CTOR-473-tests-folder-structure-must-follow-code-folder-structure (#4979)
Co-authored-by: Sophie Depassio <sdepassio@centreon.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,22 +65,12 @@ jobs:
pip3.11 install RobotFramework-Examples
shell: bash
- name: Run Robot Framework API tests
- name: Run Robot Framework tests
run: |
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/
sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/
robot tests/functional/api
- name: Run Robot Framework SNMP tests
run: |
sudo useradd snmp
sudo mkdir -p /usr/snmpsim/data
sudo cp -r tests/resources/snmp/* /usr/snmpsim/data/
sudo cp -r tests/robot/* /usr/snmpsim/data/
snmpsimd --logging-method=null --agent-udpv4-endpoint= --process-user=snmp --process-group=snmp &
robot tests/functional/snmp
- name: Run Robot Framework Database tests
run: robot tests/functional/database
- name: Run Robot Framework Linux tests
run: robot tests/functional/linux
robot tests/robot
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Hardware UPS standard SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::ups::standard::rfc1628::snmp::plugin
... snmpcommunity=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid=
... result=OK: All input lines are ok | '1#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '1#line.input.voltage.volt'=233V;;;; '1#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '1#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;; '2#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '2#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '2#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '2#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;; '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-standard_null_val
... warningpower='215:'
... criticalcurrent='@0:214'
... warningvoltage='@0:214'
... warningfrequence='@0:214'
... excludeid=
... result=CRITICAL: Input Line '1' Frequence : 0.00 Hz, Voltage : 0.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W - Input Line '2' Frequence : 0.00 Hz, Voltage : 0.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W - Input Line '3' Frequence : 0.00 Hz, Voltage : 0.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '1#line.input.frequence.hertz'=0Hz;@0:214;;; '1#line.input.voltage.volt'=0V;@0:214;;; '1#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;@0:214;; '1#line.input.power.watt'=0W;215:;;; '2#line.input.frequence.hertz'=0Hz;@0:214;;; '2#line.input.voltage.volt'=0V;@0:214;;; '2#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;@0:214;; '2#line.input.power.watt'=0W;215:;;; '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=0Hz;@0:214;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=0V;@0:214;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;@0:214;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;215:;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid='1,2'
... result=OK: Input Line '3' Frequence : 49.90 Hz, Voltage : 234.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid='1, 2'
... result=OK: Input Line '3' Frequence : 49.90 Hz, Voltage : 234.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid='1 ,3'
... result=OK: Input Line '2' Frequence : 49.90 Hz, Voltage : 234.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '2#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '2#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '2#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '2#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... &{ups_standard_test_with_values}
... &{ups_standard_test_critical_with_null_values}
... &{ups_standard_test_with_exclude_option_1}
... &{ups_standard_test_with_exclude_option_2}
... &{ups_standard_test_with_exclude_option_3}
*** Test Cases ***
Hardware UPS Standard SNMP input lines
[Documentation] Hardware UPS standard SNMP input lines
[Tags] hardware UPS snmp
FOR ${ups_standard_test} IN @{ups_standard_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=input-lines
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=${ups_standard_test.snmpcommunity}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.warningpower}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-power=${ups_standard_test.warningpower}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.criticalcurrent}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --critical-current=${ups_standard_test.criticalcurrent}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.warningvoltage}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-voltage=${ups_standard_test.warningvoltage}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.warningfrequence}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-frequence=${ups_standard_test.warningfrequence}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.excludeid}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --exclude-id=${ups_standard_test.excludeid}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${ups_standard_test.result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${ups_standard_test.result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network Aruba Instant SNMP plugin - AP Usage
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=network::aruba::instant::snmp::plugin --mode=ap-usage --hostname= --snmp-version=2c --snmp-port=2024
... documentation=Test AP usage without filters
... snmpcommunity=network-aruba-instant/ap-usage
... filtercounters=
... filtername=
... warningclients=
... criticalclients=
... result=OK: total access points: 5 - All access points are ok | 'accesspoints.total.count'=5;;;0; 'AP Piso 1#clients.current.count'=4;;;0; 'AP Piso 1#cpu.utilization.percentage'=3.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.bytes'=215711744B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.free.bytes'=311316480B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.percentage'=40.93%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#clients.current.count'=17;;;0; 'AP Piso 2#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.bytes'=219455488B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.free.bytes'=307572736B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.percentage'=41.64%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#clients.current.count'=14;;;0; 'AP Piso 3#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.bytes'=219185152B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.free.bytes'=307843072B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.percentage'=41.59%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;;;0; 'AP Piso 4#cpu.utilization.percentage'=11.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.bytes'=221700096B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.free.bytes'=305328128B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.percentage'=42.07%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#clients.current.count'=4;;;0; 'AP Sotano#cpu.utilization.percentage'=4.00%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.bytes'=217473024B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.free.bytes'=309555200B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.percentage'=41.26%;;;0;100
... documentation=Test AP usage with filter on clients
... snmpcommunity=network-aruba-instant/ap-usage
... filtercounters=clients
... filtername=
... warningclients=
... criticalclients=
... result=OK: All access points are ok | 'AP Piso 1#clients.current.count'=4;;;0; 'AP Piso 2#clients.current.count'=17;;;0; 'AP Piso 3#clients.current.count'=14;;;0; 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;;;0; 'AP Sotano#clients.current.count'=4;;;0;
... documentation=Test AP usage with filter on clients and filter on name
... snmpcommunity=network-aruba-instant/ap-usage
... filtercounters=clients
... filtername=Piso 4
... warningclients=
... criticalclients=
... result=OK: Access Point 'AP Piso 4' Current Clients: 11 | 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;;;0;
... documentation=Test AP usage without filters with warning when less than 20 clients
... snmpcommunity=network-aruba-instant/ap-usage
... filtercounters=
... filtername=
... warningclients=20:
... criticalclients=
... result=WARNING: Access Point 'AP Piso 1' Current Clients: 4 - Access Point 'AP Piso 2' Current Clients: 17 - Access Point 'AP Piso 3' Current Clients: 14 - Access Point 'AP Piso 4' Current Clients: 11 - Access Point 'AP Sotano' Current Clients: 4 | 'accesspoints.total.count'=5;;;0; 'AP Piso 1#clients.current.count'=4;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 1#cpu.utilization.percentage'=3.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.bytes'=215711744B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.free.bytes'=311316480B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.percentage'=40.93%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#clients.current.count'=17;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 2#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.bytes'=219455488B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.free.bytes'=307572736B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.percentage'=41.64%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#clients.current.count'=14;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 3#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.bytes'=219185152B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.free.bytes'=307843072B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.percentage'=41.59%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 4#cpu.utilization.percentage'=11.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.bytes'=221700096B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.free.bytes'=305328128B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.percentage'=42.07%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#clients.current.count'=4;20:;;0; 'AP Sotano#cpu.utilization.percentage'=4.00%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.bytes'=217473024B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.free.bytes'=309555200B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.percentage'=41.26%;;;0;100
... &{ap_usage_test_1}
... &{ap_usage_test_2}
... &{ap_usage_test_3}
... &{ap_usage_test_4}
*** Test Cases ***
Network Aruba Instant SNMP plugin
[Documentation] AP Usage
[Tags] network aruba snmp
FOR ${ap_usage_tc} IN @{ap_usage_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --filter-counters='${ap_usage_tc.filtercounters}'
... --filter-name='${ap_usage_tc.filtername}'
... --warning-clients='${ap_usage_tc.warningclients}'
... --critical-clients='${ap_usage_tc.criticalclients}'
... --snmp-community=${ap_usage_tc.snmpcommunity}
Log To Console ${ap_usage_tc.documentation}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${ap_usage_tc.result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${ap_usage_tc.result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=network::fortinet::fortigate::snmp::plugin
# Test simple usage of the linkmonitor mode
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with filter-id option set to 3
... filterid=3
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with filter-name option set to MonitorWAN1
... filterid=
... filtername='MonitorWAN1'
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=OK: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive, latency: 39.739ms, jitter: 0.096ms, packet loss: 0.000% | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with filter-vdom option set to 'root'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom='root'
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with custom-perf-data-instances option set to '%(name) %(id)'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances='%(name) %(id)'
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~1#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~1#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~1#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~2#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~2#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~2#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~3#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~3#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~3#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with unknown-status option set to '%{state} eq "alive"'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus='\%{state} eq "alive"'
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead UNKNOWN: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] state: alive | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-status option set to '%{state} eq "alive"'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus='\%{state} eq "alive"'
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] state: alive | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-status option set to '%{state} eq "alive"'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus='\%{state} eq "alive"'
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] state: alive | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-latency option set to 40
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=40
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] latency: 46.446ms | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;0:40;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;0:40;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;0:40;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-latency option set to 40
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=40
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] latency: 46.446ms - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;0:40;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;0:40;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;0:40;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-jitter option set to 1
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=1
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] jitter: 1.868ms | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;0:1;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;0:1;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;0:1;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-jitter option set to 1
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=1
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] jitter: 1.868ms - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;0:1;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;0:1;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;0:1;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-packetloss option set to 0.5
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=0.5
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead, packet loss: 100.000% WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] packet loss: 1.000% | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;0:0.5;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;0:0.5;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;0:0.5;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-packetloss option set to 0.5
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=0.5
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] packet loss: 1.000% - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead, packet loss: 100.000% | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;0:0.5;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;0:0.5;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;0:0.5;0;
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test1}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test2}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test3}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test4}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test5}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test6}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test7}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test8}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test9}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test10}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test11}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test12}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test13}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test14}
# Test simple usage of the list-linkmonitors mode
... filterstate=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN2] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN3] [Vdom = root] [State = dead]
# Test list-linkmonitors mode with filter-name option set to MonitorWAN1
... filterstate=
... filtername='MonitorWAN1'
... filtervdom=
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]
# Test list-linkmonitors mode with filter-state option set to alive
... filterstate='alive'
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN2] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]
# Test list-linkmonitors mode with filter-vdom option set to root
... filterstate=
... filtername=
... filtervdom='root'
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN2] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN3] [Vdom = root] [State = dead]
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test1}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test2}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test3}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test4}
*** Test Cases ***
Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP link monitor
[Documentation] Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP link-monitor
[Tags] network Fortinet Fortigate snmp
FOR ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test} IN @{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=link-monitor
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=network-fortinet-fortigate-linkmonitor
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filterid}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-id=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filterid}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtername}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-name=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtername}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtervdom}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-vdom=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtervdom}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.customperfdatainstances}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --custom-perfdata-instances=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.customperfdatainstances}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.unknownstatus}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --unknown-status=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.unknownstatus}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningstatus}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-status=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningstatus}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalstatus}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --critical-status=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalstatus}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warninglatency}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-latency=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warninglatency}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticallatency}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --critical-latency=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticallatency}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningjitter}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-jitter=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningjitter}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticaljitter}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --critical-jitter=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticaljitter}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningpacketloss}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-packet-loss=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningpacketloss}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalpacketloss}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --critical-packet-loss=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalpacketloss}
${output} Run ${command}
Log To Console . no_newline=true
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.result}
... Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
... values=False
Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP list link monitor
[Documentation] Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP list-linkmonitors
[Tags] network Fortinet Fortigate snmp
FOR ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test} IN @{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=list-link-monitors
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=network-fortinet-fortigate-linkmonitor
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filterstate}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-state=${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filterstate}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtername}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-name=${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtername}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtervdom}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-vdom=${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtervdom}
${output} Run ${command}
Log To Console . no_newline=true
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.result}
... Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
... values=False
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Storage Synology SNMP
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=storage::synology::snmp::plugin
... description=Checking disk components when all disks are ok
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_ok
... expected_output=OK: All 8 components are ok [2/2 disk, 2/2 fan, 1/1 psu, 2/2 raid, 1/1 system]. | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... description=Checking disk components when one disks is warning
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_warning
... expected_output=WARNING: Disk 'Disk 2' health is warning | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... description=Checking disk components when one disks is critical
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_critical
... expected_output=CRITICAL: Disk 'Disk 2' health is critical | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... description=Checking disk components when one disks is failing
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_failing
... expected_output=CRITICAL: Disk 'Disk 2' health is failing | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... &{check_components_test1}
... &{check_components_test2}
... &{check_components_test3}
... &{check_components_test4}
... description=Uptime check expected to be OK
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_ok
... warning=
... critical=
... expected_output=OK: System uptime is: 46m 5s | 'uptime'=2765.00s;;;0;
... description=Uptime check expected to be warning
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_ok
... warning=10
... critical=
... expected_output=WARNING: System uptime is: 46m 5s | 'uptime'=2765.00s;0:10;;0;
... description=Uptime check expected to be critical
... snmpcommunity=synology_component_disk_ok
... warning=
... critical=10
... expected_output=CRITICAL: System uptime is: 46m 5s | 'uptime'=2765.00s;;0:10;0;
... &{uptime_t1}
... &{uptime_t2}
... &{uptime_t3}
*** Test Cases ***
[Tags] storage synology snmp
FOR ${check_components_test} IN @{check_components_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=components
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=${check_components_test.snmpcommunity}
${output} Run ${command}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${check_components_test.expected_output}
... ${output}
... ${check_components_test.description} failed. Wrong output for components mode: ${check_components_test}.{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}
[Tags] storage synology snmp
FOR ${test_item} IN @{uptime_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=uptime
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=${test_item.snmpcommunity}
... --warning-uptime=${test_item.warning}
... --critical-uptime=${test_item.critical}
${output} Run ${command}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${test_item.expected_output}
... ${output}
... ${test_item.description} failed. Wrong output for components mode: ${test_item}.{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation This is the documentation for the import resource file.
