Compatibility SNMPv3

This commit is contained in:
Quentin Garnier 2013-01-14 17:23:56 +01:00
parent 7361eeae43
commit 20222757dc
1 changed files with 251 additions and 397 deletions

View File

@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ my $Version='1.10';
# help : ./check_snmp_process -h
use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;
require "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@/Centreon/SNMP/";
############### BASE DIRECTORY FOR TEMP FILE ########
my $o_base_dir="/tmp/tmp_Nagios_proc.";
@ -26,6 +27,16 @@ my $delta_of_time_to_make_average=300; # 5minutes by default
my $TIMEOUT = 15;
my %OPTION = (
"host" => undef,
"snmp-community" => "public", "snmp-version" => 1, "snmp-port" => 161,
"snmp-auth-key" => undef, "snmp-auth-user" => undef, "snmp-auth-password" => undef, "snmp-auth-protocol" => "MD5",
"snmp-priv-key" => undef, "snmp-priv-password" => undef, "snmp-priv-protocol" => "DES",
"maxrepetitions" => undef,
"64-bits" => undef,
my $session_params;
# SNMP Datas
my $process_table= '';
my $index_table = '';
@ -37,12 +48,6 @@ my $proc_cpu_table = ''; # Centi sec of CPU
my $proc_run_state = '';
# Globals
my $o_host = undef; # hostname
my $o_community =undef; # community
my $o_port = 161; # port
my $o_version2 = undef; #use snmp v2c
my $o_descr = undef; # description filter
my $o_warn = 0; # warning limit
my @o_warnL= undef; # warning limits (min,max)
@ -58,15 +63,6 @@ my $o_get_all= undef; # get all tables at once
my $o_param= undef; # Add process parameters for selection
my $o_perf= undef; # Add performance output
my $o_timeout= 5; # Default 5s Timeout
# SNMP V3 specific
my $o_login= undef; # snmp v3 login
my $o_passwd= undef; # snmp v3 passwd
my $v3protocols=undef; # V3 protocol list.
my $o_authproto='md5'; # Auth protocol
my $o_privproto='des'; # Priv protocol
my $o_privpass= undef; # priv password
# SNMP Message size parameter (Makina Corpus contrib)
my $o_octetlength=undef;
# Memory & CPU
my $o_mem= undef; # checks memory (max)
my @o_memL= undef; # warn and crit level for mem
@ -96,50 +92,49 @@ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
sub read_file {
# Input : File, items_number
# Returns : array of value : [line][item]
my ($traffic_file,$items_number)=@_;
my ($ligne,$n_rows)=(undef,0);
my (@last_values,@file_values,$i);
open(FILE,"<".$traffic_file) || return (1,0,0);
while($ligne = <FILE>)
@file_values = split(":",$ligne);
if ($#file_values >= ($items_number-1)) {
# check if there is enough data, else ignore line
for ( $i=0 ; $i< $items_number ; $i++ ) {$last_values[$n_rows][$i]=$file_values[$i]; }
close FILE;
if ($n_rows != 0) {
return (0,$n_rows,@last_values);
} else {
return (1,0,0);
# Input : File, items_number
# Returns : array of value : [line][item]
my ($traffic_file,$items_number)=@_;
my ($ligne,$n_rows)=(undef,0);
my (@last_values,@file_values,$i);
open(FILE,"<".$traffic_file) || return (1,0,0);
while($ligne = <FILE>) {
@file_values = split(":",$ligne);
if ($#file_values >= ($items_number-1)) {
# check if there is enough data, else ignore line
for ( $i=0 ; $i< $items_number ; $i++ ) {$last_values[$n_rows][$i]=$file_values[$i]; }
close FILE;
if ($n_rows != 0) {
return (0,$n_rows,@last_values);
} else {
return (1,0,0);
sub write_file {
# Input : file , rows, items, array of value : [line][item]
# Returns : 0 / OK, 1 / error
my ($file_out,$rows,$item,@file_values)=@_;
my $start_line= ($rows > $file_history) ? $rows - $file_history : 0;
if ( open(FILE2,">".$file_out) ) {
for (my $i=$start_line;$i<$rows;$i++) {
for (my $j=0;$j<$item;$j++) {
print FILE2 $file_values[$i][$j];
if ($j != ($item -1)) { print FILE2 ":" };
print FILE2 "\n";
# Input : file , rows, items, array of value : [line][item]
# Returns : 0 / OK, 1 / error
my ($file_out,$rows,$item,@file_values)=@_;
my $start_line= ($rows > $file_history) ? $rows - $file_history : 0;
if ( open(FILE2,">".$file_out) ) {
for (my $i=$start_line;$i<$rows;$i++) {
for (my $j=0;$j<$item;$j++) {
print FILE2 $file_values[$i][$j];
if ($j != ($item -1)) { print FILE2 ":" };
print FILE2 "\n";
close FILE2;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
close FILE2;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sub help {
@ -159,13 +154,6 @@ sub help {
Login and auth password for snmpv3 authentication
If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv
-2 : use snmp v2c
-X, --privpass=PASSWD
Priv password for snmpv3 (AuthPriv protocol)
-L, --protocols=<authproto>,<privproto>
<authproto> : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default md5)
<privproto> : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des)
-p, --port=PORT
SNMP port (Default 161)
-n, --name=NAME
Name of the process (regexp)
No trailing slash !
