => 'module.cellradio.rscp.dbm', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'rscp' }, { name => 'cellId' }, { name => 'simIcc' }, { name => 'operator' } ],
+                output_template => 'rscp: %s dBm',
+                closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_signal_perfdata')
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'module-cellradio-csq', nlabel => 'module.cellradio.csq.dbm', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'csq' }, { name => 'cellId' }, { name => 'simIcc' }, { name => 'operator' } ],
+                output_template => 'csq: %s dBm',
+                closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_signal_perfdata')
+            }
+        }
+    ];
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
+        'filter-cell-id:s'            => { name => 'filter_cell_id' },
+        'custom-perfdata-instances:s' => { name => 'custom_perfdata_instances' }
+    });
+    return $self;
+sub check_options {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::check_options(%options);
+    if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{custom_perfdata_instances}) || $self->{option_results}->{custom_perfdata_instances} eq '') {
+        $self->{option_results}->{custom_perfdata_instances} = '%(cellId) %(operator)';
+    }
+    $self->{custom_perfdata_instances} = $self->custom_perfdata_instances(
+        option_name => '--custom-perfdata-instances',
+        instances => $self->{option_results}->{custom_perfdata_instances},
+        labels => { cellId => 1, operator => 1, simIcc => 1}
+    );
+my $mapping_info_interface = {
+    imei    => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularInfoInterfaceModuleIMEI : Cellular module IMEI.
+    imsi    => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularInfoInterfaceModuleIMSI : Cellular module IMSI.
+    simIcc   => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularInfoInterfaceSIMIcc : Cellular active SIM ICC.
+my $mapping_state_interface = {
+    interfaceState  => { oid => '.' } # teldatCellularStateInterfaceState : Call state.
+my $mapping_state_mobile = {
+    techno      => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularStateMobileRadioTechnology : Cellular mobile current radio access tecnology used (!GETRAT).
+    rscp        => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularStateMobileRxSignalCodePwr : Cellular mobile received signal code power (RSCP).
+    csq         => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularStateMobileSignalQuality : Cellular mobile reception signal quality (+CSQ).
+    rsrp        => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularStateMobileRxRSRP : Cellular mobile reference symbol received power (RSRP).
+    rsrq        => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularStateMobileRxRSRQ : Cellular mobile reference signal received quality (RSRQ).
+    snr         => { oid => '.' }, # teldatCellularStateMobileRxSINR : Cellular mobile signal versus noise ratio (SINR).
+    simStatus   => { oid => '.' } # teldatCellularStateMobileSIMStatus : Cellular mobile SIM status.
+my $mapping_prof_dial = {
+    operator  => { oid => '.' } # teldatCellularProfDialName1 : Dial Profile Name(1) associated to cellular interface.
+my $oid_teldatCellularInfoInterfaceEntry = '.'; # teldatInfoInterfaceTable
+my $oid_teldatCellularStateMobileEntry = '.'; # teldatStateMobileTable
+sub manage_selection {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    $self->{global} = { detected => 0 };
+    $self->{cells} = {};
+    my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(
+        oids => [
+            { oid => $mapping_state_interface->{interfaceState}->{oid} },
+            { oid => $mapping_prof_dial->{operator}->{oid} },
+            { oid => $oid_teldatCellularInfoInterfaceEntry, start => $mapping_info_interface->{imei}->{oid}, end => $mapping_info_interface->{simIcc}->{oid} },
+            { oid => $oid_teldatCellularStateMobileEntry, start => $mapping_state_mobile->{techno}->{oid}, end => $mapping_state_mobile->{simStatus}->{oid} }
+        ],
+        nothing_quit => 1
+    );
+    foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{$oid_teldatCellularInfoInterfaceEntry}}) {
+        next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping_info_interface->{imei}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
+        my $instance = $1;
+        my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_info_interface, results => $snmp_result->{$oid_teldatCellularInfoInterfaceEntry}, instance => $instance);
+        my $result2 = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_state_interface, results => $snmp_result->{$mapping_state_interface->{interfaceState}->{oid}}, instance => $instance);
+        my $result3 = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_prof_dial, results => $snmp_result->{$mapping_prof_dial->{operator}->{oid}}, instance => $instance);
+        my $cell_id = $result->{imei};
+        next if ($cell_id !~ /^(?:[0-9]+)$/);
+        next if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id} ne '' &&
+            $cell_id !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id}/ && $result->{simIcc} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id}/);
+        my $operator = $result3->{operator};
+        if($result3->{operator} =~ /^-+$/){
+            $operator = "N/A";
+        }
+        $self->{cells}->{$instance} = {
+            cellId => $cell_id,
+            simIcc  => $result->{simIcc},
+            operator => $operator,
+            status => {
+                cellId => $cell_id,
+                simIcc  => $result->{simIcc},
+                operator => $operator,
+                imsi   => $result->{imsi},
+                interfaceState => $result2->{interfaceState}
+            },
+            signal => {
+                cellId => $cell_id,
+                simIcc  => $result->{simIcc},
+                operator => $operator
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    if (scalar(keys %{$self->{cells}}) <= 0 && defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id} ne '') {
+        $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No Cell ID found matching with filter : ".$self->{option_results}->{filter_cell_id});
+        $self->{output}->option_exit();
+    }
+    # Return : OK:  | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=0;;;0;
+    # return if (scalar(keys %{$self->{cells}}) <= 0);
+    foreach my $instance (keys %{$self->{cells}}) {
+        my $result4 = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_state_mobile, results => $snmp_result->{$oid_teldatCellularStateMobileEntry}, instance => $instance);
+        $self->{cells}->{$instance}->{status}->{simStatus} = $result4->{simStatus};
+        if ($self->{cells}->{$instance}->{status}->{simIcc} ne '') {
+            if($result4->{rsrp} ne '' && $result4->{rsrp} ne 0){
+                $self->{cells}->{$instance}->{signal}->{rsrp} = $result4->{rsrp};
+            }
+            if($result4->{rsrq} ne '' && $result4->{rsrq} ne 0) {
+                $self->{cells}->{$instance}->{signal}->{rsrq} = $result4->{rsrq};
+            }
+            if($result4->{snr} ne '' && $result4->{snr} ne 0) {
+                $self->{cells}->{$instance}->{signal}->{snr} = $result4->{snr};
+            }
+            if($result4->{rscp} ne '' && $result4->{rscp} ne 0) {
+                $self->{cells}->{$instance}->{signal}->{rscp} = $result4->{rscp};
+            }
+            if($result4->{csq} ne '' && $result4->{csq} ne 0) {
+                $self->{cells}->{$instance}->{signal}->{csq} = $result4->{csq};
+            }
+        }
+        $self->{global}->{detected}++;
+    }
+=head1 MODE
+Check cellular radio modules.
