Merge pull request #32 from centreon/master

Merge from master
This commit is contained in:
Simon Bomm 2017-06-14 13:37:01 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3152a7373e
117 changed files with 11593 additions and 809 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Please follow information shown below according your issue. For all issues, thank you to describe it in English.
If some informations are confidentials, please send it directly by email to and
## Bug/Question
If you are reporting a bug/question, make sure that we do not have any duplicates already open. You
can ensure this by searching the issue list for this repository. If there is a duplicate, please
close your issue and add a comment to the existing issue instead.
Otherwise, open your issue and provide all informations you can.
## New plugins and modes
To develop a plugin/mode, we need following informations:
* SNMP: MIBs files and full snmpwalk of entreprise branch (snmpwalk -ObentU -v 2c -c public address . > equipment.snmpwalk)
* HTTP API (SOAP, Rest/Json, XML-RPC): the documentation and some curls examples
* CLI: command line examples
* SQL: requests
* JMX: mbean names and attributes
If you can't provide informations, we'll close the ticket. The issue can be reopened if informations are provided.
All developments are open-source. We can't give a date for the development. If it's a priority, send us an email about it ( and
and we'll put you in touch with our company.
Thanks for using centreon-plugins!

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::listnodevms;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use centreon::common::powershell::hyperv::2012::listnodevms;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"timeout:s" => { name => 'timeout', default => 50 },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'powershell.exe' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => '-InputFormat none -NoLogo -EncodedCommand' },
"no-ps" => { name => 'no_ps', },
"ps-exec-only" => { name => 'ps_exec_only', },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $ps = centreon::common::powershell::hyperv::2012::listnodevms::get_powershell(no_ps => $self->{option_results}->{no_ps});
$self->{option_results}->{command_options} .= " " . $ps;
my ($stdout) = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{ps_exec_only})) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => $stdout);
} else {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => 'List Virtual Machines:');
centreon::common::powershell::hyperv::2012::listnodevms::list($self, stdout => $stdout);
$self->{output}->display(nolabel => 1, force_ignore_perfdata => 1, force_long_output => 1);
sub disco_format {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->add_disco_format(elements => ['name', 'state', 'status', 'is_clustered', 'note']);
sub disco_show {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $ps = centreon::common::powershell::hyperv::2012::listnodevms::get_powershell(no_ps => $self->{option_results}->{no_ps});
$self->{option_results}->{command_options} .= " " . $ps;
my ($stdout) = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
centreon::common::powershell::hyperv::2012::listnodevms::disco_show($self, stdout => $stdout);
=head1 MODE
List virtual machines on hyper-v node.
=over 8
=item B<--timeout>
Set timeout time for command execution (Default: 50 sec)
=item B<--no-ps>
Don't encode powershell. To be used with --command and 'type' command.
=item B<--command>
Command to get information (Default: 'powershell.exe').
Can be changed if you have output in a file. To be used with --no-ps option!!!
=item B<--command-path>
Command path (Default: none).
=item B<--command-options>
Command options (Default: '-InputFormat none -NoLogo -EncodedCommand').
=item B<--ps-exec-only>
Print powershell output.

View File

@ -31,25 +31,38 @@ sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'vm', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_vm_output', message_multiple => 'All VM snapshots are ok' },
{ name => 'vm', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_vm_output', message_multiple => 'All VM snapshots are ok', skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{vm} = [
{ label => 'snapshot', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'snapshot' }, { name => 'display' }],
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_vm_output'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_snapshot_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
{ label => 'backing', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backing' }, { name => 'display' }],
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_backing_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
sub custom_vm_output {
sub custom_snapshot_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'checkpoint started since : ' . centreon::plugins::misc::change_seconds(value => $self->{result_values}->{snapshot_absolute});
return $msg;
sub custom_backing_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'backing started since : ' . centreon::plugins::misc::change_seconds(value => $self->{result_values}->{backing_absolute});
return $msg;
sub prefix_vm_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
@ -96,18 +109,18 @@ sub manage_selection {
#[name= ISC1-SV04404 ][state= Running ][note= ]
#[checkpointCreationTime= 1475502921.28734 ]
#[checkpointCreationTime= 1475503073.81975 ]
#[checkpointCreationTime= 1475502921.28734 ][type= snapshot]
#[checkpointCreationTime= 1475503073.81975 ][type= backing]
$self->{vm} = {};
my $id = 1;
my ($id, $time) = (1, time());
while ($stdout =~ /^\[name=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[state=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[note=\s*(.*?)\s*\](.*?)(?=\[name=|\z)/msig) {
my ($name, $status, $note, $content) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
my $chkpt = -1;
while ($content =~ /\[checkpointCreationTime=s*(.*?)\s*\]/msig) {
$chkpt = $1 if ($chkpt == -1 || $chkpt > $1);
my %chkpt = (backing => -1, snapshot => -1);
while ($content =~ /\[checkpointCreationTime=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[type=\s*(.*?)\s*\]/msig) {
$chkpt{$2} = $1 if ($chkpt{$2} == -1 || $chkpt{$2} > $1);
next if ($chkpt == -1);
next if ($chkpt{backing} == -1 && $chkpt{snapshot} == -1);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_vm}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_vm} ne '' &&
$name !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_vm}/i) {
@ -125,7 +138,9 @@ sub manage_selection {
$self->{vm}->{$id} = { display => $name, snapshot => time() - $chkpt };
$self->{vm}->{$id} = { display => $name,
snapshot => $chkpt{snapshot} > 0 ? $time - $chkpt{snapshot} : undef,
backing => $chkpt{backing} > 0 ? $time - $chkpt{backing} : undef };
@ -180,12 +195,12 @@ Filter by VM notes (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'snapshot' (in seconds).
Can be: 'snapshot' (in seconds), 'backing' (in seconds).
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'snapshot' (in seconds).
Can be: 'snapshot' (in seconds), 'backing' (in seconds).

View File

@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ sub custom_status_calc {
$self->{result_values}->{vm} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_vm'};
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_status'};
$self->{result_values}->{vmaddition} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_vmaddition'};
$self->{result_values}->{operatingsystemshutdownenabled} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_operatingsystemshutdownenabled'};
$self->{result_values}->{timesynchronizationenabled} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_timesynchronizationenabled'};
$self->{result_values}->{dataexchangeenabled} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_dataexchangeenabled'};
$self->{result_values}->{heartbeatenabled} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_heartbeatenabled'};
$self->{result_values}->{backupenabled} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_backupenabled'};
return 0;
@ -77,7 +82,9 @@ sub set_counters {
$self->{maps_counters}->{vm} = [
{ label => 'snapshot', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'vm' }, { name => 'status' }, { name => 'vmaddition' } ],
key_values => [ { name => 'vm' }, { name => 'status' }, { name => 'vmaddition' },
{ name => 'operatingsystemshutdownenabled' }, { name => 'timesynchronizationenabled' },
{ name => 'dataexchangeenabled' }, { name => 'heartbeatenabled' }, { name => 'backupenabled' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
@ -171,16 +178,20 @@ sub manage_selection {
#[name= test1 ][description= Test Descr - - pp - - aa ][status= Running ][cloud= ][hostgrouppath= All Hosts\CORP\test1 ]][VMAddition= 6.3.9600.16384 ]
#[name= test2 ][description= ][status= HostNotResponding ][cloud= ][hostgrouppath= All Hosts\CORP\test2 ]][VMAddition= Not Detected ]
#[name= test3 ][description= ][status= HostNotResponding ][cloud= ][hostgrouppath= All Hosts\CORP\test3 ]][VMAddition= Not Detected ]
#[name= test4 ][description= ][status= HostNotResponding ][cloud= ][hostgrouppath= All Hosts\CORP\test4 ]][VMAddition= Not Detected ]
#[VM= test1 ][Description= Test Descr - - pp - - aa ][Status= Running ][Cloud= ][HostGroup= All Hosts\CORP\test1 ][VMAddition= 6.3.9600.16384 ]
#[VM= test2 ][Description= ][Status= HostNotResponding ][Cloud= ][HostGroup= All Hosts\CORP\test2 ][VMAddition= Not Detected ]
#[VM= test3 ][Description= ][Status= HostNotResponding ][Cloud= ][HostGroup= All Hosts\CORP\test3 ][VMAddition= Not Detected ]
#[VM= test4 ][Description= ][Status= HostNotResponding ][Cloud= ][HostGroup= All Hosts\CORP\test4 ][VMAddition= Not Detected ]
$self->{vm} = {};
my $id = 1;
while ($stdout =~ /^\[name=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[description=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[status=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[cloud=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[hostgrouppath=\s*(.*?)\s*\]\[VMAddition=\s*(.*?)\s*\]/msig) {
my %values = (vm => $1, description => $2, status => $3, cloud => $4, hostgroup => $5, vmaddition => $6);
my @lines = split /\n/, $stdout;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my %values;
while ($line =~ /\[(.*?)=\s*(.*?)\s*\]/g) {
$values{lc($1)} = $2;
$values{hostgroup} =~ s/\\/\//g;
my $filtered = 0;
foreach (('vm', 'description', 'status', 'hostgroup')) {

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ sub manage_selection {
my $content = $6;
my $chkpt = -1;
while ($content =~ /\[checkpointAddedTime=s*(.*?)\s*\]/msig) {
while ($content =~ /\[checkpointAddedTime=\s*(.*?)\s*\]/msig) {
$chkpt = $1 if ($chkpt == -1 || $chkpt > $1);
next if ($chkpt == -1);

View File

@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ sub manage_selection {
$self->{vm}->{$id} = { display => $values{vm}, vm => $values{vm}, status => $values{status}, hostgroup => $values{hostgroup} };
$self->{vm}->{$id} = { display => $values{vm}, vm => $values{vm}, status => $values{status}, hostgroup => $values{hostgroup} }
if ($filtered == 0);

View File

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ sub new {
$self->{version} = '0.1';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'scvmm-integration-service' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::scvmmintegrationservice',
'scvmm-snapshot' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::scvmmsnapshot',
'scvmm-vm-status' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::scvmmvmstatus',
'list-node-vms' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::listnodevms',
'node-integration-service' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::nodeintegrationservice',
'node-replication' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::nodereplication',
'node-snapshot' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::nodesnapshot',
'node-vm-status' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::nodevmstatus',
'scvmm-integration-service' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::scvmmintegrationservice',
'scvmm-snapshot' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::scvmmsnapshot',
'scvmm-vm-status' => 'apps::hyperv::2012::local::mode::scvmmvmstatus',
return $self;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::pacemaker::local::mode::clustat;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use XML::Simple;
my $instance_mode;
my %map_node_state = (
0 => 'down',
1 => 'up',
2 => 'clean'
sub custom_state_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
my $label = $self->{label};
$label =~ s/-/_/g;
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_state_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = sprintf("state is '%s'", $self->{result_values}->{state});
return $msg;
sub custom_state_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{state} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_state'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'nodes', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_node_output', message_multiple => 'All nodes are ok' },
{ name => 'groups', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_group_output', message_multiple => 'All groups/resources are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{nodes} = [
{ label => 'node', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'state' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_state_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_state_output'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_state_threshold'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
$self->{maps_counters}->{groups} = [
{ label => 'group', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'state' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_state_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_state_output'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_state_threshold'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
sub prefix_node_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Node: '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub prefix_group_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Resource group: '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"hostname:s" => { name => 'hostname' },
"remote" => { name => 'remote' },
"ssh-option:s@" => { name => 'ssh_option' },
"ssh-path:s" => { name => 'ssh_path' },
"ssh-command:s" => { name => 'ssh_command', default => 'ssh' },
"timeout:s" => { name => 'timeout', default => 30 },
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'clustat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/sbin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -x 2>&1' },
"warning-group:s" => { name => 'warning_group' },
"critical-group:s" => { name => 'critical_group' },
"warning-node:s" => { name => 'warning_node' },
"critical-node:s" => { name => 'critical_node' },
"filter-node:s" => { name => 'filter_node', default => '%{state} !~ /up|clean/' },
"filter-groups:s" => { name => 'filter_groups', default => '%{state} !~ /starting|started/' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_group', 'critical_group', 'warning_node', 'critical_node')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
my $clustat_hash = XMLin($stdout);
foreach my $node (keys %{$clustat_hash->{nodes}->{node}}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_node}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_node} ne '' &&
$node !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_node}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping peer '" . $node . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{nodes}->{$node} = { state => $map_node_state{$clustat_hash->{nodes}->{node}->{$node}->{state}},
display => $node };
foreach my $group_name (keys %{$clustat_hash->{groups}->{group}}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_group}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_group} ne '' &&
$group_name !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_group}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping peer '" . $group_name . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{groups}->{$group_name} = { state => $clustat_hash->{groups}->{group}->{$group_name}->{state_str},
display => $group_name };
=head1 MODE
Check Cluster Resource Manager (need 'clustat' command).
Should be executed on a cluster node.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-*>
Can be ('group','node')
Warning threshold for status.
=item B<--critical-*>
Can be ('group','node')
Critical threshold for status. (Default: --critical-node '%{state} !~ /up|clean/' --critical-group '%{state} !~ /started|starting/')
=item B<--remote>
Execute command remotely in 'ssh'.
=item B<--hostname>
Hostname to query (need --remote).
=item B<--ssh-option>
Specify multiple options like the user (example: --ssh-option='-l=centreon-engine" --ssh-option='-p=52").
=item B<--ssh-path>
Specify ssh command path (default: none)
=item B<--ssh-command>
Specify ssh command (default: 'ssh'). Useful to use 'plink'.
=item B<--timeout>
Timeout in seconds for the command (Default: 30).
=item B<--sudo>
Use 'sudo' to execute the command.
=item B<--command>
Command to get information (Default: 'crm_mon').
Can be changed if you have output in a file.
=item B<--command-path>
Command path (Default: '/usr/sbin').
=item B<--command-options>
Command options (Default: ' -x 2>&1').

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ sub new {
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'crm' => 'apps::pacemaker::local::mode::crm',
'constraints' => 'apps::pacemaker::local::mode::constraints',
'clustat' => 'apps::pacemaker::local::mode::clustat',
return $self;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
@ -20,80 +20,115 @@
package apps::varnish::local::mode::backend;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use centreon::plugins::statefile;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use JSON;
my $maps_counters = {
backend_conn => { thresholds => {
warning_conn => { label => 'warning-conn', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_conn => { label => 'critical-conn', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. success: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_unhealthy => { thresholds => {
warning_unhealthy => { label => 'warning-unhealthy', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_unhealthy => { label => 'critical-unhealthy', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. not attempted: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_busy => { thresholds => {
warning_busy => { label => 'warning-busy', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_busy => { label => 'critical-busy', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. too many: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_fail => { thresholds => {
warning_fail => { label => 'warning-fail', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_fail => { label => 'critical-fail', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. failures: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_reuse => { thresholds => {
warning_reuse => { label => 'warning-reuse', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_reuse => { label => 'critical-reuse', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. reuses: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_toolate => { thresholds => {
warning_toolate => { label => 'warning-toolate', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_toolate => { label => 'critical-toolate', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. was closed: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_recycle => { thresholds => {
warning_recycle => { label => 'warning-recycle', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_recycle => { label => 'critical-recycle', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. recycles: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_retry => { thresholds => {
warning_retry => { label => 'warning-retry', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_retry => { label => 'critical-retry', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend conn. retry: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
backend_req => { thresholds => {
warning_req => { label => 'warning-req', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_req => { label => 'critical-req', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Backend requests made: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'backend', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{backend} = [
{ label => 'conn', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_conn', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend con: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend con: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_conn', value => 'backend_conn_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'unhealthy', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_unhealthy', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend unhealthy: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend unhealthy: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_unhealthy', value => 'backend_unhealthy_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'busy', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_busy', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend busy: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend busy: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_miss', value => 'backend_miss_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'fail', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_fail', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend fail: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend fail: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_fail', value => 'backend_fail_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'reuse', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_reuse', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend reuse: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend reuse: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_reuse', value => 'backend_reuse_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'recycle', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_recycle', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend recycle: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend recycle: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_recycle', value => 'backend_recycle_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'retry', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_retry', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend retry: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend retry: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_retry', value => 'backend_retry_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'recycle', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_recycle', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend recycle: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend recycle: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_recycle', value => 'backend_recycle_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'request', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'backend_req', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Backend requests: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Backend requests: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'backend_req', value => 'backend_req_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
@ -108,39 +143,13 @@ sub new {
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'varnishstat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/bin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 ' },
"command-options2:s" => { name => 'command_options2', default => ' 2>&1' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 -j 2>&1' },
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . ':s' => { name => $name },
$self->{instances_done} = {};
$self->{statefile_value} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options);
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, value => $self->{option_results}->{$name})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong " . $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . " threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{$name} . "'.");
sub getdata {
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
@ -148,86 +157,23 @@ sub getdata {
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options} . $self->{option_results}->{command_options2});
#print $stdout;
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
foreach (split(/\n/, $stdout)) {
#client_conn 7390867 1.00 Client connections
# - Symbolic entry name
# - Value
# - Per-second average over process lifetime, or a period if the value can not be averaged
# - Descriptive text
# "MAIN.backend_hit": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 18437, "flag": "a", "description": "Cache hits"},
# "MAIN.backend_hitpass": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 3488, "flag": "a", "description": "Cache hits for pass"},
# "MAIN.backend_miss": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 5782, "flag": "a", "description": "Cache misses"},
my $json_data = decode_json($stdout);
if (/^(.\S*)\s*([0-9]*)\s*([0-9.]*)\s(.*)$/i) {
#print "FOUND: " . $1 . "=" . $2 . "\n";
$self->{result}->{$1} = $2;
$self->{cache_name} = "cache_varnish_" . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{statefile_value}->read(statefile => 'cache_apps_varnish' . '_' . $self->{mode} . '_' . (defined($self->{option_results}->{name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{name}) : md5_hex('all')));
$self->{result}->{last_timestamp} = time();
my $old_timestamp = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => 'last_timestamp');
# Calculate
my $delta_time = $self->{result}->{last_timestamp} - $old_timestamp;
$delta_time = 1 if ($delta_time == 0); # One seconds ;)
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
#print $_ . "\n";
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => '$_'); # Get Data from Cache
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = 0 if ( $self->{old_cache}->{$_} > $self->{result}->{$_} );
$self->{outputdata}->{$_} = ($self->{result}->{$_} - $self->{old_cache}->{$_}) / $delta_time;
# Write Cache if not there
$self->{statefile_value}->write(data => $self->{result});
if (!defined($old_timestamp)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => "Buffer creation...");
foreach my $counter (keys %{$json_data}) {
next if ($counter !~ /backend/);
my $value = $json_data->{$counter}->{value};
$counter =~ s/^([A-Z])+\.//;
$self->{backend}->{$counter} = $value;
my @exits;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
push @exits, $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{outputdata}->{$_}, threshold => [ { label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, 'exit_litteral' => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} }]);
my $exit = $self->{output}->get_most_critical(status => [ @exits ]);
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $instance_output if ($num > 1);
my $str_output = "";
my $str_append = '';
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$str_output .= $str_append . sprintf($maps_counters->{$_}->{output_msg}, $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor});
$str_append = ', ';
my ($warning, $critical);
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$warning = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'warning');
$critical = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'critical');
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $_ . $extra_label, unit => $maps_counters->{$_}->{unit},
value => sprintf("%.2f", $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor}),
warning => $warning,
critical => $critical);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => $str_output);
@ -267,7 +213,7 @@ Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 ')
=item B<--warning-*>
Warning Threshold for:
Warning Threshold for:
conn => Backend conn. success,
unhealthy => Backend conn. not attempted,
busy => Backend conn. too many,
@ -276,11 +222,11 @@ reuse => Backend conn. reuses,
toolate => Backend conn. was closed,
recycle => Backend conn. recycles,
retry => Backend conn. retry,
req => Backend requests made
request => Backend requests made
=item B<--critical-*>
Critical Threshold for:
Critical Threshold for:
conn => Backend conn. success,
unhealthy => Backend conn. not attempted,
busy => Backend conn. too many,
@ -289,8 +235,8 @@ reuse => Backend conn. reuses,
toolate => Backend conn. was closed,
recycle => Backend conn. recycles,
retry => Backend conn. retry,
req => Backend requests made
request => Backend requests made