Library Examples
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library XML
Resource resources.resource
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
"uuid": "8cba072c-7794-4ff7-ab36-158ef1abed39",
"lastMigration": 32,
"name": "Storage datacore api",
"endpointPrefix": "",
"latency": 0,
"port": 3001,
"hostname": "",
"folders": [],
"routes": [
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"type": "http",
"documentation": "",
"method": "get",
"endpoint": "RestService/rest.svc/1.0/pools",
"responses": [
"uuid": "003eae6e-f58f-44db-bd03-3b44ca578046",
"body": "[ {\n \"Caption\" : \"Disk pool 1\",\n \"ExtendedCaption\" : \"Disk pool 1 on StorageSvr001\",\n \"Id\" : \"A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551:{d68b8a36-0ec4-11e5-80ba-00155d651622}\",\n \"Internal\" : false,\n \"SequenceNumber\" : 11963,\n \"Alias\" : \"Disk pool 1\",\n \"AutoTieringEnabled\" : true,\n \"ChunkSize\" : {\n \"Value\" : 134217728\n },\n \"Description\" : null,\n \"InSharedMode\" : false,\n \"IsAuthorized\" : true,\n \"MaxTierNumber\" : 3,\n \"PoolMode\" : 1,\n \"PoolStatus\" : 0,\n \"PresenceStatus\" : 1,\n \"SMPAApproved\" : false,\n \"ServerId\" : \"A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551\",\n \"SharedPoolId\" : null,\n \"TierReservedPct\" : 0,\n \"Type\" : 0,\n \"IsBulk\" : false\n},\n{\n \"Caption\" : \"Shared pool 1\",\n \"ExtendedCaption\" : \"Shared pool 1 on StorageSvr002\",\n \"Id\" : \"B5C140F5-6B13-4CAD-AF9D-F7C4172B3A1D:{4dec1b5a-2577-11e5-80c3-00155d651622}\",\n \"Internal\" : false,\n \"SequenceNumber\" : 11967,\n \"Alias\" : \"Shared pool 1\",\n \"AutoTieringEnabled\" : true,\n \"ChunkSize\" : {\n \"Value\" : 134217728\n },\n \"Description\" : null,\n \"InSharedMode\" : true,\n \"IsAuthorized\" : true,\n \"MaxTierNumber\" : 3,\n \"PoolMode\" : 1,\n \"PoolStatus\" : 0,\n \"PresenceStatus\" : 1,\n \"SMPAApproved\" : true,\n \"ServerId\" : \"B5C140F5-6B13-4CAD-AF9D-F7C4172B3A1D\",\n \"SharedPoolId\" : \"{4dec1b5a-2577-11e5-80c3-00155d651622}\",\n \"TierReservedPct\" : 0,\n \"Type\" : 0,\n \"IsBulk\" : false\n} ]",
"latency": 0,
"statusCode": 200,
"label": "",
"headers": [],
"bodyType": "INLINE",
"filePath": "",
"databucketID": "",
"sendFileAsBody": false,
"rules": [],
"rulesOperator": "OR",
"disableTemplating": false,
"fallbackTo404": false,
"default": true,
"crudKey": "id",
"callbacks": []
"responseMode": null
"uuid": "0c038179-3723-4d67-9bed-fc226629c847",
"type": "http",
"documentation": "",
"method": "get",
"endpoint": "RestService/rest.svc/1.0/performances/B5C140F5-6B13-4CAD-AF9D-F7C4172B3A1D:%7B4dec1b5a-2577-11e5-80c3-00155d651622%7D",
"responses": [
"uuid": "0eb0a2ca-2f12-40af-ba94-0feef989b6a1",
"body": "[\n {\n \"CollectionTime\": \"/Date(1486402608775)/\",\n \"NullCounterMap\": 0,\n \"BytesAllocated\": 6174015488,\n \"BytesAllocatedPercentage\": 12,\n \"BytesAvailable\": 47110422528,\n \"BytesAvailablePercentage\": 88,\n \"BytesInReclamation\": 0,\n \"BytesInReclamationPercentage\": 0,\n \"BytesOverSubscribed\": 0,\n \"BytesReserved\": 0,\n \"BytesReservedPercentage\": 0,\n \"BytesTotal\": 53284438016,\n \"EstimatedDepletionTime\": 2592000001,\n \"MaxPoolBytes\": 1108127332171776,\n \"MaxReadTime\" : 0,\n \"MaxReadWriteTime\" : 0,\n \"MaxWriteTime\" : 0,\n \"PercentAllocated\" : 12,\n \"PercentAvailable\" : 88,\n \"TotalBytesMigrated\" : 0,\n \"TotalBytesRead\" : 307200,\n \"TotalBytesTransferred\" : 2036756992,\n \"TotalBytesWritten\" : 2036470272,\n \"TotalOperations\" : 53002,\n \"TotalReadTime\" : 0,\n \"TotalReads\" : 18,\n \"TotalWriteTime\" : 74994,\n \"TotalWrites\" : 52998\n }\n]",
"latency": 0,
"statusCode": 200,
"label": "",
"headers": [],
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"rules": [],
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"default": true,
"crudKey": "id",
"callbacks": []
"responseMode": null
"uuid": "b9f7dd2b-e1e1-4902-95ba-c6b76a1de390",
"type": "http",
"documentation": "",
"method": "get",
"endpoint": "RestService/rest.svc/1.0/alerts",
"responses": [
"uuid": "a1dece29-074b-4100-a764-f7ddccdec8da",
"body": "[ {\n \"Caller\" : \"ServerMachineGroup.UpdateServers\",\n \"HighPriority\" : true,\n \"Id\" : {\n \"MachineId\" : \"A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551\",\n \"SequenceNumber\" : 34937\n },\n \"Level\" : 2,\n \"MachineName\" : \"STORAGESVR001\",\n \"MessageData\" : [ \"StorageSvr002\" ],\n \"MessageText\" : \"Connection to server {0} has been lost.\",\n \"NeedsAcknowledge\" : false,\n \"Sources\" : [ {\n \"SourceCaption\" : \"Group1\",\n \"SourceId\" : \"4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a\",\n \"SourceType\" : 12\n } ],\n \"TimeStamp\" : \"/Date(1437398005546)/\",\n \"UserId\" : null,\n \"UserName\" : null,\n \"Visibility\" : 64\n}, {\n \"Caller\" : \"BasePerfMonitor`1.SetState\",\n \"HighPriority\" : true,\n \"Id\" : {\n \"MachineId\" : \"A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551\",\n \"SequenceNumber\" : 33985\n },\n \"Level\" : 3,\n \"MachineName\" : \"STORAGESVR001\",\n \"MessageData\" : null,\n \"MessageText\" : \"The Replication buffer free space of StorageSvr001 in Group1 is <= 10%\",\n \"NeedsAcknowledge\" : false,\n \"Sources\" : [ {\n \"SourceCaption\" : \"Replication buffer free space of StorageSvr001 in Group1\",\n \"SourceId\" : \"FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1<A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551>ReplicationBufferPercentFreeSpace\",\n \"SourceType\" : 3\n }, {\n \"SourceCaption\" : \"StorageSvr001 in Group1\",\n \"SourceId\" : \"A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551\",\n \"SourceType\" : 12\n }, {\n \"SourceCaption\" : \"Group1\",\n \"SourceId\" : \"4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a\",\n \"SourceType\" : 12\n } ],\n \"TimeStamp\" : \"/Date(1437397587894)/\",\n \"UserId\" : null,\n \"UserName\" : null,\n \"Visibility\" : 64\n}]",
"latency": 0,
"statusCode": 200,
"label": "",
"headers": [],
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"default": true,
"crudKey": "id",
"callbacks": []
"responseMode": null
"uuid": "be0b350e-f8da-4998-a045-a3cf840745c0",
"type": "http",
"documentation": "",
"method": "get",
"endpoint": "RestService/rest.svc/1.0/monitors",
"responses": [
"uuid": "6f53cd5e-7417-4fdf-a310-e2a7af4b7c3a",
"body": "[\r\n {\r\n \"Caption\": \"State\",\r\n \"ExtendedCaption\": \"State of HostVM2\",\r\n \"Id\": \"ClientMachineStateMonitor<ed89ef91d72142dc958e02c5b7014fac>\",\r\n \"Internal\": false,\r\n \"SequenceNumber\": 9417,\r\n \"Description\": \"Monitors the state of hosts.\",\r\n \"MessageText\": \"Connected\",\r\n \"MonitoredObjectId\": \"ed89ef91d72142dc958e02c5b7014fac\",\r\n \"State\": 16,\r\n \"TemplateId\": \"T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)\",\r\n \"TimeStamp\": \"/Date(1486136115475-0500)/\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"Caption\": \"I/O latency\",\r\n \"ExtendedCaption\": \"I/O latency of Mirror of Virtual disk 1 on StorageSvr005\",\r\n \"Id\": \"RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1<V.{2f652562-e7e3-11e6-80d7-00155d651611}-00000001_N.22690030D9218568>TotalOperationsTime\",\r\n \"Internal\": false,\r\n \"SequenceNumber\": 10036,\r\n \"Description\": \"Monitors the physical disks latency.\",\r\n \"MessageText\": \"Disabled\",\r\n \"MonitoredObjectId\": \"V.{2f652562-e7e3-11e6-80d7-00155d651611}-00000001_N.22690030D9218568\",\r\n \"State\": 1,\r\n \"TemplateId\": \"T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<V.{2f652562-e7e3-11e6-80d7-00155d651611}-00000001_N.22690030D9218568>TotalOperationsTime)\",\r\n \"TimeStamp\": \"/Date(1486148705910-0500)/\"\r\n }\r\n]",