+=over 8
+=item B<--filter-cell-id>
+Filter cell modules by IMEI ID.
+=item B<--custom-perfdata-instances>
+Define perfdatas instance (default: '%(cellId) %(operator)').
+You can use the following variables: %{cellId}, %{simIcc}, %{operator}
+=item B<--unknown-status>
+Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN.
+You can use the following variables: %{simStatus}, %{interfaceState}, %{cellId}, %{simIcc}, %{operator}, %{imsi}
+=item B<--warning-status>
+Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING (default: '%{interfaceState} =~ /disconnect/').
+You can use the following variables: %{simStatus}, %{interfaceState}, %{cellId}, %{simIcc}, %{operator}, %{imsi}
+=item B<--critical-status>
+Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{simStatus} =~ /LOCKED/ || %{simStatus} =~ /DETECTING/').
+You can use the following variables: %{simStatus}, %{interfaceState}, %{cellId}, %{simIcc}, %{operator}, %{imsi}
+=item B<--warning-*> B<--critical-*>
+Can be: 'modules-cellradio-detected', 'module-cellradio-rsrp', ''module-cellradio-rsrq', 'module-cellradio-rscp', 'module-cellradio-csq'
diff --git a/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/cpu.pm b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/cpu.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..398926bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/cpu.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
+# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
+# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
+# service performance.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package network::teldat::snmp::mode::cpu;
+use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub prefix_cpu_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return 'cpu average usage: ';
+sub set_counters {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    $self->{maps_counters_type} = [
+        { name => 'global', type => 0, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_cpu_output', skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } }
+    ];
+    $self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [
+        { label => 'cpu-utilization-5s', nlabel => 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_load5s' } ],
+                output_template => '%.2f %% (5s)',
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%.2f', min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'cpu-utilization-1m', nlabel => 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_load1m' } ],
+                output_template => '%.2f %% (1m)',
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%.2f', min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'cpu-utilization-5m', nlabel => 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_load5m' } ],
+                output_template => '%.2f %% (5m)',
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%.2f', min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' }
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    ];
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
+    });
+    return $self;
+sub manage_selection {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    my $oid_cpu5s = '.'; # teldatCPUBusy5sec
+    my $oid_cpu1m = '.'; # teldatCPUBusy1min
+    my $oid_cpu5m = '.'; # teldatCPUBusy5min
+    my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(
+        oids => [$oid_cpu5s, $oid_cpu1m, $oid_cpu5m],
+        nothing_quit => 1
+    );
+    $self->{global} = {
+        cpu_load5s => $snmp_result->{$oid_cpu5s},
+        cpu_load1m => $snmp_result->{$oid_cpu1m},
+        cpu_load5m => $snmp_result->{$oid_cpu5m}
+    };
+=head1 MODE
+Check cpu.
+=over 8
+=item B<--warning-*> B<--critical-*>
+Can be: 'cpu-utilization-5s', 'cpu-utilization-1m', 'cpu-utilization-5m'.
diff --git a/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/interfaces.pm b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/interfaces.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2de8d5dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/interfaces.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
+# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
+# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
+# service performance.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package network::teldat::snmp::mode::interfaces;
+use base qw(snmp_standard::mode::interfaces);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
+    bless $self, $class;
+    return $self;
+=head1 MODE
+Check interfaces.
+=over 8
+=item B<--add-global>
+Check global port statistics (By default if no --add-* option is set).
+=item B<--add-status>
+Check interface status.
+=item B<--add-duplex-status>
+Check duplex status (with --warning-status and --critical-status).
+=item B<--add-traffic>
+Check interface traffic.
+=item B<--add-errors>
+Check interface errors.
+=item B<--add-cast>
+Check interface cast.
+=item B<--add-speed>
+Check interface speed.
+=item B<--add-volume>
+Check interface data volume between two checks (not supposed to be graphed, useful for BI reporting).
+=item B<--check-metrics>
+If the expression is true, metrics are checked (Default: '%{opstatus} eq "up"').
+=item B<--warning-status>
+Set warning threshold for status.
+You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{duplexstatus}, %{display}
+=item B<--critical-status>
+Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{admstatus} eq "up" and %{opstatus} ne "up"').
+You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{duplexstatus}, %{display}
+=item B<--warning-*> B<--critical-*>
+Can be: 'total-port', 'total-admin-up', 'total-admin-down', 'total-oper-up', 'total-oper-down',
+'in-traffic', 'out-traffic', 'in-error', 'in-discard', 'out-error', 'out-discard',
+'in-ucast', 'in-bcast', 'in-mcast', 'out-ucast', 'out-bcast', 'out-mcast',
+'speed' (b/s).
+=item B<--units-traffic>
+Units of thresholds for the traffic (Default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'bps', 'counter').
+=item B<--units-errors>
+Units of thresholds for errors/discards (Default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'percent', 'delta', 'deltaps', 'counter').
+=item B<--units-cast>
+Units of thresholds for communication types (Default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'percent', 'delta', 'deltaps', 'counter').
+=item B<--nagvis-perfdata>
+Display traffic perfdata to be compatible with nagvis widget.
+=item B<--interface>
+Set the interface (number expected) ex: 1,2,... (empty means 'check all interface').
+=item B<--name>
+Allows to use interface name with option --interface instead of interface oid index (Can be a regexp)
+=item B<--speed>
+Set interface speed for incoming/outgoing traffic (in Mb).
