diff --git a/centreon-plugins/network/adva/fsp3000/snmp/mode/alarms.pm b/centreon-plugins/network/adva/fsp3000/snmp/mode/alarms.pm new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8dfde7585 --- /dev/null +++ b/centreon-plugins/network/adva/fsp3000/snmp/mode/alarms.pm @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +# +# Copyright 2017 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) +# +# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets +# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for +# service performance. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +package network::adva::fsp3000::snmp::mode::alarms; + +use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter); + +use strict; +use warnings; +use centreon::plugins::misc; +use centreon::plugins::statefile; + +my $instance_mode; + +sub custom_status_threshold { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + my $status = 'ok'; + my $message; + + eval { + local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; }; + local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; }; + + if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' && + eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") { + $status = 'critical'; + } elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' && + eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") { + $status = 'warning'; + } + }; + if (defined($message)) { + $self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message); + } + + return $status; +} + +sub custom_status_output { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + + my $msg = sprintf("alarm [severity: %s] [type: %s] %s", $self->{result_values}->{severity}, + $self->{result_values}->{type}, $self->{result_values}->{generation_time}); + return $msg; +} + +sub custom_status_calc { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + + $self->{result_values}->{type} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_type'}; + $self->{result_values}->{severity} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_severity'}; + $self->{result_values}->{since} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_since'}; + $self->{result_values}->{generation_time} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_generation_time'}; + return 0; +} + + +sub set_counters { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + + $self->{maps_counters_type} = [ + { name => 'alarms', type => 2, message_multiple => '0 problem(s) detected', display_counter_problem => { label => 'alerts', min => 0 }, + group => [ { name => 'alarm', skipped_code => { -11 => 1 } } ] + } + ]; + + $self->{maps_counters}->{alarm} = [ + { label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => { + key_values => [ { name => 'severity' }, { name => 'type' }, { name => 'since' }, { name => 'generation_time' } ], + closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'), + closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'), + closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; }, + closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'), + } + }, + ]; +} + +sub new { + my ($class, %options) = @_; + my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options); + bless $self, $class; + + $self->{version} = '1.0'; + $options{options}->add_options(arguments => + { + "warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '%{severity} =~ /warning|minor/i' }, + "critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{severity} =~ /critical|major/i' }, + "memory" => { name => 'memory' }, + "timezone:s" => { name => 'timezone' }, + }); + + centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load(output => $self->{output}, module => 'DateTime', + error_msg => "Cannot load module 'DateTime'."); + $self->{statefile_cache} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options); + return $self; +} + +sub check_options { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + $self->SUPER::check_options(%options); + + $instance_mode = $self; + $self->change_macros(); + if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory})) { + $self->{statefile_cache}->check_options(%options); + } + + $self->{option_results}->{timezone} = 'GMT' if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{timezone}) || $self->{option_results}->{timezone} eq ''); +} + +sub change_macros { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + + foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) { + if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) { + $self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g; + } + } +} + +my %map_type = ( + 0 => 'undefined', 5 => 'terminalLoopback', 6 => 'oosDisabled', 7 => 'oosManagement', 8 => 'oosMaintenance', 9 => 'oosAins', 10 => 'removed', + 11 => 'lossOfSignal', 12 => 'optInputPwrReceivedTooLow', 13 => 'optInputPwrReceivedTooHigh', 14 => 'laserTemperatureTooHigh', 15 => 'laserTemperatureTooLow', 16 => 'optOutputPowerTransTooLow', 17 => 'optOutputPowerTransTooHigh', + 18 => 'autoShutdownToHighTemp', 19 => 'autoShutdownToHighTxPwr', 20 => 'laserEndOfLife', 21 => 'serverSignalFailureVf', 22 => 'equalizationProgress', + 23 => 'uPortFailure', 24 => 'autoShutdownBlock', 25 => 'autoPowerShutdown', 26 => 'confOutPowerTransTooHigh', 27 => 'confOutPowerTransTooLow', + 28 => 'optSignalFailure', 29 => 'dsbdChannelPowerTooHigh', 30 => 'lossOfSignalCPort', 31 => 'lossOfSignalNPort', 32 => 'outputPowerFault', + 33 => 'eqlzAdjust', 34 => 'ampFailure', 35 => 'eqptProvMismatch', 36 => 'backreflectionTooHigh', 48 => 'fiberConnLos', 49 => 'fiberConnOptFault', + 50 => 'fiberConnInvalid', 51 => 'fiberConnMismatch', 52 => 'fiberConnCommError', 53 => 'fiberConnProtocolFailure', 54 => 'fiberConnDataFailure', + 55 => 'fiberAttenuationHigh', 57 => 'laserBiasCurrAbnormal', 58 => 'fiberConnInvalidTx', 59 => 'fiberConnMismatchTx', 60 => 'fiberAttenuationHighTx', + 61 => 'laserFailure', 62 => 'lossOfReceiverClockRecovery', 63 => 'fiberAttenuationCond', 64 => 'channelMismatch', 65 => 'alarmIndicationSignalLine', + 66 => 'alarmIndicationSignalLowerOrderPath', 67 => 'alarmIndicationSignalOdu', 68 => 'alarmIndicationSignalOpu', 69 => 'alarmIndicationSignalOtu', + 70 => 'alarmIndicationSignalHigherOrderPath', 71 => 'alarmIndicationSignalOduTcmA', 72 => 'alarmIndicationSignalOduTcmB', 73 => 'alarmIndicationSignalOduTcmC', 74 => 'virtualChannelAis', + 75 => 'amplifierAbnormal', 76 => 'automaticPowerReduction', 77 => 'automaticPowerReductionForEyeSafety', 80 => 'apsConfigMismatch', 81 => 'apsProtocolFailure', 82 => 'aseLow', + 83 => 'aseTableGenFailLow', 84 => 'aseTableGenFailHighBackreflection', 85 => 'aseTableGenFailOscMissing', 86 => 'aseTableGenFailPilot', 87 => 'aseTableGenFailSignalinput', + 88 => 'aseTableNotAvailable', 89 => 'aseTableGenProgress', 90 => 'encryptionPortAuthPasswdMissing', 92 => 'backwardDefectIndicationOdu', 93 => 'backwardDefectIndicationOtu', + 94 => 'backwardDefectIndicationOduTcmA', 95 => 'backwardDefectIndicationOduTcmB', 96 => 'backwardDefectIndicationOduTcmC', 97 => 'topologyDataCalculationInProgress', 99 => 'dispertionTunningCondition', 100 => 'lossOfCharSync', + 101 => 'lossOfCharSyncFromFarEnd', 103 => 'encryptionPortEncryptionSwitchOffEnabled', 104 => 'encryptionModuleCryPasswdMissing', 107 => 'encryptionModuleSelfTestStarted', 108 => 'encryptionPortEncryptionSwitchedOff', 109 => 'opuClientSignalFail', + 110 => 'databaseMismatch', 111 => 'databaseFailure', 112 => 'databaseNcuMismatch', 113 => 'dbReplicationIncompleted', 114 => 'databaseVersionMismatch', 115 => 'xfpDecisionThresSetFailed', 116 => 'duplexLinkFailure', 118 => 'singleFanFailure', + 119 => 'multipleFanFailure', 120 => 'lossOfSignalTransmitter', 122 => 'farEndIpAddressUnknown', 123 => 'farEndCommFailure', 125 => 'backupForcedToHalt', 127 => 'facilityForcedOn', 128 => 'fwdAseTableFailPilot', 129 => 'fwdAseTableOnPilot', + 131 => 'encryptionModuleFwpUpdateEnabled', 132 => 'fwpMismatchDownloadNotServiceAffecting', 133 => 'fwpMismatchDownloadServiceAffecting', 135 => 'gainTiltNotSettable', 136 => 'highBer', 137 => 'receiverOverloadProtection', 138 => 'hwInitializing', 139 => 'hwOprReachedHT', + 140 => 'hwDegrade', 141 => 'hwFailure', 142 => 'switchtoProtectionInhibited', 143 => 'switchtoWorkingInhibited', 148 => 'encryptionPortKeyInitExchgMissed', 149 => 'encryptionPortMaxKeyExchgFailuresReachedIs', 150 => 'encryptionPortMaxKeyExchgFailuresReachedOos', + 151 => 'encryptionPortKeyExchangedForced', 152 => 'laserOnDelay', 153 => 'lockedDefectOdu', 154 => 'lockedDefectOduTcmA', 155 => 'lockedDefectOduTcmB', 156 => 'lockedDefectOduTcmC', 157 => 'linkControlProtocolFailure', 158 => 'linkDown', 159 => 'autoShutdownSendingAisLine', + 160 => 'autoShutdownSendingAisOdu', 161 => 'autoShutdownSendingAisOpu', 162 => 'clientFailForwarding', 163 => 'autoShutdownAls', 164 => 'autoAmpShutdown', 165 => 'autoShutdownAmpAps', 166 => 'aseTableBuild', 167 => 'autoShutdownOpuClientSignalFail', 168 => 'autoShutdownSendingEPC', + 169 => 'autoShutdownSendingLckOdu', 170 => 'autoShutdownSendingOciOdu', 171 => 'autoShutdownLaserOffDueToErrFwd', 172 => 'autoShutdownTxRxLasersDueToHighTemp', 173 => 'localFault', 174 => 'localOscLevelAbnormal', 175 => 'lossOfGfpFrame', 176 => 'lossOfFrameMux', 177 => 'lossOfFrameOtu', + 178 => 'lossOfFrame', 179 => 'lossOfFrameLossOfMultiFrameOdu', 180 => 'lossOfLane', 181 => 'lossofMultiframeLowerOrderPath', 182 => 'lossOfMultiFrameOtu', 183 => 'lossofMultiframeHigherOrderPath', 184 => 'lossOfPointerLowerOrderPath', 185 => 'lossOfPointerHigherOrderPath', + 186 => 'losAttProgress', 187 => 'lossOsc', 188 => 'gfpLossOfClientSig', 189 => 'loopbackError', 190 => 'facilityLoopback', 191 => 'lossofTandemConnectionOduTcmA', 192 => 'lossofTandemConnectionOduTcmB', 193 => 'lossofTandemConnectionOduTcmC', 194 => 'mansw', 197 => 'equipmentNotAccepted', 198 => 'equipmentNotApproved', 199 => 'capabilityLevelMismatch', + 200 => 'equipmentMismatch', 201 => 'equipmentNotSupportedByPhysicalLayer', 202 => 'meaSwRevision', 203 => 'mismatch', 204 => 'midstageFault', 205 => 'multiplexStructureIdentifierMismatchOPU', 206 => 'backupNotResponding', 207 => 'openConnectionIndicationOdu', + 208 => 'openConnectionIndicationOduTcmA', 209 => 'openConnectionIndicationOduTcmB', 210 => 'openConnectionIndicationOduTcmC', 211 => 'oduTribMsiMismatch', 212 => 'transmitterDisabledOff', 213 => 'receiverDisabled', 214 => 'opmAbnormalCondition', 215 => 'faultOnOpm', 216 => 'thresOptPowerCtrlFailureHigh', + 217 => 'thresOptPowerCtrlFailureLow', 218 => 'txPowerLimited', 219 => 'oscOpticalPowerControlFailHigh', 220 => 'oscOpticalPowerControlFailLow', 221 => 'oTDRMeasuringinProgress', 222 => 'encryptionModuleCryPasswdError', 223 => 'peerLink', 224 => 'pilotReceiveLevelHigh', + 225 => 'lossOfPilotSignal', 226 => 'payloadMismatchGfp', 227 => 'payloadMismatchLowerOrderPath', 228 => 'payloadMismatchOPU', 229 => 'payloadMismatchHigherOrderPath', 230 => 'provPayloadMismatch', 231 => 'prbsLossOfSeqSynch', 232 => 'prbsRcvActivated', 233 => 'prbsTrmtActivated', 234 => 'protectionNotAvailable', 235 => 'powerSupplyUnitFailure', 236 => 'maxPowerConsProvModulesToHigh', + 237 => 'maxPowerConsEquipModulesToHigh', 238 => 'powerMissing', 239 => 'remoteDefectIndicationLine', 240 => 'remoteDefectIndicationLowerOrderPath', 241 => 'remoteDefectIndicationHigherOrderPath', 243 => 'dcnCommunicationFail', 244 => 'ntpForSchedEqlzRequired', 245 => 'signalDegradeOlm', 246 => 'signalDegradeLine', 247 => 'signalDegradationonLinkVector', + 248 => 'signalDegradeOdu', 249 => 'signalDegradeOtu', 250 => 'pcsSignalDegrade', 251 => 'signalDegradeScn', 252 => 'signalDegradeOduTcmA', 253 => 