git-svn-id: 6bcd3966-0018-0410-8128-fd23d134de7e

This commit is contained in:
Mat Sugumaran 2007-05-22 16:25:34 +00:00
parent fd541f24c6
commit 663694a7b8
1 changed files with 0 additions and 390 deletions

View File

@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 Julio $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Romain Le Merlus
# Developped by Julien Mathis for Merethis SARL
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Plugin init
use strict;
use DBI;
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_d $opt_H $opt_h $opt_i);
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
## For Debug mode = 1
my $debug = 0;
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V,
"i=s" => \$opt_i);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 0.1 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=oreon;host=localhost","oreon", "oreon-pwd",{'RaiseError' => 1});
my $dbh2 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=oreon;host=localhost","ods", "oreon-pwd",{'RaiseError' => 1});
my $result;
my $warning;
my $critical;
my $metric_id;
sub return_value($$$){
if ($opt_d) {
$opt_d =~ s/\%d/$result/g;
if ($warning ne $critical){
if ($warning < $critical){ # Bon sens
if ($result < $warning){
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
}else {
print "OK result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} elsif (($result >= $warning) && ($result < $critical)){
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
}else {
print "WARNING result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
} elsif ($result >= $critical){
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
}else {
print "CRITICAL result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
} else { # sens inverse
if ($result < $critical){
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
}else {
print "CRITICAL result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
} elsif ($result >= $critical && $result < $warning){
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
}else {
print "WARNING result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
} elsif ($result >= $warning){
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
}else {
print "OK result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} else{
if ($opt_d) {
print "$opt_d|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
} else {
print "OK result : " . $result . "|OMS=" . $result . ";".$warning.";".$critical."\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} else {
print "ERROR : warnig level = critical level";
my $ref;
my $svc_id;
my $metric;
my $host_id;
## Get Value by metric Option
sub get_value_in_database_metric_id($$$$){
## Get last entry in perfparse database for this service
my $str = "SELECT value FROM perfdata_service_metric,perfdata_service_bin WHERE perfdata_service_metric.metric_id = '".$metric_id."' AND perfdata_service_metric.last_perfdata_bin =";
if ($debug) {print $str . "\n";}
my $sth_deb2 = $dbh2->prepare($str);
if (!$sth_deb2->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth_deb2->errstr . "\n";}
my $sth_deb2_data = $sth_deb2->fetchrow_hashref();
return $sth_deb2_data->{'value'};
## Get value For Regexp Options
sub get_value_in_database($$$$$){
my $str;
## Get hostname and service description for perfparse request
$str = "SELECT host_name,service_description FROM host,host_service_relation,service WHERE host.host_id = host_service_relation.host_host_id AND
service.service_id = host_service_relation.service_service_id AND service.service_id = '".$svc_id."'";
if ($debug) {print $str . "\n";}
my $host_data = $dbh->prepare($str);
if (!$host_data->execute) {die "Error:" . $host_data->errstr . "\n";}
my $data = $host_data->fetchrow_hashref();
## Get last entry in perfparse database for this service
my $sth_deb2 = $dbh2->prepare("SELECT value FROM perfdata_service_metric,perfdata_service_bin WHERE perfdata_service_metric.host_name = '".$data->{'host_name'}."' AND perfdata_service_metric.service_description = '".$data->{'service_description'}."' AND perfdata_service_metric.last_perfdata_bin = AND perfdata_service_metric.metric = '".$metric."'");
if (!$sth_deb2->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth_deb2->errstr . "\n";}
my $sth_deb2_data = $sth_deb2->fetchrow_hashref();
return $sth_deb2_data->{'value'};