+=item B<--speed-in>
+Set interface speed for incoming traffic (in Mb).
+=item B<--speed-out>
+Set interface speed for outgoing traffic (in Mb).
+=item B<--map-speed-dsl>
+Get interface speed configuration for interface type 'adsl' and 'vdsl2'.
+Syntax: --map-speed-dsl=interface-src-name,interface-dsl-name
+E.g: --map-speed-dsl=Et0.835,Et0-vdsl2
+=item B<--force-counters64>
+Force to use 64 bits counters only. Can be used to improve performance.
+=item B<--force-counters32>
+Force to use 32 bits counters (even in snmp v2c and v3). Should be used when 64 bits counters are buggy.
+=item B<--reload-cache-time>
+Time in minutes before reloading cache file (default: 180).
+=item B<--oid-filter>
+Choose OID used to filter interface (default: ifName) (values: ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName, IpAddr).
+=item B<--oid-display>
+Choose OID used to display interface (default: ifName) (values: ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName, IpAddr).
+=item B<--oid-extra-display>
+Add an OID to display.
+=item B<--display-transform-src>
+Regexp src to transform display value.
+=item B<--display-transform-dst>
+Regexp dst to transform display value.
+=item B<--show-cache>
+Display cache interface datas.
diff --git a/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/memory.pm b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/memory.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16d3f8041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/memory.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
+# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
+# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
+# service performance.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package network::teldat::snmp::mode::memory;
+use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub custom_usage_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return sprintf(
+        'total: %s %s used: %s %s (%.2f%%) free: %s %s (%.2f%%)',
+        $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total}),
+        $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used}),
+        $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
+        $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free}),
+        $self->{result_values}->{prct_free}
+    );
+sub prefix_memory_output {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    return "Memory '" . $options{instance} . "' ";
+sub set_counters {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    $self->{maps_counters_type} = [
+        { name => 'memory', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_memory_output', message_multiple => 'All memory usages are ok', skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } }
+    ];
+    $self->{maps_counters}->{memory} = [
+        { label => 'usage', nlabel => 'memory.usage.bytes', set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'used' }, { name => 'free' }, { name => 'prct_used' }, { name => 'prct_free' }, { name => 'total' } ],
+                closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%d', min => 0, max => 'total', unit => 'B', cast_int => 1, label_extra_instance => 1 }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'usage-free', display_ok => 0, nlabel => 'memory.free.bytes', display_ok => 0, set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'free' }, { name => 'used' }, { name => 'prct_used' }, { name => 'prct_free' }, { name => 'total' } ],
+                closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%d', min => 0, max => 'total', unit => 'B', cast_int => 1, label_extra_instance => 1 }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        { label => 'usage-prct', nlabel => 'memory.usage.percentage', display_ok => 0, set => {
+                key_values => [ { name => 'prct_used' }, { name => 'used' }, { name => 'free' }, { name => 'prct_free' }, { name => 'total' } ],
+                closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
+                perfdatas => [
+                    { template => '%.2f', min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%', label_extra_instance => 1 }
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    ];
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $options{options}->add_options(arguments => {});
+    return $self;
+sub manage_selection {
+    my ($self, %options) = @_;
+    my $oid_total = '.'; # telProdNpMonSistemMemTotal
+    my $oid_free = '.'; # telProdNpMonSistemMemFreenoncache
+    my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(
+        oids => [$oid_total, $oid_free],
+        nothing_quit => 1
+    );
+    $self->{memory}->{system} = {
+        used => $snmp_result->{$oid_total} - $snmp_result->{$oid_free},
+        free => $snmp_result->{$oid_free},
+        prct_used => ($snmp_result->{$oid_total} - $snmp_result->{$oid_free}) * 100 / $snmp_result->{$oid_total},
+        prct_free => $snmp_result->{$oid_free} * 100 / $snmp_result->{$oid_total},
+        total => $snmp_result->{$oid_total}
+    };
+=head1 MODE
+Check memory.
+=over 8
+=item B<--warning-*> B<--critical-*>
+Can be: 'usage' (B), 'usage-free' (B), 'usage-prct' (%).
diff --git a/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/uptime.pm b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/uptime.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..027821995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/teldat/snmp/mode/uptime.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
+# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
+# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
+# service performance.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package network::teldat::snmp::mode::uptime;
+use base qw(snmp_standard::mode::uptime);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
+    bless $self, $class;
+    return $self;
+=head1 MODE
+Check system uptime.
+=over 8
+=item B<--warning-uptime>
+Threshold warning.
+=item B<--critical-uptime>
+Threshold critical.
+=item B<--add-sysdesc>
+Display system description.
+=item B<--force-oid>
+Can choose your oid (numeric format only).
+=item B<--check-overload>
+Uptime counter limit is 4294967296 and overflow.
+With that option, we manage the counter going back. But there is a few chance we can miss a reboot.
+=item B<--reboot-window>
+To be used with check-overload option. Time in milliseconds (Default: 5000)
+You increase the chance of not missing a reboot if you decrease that value.
+=item B<--unit>
+Select the unit for performance data and thresholds. May be 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes,
+'h' for hours, 'd' for days, 'w' for weeks.  Default is seconds
diff --git a/src/network/teldat/snmp/plugin.pm b/src/network/teldat/snmp/plugin.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eac4e3ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/teldat/snmp/plugin.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
+# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
+# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
+# service performance.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package network::teldat::snmp::plugin;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $self->{modes} = {
+        'cells-radio'     => 'network::teldat::snmp::mode::cellsradio',
+        'cpu'             => 'network::teldat::snmp::mode::cpu',
+        'interfaces'      => 'network::teldat::snmp::mode::interfaces',
+        'list-interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listinterfaces',
+        'memory'          => 'network::teldat::snmp::mode::memory',
+        'uptime'          => 'network::teldat::snmp::mode::uptime'
+    };
+    return $self;
+Check Teldat equipments in SNMP.