"latency": 0,
"statusCode": 200,
"label": "",
"headers": [],
"bodyType": "INLINE",
"filePath": "",
"databucketID": "",
"sendFileAsBody": false,
"rules": [],
"rulesOperator": "OR",
"disableTemplating": false,
"fallbackTo404": false,
"default": true,
"crudKey": "id",
"callbacks": []
"responseMode": null
"rootChildren": [
"type": "route",
"uuid": "148371c5-aaa7-4bf0-a818-e81a21aa7f9a"
"type": "route",
"uuid": "0c038179-3723-4d67-9bed-fc226629c847"
"type": "route",
"uuid": "b9f7dd2b-e1e1-4902-95ba-c6b76a1de390"
"type": "route",
"uuid": "be0b350e-f8da-4998-a045-a3cf840745c0"
"proxyMode": false,
"proxyHost": "",
"proxyRemovePrefix": false,
"tlsOptions": {
"enabled": false,
"type": "CERT",
"pfxPath": "",
"certPath": "",
"keyPath": "",
"caPath": "",
"passphrase": ""
"cors": true,
"headers": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"proxyReqHeaders": [
"key": "",
"value": ""
"proxyResHeaders": [
"key": "",
"value": ""
"data": [],
"callbacks": []
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Centreon Plugins for Robot Framework
Library Process
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} perl ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
# one we use package, we need to remove the "perl" part to be sure the plugin is executable and is correctly formated
# with a shebang at the top.
*** Keywords ***
Start Mockoon
[Arguments] ${MOCKOON_JSON}
${process} Start Process
... mockoon-cli
... start
... --data
... --port
... 3000
Sleep 5s
Stop Mockoon
Terminate All Processes
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
. = INTEGER: 500
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 2330
. = INTEGER: 2360
. = INTEGER: 2360
. = INTEGER: 35
. = INTEGER: 36
. = INTEGER: 36
@ -1,46 +1,43 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Hardware UPS Sputnik SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=apps::protocols::snmp::plugin
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=apps::protocols::snmp::plugin
*** Test Cases ***
SNMP Collection - Sputnik Environment ${tc}/3
[Tags] SNMP Collection
[Tags] snmp collection
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=collection
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-sputnik
... --config=${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src/contrib/collection/snmp/sputnik-environment.json
... --snmp-community=apps/protocols/snmp/collection-sputnik
... --config=${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src/contrib/collection/snmp/sputnik-environment.json
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${expected_result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${expected_result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
... ${command}\nWrong output result for compliance of ${expected_result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
Examples: tc expected_result --
... 1 OK: Sensor '1' temperature is '20.06'°C and humidity is '33'% | '1#environment.temperature.celsius'=20.06C;;;; '1#environment.humidity.percent'=33%;;;0;100
... 2 OK: Sensor '1' temperature is '20.06'°C and humidity is '33'% | '1#environment.temperature.celsius'=20.06C;;;; '1#environment.humidity.percent'=33%;;;0;100
... 3 OK: Sensor '1' temperature is '20.06'°C and humidity is '33'% | '1#environment.temperature.celsius'=20.06C;;;; '1#environment.humidity.percent'=33%;;;0;100
*** Keywords ***
Append Option
[Documentation] Concatenates the first argument (option) with the second (value) after having replaced the value with "" if its content is '_empty_'
[Arguments] ${option} ${value}
${value} Set Variable If '${value}' == '_empty_' '' ${value}
[return] ${option}=${value}
RETURN ${option}=${value}
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation AWS CloudTrail plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
Library String
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Suite Setup Start Mockoon
Suite Setup Start Mockoon ${MOCKOON_JSON}
Suite Teardown Stop Mockoon
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${MOCKOON_JSON} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}mockoon${/}cloud-aws-cloudtrail.json
${MOCKOON_JSON} ${CURDIR}${/}cloud-aws-cloudtrail.json
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=cloud::aws::cloudtrail::plugin --custommode=paws --region=eu-west --aws-secret-key=secret --aws-access-key=key
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=cloud::aws::cloudtrail::plugin --custommode=paws --region=eu-west --aws-secret-key=secret --aws-access-key=key
... trailstatus=true
@ -195,18 +192,3 @@ AWS CloudTrail count events
... ${countevents_value.result}
... Wrong output result for count events of ${countevents_value}.{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}
*** Keywords ***
Start Mockoon
${process} Start Process
... mockoon-cli
... start
... --data
... --port
... 3000
Sleep 5s
Stop Mockoon
Terminate All Processes
@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Azure PolicyInsights PolicyStates plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
Library String
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Suite Setup Start Mockoon
Suite Setup Start Mockoon ${MOCKOON_JSON}
Suite Teardown Stop Mockoon
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${MOCKOON_JSON} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}mockoon${/}cloud-azure-policyinsights-policystates.json
${MOCKOON_JSON} ${CURDIR}${/}cloud-azure-policyinsights-policystates.json
${LOGIN_ENDPOINT} http://localhost:3000/login
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=cloud::azure::policyinsights::policystates::plugin --subscription=subscription --tenant=tenant --client-id=client_id --client-secret=secret --login-endpoint=${LOGIN_ENDPOINT}
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=cloud::azure::policyinsights::policystates::plugin --subscription=subscription --tenant=tenant --client-id=client_id --client-secret=secret --login-endpoint=${LOGIN_ENDPOINT}
... endpoint=http://localhost:3000/ok
@ -72,18 +69,3 @@ Azure PolicyInsights PolicyStates compliance
... ${compliance_value.result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${compliance_value}.{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}
*** Keywords ***
Start Mockoon
${process} Start Process
... mockoon-cli
... start
... --data
... --port
... 3000
Sleep 5s
Stop Mockoon
Terminate All Processes
@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Database Mysql plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
Library String
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=database::mysql::plugin
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=database::mysql::plugin
... result=UNKNOWN: Need to specify data_source arguments.
... result=UNKNOWN: Need to specify data_source arguments.
