git-svn-id: 6bcd3966-0018-0410-8128-fd23d134de7e

This commit is contained in:
Mat Sugumaran 2007-07-09 13:33:21 +00:00
parent 15ff38c281
commit d6f7563cf9
11 changed files with 0 additions and 2964 deletions

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.1 2005/07/27 22:22:48 wistof Exp $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Wistof
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
# based on "graph plugins" developped by Oreon Team. See
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp oid_lex_sort);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME $VERSION);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_V $opt_g $opt_D $opt_S $opt_H $opt_C $opt_v $opt_s $opt_t $opt_step $step $sensor $OID $OID_DESC);
## Plugin var init
$VERSION = '$Revision: 1.1 $';
$VERSION =~ s/^\$.*:\W(.*)\W.+?$/$1/;
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"s" => \$opt_s, "show" => \$opt_s,
"t=s" => \$opt_t, "sensor=s" => \$opt_t,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "1");
my $snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_t) || ($opt_t = shift) || ($opt_t = "1");
my $sensor = $1 if ($opt_t =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
## RRDTools create rrd
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
oreon::create_rrd ($rrd,1,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
## Plugin snmp requests
my $OID = ".";
my $OID_DESC = ".";
# create a SNMP session
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H,-community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if ( !defined($session) ) {
print("UNKNOWN: $error");
if ($opt_s) {
# Get desctiption table
my $result = $session->get_table(
Baseoid => $OID_DESC
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: Description Table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
my $index = pop (@oid_list) ;
print "Temperature Sensor $index :: $$result{$key}\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
my $result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$OID.".".$sensor,
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
my $return_result = $result->{$OID.".".$sensor};
my $un = 0;
if ($return_result =~ /(\d+)/ ) {
$un = $1;
} else {
printf("UNKNOWN: Unable to parse SNMP Output :: %s", $return_result );
$un = sprintf("%02.2f", $un / 10);
## RRDtools update
if ($opt_g) {
oreon::update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$un);
## Plugin return code
if ($un || ( $un == 0) ){
print "OK - ". $result->{$OID_DESC.".".$sensor} ." : $un\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
print "CRITICAL Host unavailable\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create a rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -t (--sensor) Set the sensor number (1 by default)\n";
print " -s (--show) Describes all sensors \n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "Copyright (c) 2005 Oreon\n";
print "Bugs to\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.3 2005/08/01 18:03:52 gollum123 Exp $
# This plugin is developped under GPL Licence:
# Developped by Linagora SA:
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# LINAGORA makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the LINAGORA web site.
# In no event will LINAGORA be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if LINAGORA has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
# based on "graph plugins" developped by Oreon Team. See
## Plugin init
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_V $opt_g $opt_D $opt_S $opt_H $opt_I $opt_e $opt_s $opt_u $opt_p $opt_P $opt_w $opt_c
$opt_t $opt_a $opt_L $opt_f $opt_l $opt_r $opt_R $opt_z $opt_C $opt_step $step);
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
## Plugin var init
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
my $pathtolibexechttp = $oreon{GLOBAL}{ NAGIOS_LIBEXEC}."check_http";
$PROGNAME = "$0";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
"I=s" => \$opt_I, "IP-address=s" => \$opt_I,
"e=s" => \$opt_e, "expect=s" => \$opt_e,
"s=s" => \$opt_s, "string=s" => \$opt_s,
"u=s" => \$opt_u, "url=s" => \$opt_u,
"p=s" => \$opt_p, "port=s" => \$opt_p,
"P=s" => \$opt_P, "post=s" => \$opt_P,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"t=s" => \$opt_t, "timeout=s" => \$opt_t,
"a=s" => \$opt_a, "authorization=s" => \$opt_a,
"L=s" => \$opt_L, "link=s" => \$opt_L,
