git-svn-id: 6bcd3966-0018-0410-8128-fd23d134de7e

This commit is contained in:
Julien Mathis 2007-06-05 19:54:54 +00:00
parent e6d17ae545
commit 8efede8b30
3 changed files with 0 additions and 226 deletions

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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# $Id:,v 1.0 2006/06/30 12:30:00 Nicolas Cordier for Merethis $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Nicolas Cordier for Merethis
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
package trap_common;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Exporter();
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(submit_res getTrapsInfos);
## configuration for oreon db access
## /!\ you may have to edit this
sub set_db
## part that should be modified
my $db_name = "oreondb"; ## name of your database for oreon
my $login = "root"; ## user of your database
my $mdp = ""; ## password for this user
## end of part that should be modified
my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:$db_name";
return $dsn, $login, $mdp;
## send result to nagios using nagios.cmd
## /!\ you may have to edit this
sub submit_res($)
## part that should be modified
open(FILE, ">>/var/run/nagios/nagios.cmd") or die ("Can't open"); ## modify this for your nagios.cmd location
## end of part that should be modified
print FILE $_[0];
## remove useless things to get a good ip
sub epur_ip($)
(my $ip) = split(/:/, $_[0]);
$ip = substr($ip, 1, -1);
return $ip;
## retrieve hostname and hostid from db using the ip
sub get_hostinfos($$)
my $requete = "SELECT host_name, host_id FROM host WHERE host_address='$_[1]' ";
my $sth = $_[0]->prepare($requete);
my @host = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
$sth -> finish;
return @host;
## retrieve servicedescription from db using the ip and host_id
sub get_servicename($$$)
my $requete = "SELECT service_description FROM service WHERE service_id IN";
$requete .= " (SELECT service_id FROM traps_service_relation WHERE traps_id='$_[1]')";
$requete .= " AND service_id IN";
$requete .= " (SELECT service_service_id FROM host_service_relation WHERE host_host_id='$_[2]')";
my $sth = $_[0]->prepare($requete);
if ($sth->execute() == 0)
$sth -> finish;
$requete = "SELECT service_description FROM service WHERE service_id IN";
$requete .= " (SELECT service_id FROM traps_service_relation WHERE traps_id='$_[1]')";
$requete .= " AND service_id IN";
$requete .= " (SELECT service_service_id FROM host_service_relation WHERE hostgroup_hg_id IN";
$requete .= " (SELECT hostgroup_hg_id FROM hostgroup_relation WHERE host_host_id='$_[2]')";
$requete .= ")";
$sth = $_[0]->prepare($requete);
my $service = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
$sth -> finish;
return $service;
## return informations about the trap for the generation of the result sent to nagios
sub getTrapsInfos(@)
my $ip = epur_ip($_[0]);
my $trap_id = $_[0];
my @db = set_db();
my $dbh = DBI->connect($db[0], $db[1], $db[2]) or die "Echec de la connexion\n";
my @host = get_hostinfos($dbh, $ip);
my $servicename = get_servicename($dbh, $trap_id, $host[1]);
$dbh -> disconnect;
return $host[0], $servicename, @_;

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# $Id:,v 1.0 2006/06/30 12:30:00 Nicolas Cordier for Merethis $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Nicolas Cordier for Merethis
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
read host
read ip
while read oid val
vars="$vars, $oid = $val"
while [ "$1" != "" ]
args="$args $1"
args="$ip $args $vars"
$exec $args

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.0 2006/06/30 12:30:00 Nicolas Cordier for Merethis $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Nicolas Cordier for Merethis
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## to use the including usefull functions
use DBI;
use lib '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/traps';
use trap_common;
## get informations about the trap for the generation of the result sent to nagios
(my $hostname, my $servicename, my @args) = getTrapsInfos(@ARGV);
## set state for the resul (OK (0)/WARNING (1)/CRITICAL (2)/UNKNOWN (3))
my $state = ($args[0] eq "up" ? 0 : 2);
## set the text output of the service check
my $plugin = "";
$plugin .= $args[0];
# parse trap to obtain more information
my $i = 0;
while ($args[$i])
if ("$args[$i]" eq "IF-MIB::ifDescr")
$plugin .= " on $args[$i + 2]";
## set the result
$res = "[".time."] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;".$hostname.";".$servicename.";".$state.";".$plugin."\n";
## send the result