sub get_value_in_database_by_host($$$$$){
my $str;
## Get hostname and service description for perfparse request
$str = "SELECT host_name,service_description FROM host,host_service_relation,service WHERE host.host_id = host_service_relation.host_host_id AND service.service_id = host_service_relation.service_service_id AND service.service_id = '".$svc_id."'";
if ($debug) {print $str . "\n";}
my $host_data = $dbh->prepare($str);
if (!$host_data->execute) {die "Error:" . $host_data->errstr . "\n";}
my $data = $host_data->fetchrow_hashref();
## Get last entry in perfparse database for this service
my $sth_deb2 = $dbh2->prepare("SELECT value FROM perfdata_service_metric,perfdata_service_bin WHERE perfdata_service_metric.host_name = '".$data->{'host_name'}."' AND perfdata_service_metric.service_description = '".$data->{'service_description'}."' AND perfdata_service_metric.last_perfdata_bin = AND perfdata_service_metric.metric = '".$metric."'");
if (!$sth_deb2->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth_deb2->errstr . "\n";}
my $sth_deb2_data = $sth_deb2->fetchrow_hashref();
return $sth_deb2_data->{'value'};
sub get_value_in_database_by_hg($$$$$$){
my $str;
## Get hostname
$str = "SELECT host_name FROM host WHERE host.host_id = '".$host_id."'";
if ($debug) {print $str . "\n";}
my $hd = $dbh->prepare($str);
if (!$hd->execute) {die "Error:" . $hd->errstr . "\n";}
my $host_data = $hd->fetchrow_hashref();
## Get service description
$str = "SELECT service_description FROM service WHERE service.service_id = '".$svc_id."'";
if ($debug) {print $str . "\n";}
my $sd = $dbh->prepare($str);
if (!$sd->execute) {die "Error:" . $sd->errstr . "\n";}
my $service_data = $sd->fetchrow_hashref();
## Get last entry in perfparse database for this service
my $sth_deb2 = $dbh2->prepare("SELECT value FROM perfdata_service_metric,perfdata_service_bin WHERE perfdata_service_metric.host_name = '".$host_data->{'host_name'}."' AND perfdata_service_metric.service_description = '".$service_data->{'service_description'}."' AND perfdata_service_metric.last_perfdata_bin = AND perfdata_service_metric.metric = '".$metric."'");
if (!$sth_deb2->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth_deb2->errstr . "\n";}
my $sth_deb2_data = $sth_deb2->fetchrow_hashref();
return $sth_deb2_data->{'value'};
my $cpt = 0;
my $total = 0;
my $max = 0;
my $min = 999999999;
my $svc;
my $value = 0;
my $svc_relation2;
if ($opt_i){
my $str;
# get osl info
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT meta_display,calcul_type,regexp_str,warning,critical,metric, meta_select_mode FROM meta_service WHERE meta_id = '".$opt_i."'");
if (!$sth->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth->errstr . "\n";}
$ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
if (!defined($ref->{'calcul_type'})){
print "Unvalidate Meta Service\n";
$warning = $ref->{'warning'};
$critical = $ref->{'critical'};
$opt_d = $ref->{'meta_display'};
# Get Service List by regexp
if ($ref->{'meta_select_mode'} eq '2'){
$str = "SELECT service_id FROM service WHERE `service_description` LIKE '".$ref->{'regexp_str'}."' AND service_activate = '1' AND service_register = '1'";
if ($debug) {print $str . "\n";}
$sth = $dbh->prepare($str);
if (!$sth->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth->errstr . "\n";}
while ($svc = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM host_service_relation WHERE service_service_id = '".$svc->{'service_id'}."'");
if (!$sth2->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth2->errstr . "\n";}
my $svc_relation = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref();
if (defined($svc_relation->{'host_host_id'}) && $svc_relation->{'host_host_id'}){
#### Par Host
if (defined($svc->{'service_id'})){$svc_id = $svc->{'service_id'};} else {$svc_id = $svc->{'svc_id'};}
if (defined($ref->{'regexp_str'})){$metric = $ref->{'metric'};} else {$metric = $svc->{'metric'};}
$value = get_value_in_database_by_host($dbh,$dbh2,$svc_id,$metric,$debug);
if ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "AVE"){
if (defined($value) && $value){$total += $value;}
if ($debug) {print "total = " . $total . " value = ".$value."\n";}
$result = $total / $cpt;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "SOM"){
if ($value){$total += $value;}
if ($debug){print "total = " . $total . " value = ".$value."\n";}