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
@ -20,38 +20,55 @@
package apps::varnish::local::mode::cache;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use centreon::plugins::statefile;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use JSON;
my $maps_counters = {
cache_hit => { thresholds => {
warning_hit => { label => 'warning-hit', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_hit => { label => 'critical-hit', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Cache Hits: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
cache_hitpass => { thresholds => {
warning_hitpass => { label => 'warning-hitpass', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_hitpass => { label => 'critical-hitpass', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Cache Hits for pass: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
cache_miss => { thresholds => {
warning_miss => { label => 'warning-miss', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_miss => { label => 'critical-miss', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Cache misses: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'cache', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{cache} = [
{ label => 'hit', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cache_hit', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Cache hit: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Cache hit: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cache_hit', value => 'cache_hit_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'hitpass', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cache_hitpass', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Cache hitpass : %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Cache hitpass : %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cache_hitpass', value => 'cache_hitpass_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'miss', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cache_miss', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Cache miss : %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Cache miss : %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cache_miss', value => 'cache_miss_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
@ -66,45 +83,13 @@ sub new {
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'varnishstat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/bin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 ' },
"command-options2:s" => { name => 'command_options2', default => ' 2>&1' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 -j 2>&1' },
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . ':s' => { name => $name },
$self->{instances_done} = {};
$self->{statefile_value} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options);
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, value => $self->{option_results}->{$name})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong " . $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . " threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{$name} . "'.");
#my $stdout = '
#cache_hit 69941 0.00 Cache hits
#cache_hitpass 10 0.00 Cache hits for pass
#cache_miss 16746 0.00 Cache misses
sub getdata {
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
@ -112,86 +97,23 @@ sub getdata {
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options} . $self->{option_results}->{command_options2});
#print $stdout;
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
foreach (split(/\n/, $stdout)) {
#client_conn 7390867 1.00 Client connections
# - Symbolic entry name
# - Value
# - Per-second average over process lifetime, or a period if the value can not be averaged
# - Descriptive text
# "MAIN.cache_hit": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 18437, "flag": "a", "description": "Cache hits"},
# "MAIN.cache_hitpass": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 3488, "flag": "a", "description": "Cache hits for pass"},
# "MAIN.cache_miss": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 5782, "flag": "a", "description": "Cache misses"},
my $json_data = decode_json($stdout);
if (/^(.\S*)\s*([0-9]*)\s*([0-9.]*)\s(.*)$/i) {
#print "FOUND: " . $1 . "=" . $2 . "\n";
$self->{result}->{$1} = $2;
$self->{cache_name} = "cache_varnish_" . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{statefile_value}->read(statefile => 'cache_apps_varnish' . '_' . $self->{mode} . '_' . (defined($self->{option_results}->{name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{name}) : md5_hex('all')));
$self->{result}->{last_timestamp} = time();
my $old_timestamp = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => 'last_timestamp');
# Calculate
my $delta_time = $self->{result}->{last_timestamp} - $old_timestamp;
$delta_time = 1 if ($delta_time == 0); # One seconds ;)
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
#print $_ . "\n";
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => '$_'); # Get Data from Cache
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = 0 if ( $self->{old_cache}->{$_} > $self->{result}->{$_} );
$self->{outputdata}->{$_} = ($self->{result}->{$_} - $self->{old_cache}->{$_}) / $delta_time;
# Write Cache if not there
$self->{statefile_value}->write(data => $self->{result});
if (!defined($old_timestamp)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => "Buffer creation...");
foreach my $counter (keys %{$json_data}) {
next if ($counter !~ /cache/);
my $value = $json_data->{$counter}->{value};
$counter =~ s/^([A-Z])+\.//;
$self->{cache}->{$counter} = $value;
my @exits;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
push @exits, $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{outputdata}->{$_}, threshold => [ { label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, 'exit_litteral' => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} }]);
my $exit = $self->{output}->get_most_critical(status => [ @exits ]);
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $instance_output if ($num > 1);
my $str_output = "";
my $str_append = '';
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$str_output .= $str_append . sprintf($maps_counters->{$_}->{output_msg}, $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor});
$str_append = ', ';
my ($warning, $critical);
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$warning = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'warning');
$critical = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'critical');
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $_ . $extra_label, unit => $maps_counters->{$_}->{unit},
value => sprintf("%.2f", $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor}),
warning => $warning,
critical => $critical);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => $str_output);
@ -227,7 +149,7 @@ Directory Path to Varnishstat Binary File (Default: /usr/bin)
=item B<--command-options>
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 ')
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 -j 2>&1')
=item B<--warning-*>
@ -245,4 +167,4 @@ miss => Cache Misses

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::varnish::local::mode::clients;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use JSON;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'clients', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{clients} = [
{ label => 'request', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'client_req' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Client request (Total): %.2f', output_error_template => "Client request: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'client_req', value => 'client_req_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'request-400', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'client_req_400' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Client request (HTTP/400): %.2f', output_error_template => "Client request (HTTP/400): %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'client_req_400', value => 'client_req_400_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'request-411', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'client_req_411' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Client request (HTTP/411): %.2f', output_error_template => "Client request (HTTP/411): %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'client_req_411', value => 'client_req_411_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'request-413', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'client_req_413' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Client request (HTTP/413): %.2f', output_error_template => "Client request (HTTP/413): %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'client_req_413', value => 'client_req_413_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'request-417', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'client_req_417' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Client request (HTTP/417): %.2f', output_error_template => "Client request (HTTP/417): %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'client_req_417', value => 'client_req_417_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"hostname:s" => { name => 'hostname' },
"remote" => { name => 'remote' },
"ssh-option:s@" => { name => 'ssh_option' },
"ssh-path:s" => { name => 'ssh_path' },
"ssh-command:s" => { name => 'ssh_command', default => 'ssh' },
"timeout:s" => { name => 'timeout', default => 30 },
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'varnishstat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/bin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 -j 2>&1' },
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
# "MAIN.client_req_400": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "a", "description": "Client requests received, subject to 400 errors"},
# "MAIN.client_req_411": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "a", "description": "Client requests received, subject to 411 errors"},
# "MAIN.client_req_413": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "a", "description": "Client requests received, subject to 413 errors"},
# "MAIN.client_req_417": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "a", "description": "Client requests received, subject to 417 errors"},
# "MAIN.client_req": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 13597, "flag": "a", "description": "Good client requests received"},
my $json_data = decode_json($stdout);
$self->{cache_name} = "cache_varnish_" . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
foreach my $counter (keys %{$json_data}) {
next if ($counter !~ /^([A-Z])+\.client_.*/);
my $value = $json_data->{$counter}->{value};
$counter =~ s/^([A-Z])+\.//;
$self->{clients}->{$counter} = $value;
=head1 MODE
Check client requests with varnishstat command (Varnish v4 required)
=over 8
=item B<--remote>
If you dont run this script locally, if you wanna use it remote, you can run it remotely with 'ssh'.
=item B<--hostname>
Hostname to query (need --remote).
=item B<--ssh-option>
Specify multiple options like the user (example: --ssh-option='-l=centreon-engine' --ssh-option='-p=52').
=item B<--command>
Varnishstat Binary Filename (Default: varnishstat)
=item B<--command-path>
Directory Path to Varnishstat Binary File (Default: /usr/bin)
=item B<--command-options>
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 -j 2>&1')
=item B<--warning-*>
Warning threshold per second.
Can be: (request,request-400,request-411,request-413,request-417)
=item B<--critical-*>
Critical threshold per second :
Can be: (request,request-400,request-411,request-413,request-417)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
@ -20,52 +20,135 @@
package apps::varnish::local::mode::sessions;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use centreon::plugins::statefile;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use JSON;
my $maps_counters = {
sess_closed => { thresholds => {
warning_closed => { label => 'warning-closed', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_closed => { label => 'critical-closed', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Session Closed: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sess_pipeline => { thresholds => {
warning_pipeline => { label => 'warning-pipeline', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_pipeline => { label => 'critical-pipeline', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Session Pipeline: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sess_readahead => { thresholds => {
warning_readahead => { label => 'warning-readahead', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_readahead => { label => 'critical-readahead', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Session Read Ahead: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sess_linger => { thresholds => {
warning_linger => { label => 'warning-linger', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_linger => { label => 'critical-linger', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Session Linger: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sess_herd => { thresholds => {
warning_herd => { label => 'warning-herd', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_herd => { label => 'critical-herd', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'Session herd: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'sessions', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{sessions} = [
{ label => 'accepted', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_conn', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session accepted: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session accepted: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_conn', value => 'sess_conn_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'dropped', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_drop', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session dropped: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session dropped: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_drop', value => 'sess_drop_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'failed', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_fail', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session fail: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session fail: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_fail', value => 'sess_fail_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'pipeoverflow', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_pipe_overflow', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Sessions pipe overflow: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Sessions pipe overflow: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_pipe_overflow', value => 'sess_pipe_overflow_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'queued', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_queued' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session queued: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session queued: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_queued', value => 'sess_queued_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'dropped', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_dropped' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session dropped: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session dropped: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_dropped', value => 'sess_dropped_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'readahead', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_readahead' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session readahead: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session readahead: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_readahead', value => 'sess_readahead_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'closed', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_closed' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session closed: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session closed: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_closed', value => 'sess_closed_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'herd', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_herd' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session herd: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session herd: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_herd', value => 'sess_herd_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'linger', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_linger' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session linger: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session linger: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_linger', value => 'sess_linger_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'pipeline', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sess_pipeline' , diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Session pipeline: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Session pipeline: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'sess_pipeline', value => 'sess_pipeline_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
@ -80,39 +163,13 @@ sub new {
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'varnishstat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/bin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 ' },
"command-options2:s" => { name => 'command_options2', default => ' 2>&1' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 -j 2>&1' },
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . ':s' => { name => $name },
$self->{instances_done} = {};
$self->{statefile_value} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options);
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, value => $self->{option_results}->{$name})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong " . $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . " threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{$name} . "'.");
sub getdata {
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
@ -120,86 +177,31 @@ sub getdata {
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options} . $self->{option_results}->{command_options2});
#print $stdout;
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
foreach (split(/\n/, $stdout)) {
#client_conn 7390867 1.00 Client connections
# - Symbolic entry name
# - Value
# - Per-second average over process lifetime, or a period if the value can not be averaged
# - Descriptive text
# "MAIN.sess_conn": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 13598, "flag": "c", "description": "Sessions accepted"},
# "MAIN.sess_drop": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Sessions dropped"},
# "MAIN.sess_fail": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Session accept failures"},
# "MAIN.sess_pipe_overflow": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Session pipe overflow"},
# "MAIN.sess_queued": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Sessions queued for thread"},
# "MAIN.sess_dropped": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Sessions dropped for thread"},
# "MAIN.sess_closed": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 13211, "flag": "a", "description": "Session Closed"},
# "MAIN.sess_pipeline": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "a", "description": "Session Pipeline"},
# "MAIN.sess_readahead": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "a", "description": "Session Read Ahead"},
# "MAIN.sess_herd": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 26, "flag": "a", "description": "Session herd"},
if (/^(.\S*)\s*([0-9]*)\s*([0-9.]*)\s(.*)$/i) {
#print "FOUND: " . $1 . "=" . $2 . "\n";
$self->{result}->{$1} = $2;
my $json_data = decode_json($stdout);
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{cache_name} = "cache_varnish_" . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
$self->{statefile_value}->read(statefile => 'cache_apps_varnish' . '_' . $self->{mode} . '_' . (defined($self->{option_results}->{name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{name}) : md5_hex('all')));
$self->{result}->{last_timestamp} = time();
my $old_timestamp = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => 'last_timestamp');
# Calculate
my $delta_time = $self->{result}->{last_timestamp} - $old_timestamp;
$delta_time = 1 if ($delta_time == 0); # One seconds ;)
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
#print $_ . "\n";
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => '$_'); # Get Data from Cache
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = 0 if ( $self->{old_cache}->{$_} > $self->{result}->{$_} );
$self->{outputdata}->{$_} = ($self->{result}->{$_} - $self->{old_cache}->{$_}) / $delta_time;
# Write Cache if not there
$self->{statefile_value}->write(data => $self->{result});
if (!defined($old_timestamp)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => "Buffer creation...");
foreach my $counter (keys %{$json_data}) {
next if ($counter !~ /^([A-Z])+\.sess_.*/);
my $value = $json_data->{$counter}->{value};
$counter =~ s/^([A-Z])+\.//;
$self->{sessions}->{$counter} = $value;
my @exits;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
push @exits, $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{outputdata}->{$_}, threshold => [ { label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, 'exit_litteral' => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} }]);
my $exit = $self->{output}->get_most_critical(status => [ @exits ]);
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $instance_output if ($num > 1);
my $str_output = "";
my $str_append = '';
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$str_output .= $str_append . sprintf($maps_counters->{$_}->{output_msg}, $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor});
$str_append = ', ';
my ($warning, $critical);
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$warning = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'warning');
$critical = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'critical');
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $_ . $extra_label, unit => $maps_counters->{$_}->{unit},
value => sprintf("%.2f", $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor}),
warning => $warning,
critical => $critical);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => $str_output);
@ -235,26 +237,16 @@ Directory Path to Varnishstat Binary File (Default: /usr/bin)
=item B<--command-options>
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 ')
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 -j 2>&1')
=item B<--warning-*>
Warning Threshold for:
closed => Session Closed,
pipeline => Session Pipeline,
readahead => Session Read Ahead,
linger => Session Linger,
herd => Session herd
Warning Threshold per second.
Can be (accepted,closed,queued,failed,pipeline,readahead,linger,herd,dropped,pipeoverflow)
=item B<--critical-*>
Critical Threshold for:
closed => Session Closed,
pipeline => Session Pipeline,
readahead => Session Read Ahead,
linger => Session Linger,
herd => Session herd
Critical Threshold per second for:
Can be (accepted,closed,queued,failed,pipeline,readahead,linger,herd,dropped,pipeoverflow)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
@ -20,52 +20,75 @@
package apps::varnish::local::mode::shm;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use centreon::plugins::statefile;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use JSON;
my $maps_counters = {
shm_records => { thresholds => {
warning_records => { label => 'warning-records', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_records => { label => 'critical-records', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'SHM records: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
shm_writes => { thresholds => {
warning_writes => { label => 'warning-writes', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_writes => { label => 'critical-writes', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'SHM writes: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
shm_flushes => { thresholds => {
warning_flushes => { label => 'warning-flushes', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_flushes => { label => 'critical-flushes', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'SHM flushes due to overflow: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
shm_cont => { thresholds => {
warning_cont => { label => 'warning-cont', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_cont => { label => 'critical-cont', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'SHM MTX contention: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
shm_cycles => { thresholds => {
warning_cycles => { label => 'warning-cycles', exit_value => 'warning' },
critical_cycles => { label => 'critical-cycles', exit_value => 'critical' },
output_msg => 'SHM cycles through buffer: %.2f',
factor => 1, unit => '',
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'shm', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{shm} = [
{ label => 'records', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'shm_records', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'SHM Records: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "SHM Records: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'shm_records', value => 'shm_records_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'writes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'shm_writes', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'SHM Writes: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "SHM Writes: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'shm_writes', value => 'shm_writes_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'flushes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'shm_flushes', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'SHM Flushes: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "SHM Flushes: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'shm_flushes', value => 'shm_flushes_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'cont', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'shm_cont', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'SHM Contention: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "SHM Contention: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'shm_cont', value => 'shm_cont_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'cycles', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'shm_cycles', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'SHM Cycles: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "SHM Cycles: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'shm_cycles', value => 'shm_cycles_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
@ -80,39 +103,13 @@ sub new {
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'varnishstat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/bin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 ' },
"command-options2:s" => { name => 'command_options2', default => ' 2>&1' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 -j 2>&1' },
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . ':s' => { name => $name },
$self->{instances_done} = {};
$self->{statefile_value} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options);
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, value => $self->{option_results}->{$name})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong " . $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label} . " threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{$name} . "'.");
sub getdata {
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
@ -120,89 +117,28 @@ sub getdata {
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options} . $self->{option_results}->{command_options2});
#print $stdout;
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
foreach (split(/\n/, $stdout)) {
#client_conn 7390867 1.00 Client connections
# - Symbolic entry name
# - Value
# - Per-second average over process lifetime, or a period if the value can not be averaged
# - Descriptive text
# "MAIN.shm_records": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 6992776, "flag": "a", "description": "SHM records"},
# "MAIN.shm_writes": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 3947244, "flag": "a", "description": "SHM writes"},
# "MAIN.shm_flushes": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 12354, "flag": "a", "description": "SHM flushes due to overflow"},
# "MAIN.shm_cont": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 564, "flag": "a", "description": "SHM MTX contention"},
# "MAIN.shm_cycles": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 3, "flag": "a", "description": "SHM cycles through buffer"},
if (/^(.\S*)\s*([0-9]*)\s*([0-9.]*)\s(.*)$/i) {
#print "FOUND: " . $1 . "=" . $2 . "\n";
$self->{result}->{$1} = $2;
my $json_data = decode_json($stdout);
$self->{cache_name} = "cache_varnish_" . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
foreach my $counter (keys %{$json_data}) {
next if ($counter !~ /shm/);
my $value = $json_data->{$counter}->{value};
$counter =~ s/^([A-Z])+\.//;
$self->{shm}->{$counter} = $value;
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{statefile_value}->read(statefile => 'cache_apps_varnish' . '_' . $self->{mode} . '_' . (defined($self->{option_results}->{name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{name}) : md5_hex('all')));
$self->{result}->{last_timestamp} = time();
my $old_timestamp = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => 'last_timestamp');
# Calculate
my $delta_time = $self->{result}->{last_timestamp} - $old_timestamp;
$delta_time = 1 if ($delta_time == 0); # One seconds ;)
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
#print $_ . "\n";
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = $self->{statefile_value}->get(name => '$_'); # Get Data from Cache
$self->{old_cache}->{$_} = 0 if ( $self->{old_cache}->{$_} > $self->{result}->{$_} );
$self->{outputdata}->{$_} = ($self->{result}->{$_} - $self->{old_cache}->{$_}) / $delta_time;
# Write Cache if not there
$self->{statefile_value}->write(data => $self->{result});
if (!defined($old_timestamp)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => "Buffer creation...");
my @exits;
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
push @exits, $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{outputdata}->{$_}, threshold => [ { label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}, 'exit_litteral' => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} }]);
my $exit = $self->{output}->get_most_critical(status => [ @exits ]);
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $instance_output if ($num > 1);
my $str_output = "";
my $str_append = '';
foreach (keys %{$maps_counters}) {
$str_output .= $str_append . sprintf($maps_counters->{$_}->{output_msg}, $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor});
$str_append = ', ';
my ($warning, $critical);
foreach my $name (keys %{$maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}}) {
$warning = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'warning');
$critical = $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{label}) if ($maps_counters->{$_}->{thresholds}->{$name}->{exit_value} eq 'critical');
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $_ . $extra_label, unit => $maps_counters->{$_}->{unit},
value => sprintf("%.2f", $self->{outputdata}->{$_} * $maps_counters->{$_}->{factor}),
warning => $warning,
critical => $critical);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => $str_output);
@ -235,11 +171,11 @@ Directory Path to Varnishstat Binary File (Default: /usr/bin)
=item B<--command-options>
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 ')
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 -j 2>&1')
=item B<--warning-*>
Warning Threshold for:
Warning Threshold for:
records => SHM records,
writes => SHM writes,
flushes => SHM flushes due to overflow,
@ -248,7 +184,7 @@ cycles => SHM cycles through buffer
=item B<--critical-*>
Critical Threshold for:
Critical Threshold for:
records => SHM records,
writes => SHM writes,
flushes => SHM flushes due to overflow,
@ -257,4 +193,4 @@ cycles => SHM cycles through buffer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
# Copyright 2016 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::varnish::local::mode::threads;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use JSON;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'threads', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{threads} = [
{ label => 'total', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'threads' } ],
output_template => 'Total Threads: %d', output_error_template => "Total Threads: %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total', value => 'threads_absolute', template => '%d',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'created', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'threads_created', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Thread created: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Thread created: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'created', value => 'threads_created_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'limited', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'threads_limited', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Thread limited: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Thread limited: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'limited', value => 'threads_limited_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'destroyed', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'threads_destroyed', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Thread destroyed: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Thread destroyed: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'destroyed', value => 'threads_destroyed_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'failed', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'threads_failed', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Threads fail: %.2f/s', output_error_template => "Threads fail: %s",
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'failed', value => 'threads_failed_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'queue', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'thread_queue_len' } ],
output_template => 'Thread queue lenght: %d', output_error_template => "Thread queue lenght: %d",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'queue_lenght', value => 'thread_queue_len_absolute', template => '%d',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"hostname:s" => { name => 'hostname' },
"remote" => { name => 'remote' },
"ssh-option:s@" => { name => 'ssh_option' },
"ssh-path:s" => { name => 'ssh_path' },
"ssh-command:s" => { name => 'ssh_command', default => 'ssh' },
"timeout:s" => { name => 'timeout', default => 30 },
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'varnishstat' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path', default => '/usr/bin' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => ' -1 -j 2>&1' },
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $stdout = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
# "MAIN.threads_limited": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Threads hit max"},
# "MAIN.threads_created": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 100, "flag": "c", "description": "Threads created"},
# "MAIN.threads_destroyed": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Threads destroyed"},
# "MAIN.threads_failed": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "c", "description": "Thread creation failed"},
# "MAIN.thread_queue_len": {"type": "MAIN", "value": 0, "flag": "g", "description": "Length of session queue"},
my $json_data = decode_json($stdout);
$self->{cache_name} = "cache_varnish_" . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{hostname}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
foreach my $counter (keys %{$json_data}) {
next if ($counter !~ /^([A-Z])+\.thread.*/);
my $value = $json_data->{$counter}->{value};
$counter =~ s/^([A-Z])+\.//;
print "$counter ===> $value \n";
$self->{threads}->{$counter} = $value;
=head1 MODE
Check Varnish 4 Cache with varnishstat Command
=over 8
=item B<--remote>
If you dont run this script locally, if you wanna use it remote, you can run it remotely with 'ssh'.
=item B<--hostname>
Hostname to query (need --remote).
=item B<--ssh-option>
Specify multiple options like the user (example: --ssh-option='-l=centreon-engine' --ssh-option='-p=52').
=item B<--command>
Varnishstat Binary Filename (Default: varnishstat)
=item B<--command-path>
Directory Path to Varnishstat Binary File (Default: /usr/bin)
=item B<--command-options>
Parameter for Binary File (Default: ' -1 -j 2>&1')
=item B<--warning-*>
Warning Threshold for threads.
Can be:
(created, destroyed, limited, failed) [per sec]
(total, queue lenght) [absolute]
=item B<--critical-*>
Warning Threshold for threads.
Can be:
(created, destroyed, limited, failed) [per sec]
(total, queue lenght) [absolute]

