This commit is contained in:
garnier-quentin 2020-07-27 10:09:10 +02:00
parent adf568c3de
commit 735d4d25ba
2 changed files with 56 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -20,66 +20,65 @@
package network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::cpu;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode);
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub prefix_cpu_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "CPU '" . $options{instance_value}->{name} . "' usage";
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'cpu', type => 1, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_cpu_output', message_multiple => 'All CPUs are ok' }
$self->{maps_counters}->{cpu} = [
{ label => 'usage', nlabel => 'cpu.utilization.percentage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'cpu_usage' }, { name => 'name' } ],
output_template => ': %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ label => 'cpu', template => '%.2f', min => 0, max => 100, unit => '%', label_extra_instance => 1 }
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options);
bless $self, $class;
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
'warning:s' => { name => 'warning' },
'critical:s' => { name => 'critical' },
return $self;
sub check_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'warning', value => $self->{option_results}->{warning})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong warning threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{warning} . "'.");
if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => 'critical', value => $self->{option_results}->{critical})) == 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong critical threshold '" . $self->{option_results}->{critical} . "'.");
my $mapping = {
name => { oid => '.' }, # nsCPUname
cpu_usage => { oid => '.' } # nsCPUusage
sub run {
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{snmp} = $options{snmp};
my $oid_nsCPUEntry = '.';
my $oid_nsCPUname = '.';
my $oid_nsCPUusage = '.';
my $result = $self->{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_nsCPUEntry, nothing_quit => 1);
foreach my $oid ($self->{snmp}->oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
next if ($oid !~ /^$oid_nsCPUname\.(.*)$/);
my $name = $result->{$oid};
my $value = $result->{$oid_nsCPUusage . '.' . $1};
my $exit = $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check(value => $value,
threshold => [ { label => 'critical', 'exit_litteral' => 'critical' }, { label => 'warning', exit_litteral => 'warning' } ]);
$self->{output}->output_add(severity => $exit,
short_msg => sprintf("CPU '%s' Usage: %.2f%%", $name, $value));
$self->{output}->perfdata_add(label => "cpu_" . $name, unit => '%',
value => $value,
warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'warning'),
critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => 'critical'),
min => 0, max => 100);
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_table(oid => $oid_nsCPUEntry, nothing_quit => 1);
$self->{cpu} = {};
foreach (keys %$snmp_result) {
next if (! /^$mapping->{name}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $result = $options{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result, instance => $1);
$self->{cpu}->{ $result->{name} } = $result;
@ -92,11 +91,11 @@ Check cpu usage (NS-MIB-smiv2).
=over 8
=item B<--warning>
=item B<--warning-usage>
Threshold warning in percent.
=item B<--critical>
=item B<--critical-usage>
Threshold critical in percent.

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@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ sub new {
bless $self, $class;
$self->{version} = '0.6';
%{$self->{modes}} = (
'certificates-expire' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::certificatesexpire',
'cpu' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::cpu',
'storage' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::storage',
'health' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::health',
'ha-state' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::hastate',
'interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::interfaces',
'list-interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listinterfaces',
'list-vservers' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::listvservers',
'vserver-status' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::vserverstatus',
'memory' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::memory',
'connections' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::connections',
'uptime' => 'snmp_standard::mode::uptime'
$self->{modes} = {
'certificates-expire' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::certificatesexpire',
'connections' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::connections',
'cpu' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::cpu',
'health' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::health',
'ha-state' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::hastate',
'interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::interfaces',
'list-interfaces' => 'snmp_standard::mode::listinterfaces',
'list-vservers' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::listvservers',
'memory' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::memory',
'uptime' => 'snmp_standard::mode::uptime',
'storage' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::storage',
'vserver-status' => 'network::citrix::netscaler::snmp::mode::vserverstatus'
return $self;