@ -205,10 +193,6 @@ Notes on warning and critical :
In some cases, it is necessary to get all data at once because
process die very frequently.
This option eats bandwidth an cpu (for remote host) at breakfast.
-o, --octetlength=INTEGER
max-size of the SNMP message, usefull in case of Too Long responses.
Be carefull with network filters. Range 484 - 65535, default are
usually 1472,1452,1460 or 1440.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)
-V, --version
@ -229,15 +213,22 @@ sub verb { my $t=shift; print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb) ; }
sub check_options {
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
"H|hostname|host=s" => \$OPTION{'host'},
"C|community=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-community'},
"snmp|snmp-version=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-version'},
"p|port|P|snmpport|snmp-port=i" => \$OPTION{'snmp-port'},
"l|login|username=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-user'},
"x|passwd|authpassword|password=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-password'},
"k|authkey=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-key'},
"authprotocol=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-protocol'},
"privpassword=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-password'},
"privkey=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-key'},
"privprotocol=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-protocol'},
"maxrepetitions=s" => \$OPTION{'maxrepetitions'},
"64-bits" => \$OPTION{'64-bits'},
'v' => \$o_verb, 'verbose' => \$o_verb,
'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help,
'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host,
'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port,
'C:s' => \$o_community, 'community:s' => \$o_community,
'l:s' => \$o_login, 'login:s' => \$o_login,
'x:s' => \$o_passwd, 'passwd:s' => \$o_passwd,
'X:s' => \$o_privpass, 'privpass:s' => \$o_privpass,
'L:s' => \$v3protocols, 'protocols:s' => \$v3protocols,
'c:s' => \$o_crit, 'critical:s' => \$o_crit,
'w:s' => \$o_warn, 'warn:s' => \$o_warn,
't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout,
@ -247,8 +238,6 @@ sub check_options {
'm:s' => \$o_mem, 'memory:s' => \$o_mem,
'a' => \$o_mem_avg, 'average' => \$o_mem_avg,
'u:s' => \$o_cpu, 'cpu' => \$o_cpu,
'2' => \$o_version2, 'v2c' => \$o_version2,
'o:i' => \$o_octetlength, 'octetlength:i' => \$o_octetlength,
'g' => \$o_get_all, 'getall' => \$o_get_all,
'A' => \$o_param, 'param' => \$o_param,
'F' => \$o_perf, 'perfout' => \$o_perf,
@ -258,23 +247,12 @@ sub check_options {
if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
# check snmp information
if ( !defined($o_community) && (!defined($o_login) || !defined($o_passwd)) )
{ print "Put snmp login info!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
if ((defined($o_login) || defined($o_passwd)) && (defined($o_community) || defined($o_version2)) )
{ print "Can't mix snmp v1,2c,3 protocols!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
if (defined ($v3protocols)) {
if (!defined($o_login)) { print "Put snmp V3 login info with protocols!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
my @v3proto=split(/,/,$v3protocols);
if ((defined ($v3proto[0])) && ($v3proto[0] ne "")) {$o_authproto=$v3proto[0]; } # Auth protocol
if (defined ($v3proto[1])) {$o_privproto=$v3proto[1]; } # Priv protocol
if ((defined ($v3proto[1])) && (!defined($o_privpass))) {
print "Put snmp V3 priv login info with priv protocols!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
($session_params) = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::check_snmp_options($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
if (defined($o_timeout) && (isnotnum($o_timeout) || ($o_timeout < 2) || ($o_timeout > 60)))
{ print "Timeout must be >1 and <60 !\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
if (!defined($o_timeout)) {$o_timeout=5;}
# Check compulsory attributes
if ( ! defined($o_descr) || ! defined($o_host) ) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if ( ! defined($o_descr) ) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
verb("$o_warn $o_crit $#o_warnL $#o_critL");
@ -314,10 +292,6 @@ sub check_options {
if ($o_cpuL[0]>$o_cpuL[1])
{print "Warning must be <= Critical for cpu!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
#### octet length checks
if (defined ($o_octetlength) && (isnotnum($o_octetlength) || $o_octetlength > 65535 || $o_octetlength < 484 )) {
print "octet lenght must be < 65535 and > 484\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
########## MAIN #######
@ -326,149 +300,43 @@ check_options();
# Check gobal timeout if snmp screws up
if (defined($TIMEOUT)) {
verb("Alarm at $TIMEOUT");
verb("Alarm at $TIMEOUT");
} else {
verb("no timeout defined : $o_timeout + 10");
alarm ($o_timeout+10);
verb("no timeout defined : $o_timeout + 10");