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ sub new {
$self->{version} = '0.1';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'connections' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::connections',
'clients' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::clients',
'cache' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::cache',
'backend' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::backend',
'sessions' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::sessions',
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ sub new {
'sms' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::sms',
'hcb' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::hcb',
'esi' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::esi',
'threads' => 'apps::varnish::local::mode::threads',
return $self;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::openheadend::snmp::mode::nodeusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'dependancy status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{dep_status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{dep_status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_nodeDepStatus'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'node', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_node_output', message_multiple => 'All nodes are ok', skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } }
$self->{maps_counters}->{node} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'nodeDepStatus' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'bitrate', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'nodeBitrate' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'bitRate : %s %s/s',
output_change_bytes => 2,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'bitrate', value => 'nodeBitrate_absolute', template => '%d',
unit => 'b/s', min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{dep_status} =~ /false/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_node_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Node '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %map_type = (1 => 'net', 2 => 'dvb', 3 => 'file', 4 => 'circular-file',
5 => 'directory', 6 => 'asi-rx', 7 => 'rtsp', 8 => 'jpeg',
9 => 'video', 10 => 'audio', 11 => 'video-rx', 12 => 'extract'
my %map_status = (1 => 'true', 2 => 'false');
my $mapping = {
nodeType => { oid => '.', map => \%map_type },
nodeDepStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
nodeName => { oid => '.' },
nodeBitrate => { oid => '.' },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{node} = {};
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(
oids => [
{ oid => $mapping->{nodeType}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{nodeDepStatus}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{nodeName}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{nodeBitrate}->{oid} },
return_type => 1, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{nodeName}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{nodeName} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{nodeName} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$result->{nodeBitrate} = !defined($result->{nodeBitrate}) || $result->{nodeBitrate} == 0 ? undef : $result->{nodeBitrate};
$self->{node}->{$instance} = {
display => $result->{nodeName},
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{node}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No node found.");
=head1 MODE
Check node usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^status$'
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter node name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status.
Can used special variables like: %{dep_status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{dep_status} =~ /false/i').
Can used special variables like: %{dep_status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'bitrate'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'bitrate'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::openheadend::snmp::mode::operationstatus;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{dep_status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_operationOpStatus'};
$self->{result_values}->{dep_status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_operationDepStatus'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'operation', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_operation_output', message_multiple => 'All operations are ok', skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } }
$self->{maps_counters}->{operation} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'operationOpStatus' }, { name => 'operationDepStatus' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-id:s" => { name => 'filter_id' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{status} =~ /false/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_operation_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Operation '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %map_type = (1 => 'demux', 2 => 'monitor-pid', 3 => 'monitor-type',
4 => 'playout-file', 5 => 'playout-circular-file', 6 => 'monitor-sid',
7 => 'playout-directory', 8 => 'hint', 9 => 'transcode-avc', 10 => 'transcode-mp2',
11 => 'transcode-aac', 12 => 'transmit-input', 13 => 'transmit-output',
14 => 'transcode-a52', 15 => 'grid-input', 16 => 'grid-acquire-mono',
17 => 'grid-acquire-stereo', 18 => 'acquire-mono', 19 => 'acquire-stereo',
20 => 'mux-input', 21 => 'remap-pid', 22 => 'remap-sid',
23 => 'mosaic', 24 => 'hint-scte35',
my %map_status = (1 => 'true', 2 => 'false');
my $mapping = {
operationType => { oid => '.', map => \%map_type },
operationDepStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
operationOpStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{operation} = {};
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(
oids => [
{ oid => $mapping->{operationType}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{operationDepStatus}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{operationOpStatus}->{oid} },
return_type => 1, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{operationOpStatus}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_id} ne '' &&
$instance !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_id}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $instance . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_type}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_type} ne '' &&
$result->{operationType} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_type}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{operationType} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{operation}->{$instance} = {
display => $instance,
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{operation}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No operation found.");
=head1 MODE
Check operation status.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-id>
Filter by operation ID (can be a regexp).
=item B<--filter-type>
Filter by operation type (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{dep_status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{dep_status} =~ /false/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{dep_status}, %{display}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::openheadend::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'node-usage' => 'apps::video::openheadend::snmp::mode::nodeusage',
'operation-status' => 'apps::video::openheadend::snmp::mode::operationstatus',
return $self;
Check OpenHeadend in SNMP.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::custom::api;
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::http;
use JSON::XS;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
if (!defined($options{output})) {
print "Class Custom: Need to specify 'output' argument.\n";
exit 3;
if (!defined($options{options})) {
$options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Class Custom: Need to specify 'options' argument.");
if (!defined($options{noptions})) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"hostname:s@" => { name => 'hostname' },
"port:s@" => { name => 'port' },
"proto:s@" => { name => 'proto' },
"username:s@" => { name => 'username' },
"password:s@" => { name => 'password' },
"proxyurl:s@" => { name => 'proxyurl' },
"timeout:s@" => { name => 'timeout' },
$options{options}->add_help(package => __PACKAGE__, sections => 'REST API OPTIONS', once => 1);
$self->{output} = $options{output};
$self->{mode} = $options{mode};
$self->{http} = centreon::plugins::http->new(output => $self->{output});
return $self;
# Method to manage multiples
sub set_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# options{options_result}
$self->{option_results} = $options{option_results};
# Method to manage multiples
sub set_defaults {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# options{default}
# Manage default value
foreach (keys %{$options{default}}) {
if ($_ eq $self->{mode}) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$options{default}->{$_}}); $i++) {
foreach my $opt (keys %{$options{default}->{$_}[$i]}) {
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{$opt}[$i])) {
$self->{option_results}->{$opt}[$i] = $options{default}->{$_}[$i]->{$opt};
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# return 1 = ok still hostname
# return 0 = no hostname left
$self->{hostname} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{hostname})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{hostname}}) : undef;
$self->{port} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{port})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{port}}) : 4444;
$self->{proto} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{proto})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{proto}}) : 'http';
$self->{username} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{username})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{username}}) : '';
$self->{password} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{password})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{password}}) : '';
$self->{timeout} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{timeout})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{timeout}}) : 10;
$self->{proxyurl} = (defined($self->{option_results}->{proxyurl})) ? shift(@{$self->{option_results}->{proxyurl}}) : undef;
if (!defined($self->{hostname})) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to specify hostname option.");
if (!defined($self->{hostname}) ||
scalar(@{$self->{option_results}->{hostname}}) == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub build_options_for_httplib {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{option_results}->{hostname} = $self->{hostname};
$self->{option_results}->{timeout} = $self->{timeout};
$self->{option_results}->{port} = $self->{port};
$self->{option_results}->{proto} = $self->{proto};
$self->{option_results}->{proxyurl} = $self->{proxyurl};
$self->{option_results}->{credentials} = 1;
$self->{option_results}->{username} = $self->{username};
$self->{option_results}->{password} = $self->{password};
sub settings {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
sub get {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $response = $self->{http}->request(url_path => $options{path},
critical_status => '', warning_status => '');
my $content;
eval {
$content = JSON::XS->new->utf8->decode($response);
if ($@) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Cannot decode json response: $@");
if (defined($content->{errmsg})) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Cannot get data: " . $content->{errmsg});
return $content;
=head1 NAME
Zixi Rest API custom mode
=over 8
=item B<--hostname>
Zixi hostname.
=item B<--port>
Port used (Default: 4444)
=item B<--proto>
Specify https if needed (Default: 'http')
=item B<--username>
Zixi username.
=item B<--password>
Zixi password.
=item B<--proxyurl>
Proxy URL if any
=item B<--timeout>
Set HTTP timeout

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcasterinputusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status} . ' [error: ' . $self->{result_values}->{error} . ']';
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_status'};
$self->{result_values}->{source} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_source'};
$self->{result_values}->{error} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_error'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'input', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_input_output', message_multiple => 'All inputs are ok', skipped_code => { -11 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{input} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'status' }, { name => 'source' }, { name => 'error' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'traffic-in', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'traffic_in', diff => 1 }, { name => 'source' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic In : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_in', value => 'traffic_in_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'source_absolute' },
{ label => 'traffic-out', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'traffic_out', diff => 1 }, { name => 'source' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic Out : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_out', value => 'traffic_out_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'source_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-source:s" => { name => 'filter_source' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{status} !~ /Connecting|Connected/i || %{error} !~ /none/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_input_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Input '" . $options{instance_value}->{source} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %mapping_input_status = (0 => 'none', 1 => 'unknown',
2 => 'resolve error', 3 => 'timeout', 4 => 'network error', 5 => 'protocol error',
6 => 'server is full', 7 => 'connection rejected', 8 => 'authentication error', 9 => 'license error',
10 => 'end of file', 11 => 'flood error', 12 => 'redirect', 13 => 'stopped',
14 => 'limit', 15 => 'not found', 16 => 'not supported', 17 => 'local file system error',
18 => 'remote file system error', 19 => 'stream replaced', 20 => 'p2p abort',
21 => 'compression error', 22 => 'source collision error', 23 => 'adaptive',
24 => 'tcp connection error', 25 => 'rtmp connection error', 26 => 'rtmp handshake error',
27 => 'tcp connection closed', 28 => 'rtmp stream error', 29 => 'rtmp publish error',
30 => 'rtmp stream closed', 31 => 'rtmp play error', 32 => 'rtmp protocol error',
33 => 'rtmp analyze timeout', 34 => 'busy', 35 => 'encryption error',
36 => 'transcoder error', 37 => 'error in invocation a transcoder subprocess',
38 => 'error communicating with a transcoder subprocess', 39 => 'error in RTMP Akamai authentication',
40 => 'maximum outputs for the source reached', 41 => 'generic error',
42 => 'zero bitrate warning', 43 => 'low bitrate warning', 44 => 'multicast join failed',
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{input} = {};
my $result = $options{custom}->get(path => '/zixi/streams.json?complete=1');
foreach my $entry (@{$result->{streams}}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_source}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_source} ne '' &&
$entry->{source} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_source}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $entry->{source} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{input}->{$entry->{id}} = {
source => $entry->{source},
status => $entry->{status},
error => $mapping_input_status{$entry->{error_code}},
traffic_in => $entry->{stats}->{net_recv}->{bytes} * 8,
traffic_out => $entry->{stats}->{net_send}->{bytes} * 8,
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{input}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No input found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "zixi_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{custom}->{hostname} . '_' . $options{custom}->{port} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check input usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-source>
Filter source (can be a regexp).
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^status$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'traffic-in', 'traffic-out'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'traffic-in', 'traffic-out'.
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: -)
Can used special variables like: %{source}, %{status}, %{error}.
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{status} !~ /Connecting|Connected/i || %{error} !~ /none/i').
Can used special variables like: %{source}, %{status}, %{error}.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcasterlicenseusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $info = $self->{result_values}->{info} eq '' ? '-' : $self->{result_values}->{info};
my $error = $self->{result_values}->{error} eq '' ? '-' : $self->{result_values}->{error};
my $msg = 'information : ' . $info . ' [error: ' . $error . ']';
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{info} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_info'};
$self->{result_values}->{name} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_name'};
$self->{result_values}->{error} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_error'};
return 0;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $label = 'used';
my $value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{used};
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free})) {
$label = 'free';
$value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{free};
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display} if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0);
my %total_options = ();
if ($self->{result_values}->{total} =~ /[0-9]/ && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$total_options{total} = $self->{result_values}->{total};
$total_options{cast_int} = 1;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $label . $extra_label,
value => $value_perf,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total} =~ /[0-9]/ ? $self->{result_values}->{total} : undef);
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($exit, $threshold_value);
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
if ($self->{result_values}->{total} =~ /[0-9]/ && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
$exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $threshold_value, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-'. $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = sprintf("Total: %s Used: %s (%s) Free: %s (%s)",
defined($self->{result_values}->{prct_used}) ? sprintf("%.2f%%", $self->{result_values}->{prct_used}) : '-',
defined($self->{result_values}->{free}) ? $self->{result_values}->{free} : '-',
defined($self->{result_values}->{prct_free}) ? sprintf("%.2f%%", $self->{result_values}->{prct_free}) : '-');
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return -10 if ($options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_info'} =~ /disabled/i ||
$options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'} eq '' ||
($options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'} =~ /^0$/ && $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_limit'} =~ /^0$/));
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_limit'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_name'};
# Can be 'unlimited'
if ($self->{result_values}->{total} =~ /[0-9]/) {
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $self->{result_values}->{total} - $self->{result_values}->{used};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 100 - $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
if ($self->{result_values}->{free} < 0) {
$self->{result_values}->{free} = 0;
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 0;
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'license', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_license_output', message_multiple => 'All licenses are ok', skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{license} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'info' }, { name => 'name' }, { name => 'error' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' }, { name => 'limit' }, { name => 'name' }, { name => 'info' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
{ label => 'days', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'days' } ],
output_template => '%d days remaining before expiration',
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status' },
"units:s" => { name => 'units', default => '%' },
"free" => { name => 'free' },
centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load(output => $self->{output}, module => 'Date::Parse',
error_msg => "Cannot load module 'Date::Parse'.");
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_license_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "License '" . $options{instance_value}->{name} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{license} = {};
my $result = $options{custom}->get(path => '/licensing_info');
my $current_time = time();
foreach my $entry (@{$result->{lics}}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$entry->{name} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $entry->{name} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
# Format 09-dec-2017. Can be also 'permanent' (so dont care)
my $days_remaining;
if ($entry->{exp} =~ /\d+-\S+-\d+/) {
my $create_time = Date::Parse::str2time($entry->{exp});
$days_remaining = ($create_time - $current_time) / 86400;
$self->{license}->{$entry->{name}} = { %{$entry}, days => $days_remaining };
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{license}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No license found.");
=head1 MODE
Check license usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-source>
Filter source (can be a regexp).
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^status$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'usage', 'days'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'usage', 'days'.
=item B<--units>
Units of thresholds (Default: '%') ('%', 'absolute').
=item B<--free>
Thresholds are on free license left.
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: -)
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{error}, %{info}.
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: -).
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{error}, %{info}.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcasteroutputusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status} . ' [error: ' . $self->{result_values}->{error} . ']';
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_status'};
$self->{result_values}->{name} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_name'};
$self->{result_values}->{error} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_error'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'output_stream', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_output_output', message_multiple => 'All outputs are ok', skipped_code => { -11 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{output_stream} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'status' }, { name => 'name' }, { name => 'error' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'traffic-in', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'traffic_in', diff => 1 }, { name => 'name' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic In : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_in', value => 'traffic_in_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'name_absolute' },
{ label => 'traffic-out', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'traffic_out', diff => 1 }, { name => 'name' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic Out : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_out', value => 'traffic_out_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'name_absolute' },
{ label => 'dropped-in', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'dropped_in', diff => 1 }, { name => 'name' } ],
output_template => 'Packets Dropped In : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'dropped_in', value => 'dropped_in_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'name_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{status} !~ /Connecting|Connected/i || %{error} !~ /none/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_output_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Output '" . $options{instance_value}->{name} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %mapping_output_status = (0 => 'none', 1 => 'unknown',
2 => 'resolve error', 3 => 'timeout', 4 => 'network error', 5 => 'protocol error',
6 => 'server is full', 7 => 'connection rejected', 8 => 'authentication error', 9 => 'license error',
10 => 'end of file', 11 => 'flood error', 12 => 'redirect', 13 => 'stopped',
14 => 'limit', 15 => 'not found', 16 => 'not supported', 17 => 'local file system error',
18 => 'remote file system error', 19 => 'stream replaced', 20 => 'p2p abort',
21 => 'compression error', 22 => 'source collision error', 23 => 'adaptive',
24 => 'tcp connection error', 25 => 'rtmp connection error', 26 => 'rtmp handshake error',
27 => 'tcp connection closed', 28 => 'rtmp stream error', 29 => 'rtmp publish error',
30 => 'rtmp stream closed', 31 => 'rtmp play error', 32 => 'rtmp protocol error',
33 => 'rtmp analyze timeout', 34 => 'busy', 35 => 'encryption error',
36 => 'transcoder error', 37 => 'error in invocation a transcoder subprocess',
38 => 'error communicating with a transcoder subprocess', 39 => 'error in RTMP Akamai authentication',
40 => 'maximum outputs for the source reached', 41 => 'generic error',
42 => 'zero bitrate warning', 43 => 'low bitrate warning', 44 => 'multicast join failed',
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output_stream} = {};
my $result = $options{custom}->get(path => '/zixi/outputs.json?complete=1');
foreach my $entry (@{$result->{outputs}}) {
my $name = $entry->{name} . '/' . $entry->{requested_stream_id};
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$name !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $name . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{output_stream}->{$entry->{id}} = {
name => $name,
status => $entry->{status},
error => $mapping_output_status{$entry->{error_code}},
traffic_in => $entry->{stats}->{net_recv}->{bytes} * 8,
traffic_out => $entry->{stats}->{net_send}->{bytes} * 8,
dropped_in => $entry->{stats}->{net_recv}->{dropped},
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{output_stream}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No output found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "zixi_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{custom}->{hostname} . '_' . $options{custom}->{port} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check output usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^status$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'traffic-in', 'traffic-out', 'dropped-in'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'traffic-in', 'traffic-out', 'dropped-in'.
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: -)
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{status}, %{error}.
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{status} !~ /Connecting|Connected/i || %{error} !~ /none/i').
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{status}, %{error}.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcastersystemusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'global', type => 0, message_separator => ' - ' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [
{ label => 'cpu-load', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_load' } ],
output_template => 'Cpu Load : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_load', value => 'cpu_load_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
{ label => 'memory-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'memory_used' } ],
output_template => 'Memory Used : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'memory_used', value => 'memory_used_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
{ label => 'disk-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'disk_used' } ],
output_template => 'Disk Used : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'disk_used', value => 'disk_used_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $result = $options{custom}->get(path => '/sys_load.json');
$self->{global} = { disk_used => $result->{disk_space}, cpu_load => $result->{cpu_load}, memory_used => $result->{memory_use} };
=head1 MODE
Check system usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^disk-usage$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'disk-usage' (%), 'memory-usage' (%), 'cpu-load' (%).
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'disk-usage' (%), 'memory-usage' (%), 'cpu-load' (%).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::feederinputusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'active : ' . $self->{result_values}->{active} . ' [error: ' . ($self->{result_values}->{error} ne '' ? $self->{result_values}->{error} : '-') . ']';
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{active} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_active'};
$self->{result_values}->{name} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_name'};
$self->{result_values}->{error} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_error'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'input', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_input_output', message_multiple => 'All inputs are ok', skipped_code => { -11 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{input} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'active' }, { name => 'name' }, { name => 'error' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'traffic-in', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'traffic_in', diff => 1 }, { name => 'name' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic In : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_in', value => 'traffic_in_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'name_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_input_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Input '" . $options{instance_value}->{name} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{input} = {};
my $result = $options{custom}->get(path => '/inputs_data');
foreach my $entry (@{$result->{inputs}}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$entry->{name} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $entry->{source} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{input}->{$entry->{name}} = {
name => $entry->{name},
active => $entry->{active} == 0 ? 'false' : 'true',
error => $entry->{error},
traffic_in => $entry->{bytes} * 8,
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{input}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No input found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "zixi_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{custom}->{hostname} . '_' . $options{custom}->{port} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check feeder input usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^status$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'traffic-in'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'traffic-in'.
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: -)
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{active}, %{error}.
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: -).
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{active}, %{error}.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::feederoutputusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'active : ' . $self->{result_values}->{active} . ' [error: ' . ($self->{result_values}->{error} ne '' ? $self->{result_values}->{error} : '-') . ']';
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{active} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_active'};
$self->{result_values}->{name} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_name'};
$self->{result_values}->{error} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_error'};
$self->{result_values}->{con_stat} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_con_stat'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'output_stream', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_output_output', message_multiple => 'All outputs are ok' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{output_stream} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'active' }, { name => 'name' }, { name => 'error' }, { name => 'con_stat' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'current-bitrate', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'bitrate' }, { name => 'name' } ],
output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Current Bitrate : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_bitrate', value => 'bitrate_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'name_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_output_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Output '" . $options{instance_value}->{name} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output_stream} = {};
my $result = $options{custom}->get(path => '/outs');
foreach my $entry (@{$result->{outs}}) {
$entry->{name} = centreon::plugins::misc::trim($entry->{name});
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$entry->{name} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $entry->{source} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{output_stream}->{$entry->{name}} = {
name => $entry->{name},
active => $entry->{active} == 0 ? 'false' : 'true',
error => $entry->{error},
con_stat => $entry->{con_stat},
bitrate => $entry->{bitrate},
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{output_stream}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No output found.");
=head1 MODE
Check feeder output usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-source>
Filter source (can be a regexp).
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^status$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'current-birate'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'current-birate'.
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: -)
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{active}, %{error}, %{con_stat}.
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: -).
Can used special variables like: %{name}, %{active}, %{error}, %{con_stat}.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package apps::video::zixi::restapi::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_custom);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'broadcaster-input-usage' => 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcasterinputusage',
'broadcaster-license-usage' => 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcasterlicenseusage',
'broadcaster-output-usage' => 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcasteroutputusage',
'broadcaster-system-usage' => 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::broadcastersystemusage',
'feeder-input-usage' => 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::feederinputusage',
'feeder-output-usage' => 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::mode::feederoutputusage',
$self->{custom_modes}{api} = 'apps::video::zixi::restapi::custom::api';
return $self;
Check Zixi through HTTP/REST API.

