This commit is contained in:
Quentin Garnier 2013-01-15 14:09:17 +01:00
parent 009bf015ee
commit 543406cdc8
2 changed files with 39 additions and 221 deletions

View File

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# $Id$
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Mathieu Mettre - Romain Le Merlus - Yohann Lecarpentier
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# tHe Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
# Plugin init
use strict;
require "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@/Centreon/SNMP/";
my %ERRORS = ('OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3);
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_n $opt_s);
# Plugin var init
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
my %OPTION = (
"host" => undef,
"snmp-community" => "public", "snmp-version" => 1, "snmp-port" => 161,
"snmp-auth-key" => undef, "snmp-auth-user" => undef, "snmp-auth-password" => undef, "snmp-auth-protocol" => "MD5",
"snmp-priv-key" => undef, "snmp-priv-password" => undef, "snmp-priv-protocol" => "DES",
"maxrepetitions" => undef,
"64-bits" => undef,
"H|hostname|host=s" => \$OPTION{'host'},
"C|community=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-community'},
"v|snmp|snmp-version=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-version'},
"P|snmpport|snmp-port=i" => \$OPTION{'snmp-port'},
"u|username=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-user'},
"p|authpassword|password=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-password'},
"k|authkey=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-key'},
"authprotocol=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-auth-protocol'},
"privpassword=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-password'},
"privkey=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-key'},
"privprotocol=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-protocol'},
"maxrepetitions=s" => \$OPTION{'maxrepetitions'},
"64-bits" => \$OPTION{'64-bits'},
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"s" => \$opt_s, "show" => \$opt_s,
"n=s" => \$opt_n, "name=s" => \$opt_n);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
my ($session_params) = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::check_snmp_options($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
# Plugin snmp requests
my $OID_ExecResult = ".";
my $OID_ExecDescr = ".";
my $OID_ExecOutput = ".";
my $session = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::connection($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, $session_params);
my $scriptname = "";
# getting partition using its name instead of its oid index
if ($opt_n) {
my $result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($OID_ExecDescr, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
if ($result->{$key} =~ m/^$opt_n$/) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$scriptname = pop (@oid_list) ;
if ($scriptname eq "") {
print "No such process, verify your snmpd configuration\n";
my $result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_leef([$OID_ExecDescr.".".$scriptname, $OID_ExecOutput.".".$scriptname], $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'});
my $ExecResult = $result->{$OID_ExecResult.".".$scriptname };
my $ExecDescr = $result->{$OID_ExecDescr.".".$scriptname };
my $ExecOutput = $result->{$OID_ExecOutput.".".$scriptname };
if ($ExecOutput =~ /cannot\ open/) {
$ExecResult = 3;
print $ExecOutput . "\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public)\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp-version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " 3 for SNMP v3\n";
print " -P (--snmp-port) SNMP port (default: 161)\n";
print " -k (--key) snmp V3 key\n";
print " -u (--username) snmp V3 username \n";
print " -p (--password) snmp V3 password\n";
print " --authprotocol protocol MD5/SHA1 (v3)\n";
print " --privprotocol encryption system (DES/AES)(v3) \n";
print " --privpassword passphrase (v3) \n";
print " --64-bits Use 64 bits OID\n";
print " --maxrepetitions To use when you have the error: 'Message size exceeded buffer maxMsgSize'\n";
print " Work only with SNMP v2c and v3 (Example: --maxrepetitions=1)\n";
print " -n (--name) Allows to use disk name with option -d instead of disk oid index\n";
print " (ex: -d \"C:\" -n, -d \"E:\" -n, -d \"Swap Memory\" -n, -d \"Real Memory\" -n\n";
print " (choose an unique expression for each disk)\n";
print " -w (--warn) Signal strength at which a warning message will be generated\n";
print " (default 80)\n";
print " -c (--crit) Signal strength at which a critical message will be generated\n";
print " (default 95)\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "##########################################\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2004-20013 centreon #\n";
print "# Bugs to #\n";
print "##########################################\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
# Plugin init
use strict;
require "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/Centreon/SNMP/";
require "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@/Centreon/SNMP/";
my %ERRORS = ('OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3);