diff --git a/src/storage/ibm/storwize/ssh/mode/eventlog.pm b/src/storage/ibm/storwize/ssh/mode/eventlog.pm
index 609a5bae6..660bf6dc6 100644
--- a/src/storage/ibm/storwize/ssh/mode/eventlog.pm
+++ b/src/storage/ibm/storwize/ssh/mode/eventlog.pm
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ sub new {
     my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
     bless $self, $class;
-    $options{options}->add_options(arguments => { 
-        'warning:s'           => { name => 'warning', },
-        'critical:s'          => { name => 'critical', },
-        'filter-event-id:s'   => { name => 'filter_event_id'  },
-        'filter-message:s'    => { name => 'filter_message' },
-        'retention:s'         => { name => 'retention' }
+    $options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
+        'warning:s'         => { name => 'warning', },
+        'critical:s'        => { name => 'critical', },
+        'filter-event-id:s' => { name => 'filter_event_id' },
+        'filter-message:s'  => { name => 'filter_message' },
+        'retention:s'       => { name => 'retention' }
     return $self;
@@ -72,24 +72,35 @@ sub run {
     my $result = $options{custom}->get_hasharray(content => $content, delim => ':');
     my ($num_eventlog_checked, $num_errors) = (0, 0);
-    foreach (@$result) {
+    foreach my $event (@$result) {
         if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_message}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_message} ne '' &&
-            $_->{description} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_message}/) {
-            $self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $_->{description} . "': no matching filter description.", debug => 1);
+            $event->{description} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_message}/) {
+            $self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $event->{description} . "': no matching filter description.", debug => 1);
         if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_event_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_event_id} ne '' &&
-            $_->{event_id} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_event_id}/) {
-            $self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $_->{event_id} . "': no matching filter event id.", debug => 1);
+            $event->{event_id} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_event_id}/) {
+            $self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $event->{event_id} . "': no matching filter event id.", debug => 1);
+        my @array = ($event->{last_timestamp} =~ m/../g); # format expected is YYMMDDHHMMSS
+        my $date = DateTime->new(
+            "year"   => "20" . $array[0], # DateTime expect 4 digit year, as this is log the chance of decade old data is slim.
+            "month"  => $array[1],
+            "day"    => $array[2],
+            "hour"   => $array[3],
+            "minute" => $array[4],
+            "second" => $array[5],
+        );
             long_msg => sprintf(
-                '%s : %s - %s', 
-                scalar(localtime($_->{last_timestamp})),
-                $_->{event_id}, $_->{description}
+                '%s : %s - %s',
+                $date->strftime("%a %b %d %T %Y"),
+                $event->{event_id}, $event->{description}
@@ -98,16 +109,16 @@ sub run {
     $self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("Number of message checked: %s", $num_eventlog_checked));
     my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $num_errors, threshold => [ { label => 'critical', exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning', exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
-        severity => $exit,
+        severity  => $exit,
         short_msg => sprintf("%d problem detected (use verbose for more details)", $num_errors)
-        nlabel => 'eventlogs.problems.count',
-        value => $num_errors,
-        warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning'),
+        nlabel   => 'eventlogs.problems.count',
+        value    => $num_errors,
+        warning  => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning'),
         critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical'),
-        min => 0
+        min      => 0
diff --git a/tests/functional/snmp/hardware-kvm-avocent-acs-8000.robot b/tests/functional/snmp/hardware-kvm-avocent-acs-8000.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f4b1115f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/snmp/hardware-kvm-avocent-acs-8000.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation       hardware::kvm::avocent::acs::8000::snmp::plugin
+Library             OperatingSystem
+Library             String
+Test Timeout        120s
+*** Variables ***
+${SNMPPORT}         2024
+${SNMPVERSION}      2c
+${SNMPCOMMUNITY}    hardware/kvm/avocent/acs/8000/avocent8000
+*** Test Cases ***
+    [Documentation]    cpu-detailed mode
+    [Tags]    hardware    kvm    avocent    cpu    snmp
+    Remove File    /dev/shm/snmpstandard_127.0.0.1_2024_cpu-detailed*
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "cpu-detailed"    --statefile-dir=/dev/shm/
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: CPU Usage: user : Buffer creation, nice : Buffer creation, system : Buffer creation, idle : Buffer creation, wait : Buffer creation, kernel : Buffer creation, interrupt : Buffer creation, softirq : Buffer creation, steal : Buffer creation, guest : Buffer creation, guestnice : Buffer creation
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "cpu-detailed"    --statefile-dir=/dev/shm/
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Remove File    /dev/shm/snmpstandard_127.0.0.1_2024_cpu-detailed*
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: CPU Usage: user : counter not moved, nice : counter not moved, system : counter not moved, idle : counter not moved, wait : counter not moved, kernel : counter not moved, interrupt : counter not moved, softirq : counter not moved, steal : counter not moved, guest : counter not moved, guestnice : counter not moved
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+    [Documentation]    hardware mode
+    [Tags]    hardware    kvm    avocent    hardware-mode    snmp
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "hardware"    ""
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: All 2 components are ok [2/2 psus]. | 'hardware.psu.count'=2;;;;
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+    [Documentation]    load mode
+    [Tags]    hardware    kvm    avocent    load    snmp
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "load"    ""
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: Load average: 0.04, 0.10, 0.15 | 'load1'=0.04;;;0; 'load5'=0.10;;;0; 'load15'=0.15;;;0;
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+    [Documentation]    memory mode
+    [Tags]    hardware    kvm    avocent    memory    snmp
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "memory"    ""
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: Ram Total: 1.92 GB Used (-buffers/cache): 626.18 MB (31.79%) Free: 1.31 GB (68.21%), Buffer: 2.04 MB, Cached: 723.54 MB, Shared: 26.09 MB | 'used'=656592896B;;;0;2065698816 'free'=1409105920B;;;0;2065698816 'used_prct'=31.79%;;;0;100 'buffer'=2134016B;;;0; 'cached'=758689792B;;;0; 'shared'=27357184B;;;0;
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+Serial Ports
+    [Documentation]    serial-ports mode
+    [Tags]    hardware    kvm    avocent    serial    snmp
+    Remove File    /dev/shm/avocent_acs_8000_127.0.0.1_2024_serial-ports*
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "serial-ports"    --statefile-dir=/dev/shm/
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: All serial ports are ok
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+    ${output}    Run Avocent 8000 Plugin    "serial-ports"    --statefile-dir=/dev/shm/
+    ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+    Remove File    /dev/shm/avocent_acs_8000_127.0.0.1_2024_serial-ports*
+    Should Be Equal As Strings
+    ...    ${output}
+    ...    OK: All serial ports are ok | 'ttyS1#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS1#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS10#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS10#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS11#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS11#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS12#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS12#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS13#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS13#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS14#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS14#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS15#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS15#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS16#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS16#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS2#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS2#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS3#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS3#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS4#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS4#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS5#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS5#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS6#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS6#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS7#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS7#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS8#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS8#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS9#serialport.traffic.in.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0; 'ttyS9#serialport.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=0b/s;;;0;