"f=s" => \$opt_f, "onredirect=s" => \$opt_f,
"l=s" => \$opt_l, "linespan=s" => \$opt_l,
"r=s" => \$opt_r, "regex=s" => \$opt_r,
"R=s" => \$opt_R, "eregi=s" => \$opt_R,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "certificate=s" => \$opt_C,
"z" => \$opt_R, "ssl" => \$opt_z
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.3 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
#$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
#(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
my $args_check_http = "";
if ( $opt_H ) {
$args_check_http .= " -H \'$opt_H\'";
if ( $opt_I ) {
$args_check_http .= " -I \'$opt_I\'";
if ( $opt_e ) {
$args_check_http .= " -e \'$opt_e\'";
if ( $opt_s ) {
$args_check_http .= " -s \'$opt_s\'";
if ( $opt_u ) {
$args_check_http .= " -u \'$opt_u\'";
if ( $opt_p ) {
$args_check_http .= " -p \'$opt_p\'";
if ( $opt_P ) {
$args_check_http .= " -P \'$opt_P\'";
if ( $opt_I ) {
$args_check_http .= " -I \'$opt_I\'";
if ( $opt_e ) {
$args_check_http .= " -e \'$opt_e\'";
if ( $opt_w ) {
$args_check_http .= " -w \'$opt_w\'";
if ( $opt_c ) {
$args_check_http .= " -c \'$opt_c\'";
if ( $opt_t ) {
$args_check_http .= " -t \'$opt_t\'";
if ( $opt_a ) {
$args_check_http .= " -a \'$opt_a\'";
if ( $opt_L ) {
$args_check_http .= " -L \'$opt_L\'";
if ( $opt_f ) {
$args_check_http .= " -f \'$opt_f\'";
if ( $opt_l ) {
$args_check_http .= " -l \'$opt_l\'";
if ( $opt_r ) {
$args_check_http .= " -r \'$opt_r\'";
if ( $opt_R ) {
$args_check_http .= " -R \'$opt_R\'";
if ( $opt_C ) {
$args_check_http .= " -C \'$opt_C\'";
if ( $opt_z ) {
$args_check_http .= " --ssl";
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
## Plugin requests
my $result = `$pathtolibexechttp $args_check_http`;
my $return_code = $? / 256;
$_ = $result;
my $time = $1;
$result =~ s/\n//;
my @output = split(/\|/,$result);
print $output[0];
if ($output[1]) {
my @outputpp = split(/\ /,$output[1]);
print "|".$outputpp[0];
print "\n";
exit $return_code;
## Plugin return code
sub print_usage () {
my $screen = `$pathtolibexechttp -h`;
$screen =~ s/check_http/check_graph_http/g;
$screen =~ s/-S/-Z/;
print $screen;
sub print_help () {
print "Copyright (c) 2005 LINAGORA SA\n";
print "Bugs to\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 wistof Exp $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Romain Le Merlus
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
#use lib "/srv/nagios/libexec";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_g $opt_v $opt_C $opt_H $opt_D $opt_S $opt_step $step $snmp $opt_f);
## Plugin var init
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
$PROGNAME = "check_graph_load_average";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
"f" => \$opt_f, "perfparse" => \$opt_f);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "2");
$snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
## RRDTools create rrd
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,3,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
## Plugin snmp requests
$return_code = 0;
my $OID_CPULOAD_1 =$oreon{UNIX}{CPU_LOAD_1M};
my $OID_CPULOAD_5 =$oreon{UNIX}{CPU_LOAD_5M};
my $OID_CPULOAD_15 =$oreon{UNIX}{CPU_LOAD_15M};
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H,-community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if ( !defined($session) ) {
print("UNKNOWN: $error");
my $result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$OID_CPULOAD_1, $OID_CPULOAD_5, $OID_CPULOAD_15 ]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
my $un = $result->{$OID_CPULOAD_1};
my $cinq = $result->{$OID_CPULOAD_5};
my $quinze = $result->{$OID_CPULOAD_15};
## RRDtools update
if ($opt_g && ( $return_code == 0) ) {
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$un,$cinq,$quinze);
## Plugin return code
my $PERFPARSE = "";
if ($return_code == 0){
$PERFPARSE = "|load1=".$un."%;;;0;100 load5=".$cinq."%;;;0;100 load15=".$quinze."%;;;0;100";
print "load average: $un, $cinq, $quinze".$PERFPARSE."\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} else {
print "Load Average CRITICAL\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create à rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "Copyright (c) 2004-2005 OREON\n";
print "Bugs to\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.3 2005/08/01 18:04:00 gollum123 Exp $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Mathieu Mettre
