Refs #5196
This commit is contained in:
@ -201,66 +201,84 @@ sub execute_winshell_commands {
$node = $data->root()->add($namespace, 'DesiredStream', 'stdout stderr')
or $self->internal_exit(msg => 'Could not create XmlDoc');
$node->attr_add(undef, 'CommandId', $command_id);
$result = $self->{client}->invoke($client_options, $uri, '',
return undef if ($self->handle_dialog_fault(result => $result, msg => 'Invoke failed: ', dont_quit => $dont_quit));
my $response = $result->root()->find($namespace, 'ReceiveResponse')
or $self->internal_exit(msg => 'No ReceiveResponse');
# Parsing Reponse
for (my $cnt = 0; $cnt < $response->size(); $cnt++) {
my $node = $response->get($cnt);
my $node_command = $node->attr_find(undef, 'CommandId')
or $self->internal_exit(msg => 'No CommandId in ReceiveResponse');
if ($node_command->value() ne $command_id) {
$self->internal_exit(msg => 'Wrong CommandId in ReceiveResponse node');
my $timeout_global = 30; #seconds
my $wait_timeout_done = 0;
my $loop_out = 1;
my ($current_stdout, $current_stderr) = ('', '');
while ($loop_out == 1 && $wait_timeout_done < $timeout_global) {
if ($node->name() eq 'Stream') {
my $node_tmp = $node->attr_find(undef, 'Name');
if (!defined($node_tmp)) {
$result = $self->{client}->invoke($client_options, $uri, '',
return undef if ($self->handle_dialog_fault(result => $result, msg => 'Invoke failed: ', dont_quit => $dont_quit));
my $response = $result->root()->find($namespace, 'ReceiveResponse')
or $self->internal_exit(msg => 'No ReceiveResponse');
# Parsing Reponse
for (my $cnt = 0; $cnt < $response->size(); $cnt++) {
my $node = $response->get($cnt);
my $node_command = $node->attr_find(undef, 'CommandId')
or $self->internal_exit(msg => 'No CommandId in ReceiveResponse');
if ($node_command->value() ne $command_id) {
$self->internal_exit(msg => 'Wrong CommandId in ReceiveResponse node');
my $stream_type = $node_tmp->value();
my $output = decode_base64($node->text());
next if (!defined($output) || $output eq '');
if ($stream_type eq 'stderr') {
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stderr} = '' if (!defined($command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stderr}));
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stderr} .= $output;
if ($stream_type eq 'stdout') {
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stdout} = '' if (!defined($command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stdout}));
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stdout} .= $output;
if ($node->name() eq 'CommandState') {
my $node_tmp = $node->attr_find(undef, 'State');
if (!defined($node_tmp)) {
my $state = $node_tmp->value();
if ($state eq '') {
my $exit_code = $node->find(undef, 'ExitCode');
if (defined($exit_code)) {
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{exit_code} = $exit_code->text();
} else {
$self->internal_exit(msg => "No exit code for 'done' command");
if ($node->name() eq 'Stream') {
my $node_tmp = $node->attr_find(undef, 'Name');
if (!defined($node_tmp)) {
my $stream_type = $node_tmp->value();
my $output = decode_base64($node->text());
next if (!defined($output) || $output eq '');
if ($stream_type eq 'stderr') {
$current_stderr .= $output;
if ($stream_type eq 'stdout') {
$current_stdout .= $output;
} elsif ($state eq '') {
# mmmm should put an error
return undef if ($self->handle_dialog_fault(result => $result, msg => 'Command still running...', dont_quit => $dont_quit));
} elsif ($state eq '') {
# no-op
# WinRM 1.1 sends this with ExitCode:0
} else {
# unknown
$self->internal_exit(msg => 'Unknown command state: ' . $state);
if ($node->name() eq 'CommandState') {
my $node_tmp = $node->attr_find(undef, 'State');
if (!defined($node_tmp)) {
my $state = $node_tmp->value();
if ($state eq '') {
my $exit_code = $node->find(undef, 'ExitCode');
if (defined($exit_code)) {
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{exit_code} = $exit_code->text();
} else {
$self->internal_exit(msg => "No exit code for 'done' command");
$loop_out = 0;
} elsif ($state eq '') {
# we wait
$wait_timeout_done += 3;
sleep 3;
} elsif ($state eq '') {
# no-op
# WinRM 1.1 sends this with ExitCode:0
$loop_out = 0;
} else {
# unknown
$self->internal_exit(msg => 'Unknown command state: ' . $state);
$current_stderr =~ s/\r//mg;
$current_stdout =~ s/\r//mg;
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stderr} = $current_stderr if ($current_stderr ne '');
$command_result->{$command->{label}}->{stdout} = $current_stdout if ($current_stdout ne '');
# terminate shell command
Reference in New Issue