alarm ($o_timeout+10);
# Connect to host
my ($session,$error);
if ( defined($o_login) && defined($o_passwd)) {
# SNMPv3 login
if (!defined ($o_privpass)) {
verb("SNMPv3 AuthNoPriv login : $o_login, $o_authproto");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => '3',
-port => $o_port,
-username => $o_login,
-authpassword => $o_passwd,
-authprotocol => $o_authproto,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
verb("SNMPv3 AuthPriv login : $o_login, $o_authproto, $o_privproto");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => '3',
-username => $o_login,
-port => $o_port,
-authpassword => $o_passwd,
-authprotocol => $o_authproto,
-privpassword => $o_privpass,
-privprotocol => $o_privproto,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
if (defined ($o_version2)) {
# SNMPv2 Login
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => 2,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
# SNMPV1 login
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout
if (!defined($session)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
if (defined($o_octetlength)) {
my $oct_resultat=undef;
my $oct_test= $session->max_msg_size();
verb(" actual max octets:: $oct_test");
$oct_resultat = $session->max_msg_size($o_octetlength);
if (!defined($oct_resultat)) {
printf("ERROR: Session settings : %s.\n", $session->error);
$oct_test= $session->max_msg_size();
verb(" new max octets:: $oct_test");
my $session = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::connection($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, $session_params);
# Look for process in name or path name table
my $resultat=undef;
my %result_cons=();
my ($getall_run,$getall_cpu,$getall_mem)=(undef,undef,undef);
if ( !defined ($o_path) ) {
$resultat = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
: $session->get_table(Baseoid => $run_name_table);
$resultat = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($run_name_table, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
} else {
$resultat = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
:$session->get_table(Baseoid => $run_path_table);
if (!defined($resultat)) {
printf("ERROR: Process name table : %s.\n", $session->error);
$resultat = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($run_path_table, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
my $resultat_param=undef;
if (defined($o_param)) { # Get parameter table too
$resultat_param = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
:$session->get_table(Baseoid => $run_param_table);
if (!defined($resultat_param)) {
printf("ERROR: Process param table : %s.\n", $session->error);
$resultat_param = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($run_param_table, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
if (defined ($o_get_all)) {
$getall_run = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
$session->get_table($proc_run_state )
:$session->get_table(Baseoid => $proc_run_state );
if (!defined($getall_run)) {
printf("ERROR: Process run table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( keys %$getall_run) {
$getall_cpu = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
: $session->get_table(Baseoid => $proc_cpu_table);
if (!defined($getall_cpu)) {
printf("ERROR: Process cpu table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( keys %$getall_cpu) {
$getall_mem = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
: $session->get_table(Baseoid => $proc_mem_table);
if (!defined($getall_mem)) {
printf("ERROR: Process memory table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( keys %$getall_mem) {
$getall_run = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($proc_run_state, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
foreach my $key ( keys %$getall_run) {
$getall_cpu = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($proc_cpu_table, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
foreach my $key ( keys %$getall_cpu) {
$getall_mem = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($proc_mem_table, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
foreach my $key ( keys %$getall_mem) {
my @tindex = undef;
@ -482,96 +350,83 @@ my $count_oid = 0;
verb("Filter : $o_descr");
foreach my $key ( keys %$resultat) {
# test by regexp or exact match
# First add param if necessary
if (defined($o_param)){
my $pid = (split /\./,$key)[-1];
$pid = $run_param_table .".".$pid;
# test by regexp or exact match
# First add param if necessary
if (defined($o_param)){
my $pid = (split /\./,$key)[-1];
$pid = $run_param_table .".".$pid;
$$resultat{$key} .= " " . $$resultat_param{$pid};
verb("OID : $key, Desc : $$resultat{$key}");
my $test = defined($o_noreg)
? $$resultat{$key} eq $o_descr
: $$resultat{$key} =~ /$o_descr/;
if ($test) {
# get the index number of the interface
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$tindex[$num_int] = pop (@oid_list);