... &{sql_string_test1}
... &{sql_string_test1}
*** Test Cases ***
@ -1,381 +1,381 @@
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2017284
. = INTEGER: 633088
. = INTEGER: 633088
. = INTEGER: 26716
. = INTEGER: 2084
. = INTEGER: 740908
. = STRING: 0.04
. = STRING: 0.10
. = STRING: 0.15
. = INTEGER: 135503
. = INTEGER: 2274
. = INTEGER: 40397
. = INTEGER: 4196071
. = INTEGER: 12504
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 20130
. = INTEGER: 1907546
. = INTEGER: 1097972
. = INTEGER: 19954356
. = INTEGER: 15304192
. = INTEGER: 5002
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "hostname"
. = STRING: "ACS8016 with dual power supply"
. = STRING: "000-000"
. = STRING: "0520307296"
. = STRING: "notavailable"
. = STRING: "1.18"
. = STRING: ""
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 16
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 4
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 6
. = INTEGER: 7
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 9
. = INTEGER: 10
. = INTEGER: 11
. = INTEGER: 12
. = INTEGER: 13
. = INTEGER: 14
. = INTEGER: 15
. = INTEGER: 16
. = STRING: "ttyS1"
. = STRING: "ttyS2"
. = STRING: "ttyS3"
. = STRING: "ttyS4"
. = STRING: "ttyS5"
. = STRING: "ttyS6"
. = STRING: "ttyS7"
. = STRING: "ttyS8"
. = STRING: "ttyS9"
. = STRING: "ttyS10"
. = STRING: "ttyS11"
. = STRING: "ttyS12"
. = STRING: "ttyS13"
. = STRING: "ttyS14"
. = STRING: "ttyS15"
. = STRING: "ttyS16"
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-1"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-2"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-3"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-4"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-5"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-6"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-7"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-8"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-9"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-10"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-11"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-12"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-13"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-14"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-15"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-16"
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
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. = INTEGER: 8
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. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
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. = INTEGER: 1
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. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 4
. = INTEGER: 1870
. = INTEGER: 455
. = INTEGER: 3132
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2867
. = INTEGER: 386
. = INTEGER: 147
. = INTEGER: 355
. = INTEGER: 709
. = INTEGER: 1986
. = INTEGER: 860
. = INTEGER: 7
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 739
. = INTEGER: 2062
. = INTEGER: 30198
. = INTEGER: 85760
. = INTEGER: 9012
. = INTEGER: 117562
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 285873
. = INTEGER: 49921
. = INTEGER: 562
. = INTEGER: 27723
. = INTEGER: 72153
. = INTEGER: 141123
. = INTEGER: 14608
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 17688
. = INTEGER: 64970
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2017284
. = INTEGER: 633088
. = INTEGER: 633088
. = INTEGER: 26716
. = INTEGER: 2084
. = INTEGER: 740908
. = STRING: 0.04
. = STRING: 0.10
. = STRING: 0.15
. = INTEGER: 135503
. = INTEGER: 2274
. = INTEGER: 40397
. = INTEGER: 4196071
. = INTEGER: 12504
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 20130
. = INTEGER: 1907546
. = INTEGER: 1097972
. = INTEGER: 19954356
. = INTEGER: 15304192
. = INTEGER: 5002
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "hostname"
. = STRING: "ACS8016 with dual power supply"
. = STRING: "000-000"
. = STRING: "0520307296"
. = STRING: "notavailable"
. = STRING: "1.18"
. = STRING: ""
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 16
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 4
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 6
. = INTEGER: 7
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 9
. = INTEGER: 10
. = INTEGER: 11
. = INTEGER: 12
. = INTEGER: 13
. = INTEGER: 14
. = INTEGER: 15
. = INTEGER: 16
. = STRING: "ttyS1"
. = STRING: "ttyS2"
. = STRING: "ttyS3"
. = STRING: "ttyS4"
. = STRING: "ttyS5"
. = STRING: "ttyS6"
. = STRING: "ttyS7"
. = STRING: "ttyS8"
. = STRING: "ttyS9"
. = STRING: "ttyS10"
. = STRING: "ttyS11"
. = STRING: "ttyS12"
. = STRING: "ttyS13"
. = STRING: "ttyS14"
. = STRING: "ttyS15"
. = STRING: "ttyS16"
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-1"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-2"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-3"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-4"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-5"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-6"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-7"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-8"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-9"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-10"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-11"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-12"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-13"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-14"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-15"
. = STRING: "2e-57-c4-p-16"
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 9600
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 8
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
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. = INTEGER: 4
. = INTEGER: 1870
. = INTEGER: 455
. = INTEGER: 3132
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2867
. = INTEGER: 386
. = INTEGER: 147
. = INTEGER: 355
. = INTEGER: 709
. = INTEGER: 1986
. = INTEGER: 860
. = INTEGER: 7
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 739
. = INTEGER: 2062
. = INTEGER: 30198
. = INTEGER: 85760
. = INTEGER: 9012
. = INTEGER: 117562
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 285873
. = INTEGER: 49921
. = INTEGER: 562
. = INTEGER: 27723
. = INTEGER: 72153
. = INTEGER: 141123
. = INTEGER: 14608
. = INTEGER: 0
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. = INTEGER: 17688
. = INTEGER: 64970
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. = INTEGER: 0
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. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation hardware::kvm::avocent::acs::8000::snmp::plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ Serial Ports
Run Avocent 8000 Plugin
[Arguments] ${mode} ${extraoptions}
${command} Catenate
... perl ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
... --plugin=hardware::kvm::avocent::acs::8000::snmp::plugin
... --mode=${mode}
... --hostname=${HOSTADDRESS}
@ -1,37 +1,34 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Hardware Sensors APC SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::sensors::apc::snmp::plugin --mode=sensors --hostname= --snmp-version=2c --snmp-port=2024
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::sensors::apc::snmp::plugin --mode=sensors --hostname= --snmp-version=2c --snmp-port=2024
*** Test Cases ***
APC Sensors ${tc}/9
[Tags] hardware Sensors snmp
[Tags] hardware sensors snmp
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --snmp-community=hardware/sensors/apc/sensors
... --snmp-community=hardware/sensors/apc/snmp/sensors
# Append options to command
${command} Append Option To Command ${command} --warning ${warning}
${command} Append Option To Command ${command} --critical ${critical}
${command} Append Option To Command ${command} --component ${component}
${command} Append Option To Command ${command} --warning ${warning}
${command} Append Option To Command ${command} --critical ${critical}
${command} Append Option To Command ${command} --component ${component}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${expected_result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${expected_result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
#--component 'temperature' --warning='humidity,.,45:65' --critical='humidity,.,35:70'
# --component 'temperature' --warning='humidity,.,45:65' --critical='humidity,.,35:70'
Examples: tc component warning critical expected_result --
... 1 _empty_ _empty_ _empty_ OK: All 2 components are ok [2/2 temperatures]. | 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.temperature.celsius'=23C;;;; 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.humidity.percentage'=35%;;;0;100 'hardware.temperature.count'=2;;;;
... 2 _empty_ humidity,.,45:65 _empty_ WARNING: Humidity 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature' is 35 % | 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.temperature.celsius'=23C;;;; 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.humidity.percentage'=35%;45:65;;0;100 'hardware.temperature.count'=2;;;;
@ -43,11 +40,10 @@ APC Sensors ${tc}/9
... 8 _empty_ temperature,.,22:25 temperature,.,22:25 OK: All 2 components are ok [2/2 temperatures]. | 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.temperature.celsius'=23C;22:25;22:25;; 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.humidity.percentage'=35%;;;0;100 'hardware.temperature.count'=2;;;;
... 9 _empty_ _empty_ _empty_ OK: All 2 components are ok [2/2 temperatures]. | 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.temperature.celsius'=23C;;;; 'Main Module:Sonde de temperature#hardware.sensor.humidity.percentage'=35%;;;0;100 'hardware.temperature.count'=2;;;;
*** Keywords ***
*** Keywords ***
Append Option To Command
[Documentation] Concatenates the first argument (option) with the second (value) after having replaced the value with "" if its content is '_empty_'
[Arguments] ${cmd} ${option} ${value}
${value} Set Variable If '${value}' == '_empty_' '' ${value}
[return] ${cmd} ${option}=${value}
RETURN ${cmd} ${option}=${value}
@ -1,39 +1,36 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Hardware UPS Sputnik SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::ups::inmatics::sputnik::snmp::plugin
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::ups::inmatics::sputnik::snmp::plugin
*** Test Cases ***
Sputnik UPS - Environment ${tc}/9
[Tags] hardware UPS snmp
[Tags] hardware ups snmp
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=environment
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=hardware-ups/hardware-ups-sputnik
... --snmp-community=hardware/ups/inmatics/sputnik/snmp/hardware-ups-sputnik
# Append options to command
${opt} Append Option --warning-temperature ${w_temperature}
${opt} Append Option --warning-temperature ${w_temperature}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --critical-temperature ${c_temperature}
${opt} Append Option --critical-temperature ${c_temperature}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --warning-humidity ${w_humidity}
${opt} Append Option --warning-humidity ${w_humidity}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --critical-humidity ${c_humidity}
${opt} Append Option --critical-humidity ${c_humidity}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --filter-id ${filter_id}
${opt} Append Option --filter-id ${filter_id}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${output} Run ${command}
@ -54,10 +51,10 @@ Sputnik UPS - Environment ${tc}/9
... 8 2 30 50 50 70 UNKNOWN: No sensors found.
... 9 1 _empty_ _empty_ _empty_ _empty_ OK: 'Sensor 1': temperature 20.06 C, humidity 33 % | 'Sensor 1#environment.temperature.celsius'=20.06C;;;; 'Sensor 1#environment.humidity.percentage'=33%;;;0;100
*** Keywords ***
Append Option
[Documentation] Concatenates the first argument (option) with the second (value) after having replaced the value with "" if its content is '_empty_'
[Arguments] ${option} ${value}
${value} Set Variable If '${value}' == '_empty_' '' ${value}
[return] ${option}=${value}
RETURN ${option}=${value}
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2006
. = INTEGER: 33
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Hardware UPS Socomec Netvision SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::ups::socomec::netvision::snmp::plugin
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::ups::socomec::netvision::snmp::plugin
*** Test Cases ***
Battery ${tc}/4
[Tags] hardware UPS snmp
[Tags] hardware ups snmp
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=battery
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=hardware/ups/socomec/netvision/snmp/mode/battery
... --snmp-community=hardware/ups/socomec/netvision/snmp/battery
# Append options to command
${opt} Append Option --warning-temperature ${w_temperature}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --critical-temperature ${c_temperature}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --warning-temperature ${w_temperature}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${opt} Append Option --critical-temperature ${c_temperature}
${command} Catenate ${command} ${opt}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${expected_result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${expected_result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
... ${command} \nWrong output result for compliance of ${expected_result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
Examples: tc w_temperature c_temperature expected_result --
... 1 30 50 OK: battery status is normal - charge remaining: 100% (0 minutes remaining) | 'battery.charge.remaining.percent'=100%;;;0;100 'battery.charge.remaining.minutes'=0;;;0; 'battery.voltage.volt'=339.1V;;;; 'battery.temperature.celsius'=22C;0:30;0:50;;
@ -43,10 +40,10 @@ Battery ${tc}/4
... 3 10 20 CRITICAL: temperature: 22 C | 'battery.charge.remaining.percent'=100%;;;0;100 'battery.charge.remaining.minutes'=0;;;0; 'battery.voltage.volt'=339.1V;;;; 'battery.temperature.celsius'=22C;0:10;0:20;;
... 4 _empty_ _empty_ OK: battery status is normal - charge remaining: 100% (0 minutes remaining) | 'battery.charge.remaining.percent'=100%;;;0;100 'battery.charge.remaining.minutes'=0;;;0; 'battery.voltage.volt'=339.1V;;;; 'battery.temperature.celsius'=22C;;;;
*** Keywords ***
Append Option
[Documentation] Concatenates the first argument (option) with the second (value) after having replaced the value with "" if its content is '_empty_'
[Arguments] ${option} ${value}