# Under control of Flavien Astraud, Jerome Landrieu for Epitech.
# Oreon's plugins are developped in partnership with Linagora company.
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Plugin init
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_H $opt_p $opt_s $opt_v $opt_V $opt_h $opt_w $opt_c $opt_S $opt_g $opt_t $opt_l $opt_d $opt_D $opt_step $step $opt_f);
## Plugin var init
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
my $pathtolibexecnt = $oreon{GLOBAL}{NAGIOS_LIBEXEC}."check_nt";
my($op_v, $op_d, $op_s, $op_t, $op_l, $port, @values, @test, @test2, @test3, @test4, @test5, $warning, $critical, @w, @c, $uptime);
my($warning2, $critical2, $warning3, $critical3, $warning4, $critical4, @output);
$PROGNAME = "check_graph_nt";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"p=s" => \$opt_p, "port=s" => \$opt_p,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,
"s=s" => \$opt_s, "password=s" => \$opt_s,
"d=s" => \$opt_d, "showall=s" => \$opt_d,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "variable=s" => \$opt_v,
"D=s" => \$opt_D, "directory=s" => \$opt_D,
"t=s" => \$opt_t, "timeout=s" => \$opt_t,
"l:s" => \$opt_l, "parameter:s" => \$opt_l,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_V) {
$_ = `$pathtolibexecnt -V`;
print "$_";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_p) {
if ($opt_p =~ /([0-9]+)/){
$port = $1;
print "Unknown -p number expected... or it doesn't exist, try another port - number\n";
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
if ($opt_c) {
($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift);
$critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]+)/);
if ($opt_w) {
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift);
$warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]+)/);
if (($critical && $warning) && ($critical <= $warning)) {
print "(--crit) must be superior to (--warn)";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_t) {
($opt_t) || ($opt_t = shift);
$op_t = $1 if ($opt_t =~ /([-\.,\w]+)/);
if ($opt_l) {
($opt_l) || ($opt_l = shift);
$op_l = $1 if ($opt_l =~ /(.+)/);
if ($opt_s) {
($opt_s) || ($opt_s = shift);
$op_s = $1 if ($opt_s =~ /([-.,A-Za-z0-9]+)/);
if ($opt_d) {
($opt_d) || ($opt_d = shift);
$op_d = $1 if ($opt_d =~ /([-.,A-Za-z0-9]+)/);
if ($opt_v) {
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift);
$op_v = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /([-.,A-Za-z0-9]+)/);
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = 300);
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
## RRDTool var init
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
my $return_code;
## Plugin requests
my $start=time;
if ($op_v) {
if ($op_v) {$op_v = "-v ".$op_v;}
if ($port) {$port = "-p ".$port;} else { $port = " ";}
if ($warning) {$warning = "-w ".$warning;} else { $warning = " ";}
if ($critical) {$critical = "-c ".$critical;} else { $critical = " ";}
if ($op_l) {$op_l = "-l \"".$op_l ."\"";} else { $op_l = " ";}
if ($op_t) {$op_t = "-t ".$op_t;} else { $op_t = " ";}
if ($op_s) {$op_s = "-s ".$op_s;} else { $op_s = " ";}
if ($op_d) {$op_d = "-d ".$op_d;} else { $op_d = " ";}
# print "$pathtolibexecnt -H $opt_H $op_v $port $warning $critical $op_l $op_t $op_s $op_d\n";
$_ = `$pathtolibexecnt -H $opt_H $op_v $port $warning $critical $op_l $op_t $op_s $op_d 2>/dev/null`;
my $return = $_;
$return =~ s/\\//g;
$return_code = $? / 256;
if ($op_v =~ /CLIENTVERSION/){
print "CLIENTVERSION impossible to Graph!\n";
if (($op_v =~ /CPULOAD/) && ($op_l =~ /([-\.,\w]+)/)){ ## CPULOAD
@output = split(/\|/,$_);
@values = $output[0] =~ /(\d*)\%/g ;
if ($opt_g) {
unless (-e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,$#values +1,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,@values);
## Print Plugins Output
$return =~ s/\n/ /g;
if (@values){
if (defined($opt_c) && defined($opt_w)){
print $return . "|cpu=@values;$opt_w;$opt_c\n";
} else {
print $return . "|cpu=@values\n";
} else {
print $return . "\n";
exit $return_code;
} elsif ($op_v =~ /UPTIME/){ ## UPTIME
if ($_ =~ /.*[-:]+\s(\d+)\s.*$/ ) {
$uptime = $1;
} else {
print "unable to parse check_nt output: $_\n" ;
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,1,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
} else {
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$uptime);
$_ =~ s/\n/ /g;
if (defined($uptime)){
print $_ . "|uptime=".$uptime."d\n";
} else {
print $_ . "\n";
exit $return_code;
} elsif (($op_v =~ /USEDDISKSPACE/) && ($op_l =~ /([-\.,\w]+)/)){ ## USEDDISKSPACE
my @test = split(/ /,$_);
if (defined($test[9]) && defined($test2[1])){
@test2 = split(/\(/, $test[9]);
@test3 = split(/\%/, $test2[1]);
@c = split(/ /, $critical);
$critical = $c[1];
@w = split(/ /, $warning);
$warning = $w[1];
if ($opt_g) {
unless (-e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,3,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
if (defined($test[3]) && defined($test[7]) && defined($test[12])){
$test[3] =~ s/,/\./ ;
$test[7] =~ s/,/\./ ;
$test[12] =~ s/,/\./ ;
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$test[3],$test[7],$test[12]);
## Print Plugins Output
$return =~ s/\n/ /g;
$return =~ s/%/ pct/g;
if (defined($test[3]) && defined($test[7]) && defined($test[12])){
print $return . "|total=".$test[3]."Mo used=".$test[7]."Mo free=".$test[12]."Mo\n";
} else {
print $return . "\n";
exit $return_code;
} elsif ($op_v =~ /MEMUSE/){ ## MEMUSE
my @test = split(/ /,$_);
if (defined($test[2])){
@test4 = split(/:/, $test[2]);
@c = split(/ /, $critical);
$critical = $c[1];
@w = split(/ /, $warning);
$warning = $w[1];
if ($opt_g) {
unless (-e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,3,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