'signalDegradeOduTcmB', 254 => 'signalDegradeOduTcmC', 255 => 'encryptionModuleSelfTestFail', 256 => 'encryptionModuleSelfTestFailCritical', + 257 => 'signalFailureOnLink', 258 => 'signalFailureonLinkVector', 259 => 'signalFailureOPU', 260 => 'serverSignalFailTx', 261 => 'facilityDataRateNotSupported', 263 => 'lossofSequenceLowerOrderPath', 264 => 'lossofSequenceHigherOrderPath', 265 => 'serverSignalFail', 266 => 'serverSignalFailureGfp', + 267 => 'serverSignalFailureODU', 268 => 'serverSignalFailurePath', 269 => 'serverSignalFailureSectionRS', 272 => 'switchToDuplexInhibited', 274 => 'switchFailed', 276 => 'currentTooHigh', 277 => 'attOnReceiverFiberHigherThanMonitor', 278 => 'attOnReceiverFiberLowerThanMonitor', 279 => 'attOnTransmitterFiberHigherThanMonitor', + 280 => 'attOnTransmitterFiberLowerThanMonitor', 281 => 'thres15MinExceededOduBbe', 283 => 'thres15MinExceededOtuBbe', 285 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmABbe', 287 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmBBbe', 289 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmCBbe', 291 => 'thres15MinExceededFecBERCE', 293 => 'brPwrRxTooHigh', 294 => 'chromaticDispersionTooHigh', + 295 => 'chromaticDispersionTooLow', 296 => 'dispersionCompensationTooHigh', 297 => 'dispersionCompensationTooLow', 298 => 'thres15MinExceededFecCE', 300 => 'carrierFreqOffsetTooHigh', 301 => 'carrierFreqOffsetTooLow', 302 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetLineCV', 304 => 'thres15MinExceededPhysConvCV', + 306 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetSectCV', 308 => 'thres15MinExceededPhysConvDE', 310 => 'differentialGroupDelayTooHigh', 311 => 'thres15MinExceededFecES', 313 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetLineES', 315 => 'thres15MinExceededOduES', 317 => 'thres15MinExceededOtuES', + 319 => 'thres15MinExceededPhysConvES', 321 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetSectES', 323 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmAES', 325 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmBES', 327 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmCES', 329 => 'latencyTooHigh', 330 => 'latencyTooLow', 331 => 'laserBiasCurrentNormalizedtooHigh', 332 => 'localOscTemperatureTooHigh', 333 => 'localOscTemperatureTooLow', + 334 => 'pumpLaser1TempTooHigh', 335 => 'pumpLaser1TempTooLow', 336 => 'pumpLaser2TempTooHigh', 337 => 'pumpLaser2TempTooLow', 338 => 'pumpLaser3TempTooHigh', 339 => 'pumpLaser3TempTooLow', 340 => 'pumpLaser4TempTooHigh', 341 => 'pumpLaser4TempTooLow', 342 => 'oscPwrTooHigh', + 343 => 'oscPwrTooLow', 344 => 'ramanPumpPwrTooHigh', 345 => 'ramanPumpPwrTooLow', 346 => 'roundTripDelayTooHigh', 347 => 'roundTripDelayTooLow', 348 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetSectSEFS', 350 => 'thres15MinExceededFecSES', 352 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetLineSES', + 354 => 'thres15MinExceededOduSES', 356 => 'thres15MinExceededOtuSES', 358 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetSectSES', 360 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmASES', 362 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmBSES', 364 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmCSES', 366 => 'logicalLanesSkewTooHigh', + 367 => 'signalToNoiseRatioTooLow', 368 => 'subModuleTempTooHigh', 369 => 'temperatureTooHigh', 370 => 'temperatureTooLow', 371 => 'thres15MinExceededSonetLineUAS', 373 => 'thres15MinExceededOduUAS', 375 => 'thres15MinExceededOtuUAS', + 377 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmAUAS', 379 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmBUAS', 381 => 'thres15MinExceededOduTcmCUAS', 383 => 'thres15MinExceededFecUBE', 385 => 'encryptionModuleTamperDetected', 386 => 'thermoElectricCoolerEndOfLife', 387 => 'alarmInputTIF', 389 => 'traceIdentifierMismatchOdu', + 390 => 'traceIdentifierMismatchOtu', 