Fix #6148
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Copyright 2005-2013 MERETHIS
# Centreon is developped by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
# GPL Licence 2.0.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation ; either version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
# combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License cover the whole combination.
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give MERETHIS
# permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
# regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
# distribute the resulting executable under terms of MERETHIS choice, provided that
# MERETHIS also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
# of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
# derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
# For more information :
# Authors : Quentin Garnier <>
package storage::panzura::snmp::mode::cpucloud;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning:s" => { name => 'warning', },
"critical:s" => { name => 'critical', },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'warning', value => $self->{option_results}->{warning})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong warning threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{warning} . "'.");
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'critical', value => $self->{option_results}->{critical})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong critical threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{critical} . "'.");
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options{snmp} = snmp object
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
my $oid_cpuLoad = '.';
my $result = $self->{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_cpuLoad], nothing_quit => 1);
my $exit_code = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $result->{$oid_cpuLoad},
threshold => [ { label => 'critical', exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning', exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit_code,
short_msg => sprintf("CPU cloud controller usage is: %.2f%%", $result->{$oid_cpuLoad}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'cpu', unit => '%',
value => sprintf("%.2f", $result->{$oid_cpuLoad}),
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning'),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical'),
min => 0, max => 100);
=head1 MODE
Check cpu usage of cloud controller (panzura-systemext).
=over 8
=item B<--warning>
Threshold warning in percent.
=item B<--critical>
Threshold critical in percent.
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Copyright 2005-2013 MERETHIS
# Centreon is developped by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
# GPL Licence 2.0.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation ; either version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
# combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License cover the whole combination.
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give MERETHIS
# permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
# regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
# distribute the resulting executable under terms of MERETHIS choice, provided that
# MERETHIS also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
# of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
# derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
# For more information :
# Authors : Quentin Garnier <>
package storage::panzura::snmp::mode::diskusagelocal;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning:s" => { name => 'warning', },
"critical:s" => { name => 'critical', },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'warning', value => $self->{option_results}->{warning})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong warning threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{warning} . "'.");
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'critical', value => $self->{option_results}->{critical})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong critical threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{critical} . "'.");
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options{snmp} = snmp object
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
if ($self->{snmp}->is_snmpv1()) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to use SNMP v2c or v3.");
my $oid_localHDUsed = '.'; # KB
my $oid_localHDAvail = '.'; # KB
my $oid_localHDTotal = '.'; # KB
my $result = $self->{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_localHDUsed, $oid_localHDAvail, $oid_localHDTotal], nothing_quit => 1);
my $total_size = $result->{$oid_localHDTotal} * 1024;
my $used = $result->{$oid_localHDUsed} * 1024;
my $free = $result->{$oid_localHDAvail} * 1024;
my $prct_used = $used * 100 / $total_size;
my $prct_free = 100 - $prct_used;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $prct_used, threshold => [ { label => 'critical', exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning', exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
my ($total_value, $total_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $total_size);
my ($used_value, $used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $used);
my ($free_value, $free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $free);
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("Disk Local Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_value . " " . $total_unit,
$used_value . " " . $used_unit, $prct_used,
$free_value . " " . $free_unit, $prct_free));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => "used",
value => $used,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning', total => $total_size),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical', total => $total_size),
min => 0, max => $total_size);
=head1 MODE
Check disk local usage (panzura-systemext).
=over 8
=item B<--warning>
Threshold warning in percent.
=item B<--critical>
Threshold critical in percent.
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Copyright 2005-2013 MERETHIS
# Centreon is developped by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
# GPL Licence 2.0.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation ; either version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
# combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License cover the whole combination.
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give MERETHIS
# permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
# regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
# distribute the resulting executable under terms of MERETHIS choice, provided that
# MERETHIS also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
# of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
# derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
# For more information :
# Authors : Quentin Garnier <>
package storage::panzura::snmp::mode::memory;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning:s" => { name => 'warning' },
"critical:s" => { name => 'critical' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'warning', value => $self->{option_results}->{warning})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong warning threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{warning} . "'.");
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'critical', value => $self->{option_results}->{critical})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong critical threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{critical} . "'.");
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options{snmp} = snmp object
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
if ($self->{snmp}->is_snmpv1()) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to use SNMP v2c or v3.");
my $oid_memUsed = '.'; # MB
my $oid_memAvail = '.'; # MB
my $oid_memTotal = '.'; # MB
my $result = $self->{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_memUsed, $oid_memAvail, $oid_memTotal],
nothing_quit => 1);
my $total_size = $result->{$oid_memTotal} * 1024 * 1024;
my $used = $result->{$oid_memUsed} * 1024 * 1024;
my $free = $result->{$oid_memAvail} * 1024 * 1024;
my $prct_used = $used * 100 / $total_size;
my $prct_free = 100 - $prct_used;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $prct_used, threshold => [ { label => 'critical', exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning', exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
my ($total_value, $total_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $total_size);
my ($used_value, $used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $used);
my ($free_value, $free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $free);
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("Memory Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_value . " " . $total_unit,
$used_value . " " . $used_unit, $prct_used,
$free_value . " " . $free_unit, $prct_free));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => "used",
value => $used,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning', total => $total_size),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical', total => $total_size),
min => 0, max => $total_size);
=head1 MODE
Check memory (panzura-systemext).