if (defined($test4[1]) && defined($test[6]) && defined($test[11])){
# Replace , by . to convert in real float number (for rrdtool)
$test4[1] =~ s/,/\./ ;
$test[6] =~ s/,/\./ ;
$test[11] =~ s/,/\./ ;
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$test4[1],$test[6],$test[11]);
## Print Plugins Output
$return =~ s/\n/ /g;
$return =~ s/%/ pct/g;
if ($test4[1] && $test[6] && $test[11]){
print $return . "|total=".$test4[1]." used=".$test[6]." free=".$test[11]."\n";
} else {
print $return . "\n";
exit $return_code;
} elsif ($op_v =~ /SERVICESTATE/){## SERVICESTATE
my (@tab, $process, $nom, $etat);
@tab = split (' - ',$_);
foreach $process (@tab) {
($nom,$etat) = split (': ', $process);
if (defined($etat)) {
$etat =~ s/\n//;
} else {
$etat = "Unknow";
if ($etat =~ /Started/)
elsif ($etat =~ /Stopped/)
elsif ($etat =~ /Unknown/)
else {
print "Unable to get $nom status [$etat]: \n\t$_\n";
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,1,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
} else {
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$etat);
$return =~ s/%/ pct/g;
print $return;
exit $return_code;
} elsif ($op_v =~ /PROCSTATE/){## PROCSTATE
print "PROCSTATE not graphed\n";
} elsif (($op_v =~ /COUNTER/) && ($op_l =~ /(.+)/)) { ## COUNTER
@output = split(/\|/,$_);
@values = $output[0] =~ /([,\.\d]*)\s?\%/ ;
if (!@values) {@values = $output[0] =~ /([\d]*)/;}
if ($opt_g) {
unless (-e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,$#values +1,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,@values);
## Print Plugins Output
$return =~ s/\n/ /g;
$return =~ s/%/ pct/g;
print $return . "|counter=".@values."\n";
exit $return_code;
} else {
print "Could not parse arguments\n";
## Plugin return code
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " Usage: check_graph_nt -H host -v variable [-p port] [-s password] [-w warning] [-c critical] [-l params] [-d SHOWALL] [-t timeout] [-D rrd directory] -g -S ServiceID\n";
print " Options:\n";
print " -H, --hostname=HOST\n";
print " Name of the host to check\n";
print " -p, --port=INTEGER\n";
print " Optional port number (default: 1248)\n";
print " -s <password>\n";
print " Password needed for the request\n";
print " -v, --variable=STRING\n";
print " Variable to check. Valid variables are:\n";
print " CLIENTVERSION = Not Graphed. Get the NSClient version\n";
print " CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes. Request a -l parameter with the following syntax:\n";
print " -l <minutes range>,<warning threshold>,<critical threshold>. <minute range> should be less than 24*60.\n";
print " Thresholds are percentage and up to 10 requests can be done in one shot. ie: -l 60,90,95,120,90,95\n";
print " and 4 requests can be graphed.\n";
print " UPTIME = Only Days are graphed. Get the uptime of the machine. No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold.\n";
print " USEDDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use. Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n";
print " Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n";
print " MEMUSE = Memory use. Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n";
print " SERVICESTATE = Check and graph the state of one service. Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n";
print " -l <service1>... You MUST specify -d SHOWALL in the input command.\n";
print " 1: Service Started - 0: Service Stopped - -1: Service Unknown.\n";
# print " SERVICESTATE = Not Graphed. Check the state of one or several services. Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n";
# print " -l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,... You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services\n";
# print " in the returned string.\n";
print " PROCSTATE = Not Graphed. Check if one or several process are running. Same syntax as SERVICESTATE.\n";
print " COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000. Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n";
print " -l \"<performance object>counter\",\"<description>\" The <description> parameter is optional and\n";
print " is given to a printf output command which require a float parameters. Some examples:\n";
print " \"Paging file usage is %.2f %%\" or \"%.f %% paging file used.\"\n";
print " -w, --warning=INTEGER\n";
print " Threshold which will result in a warning status\n";
print " -c, --critical=INTEGER\n";
print " Threshold which will result in a critical status\n";
print " -t, --timeout=INTEGER\n";
print " Seconds before connection attempt times out (default: 10)\n";
print " -h, --help\n";
print " Print this help screen\n";
print " -V, --version\n";
print " Print version information\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create à rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
sub print_help () {
print "Copyright (c) 2004 OREON\n";
print "Bugs to\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2006/04/28 10:21:49 Julien Mathis $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Mathieu Mettre - Romain Le Merlus
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# Modified By Julien Mathis For Merethis Company
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
# Plugin init
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_g $opt_H $opt_D $opt_w $opt_c $opt_n $opt_f $opt_S $rta_critical $rta_warning $pl_critical $pl_warning $opt_s $opt_step $step );
# Plugin var init
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
my $ping = `whereis -b ping`;
$ping =~ /^.*:\s(.*)$/;
$ping = $1;
$PROGNAME = "check_graph_ping";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,"f" => \$opt_f,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"n=s" => \$opt_n, "number=s" => \$opt_n,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift) || ($opt_c = "500,40%");