$result = $total;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MIN"){
if ($debug){print " min : " . $min . " value = ".$value."\n";}
if ($value && $value <= $min){$min = $value;}
$result = $min;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MAX"){
if ($debug){print "max = " . $max . " value = ".$value."\n";}
if ($value && $value >= $max){$max = $value;}
$result = $max;
} elsif (defined($svc_relation->{'hostgroup_hg_id'}) && $svc_relation->{'hostgroup_hg_id'}) {
### Par Hostgroup
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT host_host_id FROM hostgroup_relation WHERE hostgroup_hg_id = '".$svc_relation->{'hostgroup_hg_id'}."'");
if (!$sth3->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth3->errstr . "\n";}
while ($svc_relation2 = $sth3->fetchrow_hashref()){
if (defined($svc->{'service_id'})){
$svc_id = $svc->{'service_id'};
} else {
$svc_id = $svc->{'svc_id'};
if (defined($ref->{'regexp_str'})){
$metric = $ref->{'metric'};
} else {
$metric = $svc->{'metric'};
$host_id = $svc_relation2->{'host_host_id'};
$value = get_value_in_database_by_hg($dbh,$dbh2,$svc_id, $host_id, $metric, $debug);
if ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "AVE"){
if (defined($value) && $value){
$total += $value;
if ($debug) {print "total = " . $total . " value = ".$value."\n";}
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "SOM"){
if ($value){
$total += $value;
if ($debug){print "total = " . $total . " value = ".$value."\n";}
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MIN"){
if ($debug){print " min : " . $min . " value = ".$value."\n";}
if ($value && $value <= $min){
$min = $value;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MAX"){
if ($debug){print "max = " . $max . " value = ".$value."\n";}
if ($value && $value >= $max){
$max = $value;
if ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "AVE"){
$result = $total / $cpt;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "SOM"){
$result = $total;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MIN"){
$result = $min;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MAX"){
$result = $max;
return_value($result, $warning, $critical);
} else {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT metric_id FROM `meta_service_relation` WHERE meta_id = '".$opt_i."'");
if (!$sth->execute) {die "Error:" . $sth->errstr . "\n";}
if ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "AVE"){
while ($svc = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){
if (defined($svc->{'metric_id'})){$metric_id = $svc->{'metric_id'};}
$value = get_value_in_database_metric_id($dbh,$dbh2,$metric_id,$debug);
if (defined($value) && $value){$total += $value;}
if (!$sth->rows) {
print "no result in table meta_service_relation for id $opt_i\n";
$result = $total / $cpt;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "SOM"){
while ($svc = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){
if (defined($svc->{'metric_id'})){$metric_id = $svc->{'metric_id'};}
$value = get_value_in_database_metric_id($dbh,$dbh2,$metric_id,$debug);
if ($value){$total += $value;}
if ($debug){print "total = " . $total . " value = ".$value."\n";}
$result = $total;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MIN"){
while ($svc = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){
if (defined($svc->{'metric_id'})){$metric_id = $svc->{'metric_id'};}
$value = get_value_in_database_metric_id($dbh,$dbh2,$metric_id,$debug);
if ($debug){print " min : " . $min . " value = ".$value."\n";}
if ($value && $value <= $min){$min = $value;}
$result = $min;
} elsif ($ref->{'calcul_type'} =~ "MAX"){
while ($svc = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){
if (defined($svc->{'metric_id'})){$metric_id = $svc->{'metric_id'};}
$value = get_value_in_database_metric_id($dbh,$dbh2,$metric_id,$debug);
if ($debug){print "max = " . $max . " value = ".$value."\n";}
if ($value && $value >= $max){$max = $value;}
$result = $max;
return_value($result, $warning, $critical);
sub print_usage () {
print "Usage:\n";
print "\n";
print " -i OSL id\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help ()
print "###########################################\n";
print "# #\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Merethis #\n";
print "# Bugs to #\n";
print "# #\n";
print "###########################################\n";
print "\n";