+    ...    Wrong output result for command:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
+*** Keywords ***
+Run Avocent 8000 Plugin
+    [Arguments]    ${mode}    ${extraoptions}
+    ${command}    Catenate
+    ...    perl ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
+    ...    --plugin=hardware::kvm::avocent::acs::8000::snmp::plugin
+    ...    --mode=${mode}
+    ...    --hostname=${HOSTADDRESS}
+    ...    --snmp-version=${SNMPVERSION}
+    ...    --snmp-port=${SNMPPORT}
+    ...    --snmp-community=${SNMPCOMMUNITY}
+    ...    ${extraoptions}
+    ${output}    Run    ${command}
+    RETURN    ${output}
diff --git a/tests/functional/snmp/network-teldat-snmp.robot b/tests/functional/snmp/network-teldat-snmp.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43c492cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/snmp/network-teldat-snmp.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation       Network Teldat SNMP plugin
+Library             OperatingSystem
+Library             String
+Test Timeout        120s
+*** Variables ***
+${CENTREON_PLUGINS}             ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
+${CMD}                          perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=network::teldat::snmp::plugin
+# Test simple usage of the cellsradio mode
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with filter-cell-id option set to a fake value
+...                             filtercellid=toto
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=UNKNOWN: No Cell ID found matching with filter : toto
+# Test cellsradio mode with filter-cell-id option set to a imei value
+...                             filtercellid='359072066403821'
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with custom-perfdata-instances option set to '%(cellId) %(simIcc)'
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances='%(cellId) %(simIcc)'
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~89330122115801091660#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with warning-modules-cellradio-detected option set to a 2
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=2
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: Number of cellular radio modules detected: 3 - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;0:2;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with critical-modules-cellradio-detected option set to a 2
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=2
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: Number of cellular radio modules detected: 3 - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;0:2;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with warning-module-cellradio-rsrp option set to a -100
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=-100
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] - rsrp: -114 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] rsrp: -114 dBm | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;0:-100;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;0:-100;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with critical-module-cellradio-rsrp option set to a -100
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=-100
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] rsrp: -114 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - rsrp: -114 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;0:-100;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;0:-100;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with warning-module-cellradio-rsrq option set to a -10
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=-10
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] - rsrq: -18 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] rsrq: -18 dBm | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;0:-10;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;0:-10;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with critical-module-cellradio-rsrq option set to a -10
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=-10
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] rsrq: -18 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - rsrq: -18 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;0:-10;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;0:-10;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with warning-module-cellradio-csq option set to a -10
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=-10
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] - csq: -73 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] csq: -73 dBm | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;0:-10;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;0:-10;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with critical-module-cellradio-csq option set to a -10
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=-10
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] csq: -73 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - csq: -73 dBm - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;0:-10;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;0:-10;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with warning-module-cellradio-snr option set to a 0
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=0
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] - snr: -1 dB - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] snr: -1 dB | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;0:0;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;0:0;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with critical-module-cellradio-snr option set to a 0
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus=
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=0
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] snr: -1 dB - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: PHENIX] sim status: LOCKED [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: connect(9)] - snr: -1 dB - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] WARNING: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;0:0;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;0:0;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+# Test cellsradio mode with critical-status option set to '%{interfaceState} =~ /disconnect/'
+...                             filtercellid=
+...                             customperfdatainstances=
+...                             unknownstatus=
+...                             warningstatus=
+...                             criticalstatus='\%{interfaceState} =~ /disconnect/'
+...                             warningmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             criticalmodulescellradiodetected=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorsrq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiorscp=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiocsq=
+...                             warningmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             criticalmodulecellradiosnr=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: OK [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] - cellular radio module '359072066403821' [sim icc: 89330122115801091660, operator: N/A] sim status: DETECTING [imsi: 208015606540916] [interface state: disconnect(1)] | 'modules.cellradio.detected.count'=3;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~N/A#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrp.dbm'=-114;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.rsrq.dbm'=-18;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.snr.db'=-1;;;0; '359072066403821~PHENIX#module.cellradio.csq.dbm'=-73;;;0;
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test1}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test2}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test3}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test4}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test5}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test6}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test7}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test8}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test9}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test10}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test11}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test12}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test13}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test14}
+...                             &{teldat_cellsradio_test15}
+# Test simple usage of the CPU mode
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=
+...                             result=OK: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (5s), 1.00 % (1m), 1.00 % (5m) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100
+# Test CPU mode with warning-cpu-utilization-5s option set to a 0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=0.5
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=
+...                             result=WARNING: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (5s) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;0:0.5;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100
+# Test CPU mode with critical-cpu-utilization-5s option set to a 0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (5s) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;;0:0.5;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100
+# Test CPU mode with warning-cpu-utilization-1m option set to a 0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=0.5
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=