if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]+),([0-9]+)%/) {
$rta_critical = $1;
$pl_critical = $2;
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift) || ($opt_w = "200,20%");
if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]+),([0-9]+)%/) {
$rta_warning = $1;
$pl_warning = $2;
if ( ($rta_critical <= $rta_warning) || ($pl_critical <= $pl_warning) ) {
print "critical must be superior to warning\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
($opt_n) || ($opt_n = shift) || ($opt_n = 1);
my $NbPing;
if ($opt_n =~ /([0-9]+)/){
$NbPing = $1;
} else{
print "Unknown ping number\n";
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = 1);
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.is_valid_serviceid($opt_S).".rrd";
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
my $start=time;
# RRDTools create rrd
if ($opt_g) {
create_rrd($rrd,1,$start,$step,0,"U","GAUGE") if (! -e $rrd);}
# Plugin requests
$_ = `$ping -n -c $NbPing $opt_H 2>/dev/null`;
my $return = $? / 256;
# Get Data From Ping Result
my $ping_result = $_;
my @ping_result_array = split(/\n/,$ping_result);
my @ping_subresult1_array;
my @ping_subresult2_array;
my $rta = 0;
my $pl;
my $time_answer;
if( ( $return != 0 ) || $ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -2 ] =~ /100% packet loss/) {
$rta = -1;
$time_answer = 0;
} else {
@ping_subresult1_array = split(/=/,$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ]);
@ping_subresult2_array = split(/,/,$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -2 ]);
@ping_subresult1_array = split(/\//,$ping_subresult1_array[1]);
@ping_subresult2_array = split(/ /,$ping_subresult2_array[2]);
$rta = $ping_subresult1_array[1];
$pl = $ping_subresult2_array[1];
$time_answer = $ping_subresult1_array[1];
$pl =~ /([0-9]+)\%/;
$pl = $1;
# Update RRDTool Database.
update_rrd($rrd,$start,$rta) if ($opt_g);
# Plugin return code
my $result_str = "";
if( $rta == -1 ) {
$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -2 ] =~ s/\%/percent/g;
print "GPING CRITICAL - ".$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -2 ]."|time=0 ok=0\n";
} elsif ( ($pl >= $pl_critical) || ($rta >= $rta_critical) ) {
$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ] =~ s/\%/percent/g;
my @tab = split(/,/,$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ]);
print "GPING CRITICAL - ". $tab[1] ."|time=".$time_answer."ms;$pl_warning;$pl_critical;; ok=1\n";
} elsif ( ($pl >= $pl_warning) || ($rta >= $rta_warning) ) {
$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ] =~ s/\%/percent/g;
my @tab = split(/,/,$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ]);
print "GPING WARNING - ".$tab[0]."|time=".$time_answer."ms;$pl_warning;$pl_critical;; ok=1\n";
} else {
$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ] =~ s/\%/percent/g;
my @tab = split(/,/,$ping_result_array[@ping_result_array -1 ]);
print "GPING OK - ".$tab[0]."|time=".$time_answer."ms;$pl_warning;$pl_critical;; ok=1\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
sub print_usage () {
print "Usage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query (Required)\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) Create a rrd base if necessary and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -w (--warning) Threshold pair (Default: 200,20%)\n";
print " -c (--critical) Threshold pair (Default: 500,40%)\n";
print " -n (--number) number of ICMP ECHO packets to send (Default: 1)\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "######################################################\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Oreon-project #\n";
print "# Bugs to #\n";
print "######################################################\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 wistof Exp $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Mathieu Mettre - Romain Le Merlus
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp oid_lex_sort);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_g $opt_v $opt_C $opt_p $opt_H $opt_D $opt_n $opt_S $opt_step $step $result @result %process_list %STATUS $opt_f);
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
## Plugin var init
my($proc, $proc_run);
$PROGNAME = "check_graph_process";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step, "f" => \$opt_f,
"n" => \$opt_n, "number" => \$opt_n,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"p=s" => \$opt_p, "process=s" => \$opt_p,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "1");
my $snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = 1);
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
my $process = "";
if ($opt_p){
$process = $1 if ($opt_p =~ /([-.A-Za-z0-9]+)/);
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
## RRDTools create rrd
if ( $opt_g && $opt_n && (! -e $rrd)) {
create_rrd ($rrd,1,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
## Plugin snmp requests
my $OID_SW_RunName = $oreon{MIB2}{SW_RUNNAME};
my $OID_SW_RunIndex =$oreon{MIB2}{SW_RUNINDEX};
my $OID_SW_RunStatus =$oreon{MIB2}{SW_RUNSTATUS};
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H,-community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if ( !defined($session) ) {
print("UNKNOWN: $error");
$result = $session->get_table(Baseoid => $OID_SW_RunName);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
$proc = 0;
foreach my $key (oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$process_list{$$result{$key}} = pop (@oid_list) ;
if (defined($opt_p) && $opt_p ne ""){
if ($$result{$key} eq $opt_p){
} else {
if (!($opt_n))
if ($process_list{$process}) {