# get the full description
# put the oid of running and mem (check this maybe ?) in an array.
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_run_state . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
#verb("Name : $descr[$num_int], Index : $tindex[$num_int]");
verb("OID : $key, Desc : $$resultat{$key}");
my $test = defined($o_noreg)
? $$resultat{$key} eq $o_descr
: $$resultat{$key} =~ /$o_descr/;
if ($test) {
# get the index number of the interface
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$tindex[$num_int] = pop (@oid_list);
# get the full description
# put the oid of running and mem (check this maybe ?) in an array.
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_run_state . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
#verb("Name : $descr[$num_int], Index : $tindex[$num_int]");
if ( $num_int == 0) {
print "No process ",(defined ($o_noreg)) ? "named " : "matching ", $o_descr, " found : ";
if ($o_critL[0]>=0) {
print "CRITICAL\n";
} elsif ($o_warnL[0]>=0) {
print "WARNING\n";
print "YOU told me it was : OK\n";
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};
print "No process ",(defined ($o_noreg)) ? "named " : "matching ", $o_descr, " found : ";
if ($o_critL[0]>=0) {
print "CRITICAL\n";
} elsif ($o_warnL[0]>=0) {
print "WARNING\n";
print "YOU told me it was : OK\n";
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};
my $result=undef;
my $num_int_ok=0;
# Splitting snmp request because can't use get_bulk_request with v1 protocol
if (!defined ($o_get_all)) {
if ( $count_oid >= 50) {
my @toid=undef;
my $tmp_num=0;
my $tmp_index=0;
my $tmp_count=$count_oid;
my $tmp_result=undef;
verb("More than 50 oid, splitting");
while ( $tmp_count != 0 ) {
$tmp_num = ($tmp_count >=50) ? 50 : $tmp_count;
for (my $i=0; $i<$tmp_num;$i++) {
#verb("$i : $toid[$i] : $oids[$i+$tmp_index]");
$tmp_result = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
: $session->get_request(Varbindlist => \@toid);
if (!defined($tmp_result)) { printf("ERROR: running table : %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close;
foreach (@toid) { $result_cons{$_}=$$tmp_result{$_}; }
} else {
$result = (Net::SNMP->VERSION < 4) ?