+...                             result=WARNING: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (1m) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;0:0.5;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100
+# Test CPU mode with critical-cpu-utilization-1m option set to a 0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (1m) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;;0:0.5;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100
+# Test CPU mode with warning-cpu-utilization-5m option set to a 0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=0.5
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=
+...                             result=WARNING: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (5m) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;0:0.5;;0;100
+# Test CPU mode with critical-cpu-utilization-5m option set to a 0.5
+...                             warningcpuutilization5s=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5s=
+...                             warningcpuutilization1m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization1m=
+...                             warningcpuutilization5m=
+...                             criticalcpuutilization5m=0.5
+...                             result=CRITICAL: cpu average usage: 1.00 % (5m) | 'cpu.utilization.5s.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.1m.percentage'=1.00%;;;0;100 'cpu.utilization.15m.percentage'=1.00%;;0:0.5;0;100
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test1}
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test2}
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test3}
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test4}
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test5}
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test6}
+...                             &{teldat_cpu_test7}
+# Test simple usage of the memory mode
+...                             warningusage=
+...                             criticalusage=
+...                             warningusagefree=
+...                             criticalusagefree=
+...                             warningusageprct=
+...                             criticalusageprct=
+...                             result=OK: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;;;0;100
+# Test memory mode with warning-usage option set to a 100
+...                             warningusage=100
+...                             criticalusage=
+...                             warningusagefree=
+...                             criticalusagefree=
+...                             warningusageprct=
+...                             criticalusageprct=
+...                             result=WARNING: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;0:100;;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;;;0;100
+# Test memory mode with critical-usage option set to a 100
+...                             warningusage=
+...                             criticalusage=100
+...                             warningusagefree=
+...                             criticalusagefree=
+...                             warningusageprct=
+...                             criticalusageprct=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;;0:100;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;;;0;100
+# Test memory mode with warning-usage-free option set to a 100
+...                             warningusage=
+...                             criticalusage=
+...                             warningusagefree=100
+...                             criticalusagefree=
+...                             warningusageprct=
+...                             criticalusageprct=
+...                             result=WARNING: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;0:100;;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;;;0;100
+# Test memory mode with critical-usage-free option set to a 100
+...                             warningusage=
+...                             criticalusage=
+...                             warningusagefree=
+...                             criticalusagefree=100
+...                             warningusageprct=
+...                             criticalusageprct=
+...                             result=CRITICAL: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;;0:100;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;;;0;100
+# Test memory mode with warning-usage-prct option set to a 30
+...                             warningusage=
+...                             criticalusage=
+...                             warningusagefree=
+...                             criticalusagefree=
+...                             warningusageprct=30
+...                             criticalusageprct=
+...                             result=WARNING: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;0:30;;0;100
+# Test memory mode with critical-usage-prct option set to a 30
+...                             warningusage=
+...                             criticalusage=
+...                             warningusagefree=
+...                             criticalusagefree=
+...                             warningusageprct=
+...                             criticalusageprct=30
+...                             result=CRITICAL: Memory 'system' total: 256.00 MB used: 100.54 MB (39.27%) free: 155.46 MB (60.73%) | 'system#memory.usage.bytes'=105419600B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.free.bytes'=163015856B;;;0;268435456 'system#memory.usage.percentage'=39.27%;;0:30;0;100
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test1}
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test2}
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test3}
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test4}
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test5}
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test6}
+...                             &{teldat_memory_test7}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Network Teldat SNMP cells radio
+    [Documentation]    Network Teldat SNMP cells radio
+    [Tags]    network    teldat    snmp
+    FOR    ${teldat_cellsradio_test}    IN    @{teldat_cellsradio_tests}
+        ${command}    Catenate
+        ...    ${CMD}
+        ...    --mode=cells-radio
+        ...    --hostname=
+        ...    --snmp-version=2c
+        ...    --snmp-port=2024
+        ...    --snmp-community=network-teldat-snmp
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.filtercellid}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --filter-cell-id=${teldat_cellsradio_test.filtercellid}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.customperfdatainstances}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --custom-perfdata-instances=${teldat_cellsradio_test.customperfdatainstances}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.unknownstatus}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --unknown-status=${teldat_cellsradio_test.unknownstatus}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningstatus}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --warning-status=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningstatus}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalstatus}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --critical-status=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalstatus}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulescellradiodetected}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-modules-cellradio-detected=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulescellradiodetected}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulescellradiodetected}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-modules-cellradio-detected=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulescellradiodetected}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiorsrp}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-module-cellradio-rsrp=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiorsrp}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiorsrp}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-module-cellradio-rsrp=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiorsrp}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiorsrq}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-module-cellradio-rsrq=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiorsrq}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiorsrq}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-module-cellradio-rsrq=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiorsrq}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiorscp}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-module-cellradio-rscp=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiorscp}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiorscp}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-module-cellradio-rscp=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiorscp}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiocsq}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-module-cellradio-csq=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiocsq}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiocsq}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-module-cellradio-csq=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiocsq}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiosnr}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-module-cellradio-snr=${teldat_cellsradio_test.warningmodulecellradiosnr}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiosnr}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-module-cellradio-snr=${teldat_cellsradio_test.criticalmodulecellradiosnr}
+        END
+        ${output}    Run    ${command}