$result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$OID_SW_RunStatus . "." . $process_list{$process}]);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
$proc_run = $result->{$OID_SW_RunStatus . "." . $process_list{$process} };
print $proc_run;
## RRDtools update
if ( $opt_g && $opt_n) {
my $totrrd;
if ($opt_n){$totrrd = $proc;}
if ( ($proc_run == "3") || ($proc_run == "4") ){$totrrd = 0;}
else{$totrrd = 1;}
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$totrrd);
## Plugin return code
my $PERFPARSE = "";
if ($opt_n){
if ($opt_f){
$PERFPARSE = "|nbproc=$proc";
print "Processes OK - Number of current processes: $proc".$PERFPARSE."\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} else {
if ($proc_run){
if ($opt_f){
$PERFPARSE = "|procstatus=$proc_run";
print "Process OK - $process: $STATUS{$proc_run}".$PERFPARSE."\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} else {
print "Process CRITICAL - $process not in 'running' state\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create à rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -n (--number) Return the number of current running processes. \n";
print " -p (--process) Set the process name ex: by default smbd\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
print " -f Perfparse Compatible\n";
sub print_help () {
print "##########################################\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Oreon #\n";
print "# Bugs to #\n";
print "##########################################\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 wistof Exp $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Mathieu Mettre - Romain Le Merlus - Yohann Lecarpentier
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
#use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_g $opt_v $opt_C $opt_d $opt_n $opt_w $opt_c $opt_H $opt_S $opt_D $opt_s $opt_step $step @test $opt_f);
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
## Plugin var init
my ($hrStorageDescr, $hrStorageAllocationUnits, $hrStorageSize, $hrStorageUsed);
my ($AllocationUnits, $Size, $Used);
my ($tot, $used, $pourcent, $return_code);
$PROGNAME = "check_snmp_remote_storage";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"s" => \$opt_s, "show" => \$opt_s,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step, "f" => \$opt_f,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"d=s" => \$opt_d, "disk=s" => \$opt_d,
"n" => \$opt_n, "name" => \$opt_n,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
if ($opt_n && !$opt_d) {
print "Option -n (--name) need option -d (--disk)\n";
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "2");
my $snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
($opt_d) || ($opt_d = shift) || ($opt_d = 2);
my $partition = 0;
if ($opt_d =~ /([0-9]+)/ && !$opt_n){
$partition = $1;
elsif (!$opt_n){
print "Unknown -d number expected... or it doesn't exist, try another disk - number\n";
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift) || ($opt_c = 95);
my $critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]+)/);
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift) || ($opt_w = 80);
my $warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]+)/);
if ($critical <= $warning){
print "(--crit) must be superior to (--warn)";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
## RRDTools create rrd
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,2,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
## Plugin snmp requests
my $OID_hrStorageDescr =$oreon{MIB2}{HR_STORAGE_DESCR};
my $OID_hrStorageAllocationUnits =$oreon{MIB2}{HR_STORAGE_ALLOCATION_UNITS};
my $OID_hrStorageSize =$oreon{MIB2}{HR_STORAGE_SIZE};
my $OID_hrStorageUsed =$oreon{MIB2}{HR_STORAGE_USED};
# create a SNMP session
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H,-community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if ( !defined($session) ) {
print("CRITICAL: SNMP Session : $error");
#getting partition using its name instead of its oid index
if ($opt_n) {
my $result = $session->get_table(Baseoid => $OID_hrStorageDescr);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: hrStorageDescr Table : %s.\n", $session->error);
my $expr = "";
if ($opt_d =~ m/^[A-Za-z]:/) {
$opt_d =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$expr = "^$opt_d";
}elsif ($opt_d =~ m/^\//) {
$expr = "$opt_d\$";
}else {
$expr = "$opt_d";
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
if ($result->{$key} =~ m/$expr/) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$partition = pop (@oid_list) ;
if ($opt_s) {
# Get description table
my $result = $session->get_table(
Baseoid => $OID_hrStorageDescr
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: hrStorageDescr Table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
my $index = pop (@oid_list) ;
print "hrStorage $index :: $$result{$key}\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
my $result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$OID_hrStorageDescr.".".$partition ,
$OID_hrStorageAllocationUnits.".".$partition ,
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s", $session->error);
if ($opt_n) { print(" - You must specify the disk name when option -n is used");}
print ".\n";
$hrStorageDescr = $result->{$OID_hrStorageDescr.".".$partition };
$AllocationUnits = $result->{$OID_hrStorageAllocationUnits.".".$partition };
$Size = $result->{$OID_hrStorageSize.".".$partition };
$Used = $result->{$OID_hrStorageUsed.".".$partition };
## Plugins var treatment
if (!$Size){
print "Disk CRITICAL - no output (-p number expected... it doesn't exist, try another disk - number\n";
if (($Size =~ /([0-9]+)/) && ($AllocationUnits =~ /([0-9]+)/)){