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ package apps::vmware::connector::custom::connector;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use ZMQ::LibZMQ3;
use ZMQ::LibZMQ4;
use ZMQ::Constants qw(:all);
use UUID;
@ -309,4 +309,4 @@ Can shift the time. We the following option you can average X counters values (d

View File

@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ sub get_default_warning_threshold {
my $value = $result->{entSensorThresholdValue} * (10 ** ($options{result}->{entSensorScale}) * (10 ** -($options{result}->{entSensorPrecision})));
if ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'greaterOrEqual') {
$high_th = $value - 0.01;
$high_th = $value - (1 * (10 ** ($options{result}->{entSensorScale}) * (10 ** -($options{result}->{entSensorPrecision}))));
} elsif ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'greaterThan') {
$high_th = $value;
} elsif ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'lessOrEqual') {
$low_th = $value + 0.01;
$low_th = $value + (1 * (10 ** ($options{result}->{entSensorScale}) * (10 ** -($options{result}->{entSensorPrecision}))));
} elsif ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'lessThan') {
$low_th = $value;
@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ sub get_default_critical_threshold {
my $value = $result->{entSensorThresholdValue} * (10 ** ($options{result}->{entSensorScale}) * (10 ** -($options{result}->{entSensorPrecision})));
if ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'greaterOrEqual') {
$high_th = $value - 0.01;
$high_th = $value - (1 * (10 ** ($options{result}->{entSensorScale}) * (10 ** -($options{result}->{entSensorPrecision}))));
} elsif ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'greaterThan') {
$high_th = $value;
} elsif ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'lessOrEqual') {
$low_th = $value + 0.01;
$low_th = $value + (1 * (10 ** ($options{result}->{entSensorScale}) * (10 ** -($options{result}->{entSensorPrecision}))));
} elsif ($result->{entSensorThresholdRelation} eq 'lessThan') {
$low_th = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package centreon::common::powershell::hyperv::2012::listnodevms;
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
sub get_powershell {
my (%options) = @_;
my $no_ps = (defined($options{no_ps})) ? 1 : 0;
return '' if ($no_ps == 1);
my $ps = '
$culture = new-object "System.Globalization.CultureInfo" "en-us"
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $culture
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Try {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$vms = Get-VM
Foreach ($vm in $vms) {
$note = $vm.Notes -replace "\r",""
$note = $note -replace "\n"," - "
Write-Host "[name=" $vm.VMName "][state=" $vm.State "][status=" $vm.Status "][IsClustered=" $vm.IsClustered "][note=" $note "]"
} Catch {
Write-Host $Error[0].Exception
exit 1
exit 0
return centreon::plugins::misc::powershell_encoded($ps);
sub list {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# Following output:
#[name= XXXX1 ][state= Running ][status= Operating normally ][IsClustered= True ][note= ]
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $options{stdout}) {
next if ($line !~ /^\[name=(.*?)\]\[state=(.*?)\]\[status=(.*?)\]\[IsClustered=(.*?)\]\[note=(.*?)\]/);
my ($name, $state, $status, $IsClustered, $note) = (centreon::plugins::misc::trim($1), centreon::plugins::misc::trim($2),
centreon::plugins::misc::trim($3), centreon::plugins::misc::trim($4), centreon::plugins::misc::trim($5));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "'" . $name . "' [state = $state, status = " . $status . ']');
sub disco_show {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# Following output:
#[name= XXXX1 ][state= Running ][status= Operating normally ][IsClustered= True ][note= ]
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $options{stdout}) {
next if ($line !~ /^\[name=(.*?)\]\[state=(.*?)\]\[status=(.*?)\]\[IsClustered=(.*?)\]\[note=(.*?)\]/);
my ($name, $state, $status, $IsClustered, $note) = (centreon::plugins::misc::trim($1), centreon::plugins::misc::trim($2),
centreon::plugins::misc::trim($3), centreon::plugins::misc::trim($4), centreon::plugins::misc::trim($5));
$self->{output}->add_disco_entry(name => $name,
state => $state,
status => $status, is_clustered => $IsClustered, note => $note);
Method to get hyper-v informations.

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Try {
if ($i -eq 0) {
Write-Host "[name=" $vm.VMName "][state=" $vm.State "][note=" $note "]"
Write-Host "[checkpointCreationTime=" (get-date -date $snap.CreationTime.ToUniversalTime() -UFormat ' . "'%s'" . ') "]"
Write-Host "[checkpointCreationTime=" (get-date -date $snap.CreationTime.ToUniversalTime() -UFormat ' . "'%s'" . ') "][type= snapshot]"
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Try {
if ($i -eq 0) {
Write-Host "[name=" $vm.VMName "][state=" $vm.State "][note=" $note "]"
Write-Host "[checkpointCreationTime=" (get-date -date $parent.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() -UFormat ' . "'%s'" . ') "]"
Write-Host "[checkpointCreationTime=" (get-date -date $parent.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() -UFormat ' . "'%s'" . ') "][type= backing]"

View File

@ -49,7 +49,17 @@ Try {
Foreach ($vm in $vms) {
$desc = $vm.description -replace "\r",""
$desc = $desc -replace "\n"," - "
Write-Host "[name=" $vm.Name "][description=" $desc "][status=" $vm.Status "][cloud=" $vm.Cloud "][hostgrouppath=" $vm.HostGroupPath "]][VMAddition=" $vm.VMAddition "]"
Write-Host ("[VM={0}]" -f $vm.Name) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[Description={0}]" -f $desc) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[Status={0}]" -f $vm.Status) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[Cloud={0}]" -f $vm.Cloud) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[HostGroup={0}]" -f $vm.HostGroupPath) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[VMAddition={0}]" -f $vm.VMAddition) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[OperatingSystemShutdownEnabled={0}]" -f $vm.OperatingSystemShutdownEnabled) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[TimeSynchronizationEnabled={0}]" -f $vm.TimeSynchronizationEnabled) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[DataExchangeEnabled={0}]" -f $vm.DataExchangeEnabled) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[HeartbeatEnabled={0}]" -f $vm.HeartbeatEnabled) -NoNewline
Write-Host ("[BackupEnabled={0}]" -f $vm.BackupEnabled)
} Catch {
Write-Host $Error[0].Exception

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ sub new {
"opt-exit:s" => { name => 'opt_exit', default => 'unknown' },
"output-xml" => { name => 'output_xml' },
"output-json" => { name => 'output_json' },
"output-file:s" => { name => 'output_file' },
"disco-format" => { name => 'disco_format' },
"disco-show" => { name => 'disco_show' },
@ -439,6 +440,12 @@ sub display {
my $force_long_output = (defined($options{force_long_output}) && $options{force_long_output} == 1) ? 1 : 0;
$force_long_output = 1 if (defined($self->{option_results}->{debug}));
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{output_file})) {
if (!open (STDOUT, '>', $self->{option_results}->{output_file})) {
$self->output_add(severity => 'UNKNOWN',
short_msg => "cannot open file '" . $self->{option_results}->{output_file} . "': $!");
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{output_xml})) {
if ($self->{is_output_xml}) {
@ -798,6 +805,10 @@ Display output in XML Format.
Display output in JSON Format.
=item B<--output-file>
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
=item B<--disco-format>
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use Pod::Find qw(pod_where);
my %handlers = (DIE => {});
my $global_version = 20170329;
my $global_version = 20170613;
my $alternative_fatpacker = 0;
sub new {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ sub convert_args {
if ($self->{convert_args} =~ /^(.+?),(.*)/) {
my ($search, $replace) = ($1, $2);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#ARGV; $i++) {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) {
eval "\$ARGV[\$i] =~ s/$search/$replace/g";

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ sub new {
# Dont load MIB
$SNMP::auto_init_mib = 0;
$ENV{MIBS} = '';
# For snmpv v1 - get request retries when you have "NoSuchName"
$self->{RetryNoSuch} = 1;
# Dont try to translate OID (we keep value)

View File

@ -330,6 +330,12 @@ sub run_group {
short_msg => "$total_problems problem(s) detected");
if (defined($options{config}->{display_counter_problem})) {
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $options{config}->{display_counter_problem}->{label}, unit => $options{config}->{display_counter_problem}->{unit},
value => $total_problems,
min => $options{config}->{display_counter_problem}->{min}, max => $options{config}->{display_counter_problem}->{max});
sub run {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
2017-06-13 Quentin Garnier <>
* Plugin added: HP Eva CLI
* Plugin added: Acme Packet SNMP
* Plugin added: A10 AX SNMP
* Plugin added: OpenHeadend SNMP
* Plugin added: Zixi Rest API
* Plugin added: Various Evertz SNMP
* Plugin added: Qsan Nas SNMP
* Plugin added: Citrix SDX SNMP
* Plugin added: IBM TS2900 SNMP
* Plugin added: Fortinet Fortimanager SNMP
* Mode added: [pacemaker] clustat
* Break: path change for Alcatel Omniswitch SNMP
2017-05-19 Quentin Garnier <>
* Plugin added: Alteon SNMP
* Plugin added: Nutanix SNMP
* Plugin added: Citrix Cloudbridge SNMP
* Plugin added: Protocol Modbus
* Plugin added: Notification HighSMS
* Plugin added: Jmeter Scenario
* Plugin added: AppearTV SNMP
* Plugin added: QSan NAS SNMP
* Mode added: [linux] systemd services
* Break: path change for Alcatel Omniswitch
2017-03-29 Quentin Garnier <>
* Plugin added: Watchguard SNMP
* Plugin added: Intelligence Interactive SNMP
@ -201,4 +227,4 @@
* Fix: [elasticsearch] Crash without some values in command line (#243)
2015-11-26 Quentin Garnier <>
* initial release
* initial release

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package hardware::devices::video::appeartv::snmp::mode::alarms;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use centreon::plugins::statefile;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = sprintf("alarm [severity: %s] [source: %s] [text: %s] %s", $self->{result_values}->{severity},
$self->{result_values}->{source}, $self->{result_values}->{text}, $self->{result_values}->{generation_time});
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{source} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_msgSourceName'};
$self->{result_values}->{text} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_msgText'};
$self->{result_values}->{severity} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_msgSeverity'};
$self->{result_values}->{since} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_since'};
$self->{result_values}->{generation_time} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_msgGenerationTime'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'alarms', type => 2, cb_long_output => 'alarms_long_output', message_multiple => '0 problem(s) detected', display_counter_problem => { label => 'alerts', min => 0 },
group => [ { name => 'alarm', skipped_code => { -11 => 1 } } ]
$self->{maps_counters}->{alarm} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'msgSourceName' }, { name => 'msgText' }, { name => 'since' }, { name => 'msgSeverity' }, { name => 'msgGenerationTime' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
sub policy_long_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "checking alarms";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '%{severity} =~ /minor|warning/i' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{severity} =~ /critical|major/i' },
"memory" => { name => 'memory' },
centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load(output => $self->{output}, module => 'Date::Parse',
error_msg => "Cannot load module 'Date::Parse'.");
$self->{statefile_cache} = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(%options);
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory})) {
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %map_severity = (0 => 'indeterminate', 1 => 'critical', 2 => 'major', 3 => 'minor',
4 => 'warning', 5 => 'cleared', 6 => 'notify');
my $mapping = {
msgSourceName => { oid => '.' },
msgText => { oid => '.' },
msgGenerationTime => { oid => '.' }, # 2016-12-16 14:49:18
msgSeverity => { oid => '.', map => \%map_severity },
my $oid_clusVolumeEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{alarms}->{global} = { alarm => {} };
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $mapping->{msgSourceName}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{msgText}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{msgGenerationTime}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{msgSeverity}->{oid} },
], nothing_quit => 1, return_type => 1);
my $last_time;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory})) {
$self->{statefile_cache}->read(statefile => "cache_appeartv_" . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port(). '_' . $self->{mode});
$last_time = $self->{statefile_cache}->get(name => 'last_time');
my ($i, $current_time) = (1, time());
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{msgSeverity}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
my $create_time = Date::Parse::str2time($result->{msgGenerationTime});
if (!defined($create_time)) {
$self->{manager}->{output}->output_add(severity => 'UNKNOWN',
short_msg => "Can't Parse date '" . $result->{msgGenerationTime} . "'");
next if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory}) && defined($last_time) && $last_time > $create_time);
my $diff_time = $current_time - $create_time;
$self->{alarms}->{global}->{alarm}->{$i} = { %$result, since => $diff_time };
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{memory})) {
$self->{statefile_cache}->write(data => { last_time => $current_time });
=head1 MODE
Check alarms.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: '%{severity} =~ /minor|warning/i')
Can used special variables like: %{severity}, %{text}, %{source}, %{since}
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{severity} =~ /critical|major/i').
Can used special variables like: %{severity}, %{text}, %{source}, %{since}
=item B<--memory>
Only check new alarms.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package hardware::devices::video::appeartv::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '0.1';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'alarms' => 'hardware::devices::video::appeartv::snmp::mode::alarms',
return $self;
Check AppeartTV in SNMP.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::cpu;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'cpu', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_cpu_output', message_multiple => 'All CPUs are ok' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{cpu} = [
{ label => 'cpu-30s', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_30s' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => '30s : %s %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_30s', value => 'cpu_30s_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'cpu-1m', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_1m' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => '1m : %s %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_1m', value => 'cpu_1m_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub prefix_cpu_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "CPU '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
my $oid_axSysCpuUsageValueAtPeriod = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $results = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_axSysCpuUsageValueAtPeriod,
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{cpu} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %$results) {
$oid =~ /\.(\d*?)\.\d*?$/;
next if (defined($self->{cpu}->{$1}));
my $instance = $1;
$self->{cpu}->{$instance} = { display => $instance,
cpu_1m => $results->{$oid_axSysCpuUsageValueAtPeriod . '.' . $instance . '.5'},
cpu_30s => $results->{$oid_axSysCpuUsageValueAtPeriod . '.' . $instance . '.4'}
=head1 MODE
Check CPU usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example : --filter-counters='^cpu-1m$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'cpu-30s' (%), 'cpu-1m' (%).
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'cpu-30s' (%), 'cpu-1m' (%).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::disk;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'used', unit => 'B',
value => $self->{result_values}->{used},
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{result_values}->{prct_used}, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Disk Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_free'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $self->{result_values}->{total} - $self->{result_values}->{free};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 100 - $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'disk', type => 0 }
$self->{maps_counters}->{disk} = [
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'free' }, { name => 'total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_axSysDiskFreeSpace = '.'; # in MB
my $oid_axSysDiskTotalSpace = '.'; # in MB
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_axSysDiskFreeSpace, $oid_axSysDiskTotalSpace],
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{disk} = { free => $snmp_result->{$oid_axSysDiskFreeSpace} * 1024 * 1024, total => $snmp_result->{$oid_axSysDiskTotalSpace} * 1024 * 1024 };
=head1 MODE
Check disk usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-usage>
Threshold warning (in percent).
=item B<--critical-usage>
Threshold critical (in percent).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::globalstats;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'global', type => 0, message_separator => ' - ' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [
{ label => 'current-connections', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'current_connections' } ],
output_template => 'Current Connections : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_connections', value => 'current_connections_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'total-connections', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'total_connections', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Total Connections : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total_connections', value => 'total_connections_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'total-ssl-connections', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'total_ssl_connections', diff => 1 } ],
output_template => 'Total SSL Connections : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total_ssl_connections', value => 'total_ssl_connections_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_axAppGlobalTotalCurrentConnections = '.';
my $oid_axAppGlobalTotalNewConnections = '.';
my $oid_axAppGlobalTotalSSLConnections = '.';
my $result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [
$oid_axAppGlobalTotalCurrentConnections, $oid_axAppGlobalTotalNewConnections,
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{global} = { current_connections => $result->{$oid_axAppGlobalTotalCurrentConnections},
total_connections => $result->{$oid_axAppGlobalTotalNewConnections},
total_ssl_connections => $result->{$oid_axAppGlobalTotalSSLConnections},
$self->{cache_name} = "a10_ax_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port() . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check global statistics.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^current-connections$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'current-connections', 'total-connections'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'current-connections', 'total-connections'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::hardware;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::hardware);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub set_system {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{regexp_threshold_overload_check_section_option} = '^(temperature|fan|psu)$';
$self->{regexp_threshold_numeric_check_section_option} = '^(temperature|fan)$';
$self->{cb_hook2} = 'snmp_execute';
$self->{thresholds} = {
psu => [
['off', 'CRITICAL'],
['on', 'OK'],
['unknown', 'UNKNOWN'],
fan => [
['failed', 'CRITICAL'],
['okFixedHigh', 'OK'],
['okLowMed', 'OK'],
['okMedMed', 'OK'],
['okMedHigh', 'OK'],
['notReady', 'WARNING'],
['unknown', 'UNKNOWN'],
$self->{components_path} = 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::components';
$self->{components_module} = ['psu', 'fan', 'temperature'];
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, no_absent => 1, no_load_components => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub snmp_execute {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_axSysHwInfo = '.';
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
$self->{results} = $self->{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_axSysHwInfo);
=head1 MODE
Check hardware.
=over 8
=item B<--component>
Which component to check (Default: '.*').
Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'temperature'.
=item B<--filter>
Exclude some parts (comma seperated list)
Can also exclude specific instance: --filter=psu,1
=item B<--no-component>
Return an error if no compenents are checked.
If total (with skipped) is 0. (Default: 'critical' returns).
=item B<--threshold-overload>
Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='psu,OK,off'
=item B<--warning>
Set warning threshold for 'temperature', 'fan' (syntax: type,regexp,threshold)
Example: --warning='temperature,.*,40'
=item B<--critical>
Set critical threshold for 'temperature', 'fan' (syntax: type,regexp,threshold)
Example: --critical='temperature,.*,50'
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::components::fan;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %map_fan_status = (0 => 'failed', 4 => 'okFixedHigh',
5 => 'okLowMed', 6 => 'okMedMed', 7 => 'okMedHigh',
-2 => 'notReady', -1 => 'unknown'
my $mapping = {
axFanName => { oid => '.' },
axFanStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_fan_status },
axFanSpeed => { oid => '.' },
sub load { }
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking fans");
$self->{components}->{fan} = {name => 'fans', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan'));
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}})) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{axFanStatus}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $self->{results}, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("fan '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s, speed = %s]",
$result->{axFanName}, $result->{axFanStatus}, $instance, $result->{axFanSpeed}));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(section => 'fan', value => $result->{axFanStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("fan '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{axFanName}, $result->{axFanStatus}));
if ($result->{axFanSpeed} > 0) {
my ($exit2, $warn, $crit, $checked) = $self->get_severity_numeric(section => 'fan', instance => $instance, value => $result->{axFanSpeed});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit2, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit2,
short_msg => sprintf("fan '%s' speed is %s rpm", $result->{axFanName}, $result->{axFanSpeed}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $result->{axFanName}, unit => 'rpm',
value => $result->{axFanSpeed},
warning => $warn,
critical => $crit, min => 0
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::components::psu;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %map_psu_status = (0 => 'off', 1 => 'on', -1 => 'unknown');
my $mapping_psu = {
axSysLowerPowerSupplyStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_psu_status },
axSysUpperPowerSupplyStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_psu_status },
sub load {}
sub check_psu {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return if (!defined($options{status}));
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'psu', instance => $options{instance}));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("power supply '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$options{instance}, $options{status}, $options{instance}));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(section => 'psu', value => $options{status});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("power supply '%s' status is '%s'", $options{instance}, $options{status}));
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking power supplies");
$self->{components}->{psu} = {name => 'psu', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'psu'));
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_psu, results => $self->{results}, instance => '0');
check_psu($self, status => $result->{axSysLowerPowerSupplyStatus}, instance => 1);
check_psu($self, status => $result->{axSysUpperPowerSupplyStatus}, instance => 2);
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::components::temperature;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $mapping_temp = {
axSysHwPhySystemTemp => { oid => '.' },
sub load {}
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking temperature");
$self->{components}->{temperature} = {name => 'temperature', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'temperature'));
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_temp, results => $self->{results}, instance => '0');
return if (!defined($result->{axSysHwPhySystemTemp}));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("physical temperature is %s C [instance = %s]",
$result->{axSysHwPhySystemTemp}, '0'));
my ($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked) = $self->get_severity_numeric(section => 'temperature', instance => '0', value => $result->{axSysHwPhySystemTemp});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("physical temperature is %s C", $result->{axSysHwPhySystemTemp}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'temperature_physical', unit => 'C',
value => $result->{axSysHwPhySystemTemp},
warning => $warn,
critical => $crit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::listvservers;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
$self->{vserver} = {};
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my %map_status = (1 => 'up', 2 => 'down', 3 => 'disabled');
my $mapping = {
axVirtualServerStatName => { oid => '.' },
axVirtualServerStatStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [ { oid => $mapping->{axVirtualServerStatName}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{axVirtualServerStatStatus}->{oid} },
return_type => 1, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %$snmp_result) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{axVirtualServerStatName}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
$result->{axVirtualServerStatName} =~ s/\\//g;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{axVirtualServerStatName} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{axVirtualServerStatName} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{vserver}->{$instance} = {
name => $result->{axVirtualServerStatName}, status => $result->{axVirtualServerStatStatus} };
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach my $instance (sort keys %{$self->{vserver}}) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => '[name = ' . $self->{vserver}->{$instance}->{name} .
"] [status = " . $self->{vserver}->{$instance}->{status} . ']'
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => 'List virtual servers:');
$self->{output}->display(nolabel => 1, force_ignore_perfdata => 1, force_long_output => 1);
sub disco_format {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->add_disco_format(elements => ['name', 'status']);
sub disco_show {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach my $instance (sort keys %{$self->{vserver}}) {
$self->{output}->add_disco_entry(name => $self->{vserver}->{$instance}->{name},
status => $self->{vserver}->{$instance}->{status});
=head1 MODE
List virtual servers.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by virtual server name (can be a regexp).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::memory;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'used', unit => 'B',
value => $self->{result_values}->{used},
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{result_values}->{prct_used}, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Memory Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 100 - $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $self->{result_values}->{total} - $self->{result_values}->{used};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'memory', type => 0 }
$self->{maps_counters}->{memory} = [
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' }, { name => 'total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_axSysMemoryUsage = '.'; # in KB
my $oid_axSysMemoryTotal = '.'; # in KB
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_axSysMemoryUsage, $oid_axSysMemoryTotal],
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{memory} = { used => $snmp_result->{$oid_axSysMemoryUsage} * 1024, total => $snmp_result->{$oid_axSysMemoryTotal} * 1024 };
=head1 MODE
Check memory usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-usage>
Threshold warning (in percent).
=item B<--critical-usage>
Threshold critical (in percent).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::vserverusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_axVirtualServerStatStatus'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'vserver', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_vserver_output', message_multiple => 'All virtual servers are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{vserver} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'axVirtualServerStatStatus' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'current-con', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'axVirtualServerStatCurConns' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Current Connections : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_connections', value => 'axVirtualServerStatCurConns_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'total-con', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'axVirtualServerStatTotConns', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Total Connections : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total_connections', value => 'axVirtualServerStatTotConns_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'traffic-in', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'axVirtualServerStatBytesIn', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic In : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_in', value => 'axVirtualServerStatBytesIn_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'traffic-out', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'axVirtualServerStatBytesOut', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
per_second => 1, output_change_bytes => 2,
output_template => 'Traffic Out : %s %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'traffic_out', value => 'axVirtualServerStatBytesOut_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, unit => 'b/s', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub prefix_vserver_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Virtual Server '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{status} =~ /down/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %map_status = (
1 => 'up', 2 => 'down', 3 => 'disabled',
my $oid_axVirtualServerStatName = '.';
my $mapping = {
axVirtualServerStatBytesIn => { oid => '.' },
axVirtualServerStatBytesOut => { oid => '.' },
axVirtualServerStatTotConns => { oid => '.' },
axVirtualServerStatCurConns => { oid => '.' },
axVirtualServerStatStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if ($options{snmp}->is_snmpv1()) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to use SNMP v2c or v3.");
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_axVirtualServerStatName, nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{vserver} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
$oid =~ /^$oid_axVirtualServerStatName\.(.*)$/;
my $instance = $1;
$snmp_result->{$oid} =~ s/\\//g;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$snmp_result->{$oid} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping virtual server '" . $snmp_result->{$oid} . "'.", debug => 1);
$self->{vserver}->{$instance} = { display => $snmp_result->{$oid} };
$options{snmp}->load(oids => [$mapping->{axVirtualServerStatBytesIn}->{oid}, $mapping->{axVirtualServerStatBytesOut}->{oid},
$mapping->{axVirtualServerStatTotConns}->{oid}, $mapping->{axVirtualServerStatCurConns}->{oid},
instances => [keys %{$self->{vserver}}], instance_regexp => '^(.*)$');
$snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(nothing_quit => 1);
foreach (keys %{$self->{vserver}}) {
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
foreach my $name (('axVirtualServerStatBytesIn', 'axVirtualServerStatBytesOut')) {
$result->{$name} *= 8;
foreach my $name (keys %$mapping) {
$self->{vserver}->{$_}->{$name} = $result->{$name};
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{vserver}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No virtual server found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "a10_ax_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port() . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check virtual server usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{status} =~ /down/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'current-con', 'total-con', 'traffic-in', 'traffic-out'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'current-con', 'total-con', 'traffic-in', 'traffic-out'.
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by virtual server name (can be a regexp).

