fix pr-2403

This commit is contained in:
garnier-quentin 2020-12-04 09:32:27 +01:00
parent 206307adee
commit d32c210c16
1 changed files with 26 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -73,36 +73,48 @@ sub new {
return $self;
my $states = {
my $map_status = {
1 => 'other', 2 => 'unknown',
3 => 'ok', 4 => 'nonCritical',
5 => 'critical', 6 => 'nonRecoverable'
my $mapping = {
global_status => { oid => '.', map => $map_status }, # productIDGlobalStatus
build_number => { oid => '.' } # productIDBuildNumber
my $mapping_ctrl = {
ctrl_model => { oid => '.' } # scCtlrModel
my $oid_scCtlrEntry = '.';
my $oid_storageCenterObjects = '.';
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $oid_ctlrOneModel = '.';
my $oid_ctlrTwoModel = '.';
my $oid_buildNumber = '.';
my $oid_globalStatus = '.';
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_leef(
my $snmp_result = $options{snmp}->get_multiple_table(
oids => [
$oid_ctlrOneModel, $oid_ctlrTwoModel, $oid_buildNumber, $oid_globalStatus
{ oid => $oid_storageCenterObjects, start => $mapping->{global_status}->{oid}, end => $mapping->{build_number}->{oid} },
{ oid => $oid_scCtlrEntry, start => $mapping_ctrl->{ctrl_model}->{oid}, end => $mapping_ctrl->{ctrl_model}->{oid} }
nothing_quit => 1
my $global_status = $states->{ $snmp_result->{$oid_globalStatus} };
my $display = $snmp_result->{$oid_ctlrOneModel};
if (!defined($display)) {
$display = $snmp_result->{$oid_ctlrTwoModel};
my $display = '';
foreach (keys %{$snmp_result->{$oid_scCtlrEntry}}) {
next if (! /^$mapping_ctrl->{ctrl_model}->{oid}\.(.*)$/);
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping_ctrl, results => $snmp_result->{$oid_scCtlrEntry}, instance => $1);
$display = $result->{ctrl_model};
last if (length($display));
$display .= '.' . $snmp_result->{$oid_buildNumber};
my $result = $self->{snmp}->map_instance(mapping => $mapping, results => $snmp_result->{$oid_storageCenterObjects}, instance => 0);
$display .= '.' . $result->{build_number};
$self->{global} = {
display => $display,
status => $global_status
status => $result->{global_status}