if (!$Size){
print "The number of the option -p is not a hard drive\n";
$tot = 1;
$tot = $Size * $AllocationUnits;
if (!$tot){$tot = 1;}
$used = $Used * $AllocationUnits;
$pourcent = ($used * 100) / $tot;
if (length($pourcent) > 2){
@test = split (/\./, $pourcent);
$pourcent = $test[0];
$tot = $tot / 1073741824;
$Used = ($Used * $AllocationUnits) / 1073741824;
## RRDtools update
my $totrrd = $tot * 1073741824;
if ($opt_g) {
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$totrrd,$used);
## Plugin return code
if ($pourcent >= $critical){
print "Disk CRITICAL - ";
$return_code = 2;
} elsif ($pourcent >= $warning){
print "Disk WARNING - ";
$return_code = 1;
} else {
print "Disk OK - ";
$return_code = 0;
if ($hrStorageDescr){
print $hrStorageDescr . " TOTAL: ";
printf("%.3f", $tot);
print " Go USED: " . $pourcent . "% : ";
printf("%.3f", $Used);
print " Go";
if ($opt_f){
my $size_o = $Used * 1073741824;
my $warn = $opt_w * $size_o;
my $crit = $opt_c * $size_o;
print "|size=".$totrrd."o used=".$size_o.";".$warn.";".$crit;
print "\n";
exit $return_code;
} else {
print "TOTAL: ";
printf("%.3f", $tot);
print " Go USED: " . $pourcent . "% : ";
printf("%.3f", $Used);
print " Go\n";
exit $return_code;
} else {
print "Disk CRITICAL - no output (-d number expected... it doesn't exist, try another disk - number\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -d (--disk) Set the disk (number expected) ex: 1, 2,... (defaults to 2 )\n";
print " -n (--name) Allows to use disk name with option -d instead of disk oid index\n";
print " (ex: -d \"C:\" -n, -d \"E:\" -n, -d \"Swap Memory\" -n, -d \"Real Memory\" -n\n";
print " (choose an unique expression for each disk)\n";
print " -s (--show) Describes all disk (debug mode)\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create a rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -w (--warn) Signal strength at which a warning message will be generated\n";
print " (default 80)\n";
print " -c (--crit) Signal strength at which a critical message will be generated\n";
print " (default 95)\n";
print " -f Perfparse Compatible\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "##########################################\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Oreon #\n";
print "# Bugs to #\n";
print "##########################################\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/11/17 10:21:49 Julien Mathis $
# This plugin is developped under GPL Licence:
# Developped by Merethis SARL :
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# MERETHIS makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the LINAGORA web site.
# In no event will MERETHIS be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if MERETHIS has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_V $opt_g $opt_D $opt_S $opt_H $opt_C $opt_v $opt_o $opt_c $opt_w $opt_f $opt_t);
use vars qw($ServiceId $rrd $snmp $DS_type);
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"f" => \$opt_f,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"o=s" => \$opt_o, "oid=s" => \$opt_o,
"t=s" => \$opt_t, "type=s" => \$opt_t,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.0');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "1");
my $snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
($opt_t) || ($opt_t = shift) || ($opt_t = "GAUGE");
my $DS_type = $1 if ($opt_t =~ /(GAUGE)/ || $opt_t =~ /(COUNTER)/);
($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift);
my $critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]+)/);
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift);
my $warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]+)/);
if ($critical <= $warning){
print "(--critical) must be superior to (--warning)";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
my $day = 0;
#=== RRDTools create rrd ====
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
#=== create a SNMP session ====
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H,-community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if (!defined($session)) {
print("CRITICAL: $error");
my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$opt_o]);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
my $return_result = $result->{$opt_o};
#=== RRDtools update ====
if ($opt_g) {
#=== Plugin return code ====
if (defined($return_result)){
if ($opt_w && $opt_c && $return_result < $opt_w){
print "Ok value : " . $return_result;
if ($opt_f){ print "|value=".$return_result.";".$opt_w.";".$opt_c.";;";}
print "\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
} elsif ($opt_w && $opt_c && $return_result >= $opt_w && $return_result < $opt_c){
print "Warning value : " . $return_result;
if ($opt_f){ print "|value=$return_result;".$opt_w.";".$opt_c.";;";}
print "\n";
} elsif ($opt_w && $opt_c && $return_result >= $opt_c){
print "Critical value : " . $return_result;
if ($opt_f){ print "|value=".$return_result.";".$opt_w.";".$opt_c.";;";}
print "\n";
} else {
print "CRITICAL Host unavailable\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -t (--type) Data Source Type (GAUGE or COUNTER) (GAUGE by default)\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create a rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -o (--oid) OID to check\n";
print " -w (--warning) Warning level\n";
print " -c (--critical) Critical level\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
print " -f Perfparse Compatible\n";
sub print_help () {
print "#=========================================\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2005 Merethis SARL =\n";
print "# Developped by Julien Mathis =\n";
print "# Bugs to =\n";