+        Log To Console    .    no_newline=true
+        ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+        Should Be Equal As Strings
+        ...    ${output}
+        ...    ${teldat_cellsradio_test.result}
+        ...    Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${teldat_cellsradio_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
+        ...    values=False
+    END
+Network Teldat SNMP CPU
+    [Documentation]    Network Teldat SNMP CPU
+    [Tags]    network    teldat    snmp
+    FOR    ${teldat_cpu_test}    IN    @{teldat_cpu_tests}
+        ${command}    Catenate
+        ...    ${CMD}
+        ...    --mode=cpu
+        ...    --hostname=
+        ...    --snmp-version=2c
+        ...    --snmp-port=2024
+        ...    --snmp-community=network-teldat-snmp
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cpu_test.warningcpuutilization5s}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-cpu-utilization-5s=${teldat_cpu_test.warningcpuutilization5s}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cpu_test.criticalcpuutilization5s}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-cpu-utilization-5s=${teldat_cpu_test.criticalcpuutilization5s}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cpu_test.warningcpuutilization1m}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-cpu-utilization-1m=${teldat_cpu_test.warningcpuutilization1m}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cpu_test.criticalcpuutilization1m}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-cpu-utilization-1m=${teldat_cpu_test.criticalcpuutilization1m}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cpu_test.warningcpuutilization5m}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --warning-cpu-utilization-5m=${teldat_cpu_test.warningcpuutilization5m}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_cpu_test.criticalcpuutilization5m}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate
+            ...    ${command}
+            ...    --critical-cpu-utilization-5m=${teldat_cpu_test.criticalcpuutilization5m}
+        END
+        ${output}    Run    ${command}
+        Log To Console    .    no_newline=true
+        ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+        Should Be Equal As Strings
+        ...    ${output}
+        ...    ${teldat_cpu_test.result}
+        ...    Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${teldat_cpu_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
+        ...    values=False
+    END
+Network Teldat SNMP Memory
+    [Documentation]    Network Teldat SNMP memory
+    [Tags]    network    teldat    snmp
+    FOR    ${teldat_memory_test}    IN    @{teldat_memory_tests}
+        ${command}    Catenate
+        ...    ${CMD}
+        ...    --mode=memory
+        ...    --hostname=
+        ...    --snmp-version=2c
+        ...    --snmp-port=2024
+        ...    --snmp-community=network-teldat-snmp
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_memory_test.warningusage}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --warning-usage=${teldat_memory_test.warningusage}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_memory_test.criticalusage}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --critical-usage=${teldat_memory_test.criticalusage}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_memory_test.warningusagefree}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --warning-usage-free=${teldat_memory_test.warningusagefree}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_memory_test.criticalusagefree}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --critical-usage-free=${teldat_memory_test.criticalusagefree}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_memory_test.warningusageprct}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --warning-usage-prct=${teldat_memory_test.warningusageprct}
+        END
+        ${length}    Get Length    ${teldat_memory_test.criticalusageprct}
+        IF    ${length} > 0
+            ${command}    Catenate    ${command}    --critical-usage-prct=${teldat_memory_test.criticalusageprct}
+        END
+        ${output}    Run    ${command}
+        Log To Console    .    no_newline=true
+        ${output}    Strip String    ${output}
+        Should Be Equal As Strings
+        ...    ${output}
+        ...    ${teldat_memory_test.result}
+        ...    Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${teldat_memory_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
+        ...    values=False
+    END
diff --git a/tests/resources/snmp/hardware/kvm/avocent/acs/8000/avocent8000.snmpwalk b/tests/resources/snmp/hardware/kvm/avocent/acs/8000/avocent8000.snmpwalk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0091a9023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/resources/snmp/hardware/kvm/avocent/acs/8000/avocent8000.snmpwalk
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 2017284
+. = INTEGER: 633088
+. = INTEGER: 633088
+. = INTEGER: 26716
+. = INTEGER: 2084
+. = INTEGER: 740908
+. = STRING: 0.04
+. = STRING: 0.10
+. = STRING: 0.15
+. = INTEGER: 135503
+. = INTEGER: 2274
+. = INTEGER: 40397
+. = INTEGER: 4196071
+. = INTEGER: 12504
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 20130
+. = INTEGER: 1907546
+. = INTEGER: 1097972
+. = INTEGER: 19954356
+. = INTEGER: 15304192
+. = INTEGER: 5002
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = STRING: "hostname"
+. = STRING: "ACS8016 with dual power supply"
+. = STRING: "000-000"
+. = STRING: "0520307296"
+. = STRING: "notavailable"
+. = STRING: "1.18"
+. = STRING: ""
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 16
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 11
+. = INTEGER: 12
+. = INTEGER: 13
+. = INTEGER: 14
+. = INTEGER: 15
+. = INTEGER: 16
+. = STRING: "ttyS1"
+. = STRING: "ttyS2"
+. = STRING: "ttyS3"
+. = STRING: "ttyS4"
+. = STRING: "ttyS5"
+. = STRING: "ttyS6"
+. = STRING: "ttyS7"
+. = STRING: "ttyS8"
+. = STRING: "ttyS9"
+. = STRING: "ttyS10"
+. = STRING: "ttyS11"
+. = STRING: "ttyS12"
+. = STRING: "ttyS13"
+. = STRING: "ttyS14"
+. = STRING: "ttyS15"
+. = STRING: "ttyS16"
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-1"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-2"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-3"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-4"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-5"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-6"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-7"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-8"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-9"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-10"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-11"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-12"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-13"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-14"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-15"
+. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-16"
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 9600
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 1870
+. = INTEGER: 455
+. = INTEGER: 3132
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 2867
+. = INTEGER: 386
+. = INTEGER: 147
+. = INTEGER: 355
+. = INTEGER: 709
+. = INTEGER: 1986
+. = INTEGER: 860
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 739
+. = INTEGER: 2062
+. = INTEGER: 30198
+. = INTEGER: 85760
+. = INTEGER: 9012
+. = INTEGER: 117562
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 285873
+. = INTEGER: 49921
+. = INTEGER: 562
+. = INTEGER: 27723
+. = INTEGER: 72153
+. = INTEGER: 141123
+. = INTEGER: 14608
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 17688
+. = INTEGER: 64970
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
diff --git a/tests/resources/snmp/network-teldat-snmp.snmpwalk b/tests/resources/snmp/network-teldat-snmp.snmpwalk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbab371ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/resources/snmp/network-teldat-snmp.snmpwalk
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 2
+. = Gauge32: 3
+. = Gauge32: 4
+. = Gauge32: 5
+. = Gauge32: 6
+. = Gauge32: 7
+. = Gauge32: 8
+. = Gauge32: 9
+. = Gauge32: 10
+. = Gauge32: 11
+. = Gauge32: 12
+. = Gauge32: 13
+. = Gauge32: 14
+. = Gauge32: 15
+. = Gauge32: 16
+. = INTEGER: 121
+. = INTEGER: 162
+. = INTEGER: 140
+. = INTEGER: 140
+. = INTEGER: 162
+. = INTEGER: 140
+. = INTEGER: 140
+. = INTEGER: 162
+. = INTEGER: 140
+. = INTEGER: 140
+. = INTEGER: 112
+. = INTEGER: 139
+. = INTEGER: 139
+. = INTEGER: 139
+. = INTEGER: 95
+. = INTEGER: 95
+. = INTEGER: 34
+. = INTEGER: 23
+. = INTEGER: 23
+. = INTEGER: 23
+. = INTEGER: 24
+. = INTEGER: 24
+. = INTEGER: 24
+. = INTEGER: 25
+. = INTEGER: 25
+. = INTEGER: 25
+. = INTEGER: 32
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = STRING: "GigabitEthernet interface"
+. = STRING: "Cellular Interface"
+. = STRING: "USB_NIC Device"
+. = STRING: "USB_NIC Device"
+. = STRING: "Cellular Interface"
+. = STRING: "USB_NIC Device"
+. = STRING: "USB_NIC Device"
+. = STRING: "Cellular Interface"
+. = STRING: "USB_NIC Device"
+. = STRING: "USB_NIC Device"
+. = STRING: "Atheros WLAN"
+. = STRING: "Generic DirectIP encapsulation"
+. = STRING: "Generic DirectIP encapsulation"
+. = STRING: "Generic DirectIP encapsulation"
+. = STRING: "Ethernet subinterface"
+. = STRING: "Ethernet subinterface"
+. = Hex-STRING: 26 06 21 00 12 10 04 00
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = Gauge32: 600
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = IpAddress:
+. = Gauge32: 10
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = STRING: "Router model H2Rail S/N: 899/000841 SWL: BASE GPS WLAN WNMS_MAX_WTPs-18  Teldat               (c)1996 - 2021"
+. = OID: .