: $session->get_request(Varbindlist => \@oids);
if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR: running table : %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close;
if ( $count_oid >= 50) {
my @toid=undef;
my $tmp_num=0;
my $tmp_index=0;
my $tmp_count=$count_oid;
my $tmp_result=undef;
verb("More than 50 oid, splitting");
while ( $tmp_count != 0 ) {
$tmp_num = ($tmp_count >=50) ? 50 : $tmp_count;
for (my $i=0; $i<$tmp_num;$i++) {
#verb("$i : $toid[$i] : $oids[$i+$tmp_index]");
$tmp_result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_leef(\@toid, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'});
foreach (@toid) { $result_cons{$_}=$$tmp_result{$_}; }
} else {
my $tmp_result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_leef(\@oids, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'});
foreach (@oids) {$result_cons{$_}=$$tmp_result{$_};}
foreach (@oids) {$result_cons{$_}=$$result{$_};}
#Check if process are in running or runnable state
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) {
my $state=$result_cons{$proc_run_state . "." . $tindex[$i]};
my $tmpmem=$result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};
my $tmpcpu=$result_cons{$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};
verb ("Process $tindex[$i] in state $state using $tmpmem, and $tmpcpu CPU");
if (!isnotnum($state)) { # check argument is numeric (can be NoSuchInstance)
$num_int_ok++ if (($state == 1) || ($state ==2));
my $state=$result_cons{$proc_run_state . "." . $tindex[$i]};
my $tmpmem=$result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};
my $tmpcpu=$result_cons{$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};
verb ("Process $tindex[$i] in state $state using $tmpmem, and $tmpcpu CPU");
if (!isnotnum($state)) { # check argument is numeric (can be NoSuchInstance)
$num_int_ok++ if (($state == 1) || ($state ==2));
my $final_status=0;
@ -582,136 +437,135 @@ my $cpu_print="";
###### Checks memory usage
if (defined ($o_mem) ) {
if (defined ($o_mem_avg)) {
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) { $res_memory += $result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};}
$res_memory /= ($num_int_ok*1024);
verb("Memory average : $res_memory");
} else {
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) {
$res_memory = ($result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]} > $res_memory) ? $result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]} : $res_memory;
$res_memory /=1024;
verb("Memory max : $res_memory");
if ($res_memory > $o_memL[1]) {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb > ".$o_memL[1]." CRITICAL";
} elsif ( $res_memory > $o_memL[0]) {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb > ".$o_memL[0]." WARNING";
} else {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb OK";
if (defined($o_perf)) {
$perf_output= "'memory_usage'=".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory) ."MB;".$o_memL[0].";".$o_memL[1];
if (defined ($o_mem_avg)) {
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) { $res_memory += $result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};}
$res_memory /= ($num_int_ok*1024);
verb("Memory average : $res_memory");
} else {
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) {
$res_memory = ($result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]} > $res_memory) ? $result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]} : $res_memory;
$res_memory /=1024;
verb("Memory max : $res_memory");
if ($res_memory > $o_memL[1]) {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb > ".$o_memL[1]." CRITICAL";
} elsif ( $res_memory > $o_memL[0]) {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb > ".$o_memL[0]." WARNING";
} else {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb OK";
if (defined($o_perf)) {
$perf_output= "'memory_usage'=".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory) ."MB;".$o_memL[0].";".$o_memL[1];
######## Checks CPU usage
if (defined ($o_cpu) ) {
my $timenow=time;
my $temp_file_name;
my ($return,@file_values)=(undef,undef);
my $n_rows=0;
my $n_items_check=2;
my $trigger=$timenow - ($o_delta - ($o_delta/10));
my $trigger_low=$timenow - 3*$o_delta;
my ($old_value,$old_time)=undef;
my $found_value=undef;
#### Get the current values
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) { $res_cpu += $result_cons{$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};}
verb("Time: $timenow , cpu (centiseconds) : $res_cpu");
my $timenow=time;
my $temp_file_name;
my ($return,@file_values)=(undef,undef);
my $n_rows=0;
my $n_items_check=2;
my $trigger=$timenow - ($o_delta - ($o_delta/10));
my $trigger_low=$timenow - 3*$o_delta;
my ($old_value,$old_time)=undef;
my $found_value=undef;
#### Read file
$temp_file_name =~ s/ /_/g;
$temp_file_name = $o_base_dir . $o_host ."." . $temp_file_name;
# First, read entire file
my @ret_array=read_file($temp_file_name,$n_items_check);
$return = shift(@ret_array);
$n_rows = shift(@ret_array);
if ($n_rows != 0) { @file_values = @ret_array };
verb ("File read returns : $return with $n_rows rows");
#make the checks if the file is OK
if ($return ==0) {
my $j=$n_rows-1;
do {
if ($file_values[$j][0] < $trigger) {
if ($file_values[$j][0] > $trigger_low) {
# found value = centiseconds / seconds = %cpu
$found_value= ($res_cpu-$file_values[$j][1]) / ($timenow - $file_values[$j][0] );
if ($found_value <0) { # in case of program restart
$j=0;$found_value=undef; # don't look for more values
$n_rows=0; # reset file
} while ( ($j>=0) && (!defined($found_value)) );
###### Write file
if ($return != 0) { $cpu_print.="! ERROR writing file $temp_file_name !";$final_status=3;}