${value} Set Variable If '${value}' == '_empty_' '' ${value}
[return] ${option}=${value}
RETURN ${option}=${value}
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Hardware UPS standard SNMP plugin
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=hardware::ups::standard::rfc1628::snmp::plugin
... snmpcommunity=hardware/ups/standard/snmp/ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid=
... result=OK: All input lines are ok | '1#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '1#line.input.voltage.volt'=233V;;;; '1#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '1#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;; '2#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '2#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '2#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '2#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;; '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware/ups/standard/snmp/ups-standard-null-val
... warningpower='215:'
... criticalcurrent='@0:214'
... warningvoltage='@0:214'
... warningfrequence='@0:214'
... excludeid=
... result=CRITICAL: Input Line '1' Frequence : 0.00 Hz, Voltage : 0.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W - Input Line '2' Frequence : 0.00 Hz, Voltage : 0.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W - Input Line '3' Frequence : 0.00 Hz, Voltage : 0.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '1#line.input.frequence.hertz'=0Hz;@0:214;;; '1#line.input.voltage.volt'=0V;@0:214;;; '1#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;@0:214;; '1#line.input.power.watt'=0W;215:;;; '2#line.input.frequence.hertz'=0Hz;@0:214;;; '2#line.input.voltage.volt'=0V;@0:214;;; '2#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;@0:214;; '2#line.input.power.watt'=0W;215:;;; '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=0Hz;@0:214;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=0V;@0:214;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;@0:214;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;215:;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware/ups/standard/snmp/ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid='1,2'
... result=OK: Input Line '3' Frequence : 49.90 Hz, Voltage : 234.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware/ups/standard/snmp/ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid='1, 2'
... result=OK: Input Line '3' Frequence : 49.90 Hz, Voltage : 234.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '3#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '3#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '3#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '3#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... snmpcommunity=hardware/ups/standard/snmp/ups-standard
... warningpower=
... criticalcurrent=
... warningvoltage=
... warningfrequence=
... excludeid='1 ,3'
... result=OK: Input Line '2' Frequence : 49.90 Hz, Voltage : 234.00 V, Current : 0.00 A, Power : 0.00 W | '2#line.input.frequence.hertz'=49.9Hz;;;; '2#line.input.voltage.volt'=234V;;;; '2#line.input.current.ampere'=0A;;;; '2#line.input.power.watt'=0W;;;;
... &{ups_standard_test_with_values}
... &{ups_standard_test_critical_with_null_values}
... &{ups_standard_test_with_exclude_option_1}
... &{ups_standard_test_with_exclude_option_2}
... &{ups_standard_test_with_exclude_option_3}
*** Test Cases ***
Hardware UPS Standard SNMP input lines
[Documentation] Hardware UPS standard SNMP input lines
[Tags] hardware ups snmp
FOR ${ups_standard_test} IN @{ups_standard_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=input-lines
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=${ups_standard_test.snmpcommunity}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.warningpower}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-power=${ups_standard_test.warningpower}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.criticalcurrent}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --critical-current=${ups_standard_test.criticalcurrent}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.warningvoltage}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-voltage=${ups_standard_test.warningvoltage}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.warningfrequence}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --warning-frequence=${ups_standard_test.warningfrequence}
${length} Get Length ${ups_standard_test.excludeid}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --exclude-id=${ups_standard_test.excludeid}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${ups_standard_test.result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${ups_standard_test.result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network Aruba Instant SNMP plugin - AP Usage
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=network::aruba::instant::snmp::plugin --mode=ap-usage --hostname= --snmp-version=2c --snmp-port=2024
... documentation=Test AP usage without filters
... snmpcommunity=network/aruba/instant/snmp/ap-usage
... filtercounters=
... filtername=
... warningclients=
... criticalclients=
... result=OK: total access points: 5 - All access points are ok | 'accesspoints.total.count'=5;;;0; 'AP Piso 1#clients.current.count'=4;;;0; 'AP Piso 1#cpu.utilization.percentage'=3.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.bytes'=215711744B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.free.bytes'=311316480B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.percentage'=40.93%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#clients.current.count'=17;;;0; 'AP Piso 2#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.bytes'=219455488B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.free.bytes'=307572736B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.percentage'=41.64%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#clients.current.count'=14;;;0; 'AP Piso 3#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.bytes'=219185152B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.free.bytes'=307843072B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.percentage'=41.59%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;;;0; 'AP Piso 4#cpu.utilization.percentage'=11.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.bytes'=221700096B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.free.bytes'=305328128B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.percentage'=42.07%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#clients.current.count'=4;;;0; 'AP Sotano#cpu.utilization.percentage'=4.00%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.bytes'=217473024B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.free.bytes'=309555200B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.percentage'=41.26%;;;0;100
... documentation=Test AP usage with filter on clients
... snmpcommunity=network/aruba/instant/snmp/ap-usage
... filtercounters=clients
... filtername=
... warningclients=
... criticalclients=
... result=OK: All access points are ok | 'AP Piso 1#clients.current.count'=4;;;0; 'AP Piso 2#clients.current.count'=17;;;0; 'AP Piso 3#clients.current.count'=14;;;0; 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;;;0; 'AP Sotano#clients.current.count'=4;;;0;
... documentation=Test AP usage with filter on clients and filter on name
... snmpcommunity=network/aruba/instant/snmp/ap-usage
... filtercounters=clients
... filtername=Piso 4
... warningclients=
... criticalclients=
... result=OK: Access Point 'AP Piso 4' Current Clients: 11 | 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;;;0;
... documentation=Test AP usage without filters with warning when less than 20 clients
... snmpcommunity=network/aruba/instant/snmp/ap-usage
... filtercounters=
... filtername=
... warningclients=20:
... criticalclients=
... result=WARNING: Access Point 'AP Piso 1' Current Clients: 4 - Access Point 'AP Piso 2' Current Clients: 17 - Access Point 'AP Piso 3' Current Clients: 14 - Access Point 'AP Piso 4' Current Clients: 11 - Access Point 'AP Sotano' Current Clients: 4 | 'accesspoints.total.count'=5;;;0; 'AP Piso 1#clients.current.count'=4;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 1#cpu.utilization.percentage'=3.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.bytes'=215711744B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.free.bytes'=311316480B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 1#memory.usage.percentage'=40.93%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#clients.current.count'=17;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 2#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.bytes'=219455488B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.free.bytes'=307572736B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 2#memory.usage.percentage'=41.64%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#clients.current.count'=14;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 3#cpu.utilization.percentage'=18.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.bytes'=219185152B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.free.bytes'=307843072B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 3#memory.usage.percentage'=41.59%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#clients.current.count'=11;20:;;0; 'AP Piso 4#cpu.utilization.percentage'=11.00%;;;0;100 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.bytes'=221700096B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.free.bytes'=305328128B;;;0;527028224 'AP Piso 4#memory.usage.percentage'=42.07%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#clients.current.count'=4;20:;;0; 'AP Sotano#cpu.utilization.percentage'=4.00%;;;0;100 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.bytes'=217473024B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.free.bytes'=309555200B;;;0;527028224 'AP Sotano#memory.usage.percentage'=41.26%;;;0;100
... &{ap_usage_test_1}
... &{ap_usage_test_2}
... &{ap_usage_test_3}
... &{ap_usage_test_4}
*** Test Cases ***
Network Aruba Instant SNMP plugin
[Documentation] AP Usage
[Tags] network aruba snmp
FOR ${ap_usage_tc} IN @{ap_usage_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --filter-counters='${ap_usage_tc.filtercounters}'
... --filter-name='${ap_usage_tc.filtername}'
... --warning-clients='${ap_usage_tc.warningclients}'
... --critical-clients='${ap_usage_tc.criticalclients}'
... --snmp-community=${ap_usage_tc.snmpcommunity}
Log To Console ${command}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${ap_usage_tc.result}
... Wrong output result for compliance of ${ap_usage_tc.result}{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}{\n}{\n}{\n}
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
. = STRING: "MonitorWAN1"
. = STRING: "MonitorWAN2"
. = STRING: "MonitorWAN3"
. = STRING: "0"
. = STRING: "0"
. = STRING: "1"
. = STRING: "39.739"
. = STRING: "46.446"
. = STRING: "0.000"
. = STRING: "0.096"
. = STRING: "1.868"
. = STRING: "0.000"
. = STRING: "0%"
. = STRING: "1%"
. = STRING: "100%"
. = STRING: "root"
. = STRING: "root"
. = STRING: "root"
@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP plugin
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=network::fortinet::fortigate::snmp::plugin
# Test simple usage of the linkmonitor mode
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with filter-id option set to 3
... filterid=3
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with filter-name option set to MonitorWAN1
... filterid=
... filtername='MonitorWAN1'
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=OK: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive, latency: 39.739ms, jitter: 0.096ms, packet loss: 0.000% | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with filter-vdom option set to 'root'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom='root'
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with custom-perf-data-instances option set to '%(name) %(id)'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances='%(name) %(id)'
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~1#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~1#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~1#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~2#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~2#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~2#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~3#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~3#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~3#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with unknown-status option set to '%{state} eq "alive"'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus='\%{state} eq "alive"'
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead UNKNOWN: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] state: alive | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-status option set to '%{state} eq "alive"'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus='\%{state} eq "alive"'
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] state: alive | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-status option set to '%{state} eq "alive"'
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus='\%{state} eq "alive"'
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN1' [vdom: root] [id: 1] state: alive - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] state: alive | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-latency option set to 40
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=40
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] latency: 46.446ms | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;0:40;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;0:40;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;0:40;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-latency option set to 40
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=40
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] latency: 46.446ms - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;0:40;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;0:40;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;0:40;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-jitter option set to 1
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=1
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] jitter: 1.868ms | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;0:1;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;0:1;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;0:1;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-jitter option set to 1