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_n $opt_w $opt_c $opt_s);
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_n);
# Plugin var init
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ my %OPTION = (
"snmp-priv-key" => undef, "snmp-priv-password" => undef, "snmp-priv-protocol" => "DES",
"maxrepetitions" => undef,
"64-bits" => undef,
"command-exit" => undef,
"no-regexp" => undef,
@ -59,12 +61,11 @@ GetOptions
"privprotocol=s" => \$OPTION{'snmp-priv-protocol'},
"maxrepetitions=s" => \$OPTION{'maxrepetitions'},
"64-bits" => \$OPTION{'64-bits'},
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"s" => \$opt_s, "show" => \$opt_s,
"n=s" => \$opt_n, "name=s" => \$opt_n,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c);
"command-exit" => \$OPTION{'command-exit'},
"no-regexp" => \$OPTION{'no-regexp'},
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"n=s" => \$opt_n, "name=s" => \$opt_n);
if ($opt_V) {
@ -77,74 +78,50 @@ if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
my ($session_params) = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::check_snmp_options($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift) || ($opt_c = 95);
my $critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]+)/);
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift) || ($opt_w = 80);
my $warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]+)/);
if ($critical <= $warning){
print "(--crit) must be superior to (--warn)";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if (!defined($opt_n) || $opt_n eq '') {
print "Option -n (--name) needed\n";
# Plugin snmp requests
my ($session_params) = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::check_snmp_options($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
# Plugin snmp requests
my $OID_ExecResult = ".";
my $OID_ExecDescr = ".";
my $OID_ExecOutput = ".";
# create a SNMP session
my $session = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::connection($ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, $session_params);
my $scriptname = "";
my $scriptname;
# getting partition using its name instead of its oid index
if ($opt_n) {
my $result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($OID_ExecDescr, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
if ($result->{$key} =~ m/$opt_n/) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$scriptname = pop (@oid_list) ;
my $result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_table($OID_ExecDescr, $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}, \%OPTION);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
if (defined($OPTION{'no-regexp'})) {
if ($result->{$key} eq $opt_n) {
my @oid_list = split(/\./, $key);
$scriptname = pop(@oid_list);
} elsif ($result->{$key} =~ /$opt_n/) {
my @oid_list = split(/\./, $key);
$scriptname = pop(@oid_list);
my $result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_leef([$OID_ExecDescr.".".$scriptname, $OID_ExecOutput.".".$scriptname], $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'});
if (!defined($scriptname)) {
print "Can't find a command name '$opt_n'\n";
my $ExecDescr = $result->{$OID_ExecDescr.".".$scriptname };
my $result = Centreon::SNMP::Utils::get_snmp_leef([$OID_ExecOutput.".".$scriptname, $OID_ExecResult.".".$scriptname], $session, $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'});
my $ExecOutput = $result->{$OID_ExecOutput.".".$scriptname };
print "|" . $ExecOutput . "\n";
print $ExecOutput . "\n";
my $return = 5;
if (!defined($opt_w) && !defined($opt_c)){
$ExecOutput =~ /([0-9]*)/;
if ($1 eq 1){
print "OK : Process runnable \n";
$return = 0;
} else {
print "CRITICAL : Process runnable \n";
$return = 2;
} else {
if ($ExecOutput =~ /([0-9]*)/){
if ($1 >= $opt_w && $1 < $opt_c){
print "OK : $1 Process runnable \n";
$return = 1;
} elsif ($1 > $opt_c) {
print "WARNING : $1 Process runnable \n";
$return = 2;
} elsif ($1 < $opt_w) {
print "CRITICAL : Process runnable \n";
$return = 0;
if (defined($OPTION{'command-exit'})) {
exit($result->{$OID_ExecResult . "." . $scriptname});
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
@ -165,13 +142,11 @@ sub print_usage () {
print " --64-bits Use 64 bits OID\n";
print " --maxrepetitions To use when you have the error: 'Message size exceeded buffer maxMsgSize'\n";
print " Work only with SNMP v2c and v3 (Example: --maxrepetitions=1)\n";
print " -n (--name) Allows to use disk name with option -d instead of disk oid index\n";
print " (ex: -d \"C:\" -n, -d \"E:\" -n, -d \"Swap Memory\" -n, -d \"Real Memory\" -n\n";
print " (choose an unique expression for each disk)\n";
print " -w (--warn) Signal strength at which a warning message will be generated\n";
print " (default 80)\n";
print " -c (--crit) Signal strength at which a critical message will be generated\n";
print " (default 95)\n";
print " -n (--name) SNMP Command name to call\n";
print " Example in snmpd.conf: exec echotest /bin/echo hello world\n";
print " So we specify: -n 'echotest'\n";
print " --command-exit Use command exit code\n";
print " --no-regexp Don't use regexp to check command name\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";