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::a10::ax::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'cpu' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::cpu',
'disk' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::disk',
'global-stats' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::globalstats',
'hardware' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::hardware',
'interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::interfaces',
'list-interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listinterfaces',
'list-vservers' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::listvservers',
'memory' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::memory',
'vserver-usage' => 'network::a10::ax::snmp::mode::vserverusage',
return $self;
Check A10 AX in SNMP.

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::fan;
use strict;
use warnings;
use network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::resources qw($map_status);
my $mapping = {
apEnvMonFanStatusDescr => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonFanStatusValue => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonFanState => { oid => '.', map => $map_status },
my $oid_apEnvMonFanStatusEntry = '.';
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, { oid => $oid_apEnvMonFanStatusEntry };
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking fans");
$self->{components}->{fan} = {name => 'fans', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan'));
my ($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked);
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonFanStatusEntry}})) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{apEnvMonFanState}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonFanStatusEntry}, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
next if ($result->{apEnvMonFanState} =~ /notPresent/i &&
$self->absent_problem(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("fan '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s, speed = %s]",
$result->{apEnvMonFanStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonFanState}, $instance, defined($result->{apEnvMonFanStatusValue}) ? $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusValue} : 'unknown'));
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'fan', value => $result->{apEnvMonFanState});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Fan '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonFanState}));
($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked) = $self->get_severity_numeric(section => 'fan', instance => $instance, value => $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusValue});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Fan '%s' is '%s' %%", $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusValue}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'fan_' . $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusDescr}, unit => '%',
value => $result->{apEnvMonFanStatusValue},
warning => $warn,
critical => $crit, min => 0, max => 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::psu;
use strict;
use warnings;
use network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::resources qw($map_status);
my $mapping = {
apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusDescr => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonPowerSupplyState => { oid => '.', map => $map_status },
my $oid_apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusEntry = '.';
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, { oid => $oid_apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusEntry };
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking power supplies");
$self->{components}->{psu} = {name => 'psus', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'psu'));
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusEntry}})) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyState}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusEntry}, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'psu', instance => $instance));
next if ($result->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyState} =~ /notPresent/i &&
$self->absent_problem(section => 'psu', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("power supply '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$result->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyState}, $instance));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'psu', value => $result->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyState});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Power supply '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonPowerSupplyState}));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::resources;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
our $map_status;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($map_status);
$map_status = { 1 => 'initial', 2 => 'normal',
3 => 'minor', 4 => 'major', 5 => 'critical',
6 => 'shutdown', 7 => 'notPresent',
8 => 'notFunctioning', 9 => 'unknown'

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::temperature;
use strict;
use warnings;
use network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::resources qw($map_status);
my $mapping = {
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonTemperatureState => { oid => '.', map => $map_status },
my $oid_apEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry = '.';
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, { oid => $oid_apEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry };
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking temperatures");
$self->{components}->{temperature} = {name => 'temperatures', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'temperature'));
my ($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked);
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry}})) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{apEnvMonTemperatureState}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry}, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'temperature', instance => $instance));
next if ($result->{apEnvMonTemperatureState} =~ /notPresent/i &&
$self->absent_problem(section => 'temperature', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("temperature '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s, value = %s]",
$result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureState}, $instance,
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'temperature', value => $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureState});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Temperature '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureState}));
($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked) = $self->get_severity_numeric(section => 'temperature', instance => $instance, value => $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Temperature '%s' is '%s' C", $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'temperature_' . $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, unit => 'C',
value => $result->{apEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue},
warning => $warn,
critical => $crit

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::voltage;
use strict;
use warnings;
use network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components::resources qw($map_status);
my $mapping = {
apEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue => { oid => '.' },
apEnvMonVoltageState => { oid => '.', map => $map_status },
my $oid_apEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry = '.';
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, { oid => $oid_apEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry };
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking voltages");
$self->{components}->{voltage} = {name => 'voltages', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'voltage'));
my ($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked);
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry}})) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{apEnvMonVoltageState}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $self->{results}->{$oid_apEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry}, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'voltage', instance => $instance));
next if ($result->{apEnvMonVoltageState} =~ /notPresent/i &&
$self->absent_problem(section => 'voltage', instance => $instance));
$result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue} = sprintf("%.3f", $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue});
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("voltage '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s, value = %s]",
$result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonVoltageState}, $instance,
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'voltage', value => $result->{apEnvMonVoltageState});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Voltage '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonVoltageState}));
($exit, $warn, $crit, $checked) = $self->get_severity_numeric(section => 'voltage', instance => $instance, value => $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Voltage '%s' is '%s' V", $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr}, $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'voltage_' . $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr}, unit => 'V',
value => $result->{apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue},
warning => $warn,
critical => $crit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::hardware;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::hardware);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub set_system {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{regexp_threshold_overload_check_section_option} = '^(voltage|temperature|fan|psu)$';
$self->{regexp_threshold_numeric_check_section_option} = '^(voltage|temperature|fan)$';
$self->{cb_hook2} = 'snmp_execute';
$self->{thresholds} = {
default => [
['initial', 'OK'],
['normal', 'OK'],
['minor', 'WARNING'],
['major', 'CRITICAL'],
['critical', 'CRITICAL'],
['shutdown', 'CRITICAL'],
['notPresent', 'OK'],
['notFunctioning', 'CRITICAL'],
['unknown', 'UNKNOWN'],
$self->{components_path} = 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::components';
$self->{components_module} = ['voltage', 'temperature', 'fan', 'psu'];
sub snmp_execute {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
$self->{results} = $self->{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => $self->{request});
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
=head1 MODE
Check hardware.
=over 8
=item B<--component>
Which component to check (Default: '.*').
Can be: 'voltage', 'temperature', 'fan', 'psu'.
=item B<--filter>
Exclude some parts (comma seperated list) (Example: --filter=fan --filter=psu)
Can also exclude specific instance: --filter=fan,1
=item B<--absent-problem>
Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) (comma seperated list)
Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1
=item B<--no-component>
Return an error if no compenents are checked.
If total (with skipped) is 0. (Default: 'critical' returns).
=item B<--threshold-overload>
Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='psu,CRITICAL,^(?!(normal|initial)$)'
=item B<--warning>
Set warning threshold for 'temperature', 'fan', 'voltage' (syntax: type,regexp,threshold)
Example: --warning='temperature,.*,40'
=item B<--critical>
Set critical threshold for 'temperature', 'fan', 'voltage' (syntax: type,regexp,threshold)
Example: --critical='temperature,.*,50'

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::listrealm;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $oid_apSigRealmStatsRealmName = '.';
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $self->{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_apSigRealmStatsRealmName, nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{realm} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$snmp_result->{$oid} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping service class '" . $snmp_result->{$oid} . "'.", debug => 1);
$self->{realm}->{$snmp_result->{$oid}} = { name => $snmp_result->{$oid} };
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
foreach my $name (sort keys %{$self->{realm}}) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "'" . $name . "'");
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => 'List Realm:');
$self->{output}->display(nolabel => 1, force_ignore_perfdata => 1, force_long_output => 1);
sub disco_format {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->add_disco_format(elements => ['name']);
sub disco_show {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
foreach my $name (sort keys %{$self->{realm}}) {
$self->{output}->add_disco_entry(name => $name);
=head1 MODE
List realm.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by realm name.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::listsip;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
$self->{sip} = {};
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my %map_status = (
0 => 'disabled', 1 => 'outOfService',
2 => 'standby', 3 => 'inService',
4 => 'constraintsViolation', 5 => 'inServiceTimedOut',
6 => 'oosprovisionedresponse',
my $mapping = {
apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname => { oid => '.' },
apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $mapping->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus}->{oid} },
return_type => 1, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{sip}->{$instance} = { name => $result->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname}, status => $result->{apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus} };
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach my $instance (sort keys %{$self->{sip}}) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => '[name = ' . $self->{sip}->{$instance}->{name} . "] [status = '" . $self->{sip}->{$instance}->{status} . "']");
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => 'OK',
short_msg => 'List SIPs:');
$self->{output}->display(nolabel => 1, force_ignore_perfdata => 1, force_long_output => 1);
sub disco_format {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->add_disco_format(elements => ['name', 'status']);
sub disco_show {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach my $instance (sort keys %{$self->{sip}}) {
$self->{output}->add_disco_entry(name => $self->{sip}->{$instance}->{name}, status => $self->{sip}->{$instance}->{status});
=head1 MODE
List SIPs.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by SIP name (can be a regexp).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::realmusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'realm', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_realm_output', message_multiple => 'All realms are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{realm} = [
{ label => 'current-in-sessions', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Current Inbound Sessions : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_inbound_sessions', value => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'current-in-sessions-rate', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Current Inbound Sessions Rate : %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_inbound_sessions_rate', value => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'total-in-sessions', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsInbound', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Total Inbound Sessions : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total_inbound_sessions', value => 'apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsInbound_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'current-out-sessions', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Current Outbound Sessions : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_outbound_sessions', value => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'current-out-sessions-rate', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Current Outbound Sessions Rate : %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_outbound_sessions_rate', value => 'apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'total-out-sessions', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsOutbound', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Total Outbound Sessions : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total_outbound_sessions', value => 'apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsOutbound_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'avg-qos-rfactor', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsAverageQoSRFactor' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Average QoS RFactor : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'avg_qos_rfactor', value => 'apSigRealmStatsAverageQoSRFactor_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'total-rfactor', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSigRealmStatsTotalMajorRFactorExceeded', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Total Rfactor Exceeded : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'total_rfactor', value => 'apSigRealmStatsTotalMajorRFactorExceededabsolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub prefix_realm_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Realm '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
return $self;
my $oid_apSigRealmStatsRealmName = '.';
my $mapping = {
apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsInbound => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsOutbound => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsAverageQoSRFactor => { oid => '.' },
apSigRealmStatsTotalMajorRFactorExceeded => { oid => '.' },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_apSigRealmStatsRealmName, nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{realm} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
$oid =~ /\.(\d+)$/;
my $instance = $1;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$snmp_result->{$oid} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping realm '" . $snmp_result->{$oid} . "'.", debug => 1);
$self->{realm}->{$instance} = { display => $snmp_result->{$oid} };
$options{snmp}->load(oids => [$mapping->{apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound}->{oid}, $mapping->{apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound}->{oid},
$mapping->{apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound}->{oid}, $mapping->{apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound}->{oid},
$mapping->{apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsInbound}->{oid}, $mapping->{apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsOutbound}->{oid},
$mapping->{apSigRealmStatsAverageQoSRFactor}->{oid}, $mapping->{apSigRealmStatsTotalMajorRFactorExceeded}->{oid}
instances => [keys %{$self->{realm}}], instance_regexp => '^(.*)$');
$snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(nothing_quit => 1);
foreach (keys %{$self->{realm}}) {
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
foreach my $name (keys %$mapping) {
$self->{realm}->{$_}->{$name} = $result->{$name};
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{realm}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No realm found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "acmepacket_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port() . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check realm usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'current-in-sessions', 'current-in-sessions-rate', 'total-in-sessions',
'current-out-sessions', 'current-out-sessions-rate', 'total-out-session',
'avg-qos-rfactor', 'total-rfactor'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'current-in-sessions', 'current-in-sessions-rate', 'total-in-sessions',
'current-out-sessions', 'current-out-sessions-rate', 'total-out-session',
'avg-qos-rfactor', 'total-rfactor'.
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by realm name (can be a regexp).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::sipusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'Status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus'};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'sip', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_sip_output', message_multiple => 'All SIPs are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{sip} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'in-sessions-rate', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsInbound', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Inbound Sessions Rate : %.2f/s',
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'inbound_sessions_rate', value => 'apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsInbound_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'out-sessions-rate', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsOutbound', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Outbound Sessions Rate : %.2f/s',
per_second => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'outbound_sessions_rate', value => 'apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsOutbound_per_second', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'latency', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSipSAStatsAverageLatency' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Average Latency : %s ms',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'avg_latency', value => 'apSipSAStatsAverageLatency_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => 'ms', min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'asr', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'apSipSAStatsPeriodASR' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Answer-to-seizure Ratio : %s %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'asr', value => 'apSipSAStatsPeriodASR_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => '%', min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub prefix_sip_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "SIP '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{status} =~ /outOfService|constraintsViolation|inServiceTimedOut/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my %map_status = (
0 => 'disabled', 1 => 'outOfService',
2 => 'standby', 3 => 'inService',
4 => 'constraintsViolation', 5 => 'inServiceTimedOut',
6 => 'oosprovisionedresponse',
my $oid_apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname = '.';
my $mapping = {
apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsInbound => { oid => '.' },
apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsOutbound => { oid => '.' },
apSipSAStatsPeriodASR => { oid => '.' },
apSipSAStatsAverageLatency => { oid => '.' },
apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_status },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname, nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{sip} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
$oid =~ /\.(\d+)$/;
my $instance = $1;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$snmp_result->{$oid} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping SIP '" . $snmp_result->{$oid} . "'.", debug => 1);
$self->{sip}->{$instance} = { display => $snmp_result->{$oid} };
$options{snmp}->load(oids => [$mapping->{apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsInbound}->{oid}, $mapping->{apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsOutbound}->{oid},
$mapping->{apSipSAStatsPeriodASR}->{oid}, $mapping->{apSipSAStatsAverageLatency}->{oid},
instances => [keys %{$self->{sip}}], instance_regexp => '^(.*)$');
$snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(nothing_quit => 1);
foreach (keys %{$self->{sip}}) {
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
foreach my $name (keys %$mapping) {
$self->{sip}->{$_}->{$name} = $result->{$name};
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{sip}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No SIP found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "acmepacket_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port() . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check SIP usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status (Default: -).
Can used special variables like: %{status}
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{status} =~ /outOfService|constraintsViolation|inServiceTimedOut/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'in-sessions-rate', 'out-sessions-rate', 'latency', 'asr'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'in-sessions-rate', 'out-sessions-rate', 'latency', 'asr'.
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by SIP name (can be a regexp).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::systemusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'global', type => 0, message_separator => ' - ' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [
{ label => 'health-score', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'health_score' } ],
output_template => 'Health Score : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'health_score', value => 'health_score_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
{ label => 'cpu-load', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_load' } ],
output_template => 'Cpu Load : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_load', value => 'cpu_load_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
{ label => 'memory-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'memory_used' } ],
output_template => 'Memory Used : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'memory_used', value => 'memory_used_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
{ label => 'license-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'license_used' } ],
output_template => 'License Used : %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'license_used', value => 'license_used_absolute', template => '%.2f',
min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%' },
{ label => 'current-sessions', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'current_sessions' } ],
output_template => 'Current Sessions : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_sessions', value => 'current_sessions_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'current-calls', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'current_calls' } ],
output_template => 'Current Calls : %s/s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_calls', value => 'current_calls_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => '/s', min => 0 },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_apSysCPUUtil = '.';
my $oid_apSysMemoryUtil = '.';
my $oid_apSysHealthScore = '.';
my $oid_apSysGlobalConSess = '.';
my $oid_apSysGlobalCPS = '.';
my $oid_apSysLicenseCapacity = '.';
my $result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [
$oid_apSysCPUUtil, $oid_apSysMemoryUtil, $oid_apSysHealthScore,
$oid_apSysLicenseCapacity, $oid_apSysGlobalConSess, $oid_apSysGlobalCPS
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{global} = { cpu_load => $result->{$oid_apSysCPUUtil},
memory_used => $result->{$oid_apSysMemoryUtil},
license_used => $result->{$oid_apSysLicenseCapacity},
health_score => $result->{$oid_apSysHealthScore},
current_sessions => $result->{$oid_apSysGlobalConSess},
current_calls => $result->{$oid_apSysGlobalCPS},
=head1 MODE
Check system usage.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^memory-usage$'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'license-usage' (%), 'memory-usage' (%), 'cpu-load' (%),
'health-score' (%), 'current-sessions', 'current-calls'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'license-usage' (%), 'memory-usage' (%), 'cpu-load' (%),
'health-score' (%), 'current-sessions', 'current-calls'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::acmepacket::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'hardware' => 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::hardware',
'interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::interfaces',
'list-interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listinterfaces',
'list-realm' => 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::listrealm',
'list-sip' => 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::listsip',
'realm-usage' => 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::realmusage',
'sip-usage' => 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::sipusage',
'system-usage' => 'network::acmepacket::snmp::mode::systemusage',
return $self;
Check Acme Packet equipments (Oracle SBC) in SNMP.