391 => 'sectionTraceMismatch', 392 => 'traceIdentifierMismatchOduTcmA', 393 => 'traceIdentifierMismatchOduTcmB', 394 => 'traceIdentifierMismatchOduTcmC', 395 => 'turnupFailed', 396 => 'turnupCondition', 397 => 'unequippedLowerOrderPath', 398 => 'unequippedHigherOrderPath', 399 => 'voaControlFail', 400 => 'voltageOutOfRange', 401 => 'inputVoltageFailure', 402 => 'inputVoltageFailurePort1', + 403 => 'inputVoltageFailurePort2', 406 => 'wtrTimerRunning', 407 => 'lossOfLaneOtu', 408 => 'lossOfTestSeqSynchOpu', 409 => 'lossOfMfiOpu', 410 => 'oosDisabledLckOduTrmt', 411 => 'configurationMismatch', 412 => 'oduAutoShutdownRxAIS', 413 => 'oduAutoShutdownTxAIS', 414 => 'oosDisabledLckOduRx', 420 => 'thres15MinExceededBbePcs', + 422 => 'autoShutdownGAis', 423 => 'equipmentMismatchAllow', 424 => 'warmUp', 432 => 'networkPathRestricted', 434 => 'vfClientSignalFail', 435 => 'autoShutdownVfCSF', 439 => 'linkFailToPartner1', 440 => 'linkFailToPartner2', 441 => 'linkFailToPartner3', 442 => 'linkFailToPartner4', 443 => 'partnerUnavailable', + 445 => 'partner1Deleted', 446 => 'partner2Deleted', 447 => 'partner3Deleted', 448 => 'partner4Deleted', 450 => 'thres15MinExceededPhysConvSE', 452 => 'thres15MinExceededPhysConvCVDE', 456 => 'autoShutdownSendingOciOduTx', 457 => 'acpLinkLoss', 458 => 'acpChannelUnAvail', 459 => 'acpPartnerUnassigned', 460 => 'acpPartnerDeleted', 461 => 'thres15MinExceededCrcErrorsRcv', 463 => 'thres15MinExceededCrcFramesEgress', + 465 => 'autoServiceMismatch', 466 => 'batteryNoCharge', 469 => 'tagReceiveFail', 470 => 'tagReceiveFailMaxReached', 473 => 'internalEncryptionFail', 13006 => 'cfmRemoteDefectIndication', 13007 => 'cfmCcmMacStatus', 13008 => 'cfmCcmError', 13009 => 'cfmCcmLost', 13010 => 'cfmCcmXConn', 100005 => 'mepNotPresentL2', 100006 => 'priVidNotEqualExtVidL2', 100009 => 'sfCfmLevel0L2', 100010 => 'sfCfmLevel1L2', 100011 => 'sfCfmLevel2L2', + 100012 => 'sfCfmLevel3L2', 100013 => 'sfCfmLevel4L2 ', 100014 => 'sfCfmLevel5L2', 100015 => 'sfCfmLevel6L2', 100016 => 'sfCfmLevel7L2', 120004 => 'messageLossSpeq', 120005 => 'oscFiberMissingSpeq', 120006 => 'optLowSpeq', 120007 => 'ppcOutOfRangeSpeq', 120008 => 'gainTooHighSpeq', 120009 => 'gainTooLowSpeq', 120010 => 'gainAdoptFailedSpeq', 120011 => 'processLockedOutSpeq', 120012 => 'ppcLimitExceededSpeq', +); +my %map_severity = (1 => 'indeterminate', 2 => 'critical', 3 => 'major', 4 => 'minor', 5 => 'warning', 6 => 'cleared', 7 => 'notReported'); + +my $oids = { + alarmSysTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'sys', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmEqptTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'eqpt', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmFacilityTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'facility', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmTerminPointTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'terminpoint', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmExternalPortTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'externalport', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmDcnTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'dcn', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmEnvTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'env', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmContainerTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'container', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmOpticalMuxTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'opticalmux', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmShelfConnTable => { + oid => '.', label => 'shelfconn', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, + alarmNtpIPv4Table => { + oid => '.', label => 'ntpipv4', + mapping => { + severity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity }, + timestamp => { oid => '.' }, + } + }, +}; + +sub manage_selection { + my ($self, %options) = @_; + + $self->{alarms}->{global} = { alarm => {} }; + my $get_oids = []; + foreach (keys %$oids) { + push @$get_oids, { oid => $oids->{$_}->{oid} }; + } + my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => $get_oids, nothing_quit => 1); + + my $last_time; + if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory})) { + $self->{statefile_cache}->read(statefile => "cache_adva_" . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port(). '_' . $self->{mode}); + $last_time = $self->{statefile_cache}->get(name => 'last_time'); + } + + my ($i, $current_time) = (1, time()); + + foreach (keys %$oids) { + my $branch_oid = $oids->{$_}->{oid}; + next if (!defined($snmp_result->{$branch_oid})); + + foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{$branch_oid}}) { + next if ($oid !~ /^$oids->{$_}->{mapping}->{severity}->{oid}\.(.*)\.(.*?)$/); + my $instance = $1 . '.' . $2; + my $type = defined($map_type{$2}) ? $map_type{$2} : 'unknown'; + my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $oids->{$_}->{mapping}, results => $snmp_result->{$branch_oid}, instance => $instance); + + my @date = unpack 'n C6 a C2', $result->{timestamp}; + my $timezone = $self->{option_results}->{timezone}; + if (defined($date[7])) { + $timezone = sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $date[7], $date[8], $date[9]); + } + + my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $date[0], month => $date[1], day => $date[2], hour => $date[3], minute => $date[4], second => $date[6], + time_zone => $timezone); + + next if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory}) && defined($last_time) && $last_time > $dt->epoch); + + my $diff_time = $current_time - $dt->epoch; + + $self->{alarms}->{global}->{alarm}->{$i} = { severity => $result->{severity}, + type => $type, since => $diff_time, + generation_time => centreon::plugins::misc::change_seconds(value => $diff_time), + label => $oids->{$_}->{label} + }; + $i++; + } + } + + if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory})) { + $self->{statefile_cache}->write(data => { last_time => $current_time }); + } +} + +1; + +__END__ + +=head1 MODE + +Check alarms. + +=over 8 + +=item B<--warning-status> + +Set warning threshold for status (Default: '%{severity} =~ /warning|minor/i') +Can used special variables like: %{severity}, %{type}, %{label}, %{since} + +=item B<--critical-status> + +Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{severity} =~ /critical|major/i'). +Can used special variables like: %{severity}, %{type}, %{label}, %{since} + +=item B<--timezone> + +Timezone options (the date from the equipment overload that option). Default is 'GMT'. + +=item B<--memory> + +Only check new alarms. + +=back + +=cut diff --git a/centreon-plugins/network/adva/fsp3000/snmp/plugin.pm b/centreon-plugins/network/adva/fsp3000/snmp/plugin.pm new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d37c38746 --- /dev/null +++ b/centreon-plugins/network/adva/fsp3000/snmp/plugin.pm @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# +# Copyright 2017 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) +# +# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets +# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for +# service performance. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +package network::adva::fsp3000::snmp::plugin; + +use strict; +use warnings; +use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp); + +sub new { + my ($class, %options) = @_; + my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options); + bless $self, $class; + + $self->{version} = '1.0'; + %{$self->{modes}} = ( + 'alarms' => 'network::adva::fsp3000::snmp::mode::alarms', + ); + + return $self; +} + +1; + +__END__ + +=head1 PLUGIN DESCRIPTION + +Check Adva fsp3000 equipments in SNMP. + +=cut