=over 8
=item B<--warning>
Threshold warning in percent.
=item B<--critical>
Threshold critical in percent.
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
# Copyright 2005-2013 MERETHIS
# Centreon is developped by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
# GPL Licence 2.0.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation ; either version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
# combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License cover the whole combination.
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give MERETHIS
# permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
# regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
# distribute the resulting executable under terms of MERETHIS choice, provided that
# MERETHIS also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
# of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
# derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
# For more information :
# Authors : Quentin Garnier <>
package storage::panzura::snmp::mode::ratios;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::values;
my $maps_counters = {
dedup => { class => 'centreon::plugins::values', obj => undef,
set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'dedup' }, ],
output_template => 'Deduplication ratio : %.2f',
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'dedup_absolute', template => '%.2f', min => 0 },
comp => { class => 'centreon::plugins::values', obj => undef,
set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'comp' }, ],
output_template => 'Compression ratio : %.2f',
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'comp_absolute', template => '%.2f', min => 0 },
save => { class => 'centreon::plugins::values', obj => undef,
set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'save' }, ],
output_template => 'Save ratio : %.2f',
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'save_absolute', template => '%.2f', min => 0 },
my $oid_dedupRatio = '.';
my $oid_compRatio = '.';
my $oid_saveRatio = '.';
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
$self->{statefile_value} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options);
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
'warning-' . $_ . ':s' => { name => 'warning-' . $_ },
'critical-' . $_ . ':s' => { name => 'critical-' . $_ },
my $class = $maps_counters->{$_}->{class};
$maps_counters->{$_}->{obj} = $class->new(statefile => $self->{statefile_value},
output => $self->{output}, perfdata => $self->{perfdata},
label => $_);
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$maps_counters->{$_}->{obj}->init(option_results => $self->{option_results});
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# $options{snmp} = snmp object
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => 'All ratios are ok');
my ($short_msg, $short_msg_append, $long_msg, $long_msg_append) = ('', '', '', '');
my @exits;
foreach (sort keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$maps_counters->{$_}->{obj}->set(instance => 'global');
my ($value_check) = $maps_counters->{$_}->{obj}->execute(values => $self->{global});
if ($value_check != 0) {
$long_msg .= $long_msg_append . $maps_counters->{$_}->{obj}->output_error();
$long_msg_append = ', ';
my $exit2 = $maps_counters->{$_}->{obj}->threshold_check();
push @exits, $exit2;
my $output = $maps_counters->{$_}->{obj}->output();
$long_msg .= $long_msg_append . $output;
$long_msg_append = ', ';
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(litteral => 1, value => $exit2, compare => 'ok')) {
$short_msg .= $short_msg_append . $output;
$short_msg_append = ', ';
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => $output);
my $exit = $self->{output}->get_most_critical(status => [ @exits ]);
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(litteral => 1, value => $exit, compare => 'ok')) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => "$short_msg"
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $request = [$oid_dedupRatio, $oid_compRatio, $saveRatio];
$self->{results} = $self->{snmp}->get_leef(oids => $request, nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{global} = {};
$self->{global}->{dedup} = defined($self->{results}->{$oid_dedupRatio}) ? $self->{results}->{$oid_dedupRatio} / 100 : 0;
$self->{global}->{comp} = defined($self->{results}->{$oid_compRatio}) ? $self->{results}->{$oid_compRatio} / 100 : 0;
$self->{global}->{save} = defined($self->{results}->{$saveRatio}) ? $self->{results}->{$saveRatio} / 100 : 0;
=head1 MODE
Check deduplication, compression and save ratios (panzura-systemext).
=over 8
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'dedup', 'comp', 'save'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'dedup', 'comp', 'save'.
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Copyright 2005-2013 MERETHIS
# Centreon is developped by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
# GPL Licence 2.0.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation ; either version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
# combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License cover the whole combination.
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give MERETHIS
# permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
# regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
# distribute the resulting executable under terms of MERETHIS choice, provided that
# MERETHIS also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
# of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
# derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
# For more information :
# Authors : Quentin Garnier <>
package storage::panzura::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
# $options->{options} = options object
$self->{version} = '0.1';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'cpu-detailed' => 'snmp_standard::mode::cpudetailed',
'cpu-cloud' => 'storage::panzura::snmp::mode::cpucloud',
'diskio' => 'snmp_standard::mode::diskio',
'disk-usage-cloud' => 'snmp_standard::mode::diskusage',
'disk-usage-local' => 'storage::panzura::snmp::mode::diskusagelocal',
'load' => 'snmp_standard::mode::loadaverage',
'list-diskspath' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listdiskspath',
'list-interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listinterfaces',
'list-storages' => 'snmp_standard::mode::liststorages',
'memory' => 'storage::panzura::snmp::mode::memory',
'packet-errors' => 'snmp_standard::mode::packeterrors',
'ratios' => 'storage::panzura::snmp::mode::ratios',
'swap' => 'snmp_standard::mode::swap',
'traffic' => 'snmp_standard::mode::traffic',
return $self;
Check Panzura storage in SNMP.
Reference in New Issue