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'backplane.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'backplane.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("backplane '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'chassis.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'chassis.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("chassis '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'container.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'container.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("container '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'fan.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'fan.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("fan '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ sub check {
my ($phys_index, $loc_index) = ($1, $2);
my $status = $self->{results}->{$oids{alaChasEntPhysFanStatus}}->{$key};
my $descr = defined($self->{results}->{entity}->{$oids{entPhysicalDescr} . '.' . $phys_index}) ?
$self->{results}->{$oids{entPhysicalDescr}}->{$oids{entPhysicalDescr} . '.' . $phys_index} : 'unknown';
$self->{results}->{entity}->{$oids{entPhysicalDescr} . '.' . $phys_index} : 'unknown';
my $name = defined($self->{results}->{entity}->{$oids{entPhysicalName} . '.' . $phys_index}) ?
$self->{results}->{$oids{entPhysicalName}}->{$oids{entPhysicalName} . '.' . $phys_index} : 'unknown';
$self->{results}->{entity}->{$oids{entPhysicalName} . '.' . $phys_index} : 'unknown';
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan', instance => $phys_index . '.' . $loc_index));
@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'module.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'module.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("module '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'other.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'other.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("other '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'port.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'port.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("port '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'psu.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'psu.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("power supply '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'sensor.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'sensor.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("sensor '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'stack.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'stack.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("stack '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ sub check {
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'unknown.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysAdminStatus});
$exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'oper', section => 'unknown.oper', value => $result->{chasEntPhysOperStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("unknown '%s/%s/%s' operational status is %s",
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ sub check {

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Check PBX Role.
Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='state,CRITICAL,^(?!(main)$)'
Example: --threshold-overload='role,CRITICAL,^(?!(main)$)'

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
@ -84,12 +85,39 @@ sub set_counters {
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'avg-calls', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'acPMTrunkUtilizationAverage' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Average calls : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'avg_calls', value => 'acPMTrunkUtilizationAverage_absolute', template => '%d',
min => 0, unit => 'calls', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'max-calls', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'acPMTrunkUtilizationMax' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Max calls : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'max_calls', value => 'acPMTrunkUtilizationMax_absolute', template => '%d',
min => 0, unit => 'calls', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'count-calls', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'acPMTrunkUtilizationTotal', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Count calls : %s',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'count_calls', value => 'acPMTrunkUtilizationTotal_absolute', template => '%d',
min => 0, unit => 'calls', label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
@ -132,39 +160,58 @@ my %map_dchannel = (0 => 'dChannelEstablished', 1 => 'dChannelNotEstablished', 1
my %map_deactivate = (0 => 'notAvailable', 1 => 'deActivated', 2 => 'activated');
my $mapping = {
acTrunkStatusDChannel => { oid => '.', map => \%map_dchannel },
acTrunkStatusAlarm => { oid => '.', map => \%map_alarm },
acTrunkDeactivate => { oid => '.', map => \%map_deactivate },
acTrunkName => { oid => '.' },
status => {
acTrunkStatusDChannel => { oid => '.', map => \%map_dchannel },
acTrunkStatusAlarm => { oid => '.', map => \%map_alarm },
acTrunkDeactivate => { oid => '.', map => \%map_deactivate },
acTrunkName => { oid => '.' },
usage => {
acPMTrunkUtilizationAverage => { oid => '.' },
acPMTrunkUtilizationMax => { oid => '.' },
acPMTrunkUtilizationTotal => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_acTrunkStatusEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{trunk} = {};
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $mapping->{acTrunkName}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{acTrunkDeactivate}->{oid} },
{ oid => $oid_acTrunkStatusEntry },
], nothing_quit => 1, return_type => 1);
my $oids = [];
foreach (keys %{$mapping}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$mapping->{$_}}) {
push @{$oids}, { oid => $mapping->{$_}->{$name}->{oid} };
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => $oids, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{acTrunkStatusAlarm}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $datas = { status => {}, usage => {} };
foreach (keys %{$mapping}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$mapping->{$_}}) {
$datas->{$_} = { %{$datas->{$_}}, %{$snmp_result->{ $mapping->{$_}->{$name}->{oid} }} };
foreach (keys %{$snmp_result->{ $mapping->{status}->{acTrunkStatusAlarm}->{oid} }}) {
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{status}, results => $datas->{status}, instance => $instance);
my $result2 = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{usage}, results => $datas->{usage}, instance => $instance . '.0');
$self->{trunk}->{$instance} = {
display => defined($result->{acTrunkName}) && $result->{acTrunkName} ne '' ? $result->{acTrunkName} : $instance,
alarm => $result->{acTrunkStatusAlarm},
state => $result->{acTrunkDeactivate},
dchannel => $result->{acTrunkStatusDChannel} };
dchannel => $result->{acTrunkStatusDChannel},
%$result2 };
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{trunk}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No trunk found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "audiocodes_" . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port() . '_' . $self->{mode} . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all'));
@ -173,7 +220,7 @@ __END__
=head1 MODE
Check vpn status.
Check trunk status.
=over 8
@ -187,6 +234,17 @@ Can used special variables like: %{display}, %{alarm}, %{dchannel}, %{state}
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{state} =~ /activated/ and %{alarm} !~ /greenActive/i').
Can used special variables like: %{display}, %{alarm}, %{dchannel}, %{state}
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'avg-calls', 'max-calls', 'count-calls'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'avg-calls', 'max-calls', 'count-calls'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::diskusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $label = 'used';
my $value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{used};
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free})) {
$label = 'free';
$value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{free};
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display} if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0);
my %total_options = ();
if ($instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$total_options{total} = $self->{result_values}->{total};
$total_options{cast_int} = 1;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $label . $extra_label, unit => 'B',
value => $value_perf,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($exit, $threshold_value);
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
if ($instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
$exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $threshold_value, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-'. $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Usage Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $self->{result_values}->{total} - $self->{result_values}->{used};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 100 - $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'disk', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_disk_output', message_multiple => 'All disks are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{disk} = [
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'display' }, { name => 'used' }, { name => 'total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
{ label => 'read-iops', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'diskTotalBlocksRead', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
per_second => 1,
output_template => 'Read IOPs : %.2f', output_error_template => "Read IOPs : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'read_iops', value => 'diskTotalBlocksRead_per_second', template => '%.2f',
unit => 'iops', min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'write-iops', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'diskTotalBlocksWritten', diff => 1 }, { name => 'display' } ],
per_second => 1,
output_template => 'Write IOPs : %.2f', output_error_template => "Write IOPs : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'write_iops', value => 'diskTotalBlocksWritten_per_second', template => '%.2f',
unit => 'iops', min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, statefile => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"units:s" => { name => 'units', default => '%' },
"free" => { name => 'free' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_disk_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Disk '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
my $mapping = {
diskName => { oid => '.' },
diskTotalBlocksRead => { oid => '.' },
diskTotalBlocksWritten => { oid => '.' },
diskUtilized => { oid => '.' },
diskSize => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_diskEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{disk} = {};
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_diskEntry,
nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{diskName}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{diskName} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{diskName} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{disk}->{$instance} = {
display => $result->{diskName},
total => $result->{diskSize},
used => $result->{diskUtilized},
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{disk}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No disk found.");
$self->{cache_name} = "citrix_sdx_" . $self->{mode} . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_hostname() . '_' . $options{snmp}->get_port() . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_counters}) : md5_hex('all')) . '_' .
(defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) ? md5_hex($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) : md5_hex('all'));
=head1 MODE
Check disks.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^usage$'
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter disk name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'read-iops', 'write-iops', 'usage'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'read-iops', 'write-iops', 'usage'.
=item B<--units>
Units of thresholds (Default: '%') ('%', 'B').
=item B<--free>
Thresholds are on free space left.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::hardware;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::hardware);
sub set_system {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{regexp_threshold_overload_check_section_option} = '^(hardware|software)$';
$self->{cb_hook2} = 'snmp_execute';
$self->{thresholds} = {
default => [
['OK', 'OK'],
$self->{components_path} = 'network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::components';
$self->{components_module} = ['hardware', 'software'];
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, no_absent => 1, no_performance => 1, no_load_components => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub snmp_execute {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
$self->{results} = $self->{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => $self->{request});
=head1 MODE
Check hardware.
=over 8
=item B<--component>
Which component to check (Default: '.*').
Can be: 'hardware', 'software'.
=item B<--filter>
Exclude some parts (comma seperated list)
Can also exclude specific instance: --filter=hardware,name
=item B<--no-component>
Return an error if no compenents are checked.
If total (with skipped) is 0. (Default: 'critical' returns).
=item B<--threshold-overload>
Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='hardware,WARNING,ERROR'
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::components::hardware;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $mapping_hw = {
hardwareResourceName => { oid => '.' },
hardwareResourceStatus => { oid => '.' },
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, { oid => $mapping_hw->{hardwareResourceName}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping_hw->{hardwareResourceStatus}->{oid} };
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking hardware");
$self->{components}->{hardware} = {name => 'hardware', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'hardware'));
my $datas = { %{$self->{results}->{ $mapping_hw->{hardwareResourceStatus}->{oid} }}, %{$self->{results}->{ $mapping_hw->{hardwareResourceName}->{oid} }} };
foreach ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}->{ $mapping_hw->{hardwareResourceStatus}->{oid} }})) {
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_hw, results => $datas, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'hardware', instance => $result->{hardwareResourceName}));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("hardware '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$result->{hardwareResourceName}, $result->{hardwareResourceStatus}, $result->{hardwareResourceName}));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'hardware', value => $result->{hardwareResourceStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Hardware '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{hardwareResourceName}, $result->{hardwareResourceStatus}));
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::components::software;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $mapping_soft = {
softwareResourceName => { oid => '.' },
softwareResourceStatus => { oid => '.' },
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, { oid => $mapping_soft->{softwareResourceName}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping_soft->{softwareResourceStatus}->{oid} };
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking software");
$self->{components}->{software} = {name => 'software', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'software'));
my $datas = { %{$self->{results}->{ $mapping_soft->{softwareResourceStatus}->{oid} }}, %{$self->{results}->{ $mapping_soft->{softwareResourceName}->{oid} }} };
foreach ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{results}->{ $mapping_soft->{softwareResourceStatus}->{oid} }})) {
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_soft, results => $datas, instance => $instance);
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'software', instance => $result->{softwareResourceName}));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("software '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$result->{softwareResourceName}, $result->{softwareResourceStatus}, $result->{softwareResourceName}));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'software', value => $result->{softwareResourceStatus});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Software '%s' status is '%s'", $result->{softwareResourceName}, $result->{softwareResourceStatus}));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::srusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{critical_status}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{warning_status}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'status : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_srStatus'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $label = 'used';
my $value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{used};
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free})) {
$label = 'free';
$value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{free};
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display} if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0);
my %total_options = ();
if ($instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$total_options{total} = $self->{result_values}->{total};
$total_options{cast_int} = 1;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $label . $extra_label, unit => 'B',
value => $value_perf,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($exit, $threshold_value);
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
if ($instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
$exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $threshold_value, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-'. $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Usage Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $self->{result_values}->{total} - $self->{result_values}->{used};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 100 - $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'sr', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_sr_output', message_multiple => 'All storage repositories are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{sr} = [
{ label => 'status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'srStatus' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'display' }, { name => 'used' }, { name => 'total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-status:s" => { name => 'warning_status', default => '' },
"critical-status:s" => { name => 'critical_status', default => '%{status} !~ /good/i' },
"units:s" => { name => 'units', default => '%' },
"free" => { name => 'free' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_sr_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Storage repository '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_status', 'critical_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
my $mapping = {
srName => { oid => '.' },
srUtilized => { oid => '.' },
srSize => { oid => '.' },
srStatus => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_srEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{sr} = {};
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_srEntry,
nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{srName}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{srName} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{srName} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{sr}->{$instance} = {
display => $result->{srName},
total => $result->{srSize},
used => $result->{srUtilized},
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{sr}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No storage repository found.");
=head1 MODE
Check storage repositories.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^read|write$'
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter storage repository name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-status>
Set warning threshold for status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-status>
Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{status} !~ /good/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'usage'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'usage'.
=item B<--units>
Units of thresholds (Default: '%') ('%', 'B').
=item B<--free>
Thresholds are on free space left.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::xenusage;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $label = 'memory_used';
my $value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{used};
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free})) {
$label = 'memory_free';
$value_perf = $self->{result_values}->{free};
my $extra_label = '';
$extra_label = '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display} if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0);
my %total_options = ();
if ($instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$total_options{total} = $self->{result_values}->{total};
$total_options{cast_int} = 1;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $label . $extra_label, unit => 'B',
value => $value_perf,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, %total_options),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($exit, $threshold_value);
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
if ($instance_mode->{option_results}->{units} eq '%') {
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
$threshold_value = $self->{result_values}->{prct_free} if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{free}));
$exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $threshold_value, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-'. $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Memory Usage Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_mem_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_mem_free'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $self->{result_values}->{total} - $self->{result_values}->{free};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = 100 - $self->{result_values}->{prct_used};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'xen', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_xen_output', message_multiple => 'All xen hypervisors are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{xen} = [
{ label => 'memory-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'display' }, { name => 'mem_free' }, { name => 'mem_total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
{ label => 'cpu-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'xenCpuUsage' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'CPU Usage : %.2f %%', output_error_template => "CPU Usage : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_usage', value => 'xenCpuUsage_absolute', template => '%.2f',
unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"units:s" => { name => 'units', default => '%' },
"free" => { name => 'free' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub prefix_disk_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Xen '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
my $mapping = {
xenHostname => { oid => '.' },
xenCpuUsage => { oid => '.' },
xenMemoryTotal => { oid => '.' },
xenMemoryFree => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_xenEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{xen} = {};
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_xenEntry,
nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{xenHostname}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{xenHostname} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $result->{xenHostname} . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{xen}->{$instance} = {
display => $result->{xenHostname},
mem_total => $result->{xenMemoryTotal} * 1024 * 1024,
mem_free => $result->{xenMemoryFree} * 1024 * 1024,
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{xen}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No xen hypervisor found.");
=head1 MODE
Check xen hypervisors.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-counters>
Only display some counters (regexp can be used).
Example: --filter-counters='^memory-usage$'
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter xen name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'cpu-usage', 'memory-usage'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'cpu-usage', 'memory-usage'.
=item B<--units>
Units of thresholds (Default: '%') ('%', 'B').
=item B<--free>
Thresholds are on free space left.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::citrix::sdx::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'disk-usage' => 'network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::diskusage',
'hardware' => 'network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::hardware',
'sr-usage' => 'network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::srusage',
'xen-usage' => 'network::citrix::sdx::snmp::mode::xenusage',
return $self;
Check Citrix SDX in SNMP.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::evertz::AEA47721::snmp::mode::streamstatus;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'video', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_video_output', message_multiple => 'All videos are ok' },
{ name => 'audio', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_audio_output', message_multiple => 'All audios are ok' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{video} = [
{ label => 'video-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'videoInputStatus' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { output_label => 'Status', name_status => 'videoInputStatus' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
$self->{maps_counters}->{audio} = [
{ label => 'audio-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'videoInputGroupStatus' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { output_label => 'Status', name_status => 'videoInputGroupStatus' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
my $label = $self->{label};
$label =~ s/-/_/g;
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = $self->{result_values}->{output_label} . ' : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{output_label} = $options{extra_options}->{output_label};
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $options{extra_options}->{name_status}};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning-audio-status:s" => { name => 'warning_audio_status', default => '' },
"critical-audio-status:s" => { name => 'critical_audio_status', default => '%{status} =~ /loss/i' },
"warning-video-status:s" => { name => 'warning_video_status', default => '' },
"critical-video-status:s" => { name => 'critical_video_status', default => '%{status} =~ /loss|unknown/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_audio_status', 'critical_audio_status', 'warning_video_status', 'critical_video_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub prefix_video_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Video '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub prefix_audio_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Audio '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
my %map_video_input_status = (1 => 'loss', 2 => 'unknown', 3 => 'p270', 4 => 'n270', 5 => 'sdtiP270',
6 => 'sdtiN270', 7 => 'std1080ix60', 8 => 'std1080ix5994', 9 => 'std1080ix50', 10 => 'std1035ix60',
11 => 'std1035ix5994', 12 => 'std1080ix48', 13 => 'std1080ix4796', 14 => 'std1080px24',
15 => 'std1080px2398', 16 => 'std1080px25', 17 => 'std1080px30', 18 => 'std1080px2997',
19 => 'std720px60', 20 => 'std720px5994',
my %map_video_input_group_status = (1 => 'free', 2 => 'used', 3 => 'clean', 4 => 'loss');
my $mapping = {
videoInputStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_video_input_status },
my $mapping2 = {
videoInputGroupStatus => { oid => '.', map => \%map_video_input_group_status },
my $oid_monitorEntry = '.';
my $oid_audioMonitorEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [ { oid => $oid_monitorEntry },
{ oid => $oid_audioMonitorEntry },
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{video} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{ $oid_monitorEntry }}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{videoInputStatus}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result->{ $oid_monitorEntry }, instance => $instance);
$self->{video}->{$instance} = {
display => $instance, %$result
$self->{audio} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{ $oid_audioMonitorEntry }}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping2->{videoInputGroupStatus}->{oid}\.(.*?)\.(.*?)$/);
my ($audio_group_id, $instance) = ($1, $2);
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping2, results => $snmp_result->{ $oid_audioMonitorEntry }, instance => $audio_group_id . '.' . $instance);
$self->{audio}->{$audio_group_id . '.' . $instance} = {
display => $instance . '.' . $audio_group_id, %$result
=head1 MODE
Check video/audio stream status.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-audio-status>
Set warning threshold for device status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-audio-status>
Set critical threshold for device status (Default: '%{status} =~ /loss/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-video-status>
Set warning threshold for device connection status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-video-status>
Set critical threshold for device connection status (Default: '%{status} =~ /loss|unknown/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::evertz::AEA47721::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'stream-status' => 'network::evertz::AEA47721::snmp::mode::streamstatus',
return $self;
Check Audio Embedder Card in SNMP.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::evertz::DA6HDL7700::snmp::mode::videostatus;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instance_mode;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'video', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_video_output', message_multiple => 'All videos are ok' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{video} = [
{ label => 'video-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'videoLocked' }, { name => 'detectedVideoStandard' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
my $label = $self->{label};
$label =~ s/-/_/g;
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = 'is : ' . $self->{result_values}->{video_locked};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{video_locked} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_videoLocked'};
$self->{result_values}->{detected_video_standard} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_detectedVideoStandard'};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning-video-status:s" => { name => 'warning_video_status', default => '' },
"critical-video-status:s" => { name => 'critical_video_status', default => '%{video_locked} =~ /notLocked/i' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_video_status', 'critical_video_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub prefix_video_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Video '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
my %map_video_standard = (1 => 'vs15G', 2 => 'vs540M', 3 => 'vs360M',
4 => 'vs270M', 5 => 'vs177M', 6 => 'vs143', 7 => 'none'
my %map_video_locked = (1 => 'locked', 2 => 'notlocked');
my $mapping = {
videoLocked => { oid => '.', map => \%map_video_locked },
detectedVideoStandard => { oid => '.', map => \%map_video_standard },
my $oid_videoMonitorEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_videoMonitorEntry,
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{video} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %$snmp_result) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{videoLocked}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $instance);
$self->{video}->{$instance} = {
display => $instance, %$result
=head1 MODE
Check video stream status.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-video-status>
Set warning threshold for device connection status.
Can used special variables like: %{video_locked}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-video-status>
Set critical threshold for device connection status (Default: '%{video_locked} =~ /notLocked/i').
Can used special variables like: %{video_locked}, %{display}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::evertz::DA6HDL7700::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'video-status' => 'network::evertz::DA6HDL7700::snmp::mode::videostatus',
return $self;
Check Reclocking Distribution Amplifier Card in SNMP.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::evertz::FC7800::snmp::mode::hardware;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::hardware);
sub set_system {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{regexp_threshold_overload_check_section_option} = '^(psu|frameline)$';
$self->{cb_hook2} = 'snmp_execute';
$self->{thresholds} = {
psu => [
['false', 'CRITICAL'],
['true', 'OK'],
['notAvailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
frameline => [
['false', 'OK'],
['true', 'CRITICAL'],
['notAvailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
$self->{components_path} = 'network::evertz::FC7800::snmp::mode::components';
$self->{components_module} = ['frameline', 'psu'];
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, no_absent => 1, no_performance => 1, no_load_components => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub snmp_execute {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
$self->{results} = $self->{snmp}->get_leef(oids => $self->{request});
=head1 MODE
Check hardware.
=over 8
=item B<--component>
Which component to check (Default: '.*').
Can be: 'psu', 'frameline'.
=item B<--filter>
Exclude some parts (comma seperated list)
Can also exclude specific instance: --filter=psu,1
=item B<--no-component>
Return an error if no compenents are checked.
If total (with skipped) is 0. (Default: 'critical' returns).
=item B<--threshold-overload>
Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='psu,OK,notAvailable'
package network::evertz::FC7800::snmp::mode::components::psu;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %map_psu_status = (1 => 'false', 2 => 'true', 3 => 'notAvailable');
my $mapping_psu = {
powerSupply1Status => { oid => '.', map => \%map_psu_status },
powerSupply2Status => { oid => '.', map => \%map_psu_status },
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, $mapping_psu->{powerSupply1Status}->{oid} . '.0', $mapping_psu->{powerSupply2Status}->{oid} . '.0';
sub check_psu {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return if (!defined($options{status}));
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'psu', instance => $options{instance}));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("power supply '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$options{instance}, $options{status}, $options{instance}));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(section => 'psu', value => $options{status});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Power supply '%s' status is '%s'", $options{instance}, $options{status}));
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking poer supplies");
$self->{components}->{psu} = {name => 'psus', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'psu'));
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_psu, results => $self->{results}, instance => '0');
check_psu($self, status => $result->{powerSupply1Status}, instance => 1);
check_psu($self, status => $result->{powerSupply2Status}, instance => 2);
package network::evertz::FC7800::snmp::mode::components::frameline;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %map_frameline_status = (1 => 'false', 2 => 'true', 3 => 'notAvailable');
my $mapping_frameline = {
frameStatusLine => { oid => '.', map => \%map_frameline_status },
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
push @{$self->{request}}, $mapping_frameline->{frameStatusLine}->{oid} . '.0';
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking frame line");
$self->{components}->{frameline} = {name => 'frameline', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'frameline'));
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_frameline, results => $self->{results}, instance => '0');
return if (!defined($result->{frameStatusLine}));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("frame line status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$result->{frameStatusLine}, '0'));
my $exit = $self->get_severity(section => 'frameline', value => $result->{frameStatusLine});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Frame line status is '%s'", $result->{frameStatusLine}));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::evertz::FC7800::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'hardware' => 'network::evertz::FC7800::snmp::mode::hardware',
return $self;
Check 7800 Frame Controller in SNMP.