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=1
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] jitter: 1.868ms - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;0:1;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;0:1;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;0:1;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with warning-packetloss option set to 0.5
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=0.5
... criticalpacketloss=
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead, packet loss: 100.000% WARNING: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] packet loss: 1.000% | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;0:0.5;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;0:0.5;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;0:0.5;;0;
# Test linkmonitor mode with critical-packetloss option set to 0.5
... filterid=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... customperfdatainstances=
... unknownstatus=
... warningstatus=
... criticalstatus=
... warninglatency=
... criticallatency=
... warningjitter=
... criticaljitter=
... warningpacketloss=
... criticalpacketloss=0.5
... result=CRITICAL: Link monitor 'MonitorWAN2' [vdom: root] [id: 2] packet loss: 1.000% - Link monitor 'MonitorWAN3' [vdom: root] [id: 3] state: dead, packet loss: 100.000% | 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=39.739;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.096;;;0; 'MonitorWAN1~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=0;;0:0.5;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=46.446;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=1.868;;;0; 'MonitorWAN2~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=1;;0:0.5;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.latency.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.jitter.milliseconds'=0.000;;;0; 'MonitorWAN3~root#linkmonitor.packet.loss.percentage'=100;;0:0.5;0;
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test1}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test2}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test3}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test4}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test5}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test6}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test7}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test8}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test9}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test10}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test11}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test12}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test13}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test14}
# Test simple usage of the list-linkmonitors mode
... filterstate=
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN2] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN3] [Vdom = root] [State = dead]
# Test list-linkmonitors mode with filter-name option set to MonitorWAN1
... filterstate=
... filtername='MonitorWAN1'
... filtervdom=
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]
# Test list-linkmonitors mode with filter-state option set to alive
... filterstate='alive'
... filtername=
... filtervdom=
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN2] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]
# Test list-linkmonitors mode with filter-vdom option set to root
... filterstate=
... filtername=
... filtervdom='root'
... result=List link monitors: \n[Name = MonitorWAN1] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN2] [Vdom = root] [State = alive]\n[Name = MonitorWAN3] [Vdom = root] [State = dead]
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test1}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test2}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test3}
... &{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test4}
*** Test Cases ***
Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP link monitor
[Documentation] Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP link-monitor
[Tags] network fortinet fortigate snmp
FOR ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test} IN @{fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=link-monitor
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=network/fortinet/fortigate/snmp/linkmonitor
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filterid}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-id=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filterid}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtername}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-name=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtername}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtervdom}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate ${command} --filter-vdom=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.filtervdom}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.customperfdatainstances}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --custom-perfdata-instances=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.customperfdatainstances}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.unknownstatus}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --unknown-status=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.unknownstatus}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningstatus}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --warning-status=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningstatus}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalstatus}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --critical-status=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalstatus}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warninglatency}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --warning-latency=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warninglatency}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticallatency}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --critical-latency=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticallatency}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningjitter}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --warning-jitter=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningjitter}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticaljitter}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --critical-jitter=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticaljitter}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningpacketloss}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --warning-packet-loss=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.warningpacketloss}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalpacketloss}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --critical-packet-loss=${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.criticalpacketloss}
${output} Run ${command}
Log To Console . no_newline=true
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.result}
... Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${fortinet_fortigate_linkmonitor_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
... values=False
Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP list link monitor
[Documentation] Network Fortinet Fortigate SNMP list-linkmonitors
[Tags] network fortinet fortigate snmp
FOR ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test} IN @{fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=list-link-monitors
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2c
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=network/fortinet/fortigate/snmp/linkmonitor
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filterstate}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --filter-state=${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filterstate}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtername}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --filter-name=${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtername}
${length} Get Length ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtervdom}
IF ${length} > 0
${command} Catenate
... ${command}
... --filter-vdom=${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.filtervdom}
${output} Run ${command}
Log To Console . no_newline=true
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${output}
... ${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.result}
... Wrong result output for:${\n}Command: ${\n}${command}${\n}${\n}Expected output: ${\n}${fortinet_fortigate_listlinkmonitors_test.result}${\n}${\n}Obtained output:${\n}${output}${\n}${\n}${\n}
... values=False
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Linux Local list-systemdservices
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::linux::local::plugin
${COND} ${PERCENT}\{sub\} =~ /exited/ && ${PERCENT}{display} =~ /network/'
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::linux::local::plugin
${COND} ${PERCENT}\{sub\} =~ /exited/ && ${PERCENT}{display} =~ /network/'
*** Test Cases ***
List-Systemdservices v219 ${tc}/4
@ -23,7 +18,7 @@ List-Systemdservices v219 ${tc}/4
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=list-systemdservices
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}linux${/}systemd-219
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}systemd-219
... --filter-name='${filtername}'
... --filter-description='${filterdescription}'
@ -46,7 +41,7 @@ List-Systemdservices v252 ${tc}/4
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=list-systemdservices
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}linux${/}systemd-252
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}systemd-252
... --filter-name='${filtername}'
... --filter-description='${filterdescription}'
@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Linux Local Systemd-sc-status
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
# systemd changed the output format of the command starting from version 252, so we need to check for a systemd version and use the correct parameter.
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::linux::local::plugin
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::linux::local::plugin
# attempt to work around the interpretation of %{} as env variables instead of plugin macros
#${COND} ${PERCENT}\{sub\} =~ /exited/ && ${PERCENT}{display} =~ /network/'
*** Test Cases ***
Systemd-sc-status v219 ${tc}/15
@ -23,7 +18,7 @@ Systemd-sc-status v219 ${tc}/15
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=systemd-sc-status
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}linux${/}systemd-219
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}systemd-219
... --filter-name='${filter}'
... --exclude-name='${exclude}'
... --warning-status='${w_stat}'
@ -58,9 +53,6 @@ Systemd-sc-status v219 ${tc}/15
... 13 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} 0 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} CRITICAL: Total Exited: 25 | 'total_running'=34;;;0;220 'total_failed'=1;;;0;220 'total_dead'=97;;;0;220 'total_exited'=25;;0:0;0;220
... 14 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} 0 ${EMPTY} WARNING: Total Failed: 1 | 'total_running'=34;;;0;220 'total_failed'=1;0:0;;0;220 'total_dead'=97;;;0;220 'total_exited'=25;;;0;220
... 15 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} 0 CRITICAL: Total Failed: 1 | 'total_running'=34;;;0;220 'total_failed'=1;;0:0;0;220 'total_dead'=97;;;0;220 'total_exited'=25;;;0;220
# not working atm
Systemd-sc-status v252 ${tc}/15
[Documentation] Systemd version >= 248
@ -68,7 +60,7 @@ Systemd-sc-status v252 ${tc}/15
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=systemd-sc-status
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}linux${/}systemd-252
... --command-path=${CURDIR}${/}systemd-252
... --filter-name='${filter}'
... --exclude-name='${exclude}'
... --warning-status='${w_stat}'
@ -103,8 +95,3 @@ Systemd-sc-status v252 ${tc}/15
... 13 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} 2 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} CRITICAL: Total Exited: 19 | 'total_running'=31;;;0;258 'total_failed'=4;;;0;258 'total_dead'=108;;;0;258 'total_exited'=19;;0:2;0;258
... 14 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} 2 ${EMPTY} WARNING: Total Failed: 4 | 'total_running'=31;;;0;258 'total_failed'=4;0:2;;0;258 'total_dead'=108;;;0;258 'total_exited'=19;;;0;258
... 15 ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} 2 CRITICAL: Total Failed: 4 | 'total_running'=31;;;0;258 'total_failed'=4;;0:2;0;258 'total_dead'=108;;;0;258 'total_exited'=19;;;0;258
# not working atm
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network Interfaces
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
... --plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin
... --mode=interfaces
... --hostname=
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=os/linux/snmp/network-interfaces
... --statefile-dir=/tmp/
... --plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin
... --mode=interfaces
... --hostname=
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=network-interfaces
... --statefile-dir=/tmp/
${COND} ${PERCENT}\{sub\} =~ /exited/ && ${PERCENT}{display} =~ /network/'
${COND} ${PERCENT}\{sub\} =~ /exited/ && ${PERCENT}{display} =~ /network/'
*** Test Cases ***
Interfaces by id ${tc}/5
@ -31,7 +26,6 @@ Interfaces by id ${tc}/5
... --interface='${filter}'
... ${extra_options}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
@ -45,6 +39,8 @@ Interfaces by id ${tc}/5
... 3 1,3 --add-traffic OK: All interfaces are ok | 'traffic_in_lo'=0.00b/s;;;0;10000000 'traffic_out_lo'=0.00b/s;;;0;10000000 'traffic_in_eth1'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000 'traffic_out_eth1'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000
... 4 2,3,4 --add-traffic OK: All interfaces are ok
... 5 2,3,4 --add-traffic OK: All interfaces are ok | 'traffic_in_eth0'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000 'traffic_out_eth0'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000 'traffic_in_eth1'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000 'traffic_out_eth1'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000 'traffic_in_eth2'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000 'traffic_out_eth2'=0.00b/s;;;0;1000000000