+. = ""
+. = STRING: "......"
+. = STRING: "......."
+. = Gauge32: 72
+. = Timeticks: (7598700) 21:06:27.00
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 12000
+. = INTEGER: 64
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = IpAddress:
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = IpAddress:
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 21
+. = Gauge32: 20
+. = Gauge32: 360
+. = Gauge32: 4
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 1024
+. = Gauge32: 2048
+. = Gauge32: 16384
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 2
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 64
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 268435456
+. = Gauge32: 224182272
+. = Gauge32: 163015856
+. = Gauge32: 224182272
+. = Gauge32: 163015856
+. = STRING: "Caches: ON    Write Back"
+. = Gauge32: 33030144
+. = Gauge32: 9429
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Hex-STRING: 00 A0 26 54 02 E5
+. = Hex-STRING: 00 A0 26 54 02 E5
+. = STRING: "ethernet0/0"
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 5
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 11
+. = INTEGER: 12
+. = INTEGER: 13
+. = INTEGER: 14
+. = INTEGER: 15
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 11
+. = INTEGER: 15
+. = INTEGER: 16
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "Sierra Wireless, Incorporated"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "MC7455"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06 r7040 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/05/19 06:23:09"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "359072066403821"
+. = STRING: "359072066403821"
+. = STRING: "359072066403821"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "208015606540916"
+. = STRING: "208015606540916"
+. = STRING: "208015606540916"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = STRING: "89330122115801091660"
+. = STRING: "89330122115801091660"
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "89330122115801091660"
+. = STRING: "89330122115801091660"
+. = STRING: "89330122115801091660"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = STRING: "50000/300000"
+. = STRING: "50000/300000"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = STRING: "0/0"
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = STRING: "initial(0)"
+. = STRING: "initial(0)"
+. = STRING: "initial(0)"
+. = STRING: "disconnect(1)"
+. = STRING: "connect(9)"
+. = STRING: "disconnect(1)"
+. = STRING: "initial(0)"
+. = STRING: "initial(0)"
+. = STRING: "initial(0)"
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 75947
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 75948
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = STRING: "phenix.com"
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 9
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: ""
+. = STRING: ""
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: ""
+. = STRING: ""
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: ""
+. = STRING: ""
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 20801
+. = INTEGER: 20801
+. = INTEGER: 20801
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 50560
+. = Gauge32: 50560
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 95123
+. = Gauge32: 95123
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "Unknown"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = STRING: "EUTRABand3_1800_DCS"
+. = STRING: "EUTRABand3_1800_DCS"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = STRING: "CDMABandClass0"
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: -73
+. = INTEGER: -73
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 39
+. = INTEGER: 39
+. = INTEGER: 39
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 388788
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 323656619
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 386103
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 57389151
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 31648
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 31648
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 36306
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 37383
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 12222
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 12590
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: -114
+. = INTEGER: -114
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: -18
+. = INTEGER: -18
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: -1
+. = INTEGER: -1
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 328
+. = Gauge32: 328
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = STRING: "OK"
+. = STRING: "OK"
+. = STRING: "OK"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "Mobile O"
+. = STRING: "Mobile O"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "PS"
+. = STRING: "PS"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "None"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = STRING: "Off"
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 1300
+. = Gauge32: 1300
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 19300
+. = Gauge32: 19300
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "20 MHz"
+. = STRING: "20 MHz"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "Attached"
+. = STRING: "Attached"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "(2) Registered"
+. = STRING: "(2) Registered"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "(0) Normal Service"
+. = STRING: "(0) Normal Service"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "(2) RRC Connected"
+. = STRING: "(2) RRC Connected"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "c580"
+. = STRING: "c580"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 1
+. = Gauge32: 3
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = Gauge32: 0
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = ""
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "potato.com"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "potato.com"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 1
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "20 MHz"
+. = STRING: "10 MHz"
+. = STRING: "20 MHz"
+. = STRING: "10 MHz"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 1300
+. = INTEGER: 6400
+. = INTEGER: 1300
+. = INTEGER: 6400
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "E-UTRA Band 3"
+. = STRING: "E-UTRA Band 20"
+. = STRING: "E-UTRA Band 3"
+. = STRING: "E-UTRA Band 20"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 328
+. = INTEGER: 328
+. = INTEGER: 328
+. = INTEGER: 328
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = INTEGER: 0
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = STRING: "---"
+. = INTEGER: 2
+. = INTEGER: 3
+. = INTEGER: 4
+. = INTEGER: 5
+. = INTEGER: 6
+. = INTEGER: 7
+. = INTEGER: 8
+. = INTEGER: 9
+. = INTEGER: 10
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0
+. = Counter32: 0