View File

@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusAvailState = '.';
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrName = '.'; # old
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName = '.'; # new
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
@ -35,11 +36,8 @@ sub new {
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"name:s" => { name => 'name' },
"regexp" => { name => 'use_regexp' },
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
$self->{node_id_selected} = [];
return $self;
@ -51,30 +49,22 @@ sub check_options {
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_names} = $self->{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusAvailState, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %{$self->{result_names}})) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusAvailState\.(.*)$/);
my $instance = $1;
# Get all without a name
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{name})) {
push @{$self->{node_id_selected}}, $instance;
my $snmp_result = $self->{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [ { oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrName }, { oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName } ], nothing_quit => 1);
my ($branch_name) = ($oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName);
if (!defined($snmp_result->{$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName}) || scalar(keys %{$snmp_result->{$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName}}) == 0) {
($branch_name) = ($oid_ltmNodeAddrName);
$self->{node} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{$branch_name}}) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$snmp_result->{$branch_name}->{$oid} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping service class '" . $snmp_result->{$branch_name}->{$oid} . "'.", debug => 1);
my $name = $instance;
# prefix by '1.4'
$name =~ s/^1\.4\.//;
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{use_regexp}) && $name eq $self->{option_results}->{name}) {
push @{$self->{node_id_selected}}, $instance;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{use_regexp}) && $name =~ /$self->{option_results}->{name}/) {
push @{$self->{node_id_selected}}, $instance;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Skipping node '" . $name . "': no matching filter name", debug => 1);
$self->{node}->{$snmp_result->{$branch_name}->{$oid}} = { name => $snmp_result->{$branch_name}->{$oid} };
@ -83,11 +73,7 @@ sub run {
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
foreach my $instance (sort @{$self->{node_id_selected}}) {
my $name = $instance;
# prefix by '1.4'
$name =~ s/^1\.4\.//;
foreach my $name (sort keys %{$self->{node}}) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "'" . $name . "'");
@ -107,12 +93,8 @@ sub disco_show {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
$self->manage_selection(disco => 1);
foreach my $instance (sort @{$self->{node_id_selected}}) {
my $name = $instance;
# prefix by '1.4'
$name =~ s/^1\.4\.//;
foreach my $name (sort keys %{$self->{node}}) {
$self->{output}->add_disco_entry(name => $name);
@ -123,19 +105,14 @@ __END__
=head1 MODE
List F-5 Nodes.
List nodes.
=over 8
=item B<--name>
=item B<--filter-name>
Set the node name.
=item B<--regexp>
Allows to use regexp to filter node name (with option --name).
Filter by node name.

View File

@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ sub set_counters {
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_threshold_output'),
{ label => 'current-server-connections', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns' }, { name => 'Name' } ],
output_template => 'Current Server Connections : %s', output_error_template => "Current Server Connections : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_server_connections', value => 'ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'Name_absolute' },
@ -152,9 +161,9 @@ my %map_node_enabled = (
# New OIDS
my $mapping = {
new => {
AvailState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_node_status },
EnabledState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_node_enabled },
StatusReason => { oid => '.' },
AvailState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_node_status },
EnabledState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_node_enabled },
StatusReason => { oid => '.' },
old => {
AvailState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_node_status },
@ -162,44 +171,59 @@ my $mapping = {
StatusReason => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry = '.'; # new
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrEntry = '.'; # old
my $mapping2 = {
ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrName = '.'; # old
my $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName = '.'; # new
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{results} = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrEntry, start => $mapping->{old}->{AvailState}->{oid} },
{ oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry, start => $mapping->{new}->{AvailState}->{oid} },
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrName },
{ oid => $oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName },
, nothing_quit => 1);
my ($branch, $map) = ($oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry, 'new');
if (!defined($self->{results}->{$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry}) || scalar(keys %{$self->{results}->{$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry}}) == 0) {
($branch, $map) = ($oid_ltmNodeAddrEntry, 'old');
my ($branch_name, $map) = ($oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName, 'new');
if (!defined($snmp_result->{$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName}) || scalar(keys %{$snmp_result->{$oid_ltmNodeAddrStatusName}}) == 0) {
($branch_name, $map) = ($oid_ltmNodeAddrName, 'old');
$self->{node} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$self->{results}->{$branch}}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{$map}->{AvailState}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{$branch_name}}) {
$oid =~ /^$branch_name\.(.*)$/;
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{$map}, results => $self->{results}->{$branch}, instance => $instance);
$result->{Name} = $instance;
# prefix by '1.4'
$result->{Name} =~ s/^1\.4\.//;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{Name} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Skipping '" . $result->{Name} . "': no matching filter name.");
$snmp_result->{$oid} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping node '" . $snmp_result->{$oid} . "'.", debug => 1);
if ($result->{EnabledState} !~ /enabled/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Skipping '" . $result->{Name} . "': state is '$result->{EnabledState}'.");
$result->{StatusReason} = '-' if (!defined($result->{StatusReason}) || $result->{StatusReason} eq '');
$self->{node}->{$instance} = { %$result };
$self->{node}->{$instance} = { Name => $snmp_result->{$branch_name}->{$oid} };
$options{snmp}->load(oids => [$mapping->{$map}->{AvailState}->{oid}, $mapping->{$map}->{EnabledState}->{oid},
$mapping->{$map}->{StatusReason}->{oid}, $mapping2->{ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns}->{oid}
instances => [keys %{$self->{node}}], instance_regexp => '^(.*)$');
$snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(nothing_quit => 1);
foreach (keys %{$self->{node}}) {
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{$map}, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
my $result2 = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping2, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
if ($result->{EnabledState} !~ /enabled/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $self->{node}->{$_}->{Name} . "': state is '$result->{EnabledState}'.", debug => 1);
delete $self->{node}->{$_};
$self->{node}->{$_}->{ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns} = $result2->{ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns};
$result->{StatusReason} = '-' if (!defined($result->{StatusReason}) || $result->{StatusReason} eq '');
foreach my $name (keys %{$mapping->{$map}}) {
$self->{node}->{$_}->{$name} = $result->{$name};
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{node}}) <= 0) {
@ -228,6 +252,16 @@ Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='node,CRITICAL,^(?!(green)$)'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'current-server-connections'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'current-server-connections'.

View File

@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ sub set_counters {
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_threshold_output'),
{ label => 'current-server-connections', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'ltmPoolStatServerCurConns' }, { name => 'Name' } ],
output_template => 'Current Server Connections : %s', output_error_template => "Current Server Connections : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'current_server_connections', value => 'ltmPoolStatServerCurConns_absolute', template => '%s',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'Name_absolute' },
@ -162,45 +171,65 @@ my $mapping = {
StatusReason => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_ltmPoolStatusEntry = '.'; # new
my $oid_ltmPoolEntry = '.'; # old
my $mapping2 = {
ltmPoolStatServerCurConns => { oid => '.' },
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{results} = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $oid_ltmPoolEntry, start => $mapping->{old}->{AvailState}->{oid} },
{ oid => $oid_ltmPoolStatusEntry, start => $mapping->{new}->{AvailState}->{oid} },
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [
{ oid => $mapping->{new}->{AvailState}->{oid} },
{ oid => $mapping->{old}->{AvailState}->{oid} },
, nothing_quit => 1);
my ($branch, $map) = ($oid_ltmPoolStatusEntry, 'new');
if (!defined($self->{results}->{$oid_ltmPoolStatusEntry}) || scalar(keys %{$self->{results}->{$oid_ltmPoolStatusEntry}}) == 0) {
($branch, $map) = ($oid_ltmPoolEntry, 'old');
my ($branch_name, $map) = ($mapping->{new}->{AvailState}->{oid}, 'new');
if (!defined($snmp_result->{$mapping->{new}->{AvailState}->{oid}}) || scalar(keys %{$snmp_result->{$mapping->{new}->{AvailState}->{oid}}}) == 0) {
($branch_name, $map) = ($mapping->{old}->{AvailState}->{oid}, 'old');
$self->{pool} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$self->{results}->{$branch}}) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$mapping->{$map}->{AvailState}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{$branch_name}}) {
$oid =~ /^$branch_name\.(.*)$/;
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{$map}, results => $self->{results}->{$branch}, instance => $instance);
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{$map}, results => $snmp_result->{$branch_name}, instance => $instance);
$result->{Name} = '';
foreach (split /\./, $instance) {
$result->{Name} .= chr if ($_ >= 32 && $_ <= 126);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$result->{Name} !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Skipping '" . $result->{Name} . "': no matching filter name.");
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping pool '" . $result->{Name} . "'.", debug => 1);
if ($result->{EnabledState} !~ /enabled/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Skipping '" . $result->{Name} . "': state is '$result->{EnabledState}'.");
$result->{StatusReason} = '-' if (!defined($result->{StatusReason}) || $result->{StatusReason} eq '');
$self->{pool}->{$instance} = { %$result };
$self->{pool}->{$instance} = { Name => $result->{Name}, AvailState => $result->{AvailState} };
$options{snmp}->load(oids => [$mapping->{$map}->{EnabledState}->{oid},
$mapping->{$map}->{StatusReason}->{oid}, $mapping2->{ltmPoolStatServerCurConns}->{oid}
instances => [keys %{$self->{pool}}], instance_regexp => '^(.*)$');
$snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(nothing_quit => 1);
foreach (keys %{$self->{pool}}) {
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping->{$map}, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
my $result2 = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping2, results => $snmp_result, instance => $_);
delete $result->{AvailState};
if ($result->{EnabledState} !~ /enabled/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $self->{pool}->{$_}->{Name} . "': state is '$result->{EnabledState}'.", debug => 1);
delete $self->{pool}->{$_};
$self->{pool}->{$_}->{ltmPoolStatServerCurConns} = $result2->{ltmPoolStatServerCurConns};
$result->{StatusReason} = '-' if (!defined($result->{StatusReason}) || $result->{StatusReason} eq '');
foreach my $name (keys %$result) {
$self->{pool}->{$_}->{$name} = $result->{$name};
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{pool}}) <= 0) {
@ -229,6 +258,16 @@ Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,status,regexp)
It used before default thresholds (order stays).
Example: --threshold-overload='pool,CRITICAL,^(?!(green)$)'
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'current-server-connections'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'current-server-connections'.

View File

@ -90,6 +90,24 @@ sub set_counters {
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
{ label => 'cpu-1m', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'CPU Usage 1min : %s %%', output_error_template => "CPU Usage 1min : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_1m', value => 'sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'cpu-5m', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'CPU Usage 5min : %s %%', output_error_template => "CPU Usage 5min : %s",
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu_5m', value => 'sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m_absolute', template => '%s',
unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100, label_extra_instance => 1, instance_use => 'display_absolute' },
{ label => 'current-client-connections', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'sysTmmStatClientCurConns' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Current Client Connections : %s', output_error_template => "Current Client Connections : %s",
@ -157,6 +175,8 @@ my $mapping = {
sysTmmStatServerCurConns => { oid => '.' },
sysTmmStatMemoryTotal => { oid => '.' }, # B
sysTmmStatMemoryUsed => { oid => '.' }, # B
sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m => { oid => '.' },
sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m => { oid => '.' },
my $oid_sysTmmStatEntry = '.';
@ -221,13 +241,13 @@ Filter by TMM name (regexp can be used).
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'memory-usage' (%), 'total-client-connections', 'current-client-connections',
Can be: 'cpu1m', 'cpu5m', 'memory-usage' (%), 'total-client-connections', 'current-client-connections',
'total-server-connections', 'current-server-connections'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'memory-usage' (%), 'total-client-connections', 'current-client-connections',
Can be: 'cpu1m', 'cpu5m', 'memory-usage' (%), 'total-client-connections', 'current-client-connections',
'total-server-connections', 'current-server-connections'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::cpu;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"warning:s" => { name => 'warning' },
"critical:s" => { name => 'critical' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'warning', value => $self->{option_results}->{warning})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong warning threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{warning} . "'.");
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'critical', value => $self->{option_results}->{critical})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong critical threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{critical} . "'.");
sub run {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
my $oid_fmSysCpuUsage = '.';
my $result = $self->{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_fmSysCpuUsage], nothing_quit => 1);
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $result->{$oid_fmSysCpuUsage},
threshold => [ { label => 'critical', exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning', exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("CPU Usage : %.2f %%", $result->{$oid_fmSysCpuUsage}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => "cpu", unit => '%',
value => $result->{$oid_fmSysCpuUsage},
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning'),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical'),
min => 0, max => 100);
=head1 MODE
Check current CPU usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning>
Threshold warning.
=item B<--critical>
Threshold critical.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::devicestatus;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $instance_mode;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'device', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_device_output', message_multiple => 'All devices are ok' },
$self->{maps_counters}->{device} = [
{ label => 'device-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'fmDeviceEntState' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { output_label => 'Status', name_status => 'fmDeviceEntState' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'device-connection-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'fmDeviceEntConnectState' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { output_label => 'Connection Status', name_status => 'fmDeviceEntConnectState' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'device-db-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'fmDeviceEntDbState' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { output_label => 'DB Status', name_status => 'fmDeviceEntDbState' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
{ label => 'device-config-status', threshold => 0, set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'fmDeviceEntConfigState' }, { name => 'display' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_status_calc'),
closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { output_label => 'Configuration Status', name_status => 'fmDeviceEntConfigState' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_status_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => sub { return 0; },
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_status_threshold'),
sub custom_status_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $status = 'ok';
my $message;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $message = $_[0]; };
my $label = $self->{label};
$label =~ s/-/_/g;
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical_' . $label}") {
$status = 'critical';
} elsif (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label} ne '' &&
eval "$instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning_' . $label}") {
$status = 'warning';
if (defined($message)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => 'filter status issue: ' . $message);
return $status;
sub custom_status_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $msg = $self->{result_values}->{output_label} . ' : ' . $self->{result_values}->{status};
return $msg;
sub custom_status_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{output_label} = $options{extra_options}->{output_label};
$self->{result_values}->{status} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $options{extra_options}->{name_status}};
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
return 0;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"filter-name:s" => { name => 'filter_name' },
"warning-device-status:s" => { name => 'warning_device_status', default => '' },
"critical-device-status:s" => { name => 'critical_device_status', default => '' },
"warning-device-con-status:s" => { name => 'warning_device_con_status', default => '' },
"critical-device-con-status:s" => { name => 'critical_device_con_status', default => '%{status} =~ /down/i' },
"warning-device-db-status:s" => { name => 'warning_device_db_status', default => '' },
"critical-device-db-status:s" => { name => 'critical_device_db_status', default => '' },
"warning-device-config-status:s" => { name => 'warning_device_config_status', default => '' },
"critical-device-config-status:s" => { name => 'critical_device_config_status', default => '' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub change_macros {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (('warning_device_status', 'critical_device_status', 'warning_device_con_status', 'critical_device_con_status',
'warning_device_db_status', 'critical_device_db_status', 'warning_device_config_status', 'critical_device_config_status')) {
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{$_})) {
$self->{option_results}->{$_} =~ s/%\{(.*?)\}/\$self->{result_values}->{$1}/g;
sub prefix_device_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Device '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
my %map_connection_state = (0 => 'unknown', 1 => 'up', 2 => 'down');
my %map_db_state = (0 => 'unknown', 1 => 'not-modified', 2 => 'modified');
my %map_config_state = (0 => 'unknown', 1 => 'in-sync', 2 => 'out-of-sync');
my %map_device_state = (0 => 'none', 1 => 'unknown', 2 => 'checked-in', 3 => 'in-progress',
4 => 'installed', 5 => 'aborted', 6 => 'sched', 7 => 'retry', 8 => 'canceled',
9 => 'pending', 10 => 'retrieved', 11 => 'changed-conf', 12 => 'sync-fail',
13 => 'timeout', 14 => 'rev-reverted', 15 => 'auto-updated'
my $mapping = {
fmDeviceEntConnectState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_connection_state },
fmDeviceEntDbState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_db_state },
fmDeviceEntConfigState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_config_state },
fmDeviceEntState => { oid => '.', map => \%map_device_state },
my $oid_fmDeviceEntName = '.';
my $oid_fmDeviceEntry = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => [ { oid => $oid_fmDeviceEntName },
{ oid => $oid_fmDeviceEntry, start => $mapping->{fmDeviceEntConnectState}->{oid}, end => $mapping->{fmDeviceEntState}->{oid} },
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{device} = {};
foreach my $oid (keys %{$snmp_result->{ $oid_fmDeviceEntName }}) {
$oid =~ /^$oid_fmDeviceEntName\.(.*)$/;
my $instance = $1;
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result->{ $oid_fmDeviceEntry }, instance => $instance);
my $name = $snmp_result->{ $oid_fmDeviceEntName }->{$oid};
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_name}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_name} ne '' &&
$name !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_name}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $name . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{device}->{$instance} = {
display => $name, %$result
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{device}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No device found.");
=head1 MODE
Check device status.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-name>
Filter by device name (can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-device-status>
Set warning threshold for device status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-device-status>
Set critical threshold for device status
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-con-status>
Set warning threshold for device connection status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-con-status>
Set critical threshold for device connection status (Default: '%{status} =~ /down/i').
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-db-status>
Set warning threshold for device DB status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-db-status>
Set critical threshold for device DB status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--warning-config-status>
Set warning threshold for device configuration status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}
=item B<--critical-config-status>
Set critical threshold for device configuration status.
Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{display}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::disk;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'used', unit => 'B',
value => $self->{result_values}->{used},
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{result_values}->{prct_used}, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Disk Usage Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'} - $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = $self->{result_values}->{free} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'disk', type => 0 }
$self->{maps_counters}->{disk} = [
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' }, { name => 'total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_fmSysDiskCapacity = '.'; # MB
my $oid_fmSysDiskUsage = '.'; # MB
my $result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_fmSysDiskCapacity, $oid_fmSysDiskUsage],
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{disk} = { used => $result->{$oid_fmSysDiskUsage} * 1024 * 1024, total => $result->{$oid_fmSysDiskCapacity} * 1024 * 1024 };
=head1 MODE
Check disk usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-usage>
Threshold warning (in percent).
=item B<--critical-usage>
Threshold critical (in percent).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::memory;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'used', unit => 'B',
value => $self->{result_values}->{used},
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
min => 0, max => $self->{result_values}->{total});
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{result_values}->{prct_used}, threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning-' . $self->{label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($total_size_value, $total_size_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{total});
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
my ($total_free_value, $total_free_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{free});
my $msg = sprintf("Memory Usage Total: %s Used: %s (%.2f%%) Free: %s (%.2f%%)",
$total_size_value . " " . $total_size_unit,
$total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_used},
$total_free_value . " " . $total_free_unit, $self->{result_values}->{prct_free});
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{total} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{free} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_total'} - $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_free} = $self->{result_values}->{free} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
$self->{result_values}->{prct_used} = $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{total};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'memory', type => 0 }
$self->{maps_counters}->{memory} = [
{ label => 'usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' }, { name => 'total' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'),
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_fmSysMemCapacity = '.'; # KB
my $oid_fmSysMemUsed = '.'; # KB
my $result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(oids => [$oid_fmSysMemCapacity, $oid_fmSysMemUsed],
nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{memory} = { used => $result->{$oid_fmSysMemUsed} * 1024, total => $result->{$oid_fmSysMemCapacity} * 1024 };
=head1 MODE
Check memory usage.
=over 8
=item B<--warning-usage>
Threshold warning (in percent).
=item B<--critical-usage>
Threshold critical (in percent).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::plugin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::script_snmp);
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'cpu' => 'network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::cpu',
'device-status' => 'network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::devicestatus',
'disk' => 'network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::disk',
'memory' => 'network::fortinet::fortimanager::snmp::mode::memory',
return $self;
Check FortiManager in SNMP.