# theese test are linked together. The test 2 create the cache file in /tmp/, and the test 3 use this cache file
# to calculate traffic throughput by second.
Interfaces by id regexp ${tc}/6
[Tags] os linux network interfaces
@ -54,7 +50,6 @@ Interfaces by id regexp ${tc}/6
... --regex-id
... ${extra_options}
${output} Run ${command}
${output} Strip String ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation OS Linux SNMP plugin
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin
... snmpcommunity=os_linux_snmp_plugin
... nbresults=10
... snmpcommunity=os/linux/snmp/list-diskio
... nbresults=10
... snmpcommunity=os_linux_snmp_plugin_2
... nbresults=4
... snmpcommunity=os/linux/snmp/list-diskio-2
... nbresults=4
... &{list_diskio_test1}
... &{list_diskio_test2}
... &{list_diskio_test1}
... &{list_diskio_test2}
*** Test Cases ***
@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
. = STRING: "PDF24"
. = STRING: "Power"
. = STRING: "PanGPS"
. = STRING: "Server"
. = STRING: "Themes"
. = STRING: "SysMain"
. = STRING: "ApsInsSvc"
. = STRING: "IP Helper"
. = STRING: "Telephony"
. = STRING: "WebClient"
. = STRING: "DNS Client"
. = STRING: "Data Usage"
. = STRING: "Smart Card"
. = STRING: "DHCP Client"
. = STRING: "SyUIUExtSvc"
. = STRING: "Time Broker"
. = STRING: "Workstation"
. = STRING: "Elan Service"
. = STRING: "SNMP Service"
. = STRING: "User Manager"
. = STRING: "AVCTP service"
. = STRING: "CoreMessaging"
. = STRING: "Logi Options+"
. = STRING: "Phone Service"
. = STRING: "Plug and Play"
. = STRING: "Print Spooler"
. = STRING: "Windows Audio"
. = STRING: "SSDP Discovery"
. = STRING: "Task Scheduler"
. = STRING: "Windows Backup"
. = STRING: "Windows Search"
. = STRING: "Security Center"
. = STRING: "Storage Service"
. = STRING: "WLAN AutoConfig"
. = STRING: "WWAN AutoConfig"
. = STRING: "Sync Host_17ac85"
. = STRING: "CNG Key Isolation"
. = STRING: "COM+ Event System"
. = STRING: "Lenovo PM Service"
. = STRING: "Windows Event Log"
. = STRING: "Credential Manager"
. = STRING: "IPsec Policy Agent"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Passport"
. = STRING: "VMware NAT Service"
. = STRING: "Contact Data_17ac85"
. = STRING: "Geolocation Service"
. = STRING: "RPC Endpoint Mapper"
. = STRING: "VMware DHCP Service"
. = STRING: "Web Account Manager"
. = STRING: "Application Identity"
. = STRING: "Data Sharing Service"
. = STRING: "Host Network Service"
. = STRING: "LenovoVantageService"
. = STRING: "Network List Service"
. = STRING: "PrintWorkflow_17ac85"
. = STRING: "System Events Broker"
. = STRING: "User Profile Service"
. = STRING: "Base Filtering Engine"
. = STRING: "Epson Scanner Service"
. = STRING: "FirmwareUpdateService"
. = STRING: "FusionInventory Agent"
. = STRING: "Local Session Manager"
. = STRING: "Realtek Audio Service"
. = STRING: "SQL Server VSS Writer"
. = STRING: "TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper"
. = STRING: "Cryptographic Services"
. = STRING: "Display Policy Service"
. = STRING: "Dolby DAX2 API Service"
. = STRING: "Application Information"
. = STRING: "Certificate Propagation"
. = STRING: "Cherry Device Interface"
. = STRING: "Diagnostic Service Host"
. = STRING: "Remote Desktop Services"
. = STRING: "Thunderbolt(TM) Service"
. = STRING: "User Data Access_17ac85"
. = STRING: "Radio Management Service"
. = STRING: "Shell Hardware Detection"
. = STRING: "State Repository Service"
. = STRING: "User Data Storage_17ac85"
. = STRING: "Windows Security Service"
. = STRING: "Diagnostic Policy Service"
. = STRING: "Lenovo EasyResume Service"
. = STRING: "Network Connection Broker"
. = STRING: "Security Accounts Manager"
. = STRING: "WatchGuard SSLVPN Service"
. = STRING: "Windows Biometric Service"
. = STRING: "Windows Defender Firewall"
. = STRING: "Device Association Service"
. = STRING: "Network Location Awareness"
. = STRING: "Windows Connection Manager"
. = STRING: "Windows Font Cache Service"
. = STRING: "Display Enhancement Service"
. = STRING: "Lenovo Hotkey Client Loader"
. = STRING: "NSClient++ Monitoring Agent"
. = STRING: "OpenVPN Interactive Service"
. = STRING: "Payments and NFC/SE Manager"
. = STRING: "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"
. = STRING: "Update Orchestrator Service"
. = STRING: "Adobe Acrobat Update Service"
. = STRING: "Citrix Secure Access Service"
. = STRING: "DCOM Server Process Launcher"
. = STRING: "Encrypting File System (EFS)"
. = STRING: "HP Print Scan Doctor Service"
. = STRING: "Microsoft IIS Administration"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Passport Container"
. = STRING: "Remote Desktop Configuration"
. = STRING: "VMware Authorization Service"
. = Hex-STRING: 74 65 73 74 73 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 C3 BC C3 A4 C3 B6 C3 A1 C3 A0 20 28 31 32 33 29
. = STRING: "Clipboard User Service_17ac85"
. = STRING: "FortiClient Service Scheduler"
. = STRING: "SonicWall NetExtender Service"
. = STRING: "Human Interface Device Service"
. = STRING: "Network Virtualization Service"
. = STRING: "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder"
. = STRING: "Application Host Helper Service"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Store Install Service"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Update Health Service"
. = STRING: "Network Store Interface Service"
. = STRING: "OpenVPN Agent agent_ovpnconnect"
. = STRING: "Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)"
. = STRING: "Windows License Manager Service"
. = STRING: "Client License Service (ClipSVC)"
. = STRING: "Distributed Link Tracking Client"
. = STRING: "Function Discovery Provider Host"
. = STRING: "Remote Access Connection Manager"
. = STRING: "AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)"
. = STRING: "Capability Access Manager Service"
. = STRING: "Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)"
. = STRING: "System Event Notification Service"
. = STRING: "BitLocker Drive Encryption Service"
. = STRING: "Connected Devices Platform Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log"
. = STRING: "Windows Management Instrumentation"
. = STRING: "IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules"
. = STRING: "Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator"
. = STRING: "SonicWall Client Protection Service"
. = STRING: "System Guard Runtime Monitor Broker"
. = STRING: "System Interface Foundation Service"
. = STRING: "DevQuery Background Discovery Broker"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service"
. = STRING: "Citrix Secure Access AlwaysOn Service"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Intune Management Extension"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Service"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service."
. = STRING: "Background Tasks Infrastructure Service"
. = STRING: "Function Discovery Resource Publication"
. = STRING: "Program Compatibility Assistant Service"
. = STRING: "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Content Protection HDCP Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Content Protection HECI Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Graphics Command Center Service"
. = STRING: "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service"
. = STRING: "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service"
. = STRING: "Windows Push Notifications System Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) HD Graphics Control Panel Service"
. = STRING: "Lenovo Intelligent Thermal Solution Service"
. = STRING: "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service"
. = STRING: "Connected Devices Platform User Service_17ac85"
. = STRING: "Windows Push Notifications User Service_17ac85"
. = STRING: "Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector"
. = STRING: "Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache"
. = STRING: "Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Management Engine WMI Provider Registration"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework service"
. = STRING: "Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service"
. = STRING: "Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service"
. = STRING: "Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message Routing Service"
. = INTEGER: 4
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@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
. = STRING: "Serveur"
. = STRING: "SysMain"
. = Hex-STRING: 54 68 C3 A8 6D 65 73
. = STRING: "Client DNS"
. = STRING: "Client DHCP"
. = STRING: "Alimentation"
. = STRING: "Service SNMP"
. = STRING: "VMware Tools"
. = STRING: "Assistance IP"
. = STRING: "CoreMessaging"
. = STRING: "Plug-and-Play"
. = STRING: "Temps Windows"
. = STRING: "Windows Update"
. = STRING: "Station de travail"
. = STRING: "Service de stockage"
. = Hex-STRING: 52 65 67 69 73 74 72 65 20 C3 A0 20 64 69 73 74 61 6E 63 65
. = Hex-STRING: 49 73 6F 6C 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 64 65 20 63 6C C3 A9 20 43 4E 47
. = STRING: "Services de chiffrement"
. = Hex-STRING: 53 70 6F 75 6C 65 75 72 20 64 E2 80 99 69 6D 70 72 65 73 73 69 6F 6E
. = Hex-STRING: 50 6C 61 6E 69 66 69 63 61 74 65 75 72 20 64 65 20 74 C3 A2 63 68 65 73
. = Hex-STRING: 41 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 73 79 73 74 C3 A8 6D 65 20 43 4F 4D 2B
. = STRING: "Optimisation de livraison"
. = STRING: "Pare-feu Windows Defender"
. = Hex-STRING: 44 C3 A9 74 65 63 74 69 6F 6E 20 6D 61 74 C3 A9 72 69 65 6C 20 6E 6F 79 61 75
. = STRING: "Moteur de filtrage de base"
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 4C 69 73 74 65 20 64 65 73 20 72 C3 A9 73 65 61 75 78
. = STRING: "Gestionnaire de comptes web"
. = STRING: "NSClient++ Monitoring Agent"
. = STRING: "Assistance NetBIOS sur TCP/IP"
. = STRING: "Gestionnaire des utilisateurs"
. = STRING: "Service de profil utilisateur"
. = Hex-STRING: 53 79 73 74 C3 A8 6D 65 20 64 E2 80 99 C3 A9 76 C3 A9 6E 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 4F 4D 2B
. = Hex-STRING: 43 6C 69 65 6E 74 20 64 65 20 73 74 72 61 74 C3 A9 67 69 65 20 64 65 20 67 72 6F 75 70 65
. = STRING: "Gestionnaire de session locale"
. = Hex-STRING: 4A 6F 75 72 6E 61 6C 20 64 E2 80 99 C3 A9 76 C3 A9 6E 65 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73
. = STRING: "Infrastructure de gestion Windows"
. = STRING: "Lanceur de processus serveur DCOM"
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 73 74 72 61 74 C3 A9 67 69 65 20 64 27 61 66 66 69 63 68 61 67 65
. = Hex-STRING: 41 70 70 65 6C 20 64 65 20 70 72 6F 63 C3 A9 64 75 72 65 20 64 69 73 74 61 6E 74 65 20 28 52 50 43 29
. = Hex-STRING: 43 6C 69 65 6E 74 20 64 65 20 73 75 69 76 69 20 64 65 20 6C 69 65 6E 20 64 69 73 74 72 69 62 75 C3 A9
. = STRING: "Service de cache de police Windows"
. = STRING: "Gestionnaire des connexions Windows"
. = STRING: "Mappeur de point de terminaison RPC"
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 73 74 72 61 74 C3 A9 67 69 65 20 64 65 20 64 69 61 67 6E 6F 73 74 69 63
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 49 6E 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20 64 75 20 6D 61 67 61 73 69 6E 20 72 C3 A9 73 65 61 75
. = STRING: "Service antivirus Microsoft Defender"
. = Hex-STRING: 43 6F 6E 6E 61 69 73 73 61 6E 63 65 20 64 65 73 20 65 6D 70 6C 61 63 65 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 72 C3 A9 73 65 61 75
. = Hex-STRING: 47 65 73 74 69 6F 6E 6E 61 69 72 65 20 64 65 20 63 6F 6D 70 74 65 73 20 64 65 20 73 C3 A9 63 75 72 69 74 C3 A9
. = Hex-STRING: 4D 65 74 74 72 65 20 C3 A0 20 6A 6F 75 72 20 6C 65 20 73 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 4F 72 63 68 65 73 74 72 61 74 6F 72
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 64 C3 A9 70 6C 6F 69 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 41 70 70 58 20 28 41 70 70 58 53 56 43 29
. = STRING: "VMware Alias Manager and Ticket Service"
. = STRING: "Serveur Gestionnaire de licences Windows"
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 42 72 6F 6B 65 72 20 64 65 73 20 C3 A9 76 C3 A9 6E 65 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 73 79 73 74 C3 A8 6D 65
. = Hex-STRING: 43 6F 6F 72 64 69 6E 61 74 65 75 72 20 64 65 20 74 72 61 6E 73 61 63 74 69 6F 6E 73 20 64 69 73 74 72 69 62 75 C3 A9 65 73