##### Check values (if something to check...)
if (defined($found_value)) {
if ($found_value > $o_cpuL[1]) {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% > ".$o_cpuL[1]." CRITICAL";
} elsif ( $found_value > $o_cpuL[0]) {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% > ".$o_cpuL[0]." WARNING";
} else {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% OK";
#### Get the current values
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) { $res_cpu += $result_cons{$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};}
verb("Time: $timenow , cpu (centiseconds) : $res_cpu");
#### Read file
$temp_file_name =~ s/ /_/g;
$temp_file_name = $o_base_dir . $OPTION{'host'} ."." . $temp_file_name;
# First, read entire file
my @ret_array=read_file($temp_file_name,$n_items_check);
$return = shift(@ret_array);
$n_rows = shift(@ret_array);
if ($n_rows != 0) { @file_values = @ret_array };
verb ("File read returns : $return with $n_rows rows");
#make the checks if the file is OK
if ($return ==0) {
my $j=$n_rows-1;
do {
if ($file_values[$j][0] < $trigger) {
if ($file_values[$j][0] > $trigger_low) {
# found value = centiseconds / seconds = %cpu
$found_value= ($res_cpu-$file_values[$j][1]) / ($timenow - $file_values[$j][0] );
if ($found_value <0) { # in case of program restart
$j=0;$found_value=undef; # don't look for more values
$n_rows=0; # reset file
} while ( ($j>=0) && (!defined($found_value)) );
###### Write file
if ($return != 0) { $cpu_print.="! ERROR writing file $temp_file_name !";$final_status=3;}
##### Check values (if something to check...)
if (defined($found_value)) {
if ($found_value > $o_cpuL[1]) {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% > ".$o_cpuL[1]." CRITICAL";
} elsif ( $found_value > $o_cpuL[0]) {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% > ".$o_cpuL[0]." WARNING";
} else {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% OK";
if (defined($o_perf)) {
if (!defined($perf_output)) {$perf_output="";} else {$perf_output.=" ";}
$perf_output.= "'cpu_usage'=". sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."%;".$o_cpuL[0].";".$o_cpuL[1];
} else {
if ($final_status==0) { $final_status=3 };
$cpu_print.=", No data for CPU (".$n_rows." line(s)):UNKNOWN";
if (defined($o_perf)) {
if (!defined($perf_output)) {$perf_output="";} else {$perf_output.=" ";}
$perf_output.= "'cpu_usage'=". sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."%;".$o_cpuL[0].";".$o_cpuL[1];
} else {
if ($final_status==0) { $final_status=3 };
$cpu_print.=", No data for CPU (".$n_rows." line(s)):UNKNOWN";
print $num_int_ok, " process ", (defined ($o_noreg)) ? "named " : "matching ", $o_descr, " ";
#### Check for min and max number of process
if ( $num_int_ok <= $o_critL[0] ) {
print "(<= ",$o_critL[0]," : CRITICAL)";
print "(<= ",$o_critL[0]," : CRITICAL)";
} elsif ( $num_int_ok <= $o_warnL[0] ) {
print "(<= ",$o_warnL[0]," : WARNING)";
print "(<= ",$o_warnL[0]," : WARNING)";
} else {
print "(> ",$o_warnL[0],")";
print "(> ",$o_warnL[0],")";
if (defined($o_critL[1]) && ($num_int_ok > $o_critL[1])) {
print " (> ",$o_critL[1]," : CRITICAL)";
print " (> ",$o_critL[1]," : CRITICAL)";
} elsif (defined($o_warnL[1]) && ($num_int_ok > $o_warnL[1])) {
print " (> ",$o_warnL[1]," : WARNING)";
print " (> ",$o_warnL[1]," : WARNING)";
} elsif (defined($o_warnL[1])) {
print " (<= ",$o_warnL[1],"):OK";
print " (<= ",$o_warnL[1],"):OK";
print $memory_print,$cpu_print;
if (defined($o_perf)) {
if (!defined($perf_output)) {$perf_output="";} else {$perf_output.=" ";}
$perf_output.= "'num_process'=". $num_int_ok.";".$o_warnL[0].";".$o_critL[0];
print " | ",$perf_output;
if (!defined($perf_output)) {$perf_output="";} else {$perf_output.=" ";}
$perf_output.= "'num_process'=". $num_int_ok.";".$o_warnL[0].";".$o_critL[0];
print " | ",$perf_output;
print "\n";
if ($final_status==2) { exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"};}
if ($final_status==1) { exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"};}
if ($final_status==3) { exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};}
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};