View File

@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ __END__
Check Juniper M Series in SNMP.
Check Juniper M Series (M and MX) in SNMP.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package os::linux::local::mode::quota;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
my $instance_mode;
sub custom_usage_perfdata {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($extra_label, $unit) = ('', '');
$unit = 'B' if ($self->{result_values}->{label_ref} eq 'data');
if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0) {
$extra_label .= '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display};
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => $self->{result_values}->{label_ref} . '_used' . $extra_label, unit => $unit,
value => $self->{result_values}->{used},
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning-' . $self->{result_values}->{warn_label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical-' . $self->{result_values}->{crit_label}, total => $self->{result_values}->{total}, cast_int => 1),
min => 0);
sub custom_usage_threshold {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $self->{result_values}->{used},
threshold => [ { label => 'critical-' . $self->{result_values}->{crit_label}, exit_litteral => 'critical' },
{ label => 'warning-' . $self->{result_values}->{warn_label}, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
return $exit;
sub custom_usage_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $value = $self->{result_values}->{used} . ' files';
if ($self->{result_values}->{label_ref} eq 'data') {
my ($total_used_value, $total_used_unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $self->{result_values}->{used});
$value = $total_used_value . " " . $total_used_unit;
my ($limit_soft, $limit_hard) = ('', '');
if (defined($self->{result_values}->{warn_limit}) && $self->{result_values}->{warn_limit} > 0) {
$limit_soft = sprintf(" (%.2f %% of soft limit)", $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{warn_limit});
if (defined($self->{result_values}->{crit_limit}) && $self->{result_values}->{crit_limit} > 0) {
$limit_hard = sprintf(" (%.2f %% of hard limit)", $self->{result_values}->{used} * 100 / $self->{result_values}->{crit_limit});
my $msg = sprintf("%s Used: %s%s%s",
$limit_soft, $limit_hard);
return $msg;
sub custom_usage_calc {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{result_values}->{display} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_display'};
$self->{result_values}->{label_ref} = $options{extra_options}->{label_ref};
$self->{result_values}->{used} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{label_ref} . '_used'};
$self->{result_values}->{warn_label} = $self->{label};
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning-' . $self->{label}}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning-' . $self->{label}} ne '') {
$self->{result_values}->{warn_limit} = $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'warning-' . $self->{label}};
} elsif ($options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{label_ref} . '_soft'} > 0) {
$self->{result_values}->{warn_limit} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{label_ref} . '_soft'};
$self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'warning-' . $self->{label} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display}, value => $self->{result_values}->{warn_limit});
$self->{result_values}->{warn_label} = $self->{label} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display};
$self->{result_values}->{crit_label} = $self->{label};
if (defined($instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical-' . $self->{label}}) && $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical-' . $self->{label}} ne '') {
$self->{result_values}->{crit_limit} = $instance_mode->{option_results}->{'critical-' . $self->{label}};
} elsif ($options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{label_ref} . '_hard'} > 0) {
$self->{result_values}->{crit_limit} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{label_ref} . '_hard'} - 1;
$self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'critical-' . $self->{label} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display}, value => $self->{result_values}->{crit_limit});
$self->{result_values}->{crit_label} = $self->{label} . '_' . $self->{result_values}->{display};
return 0;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'quota', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_quota_output', message_multiple => 'All quotas are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{quota} = [
{ label => 'data-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'display' }, { name => 'data_used' }, { name => 'data_soft' }, { name => 'data_hard' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'), closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { label_ref => 'data' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
{ label => 'inode-usage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'display' }, { name => 'inode_used' }, { name => 'inode_soft' }, { name => 'inode_hard' } ],
closure_custom_calc => $self->can('custom_usage_calc'), closure_custom_calc_extra_options => { label_ref => 'inode' },
closure_custom_output => $self->can('custom_usage_output'),
closure_custom_perfdata => $self->can('custom_usage_perfdata'),
closure_custom_threshold_check => $self->can('custom_usage_threshold'),
sub prefix_quota_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Quota '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '1.0';
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"hostname:s" => { name => 'hostname' },
"remote" => { name => 'remote' },
"ssh-option:s@" => { name => 'ssh_option' },
"ssh-path:s" => { name => 'ssh_path' },
"ssh-command:s" => { name => 'ssh_command', default => 'ssh' },
"timeout:s" => { name => 'timeout', default => 30 },
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'repquota' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => '-a -i 2>&1' },
"filter-user:s" => { name => 'filter_user', },
"filter-fs:s" => { name => 'filter_fs', },
$self->{result} = {};
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$instance_mode = $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($stdout, $exit_code) = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(
output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options},
no_quit => 1
#*** Report for user quotas on device /dev/xxxx
#Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days
# Block limits File limits
#User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace
#root -- 20779412 0 0 5 0 0
#apache -- 5721908 0 0 67076 0 0
$self->{quota} = {};
while ($stdout =~ /^\*\*\*.*?(\S+?)\n(.*?)(?=\*\*\*|\z)/msig) {
my ($fs, $data) = ($1, $2);
while ($data =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*?)\n/msig) {
my ($user, $grace_on, $data_used, $data_soft, $data_hard, $usage) = ($1, $2, $3 * 1024, $4 * 1024, $5 * 1024, $6);
my @values = split /\s+/, $usage;
shift @values if ($usage =~ /^\+/);
my ($inode_used, $inode_soft, $inode_hard) = (shift @values, shift @values, shift @values);
my $name = $user . '.' . $fs;
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_user}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_user} ne '' &&
$user !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_user}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $name . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_fs}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_fs} ne '' &&
$fs !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_fs}/) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "skipping '" . $name . "': no matching filter.", debug => 1);
$self->{quota}->{$name} = { display => $name,
data_used => $data_used, data_soft => $data_soft, data_hard => $data_hard,
inode_used => $inode_used, inode_soft => $inode_soft, inode_hard => $inode_hard,
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{quota}}) <= 0) {
if ($exit_code != 0) {
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "command output:" . $stdout);
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No quota found (filters or command issue)");
=head1 MODE
Check quota usage on partitions.
=over 8
=item B<--remote>
Execute command remotely in 'ssh'.
=item B<--hostname>
Hostname to query (need --remote).
=item B<--ssh-option>
Specify multiple options like the user (example: --ssh-option='-l=centreon-engine' --ssh-option='-p=52').
=item B<--ssh-path>
Specify ssh command path (default: none)
=item B<--ssh-command>
Specify ssh command (default: 'ssh'). Useful to use 'plink'.
=item B<--timeout>
Timeout in seconds for the command (Default: 30).
=item B<--sudo>
Use 'sudo' to execute the command.
=item B<--command>
Command to get information (Default: 'repquota').
Can be changed if you have output in a file.
=item B<--command-path>
Command path (Default: none).
=item B<--command-options>
Command options (Default: '-a -i 2>&1').
=item B<--warning-*>
Threshold warning.
Can be: 'inode-usage', 'data-usage'.
=item B<--critical-*>
Threshold critical.
Can be: 'inode-usage', 'data-usage'.
=item B<--filter-user>
Filter username (regexp can be used).
=item B<--filter-fs>
Filter filesystem (regexp can be used).

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ sub new {
'packet-errors' => 'os::linux::local::mode::packeterrors',
'paging' => 'os::linux::local::mode::paging',
'process' => 'os::linux::local::mode::process',
'quota' => 'os::linux::local::mode::quota',
'storage' => 'os::linux::local::mode::storage',
'swap' => 'os::linux::local::mode::swap',
'systemd-sc-status' => 'os::linux::local::mode::systemdscstatus',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package storage::hp::eva::cli::custom::api;
use strict;
use warnings;
use centreon::plugins::misc;
use XML::Simple;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
if (!defined($options{output})) {
print "Class Custom: Need to specify 'output' argument.\n";
exit 3;
if (!defined($options{options})) {
$options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Class Custom: Need to specify 'options' argument.");
if (!defined($options{noptions})) {
$options{options}->add_options(arguments =>
"manager-hostname:s" => { name => 'manager_hostname' },
"manager-username:s" => { name => 'manager_username' },
"manager-password:s" => { name => 'manager_password' },
"manager-system:s" => { name => 'manager_system' },
"timeout:s" => { name => 'timeout', default => 50 },
"sudo" => { name => 'sudo' },
"command:s" => { name => 'command', default => 'sssu_linux_x64' },
"command-path:s" => { name => 'command_path' },
"command-options:s" => { name => 'command_options', default => '' },
$options{options}->add_help(package => __PACKAGE__, sections => 'SSU CLI OPTIONS', once => 1);
$self->{output} = $options{output};
$self->{mode} = $options{mode};
return $self;
sub set_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{option_results} = $options{option_results};
sub set_defaults {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$options{default}}) {
if ($_ eq $self->{mode}) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$options{default}->{$_}}); $i++) {
foreach my $opt (keys %{$options{default}->{$_}[$i]}) {
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{$opt}[$i])) {
$self->{option_results}->{$opt}[$i] = $options{default}->{$_}[$i]->{$opt};
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{manager_hostname}) || $self->{option_results}->{manager_hostname} eq '') {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to set manager-hostname option.");
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{manager_username}) || $self->{option_results}->{manager_username} eq '') {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to set manager-username option.");
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{manager_password})) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to set manager-password option.");
if (!defined($self->{option_results}->{manager_system}) || $self->{option_results}->{manager_system} eq '') {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Need to set manager-system option.");
return 0;
sub ssu_build_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return if (defined($self->{option_results}->{command_options}) && $self->{option_results}->{command_options} ne '');
$self->{option_results}->{command_options} =
"'select manager \"$self->{option_results}->{manager_hostname}\" USERNAME=$self->{option_results}->{manager_username} PASSWORD=$self->{option_results}->{manager_password}' 'select system $self->{option_results}->{manager_system}'";
foreach my $cmd (keys %{$options{commands}}) {
$self->{option_results}->{command_options} .= " '$cmd'";
sub ssu_execute {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my ($response) = centreon::plugins::misc::execute(output => $self->{output},
options => $self->{option_results},
sudo => $self->{option_results}->{sudo},
command => $self->{option_results}->{command},
command_path => $self->{option_results}->{command_path},
command_options => $self->{option_results}->{command_options});
my $xml_root = '<root>';
while ($response =~ /(<object>.*?<\/object>)/msig) {
$xml_root .= $1;
$xml_root .= '</root>';
my $xml_result;
eval {
$xml_result = XMLin($xml_root,
ForceArray => ['object', 'diskslot', 'powersupply', 'sensor', 'fan', 'deviceport',
'module', 'vdcoutput', 'source'],
KeyAttr => [], SuppressEmpty => '');
if ($@) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Cannot decode xml response: $@");
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => $response, debug => 1);
return $xml_result;
=head1 NAME
ssu cli
=over 8
=item B<--manager-hostname>
Manager hostname to query.
=item B<--manager-username>
Manager username.
=item B<--manager-password>
Manager password.
=item B<--manager-system>
Manager system.
=item B<--timeout>
Set timeout (Default: 50).
=item B<--sudo>
Use 'sudo' to execute the command.
=item B<--command>
Command to get information (Default: 'sssu_linux_x64').
Can be changed if you have output in a file.
=item B<--command-path>
Command path (Default: none).
=item B<--command-options>
Command options (Default: none).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package storage::hp::eva::cli::mode::components::battery;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{ssu_commands}->{'ls controller full xml'} = 1;
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking cache batteries");
$self->{components}->{battery} = {name => 'cache battery', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'battery'));
# <object>
# <objecttype>controller</objecttype>
# <objectname>\Hardware\Rack 1\Controller Enclosure 7\Controller B</objectname>
# <cachebattery>
# <operationalstate>good</operationalstate>
foreach my $object (@{$self->{xml_result}->{object}}) {
next if ($object->{objecttype} ne 'controller');
$object->{objectname} =~ s/\\/\//g;
my $instance = $object->{objectname};
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'battery', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("cache battery '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$instance, $object->{cachebattery}->{operationalstate}, $instance,
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'battery', value => $object->{cachebattery}->{operationalstate});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Cache battery '%s' status is '%s'", $instance, $object->{cachebattery}->{operationalstate}));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package storage::hp::eva::cli::mode::components::disk;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{ssu_commands}->{'ls disk full xml'} = 1;
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking disks");
$self->{components}->{disk} = {name => 'disks', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'disk'));
# <object>
# <objecttype>disk</objecttype>
# <objectname>\Disk Groups\Ungrouped Disks\Disk 133</objectname>
# <operationalstate>good</operationalstate>
foreach my $object (@{$self->{xml_result}->{object}}) {
next if ($object->{objecttype} ne 'disk');
$object->{objectname} =~ s/\\/\//g;
my $instance = $object->{objectname};
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'disk', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("disk '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$instance, $object->{operationalstate}, $instance,
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'disk', value => $object->{operationalstate});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Disk '%s' status is '%s'", $instance, $object->{operationalstate}));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package storage::hp::eva::cli::mode::components::diskgrp;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{ssu_commands}->{'ls disk_group full xml'} = 1;
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking disk groups");
$self->{components}->{diskgrp} = {name => 'disk groups', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'diskgrp'));
# <object>
# <objecttype>diskgroupfolder</objecttype>
# <objectname>\Disk Groups\XXX</objectname>
# <operationalstate>good</operationalstate>
foreach my $object (@{$self->{xml_result}->{object}}) {
next if ($object->{objecttype} ne 'diskgroupfolder');
$object->{objectname} =~ s/\\/\//g;
my $instance = $object->{objectname};
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'diskgrp', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("disk group '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$instance, $object->{operationalstate}, $instance,
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'diskgrp', value => $object->{operationalstate});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Disk group '%s' status is '%s'", $instance, $object->{operationalstate}));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Copyright 2017 Centreon (
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package storage::hp::eva::cli::mode::components::fan;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{ssu_commands}->{'ls diskshelf full xml'} = 1;
$self->{ssu_commands}->{'ls controller full xml'} = 1;
sub fan_ctrl {
my ($self) = @_;
# <object>
# <objecttype>controller</objecttype>
# <objectname>\Hardware\Rack 1\Controller Enclosure 7\Controller B</objectname>
# <fans>
# <fan>
# <fanname>fan0</fanname>
# <status>normal</status>
# <speed>2240</speed>
# </fan>
foreach my $object (@{$self->{xml_result}->{object}}) {
next if ($object->{objecttype} ne 'controller');
$object->{objectname} =~ s/\\/\//g;
foreach my $result (@{$object->{fans}->{fan}}) {
my $instance = $object->{objectname} . '/' . $result->{fanname};
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
next if ($result->{status} =~ /notinstalled/i &&
$self->absent_problem(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("fan '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s] [value = %s]",
$instance, $result->{status}, $instance,
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'fan', value => $result->{status});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Fan '%s' status is '%s'", $instance, $result->{status}));
next if ($result->{speed} !~ /[0-9]/);
my ($exit2, $warn, $crit, $checked) = $self->get_severity_numeric(section => 'fan', instance => $instance, value => $result->{speed});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit2, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit2,
short_msg => sprintf("Fan '%s' is %s rpm", $instance, $result->{speed}));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => 'fan_' . $instance, unit => 'rpm',
value => $result->{speed},
warning => $warn,
critical => $crit,
min => 0
sub fan_diskshelf {
my ($self) = @_;
# <object>
# <objecttype>diskshelf</objecttype>
# <objectname>\Hardware\Rack 1\Disk Enclosure 3</objectname>
# <cooling>
# <fans>
# <fan>
# <name>fan1</name>
# <operationalstate>good</operationalstate>
# <failprediction>No</failprediction>
# <speed>speed_1_lowest</speed>
# </fan>
foreach my $object (@{$self->{xml_result}->{object}}) {
next if ($object->{objecttype} ne 'diskshelf');
$object->{objectname} =~ s/\\/\//g;
foreach my $result (@{$object->{cooling}->{fans}->{fan}}) {
my $instance = $object->{objectname} . '/' . $result->{name};
next if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
next if ($result->{operationalstate} =~ /notinstalled/i &&
$self->absent_problem(section => 'fan', instance => $instance));
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => sprintf("fan '%s' status is '%s' [instance = %s]",
$instance, $result->{operationalstate}, $instance,
my $exit = $self->get_severity(label => 'default', section => 'fan', value => $result->{operationalstate});
if (!$self->{output}->is_status(value => $exit, compare => 'ok', litteral => 1)) {
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("Fan '%s' status is '%s'", $instance, $result->{operationalstate}));
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{output}->output_add(long_msg => "Checking fans");
$self->{components}->{fan} = {name => 'fans', total => 0, skip => 0};
return if ($self->check_filter(section => 'fan'));

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