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 42 72 6F 6B 65 72 20 70 6F 75 72 20 6C 65 73 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 78 69 6F 6E 73 20 72 C3 A9 73 65 61 75
. = STRING: "Service State Repository (StateRepository)"
. = STRING: "Service utilisateur du Presse-papiers_76c3f"
. = STRING: "Assistant Connexion avec un compte Microsoft"
. = Hex-STRING: 47 65 73 74 69 6F 6E 20 C3 A0 20 64 69 73 74 61 6E 63 65 20 64 65 20 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73 20 28 47 65 73 74 69 6F 6E 20 57 53 4D 29
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 42 72 6F 6B 65 72 20 70 6F 75 72 20 6C 65 73 20 C3 A9 76 C3 A9 6E 65 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 68 6F 72 61 69 72 65 73
. = Hex-STRING: 4D 6F 64 75 6C 65 73 20 64 65 20 67 C3 A9 6E C3 A9 72 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 64 65 20 63 6C C3 A9 73 20 49 4B 45 20 65 74 20 41 75 74 68 49 50
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 70 6C 61 74 65 66 6F 72 6D 65 20 64 65 73 20 61 70 70 61 72 65 69 6C 73 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 C3 A9 73
. = Hex-STRING: 47 65 73 74 69 6F 6E 6E 61 69 72 65 20 64 E2 80 99 69 6E 73 74 61 6C 6C 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 64 65 20 70 C3 A9 72 69 70 68 C3 A9 72 69 71 75 65
. = Hex-STRING: 48 C3 B4 74 65 20 64 75 20 66 6F 75 72 6E 69 73 73 65 75 72 20 64 65 20 64 C3 A9 63 6F 75 76 65 72 74 65 20 64 65 20 66 6F 6E 63 74 69 6F 6E 73
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 6A 6F 75 72 6E 61 6C 69 73 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 64 65 73 20 61 63 63 C3 A8 73 20 75 74 69 6C 69 73 61 74 65 75 72
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 C2 A0 53 53 54 50 20 28 53 65 63 75 72 65 20 53 6F 63 6B 65 74 20 54 75 6E 6E 65 6C 69 6E 67 20 50 72 6F 74 6F 63 6F 6C 29
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 6E 6F 74 69 66 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 64 E2 80 99 C3 A9 76 C3 A9 6E 65 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 73 79 73 74 C3 A8 6D 65
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 74 72 61 6E 73 66 65 72 74 20 69 6E 74 65 6C 6C 69 67 65 6E 74 20 65 6E 20 61 72 72 69 C3 A8 72 65 2D 70 6C 61 6E
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 75 20 73 79 73 74 C3 A8 6D 65 20 64 65 20 6E 6F 74 69 66 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 73 20 50 75 73 68 20 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73
. = Hex-STRING: 47 65 73 74 69 6F 6E 6E 61 69 72 65 20 64 65 73 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 78 69 6F 6E 73 20 64 E2 80 99 61 63 63 C3 A8 73 20 C3 A0 20 64 69 73 74 61 6E 63 65
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 47 65 73 74 69 6F 6E 6E 61 69 72 65 20 64 E2 80 99 61 63 63 C3 A8 73 20 61 75 78 20 66 6F 6E 63 74 69 6F 6E 6E 61 6C 69 74 C3 A9 73
. = Hex-STRING: 50 75 62 6C 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 64 65 73 20 72 65 73 73 6F 75 72 63 65 73 20 64 65 20 64 C3 A9 63 6F 75 76 65 72 74 65 20 64 65 20 66 6F 6E 63 74 69 6F 6E 73
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 6C E2 80 99 41 73 73 69 73 74 61 6E 74 20 43 6F 6D 70 61 74 69 62 69 6C 69 74 C3 A9 20 64 65 73 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 65 73
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 E2 80 99 69 6E 66 72 61 73 74 72 75 63 74 75 72 65 20 64 65 73 20 74 C3 A2 63 68 65 73 20 65 6E 20 61 72 72 69 C3 A8 72 65 2D 70 6C 61 6E
. = STRING: "Service utilisateur de notifications Push Windows_76c3f"
. = Hex-STRING: 45 78 70 C3 A9 72 69 65 6E 63 65 73 20 64 65 73 20 75 74 69 6C 69 73 61 74 65 75 72 73 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 C3 A9 73 20 65 74 20 74 C3 A9 6C C3 A9 6D C3 A9 74 72 69 65
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 75 20 63 6C 61 76 69 65 72 20 74 61 63 74 69 6C 65 20 65 74 20 64 75 20 76 6F 6C 65 74 20 64 E2 80 99 C3 A9 63 72 69 74 75 72 65 20 6D 61 6E 75 73 63 72 69 74 65
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 E2 80 99 69 6E 73 70 65 63 74 69 6F 6E 20 72 C3 A9 73 65 61 75 20 64 65 20 6C E2 80 99 61 6E 74 69 76 69 72 75 73 20 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 20 44 65 66 65 6E 64 65 72
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 70 6F 75 72 20 75 74 69 6C 69 73 61 74 65 75 72 20 64 65 20 70 6C 61 74 65 66 6F 72 6D 65 20 64 E2 80 99 61 70 70 61 72 65 69 6C 73 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 C3 A9 73 5F 37 36 63 33 66
. = Hex-STRING: 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20 64 65 20 64 C3 A9 63 6F 75 76 65 72 74 65 20 61 75 74 6F 6D 61 74 69 71 75 65 20 64 65 20 50 72 6F 78 79 20 57 65 62 20 70 6F 75 72 20 6C 65 73 20 73 65 72 76 69 63 65 73 20 48 54 54 50 20 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73
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@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Linux Local Systemd-sc-status
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library Examples
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
... --plugin=os::windows::snmp::plugin
... --mode=service
... --hostname=
... --snmp-port=2024
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=os::windows::snmp::plugin
... --mode=service
... --hostname=
... --snmp-port=2024
*** Test Cases ***
Windows Services EN ${tc}/x
@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ Windows Services EN ${tc}/x
[Tags] os linux local
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --snmp-community=os_windows_services_en
... --snmp-community=os/windows/snmp/services-en
... --filter-name='${filter}'
... ${extra_option}
@ -40,13 +38,12 @@ Windows Services EN ${tc}/x
... 4 ${EMPTY} --critical-active=1: OK: All services are ok | 'services.total.count'=168;;;0; 'services.active.count'=168;;1:;0; 'services.continue.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.pause.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.paused.count'=0;;;0;
... 5 ${EMPTY} --critical-active=1:1 CRITICAL: Number of services active: 168 | 'services.total.count'=168;;;0; 'services.active.count'=168;;1:1;0; 'services.continue.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.pause.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.paused.count'=0;;;0;
Windows Services FR ${tc}/x
[Documentation] Systemd version < 248
[Tags] os linux local
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --snmp-community=os_windows_services_fr
... --snmp-community=os/windows/snmp/services-fr
... --filter-name='${filter}'
... ${extra_option}
@ -66,5 +63,3 @@ Windows Services FR ${tc}/x
... 6 .v.nement --critical-active=1: OK: All services are ok | 'services.total.count'=5;;;0; 'services.active.count'=5;;1:;0; 'services.continue.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.pause.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.paused.count'=0;;;0;
... 7 \xe9v\xe9nement ${EMPTY} OK: All services are ok | 'services.total.count'=5;;;0; 'services.active.count'=5;;;0; 'services.continue.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.pause.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.paused.count'=0;;;0;
... 8 SNMP ${EMPTY} OK: Service 'Service SNMP' state is 'active' [installed state: 'installed'] | 'services.total.count'=1;;;0; 'services.active.count'=1;;;0; 'services.continue.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.pause.pending.count'=0;;;0; 'services.paused.count'=0;;;0;
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation datacore rest api plugin
Library Examples
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
Library String
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Suite Setup Start Mockoon
Suite Setup Start Mockoon ${MOCKOON_JSON}
Suite Teardown Stop Mockoon
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CENTREON_PLUGINS} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}src${/}centreon_plugins.pl
${MOCKOON_JSON} ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}resources${/}mockoon${/}storage-datacore-restapi.json
${CMD} perl ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=storage::datacore::restapi::plugin --password=pass --username=user --port=3000 --hostname= --proto=http
*** Variables ***
${MOCKOON_JSON} ${CURDIR}${/}storage-datacore-api.json
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=storage::datacore::restapi::plugin --password=pass --username=user --port=3000 --hostname= --proto=http
*** Test Cases ***
@ -61,17 +58,3 @@ Datacore check status monitor
Examples: result --
... CRITICAL: 'State of HostVM2' status : 'Critical', message is 'Connected'
*** Keywords ***
Start Mockoon
${process} Start Process
... mockoon-cli
... start
... --data
... --port
... 3000
Sleep 5s
Stop Mockoon
Terminate All Processes
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Storage Synology SNMP
Resource ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}..${/}resources/import.resource
Test Timeout 120s
*** Variables ***
${CMD} ${CENTREON_PLUGINS} --plugin=storage::synology::snmp::plugin
... description=Checking disk components when all disks are ok
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-ok
... expected_output=OK: All 8 components are ok [2/2 disk, 2/2 fan, 1/1 psu, 2/2 raid, 1/1 system]. | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... description=Checking disk components when one disks is warning
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-warning
... expected_output=WARNING: Disk 'Disk 2' health is warning | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... description=Checking disk components when one disks is critical
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-critical
... expected_output=CRITICAL: Disk 'Disk 2' health is critical | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... description=Checking disk components when one disks is failing
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-failing
... expected_output=CRITICAL: Disk 'Disk 2' health is failing | 'Disk 1#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'Disk 2#hardware.disk.bad_sectors.count'=0;;;0; 'hardware.disk.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.fan.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.psu.count'=1;;;; 'hardware.raid.count'=2;;;; 'hardware.system.count'=1;;;;
... &{check_components_test1}
... &{check_components_test2}
... &{check_components_test3}
... &{check_components_test4}
... description=Uptime check expected to be OK
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-ok
... warning=
... critical=
... expected_output=OK: System uptime is: 46m 5s | 'uptime'=2765.00s;;;0;
... description=Uptime check expected to be warning
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-ok
... warning=10
... critical=
... expected_output=WARNING: System uptime is: 46m 5s | 'uptime'=2765.00s;0:10;;0;
... description=Uptime check expected to be critical
... snmpcommunity=storage/synology/snmp/synology-disk-ok
... warning=
... critical=10
... expected_output=CRITICAL: System uptime is: 46m 5s | 'uptime'=2765.00s;;0:10;0;
... &{uptime_t1}
... &{uptime_t2}
... &{uptime_t3}
*** Test Cases ***
[Tags] storage synology snmp
FOR ${check_components_test} IN @{check_components_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=components
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=${check_components_test.snmpcommunity}
${output} Run ${command}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${check_components_test.expected_output}
... ${output}
... ${check_components_test.description} failed. Wrong output for components mode: ${check_components_test}.{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}
[Tags] storage synology snmp
FOR ${test_item} IN @{uptime_tests}
${command} Catenate
... ${CMD}
... --mode=uptime
... --hostname=
... --snmp-version=2
... --snmp-port=2024
... --snmp-community=${test_item.snmpcommunity}
... --warning-uptime=${test_item.warning}
... --critical-uptime=${test_item.critical}
${output} Run ${command}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${test_item.expected_output}
... ${output}
... ${test_item.description} failed. Wrong output for components mode: ${test_item}.{\n}Command output:{\n}${output}
Reference in New Issue