print "#=========================================\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 Julio $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Developped by : Julien Mathis - Romain Le Merlus
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# Modified By Julien Mathis For Merethis Company
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
# Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp oid_lex_sort);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
use vars qw(%oreon);
$VERSION = '$Revision: 1.2 $';
$VERSION =~ s/^\$.*:\W(.*)\W.+?$/$1/;
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_g $opt_v $opt_C $opt_b $opt_H $opt_D $opt_i $opt_n $opt_w $opt_c $opt_s $opt_S $opt_T $opt_step $step);
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
# Plugin var init
my($proc, $proc_run, @test, $row, @laste_values, $last_check_time, $last_in_bits, $last_out_bits, @last_values, $update_time, $db_file, $in_traffic, $out_traffic, $in_usage, $out_usage);
my $pathtolibexecnt = $oreon{NAGIOS_LIBEXEC};
$PROGNAME = "check_graph_traffic";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"s" => \$opt_s, "show" => \$opt_s,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,
"i=s" => \$opt_i, "interface=s" => \$opt_i,
"n" => \$opt_n, "name" => \$opt_n,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"b=s" => \$opt_b, "bps=s" => \$opt_b,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"T=s" => \$opt_T,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
##### Verify Options
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "1");
my $snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
if ($opt_n && !$opt_i) {
print "Option -n (--name) need option -i (--interface)\n";
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
($opt_i) || ($opt_i = shift) || ($opt_i = 2);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = 1);
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_b) || ($opt_b = shift) || ($opt_b = 95);
my $bps = $1 if ($opt_b =~ /([0-9]+)/);
($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift) || ($opt_c = 95);
my $critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]+)/);
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift) || ($opt_w = 80);
my $warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]+)/);
my $interface = 0;
if ($opt_i =~ /([0-9]+)/ && !$opt_n){
$interface = $1;
} elsif (!$opt_n) {
print "Unknown -i number expected... or it doesn't exist, try another interface - number\n";
if ($critical <= $warning){
print "(--crit) must be superior to (--warn)";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
($opt_step) || ($opt_step = shift) || ($opt_step = "300");
$step = $1 if ($opt_step =~ /(\d+)/);
##### RRDTool var init
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $start=time;
##### RRDTool create rrd
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
create_rrd ($rrd,2,$start,$step,"U","U","GAUGE");
##### Plugin snmp requests
my $OID_DESC =$oreon{MIB2}{IF_DESC};
# create a SNMP session
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H, -community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if (!defined($session)) {
print("UNKNOWN: SNMP Session : $error");
#getting interface using its name instead of its oid index
if ($opt_n) {
my $result = $session->get_table(Baseoid => $OID_DESC);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: Description Table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
if ($result->{$key} =~ m/$opt_i/) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$interface = pop (@oid_list) ;
my $OID_IN =$oreon{MIB2}{IF_IN_OCTET}.".".$interface;
my $OID_OUT = $oreon{MIB2}{IF_OUT_OCTET}.".".$interface;
my $OID_SPEED = $oreon{MIB2}{IF_SPEED}.".".$interface;
# Get desctiption table
if ($opt_s) {
my $result = $session->get_table(Baseoid => $OID_DESC);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: Description Table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
my $index = pop (@oid_list) ;
print "Interface $index :: $$result{$key}\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
####### Get IN bytes
my $in_bits;
my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$OID_IN]);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: IN Bits : %s", $session->error);
if ($opt_n) { print " - You must specify interface name when option -n is used";}
print ".\n";
$in_bits = $result->{$OID_IN} * 8;
####### Get OUT bytes
my $out_bits;
$result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$OID_OUT]);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: Out Bits : %s", $session->error);
if ($opt_n) { print " - You must specify interface name when option -n is used";}
print ".\n";
$out_bits = $result->{$OID_OUT} * 8;
####### Get SPEED of interface
my $speed_card;
$result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$OID_SPEED]);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: Interface Speed : %s", $session->error);
if ($opt_n) { print " - You must specify interface name when option -n is used";}
print ".\n";
if (defined($opt_T)){
$speed_card = $opt_T * 1000000;
} else {
$speed_card = $result->{$OID_SPEED};
##### Plugin return code
$last_in_bits = 0;
$last_out_bits = 0;
my $flg_created = 0;
if (-e "/tmp/traffic_if".$interface."_".$opt_H) {
while($row = <FILE>){
@last_values = split(":",$row);
$last_check_time = $last_values[0];
$last_in_bits = $last_values[1];
$last_out_bits = $last_values[2];
$flg_created = 1;
} else {
$flg_created = 0;
$update_time = time();
unless (open(FILE,">"."/tmp/traffic_if".$interface."_".$opt_H)){
print "Unknown - /tmp/traffic_if".$interface."_".$opt_H. " !\n";
print FILE "$update_time:$in_bits:$out_bits";
if ($flg_created == 0){
print "First execution : Buffer in creation.... \n";
## Bandwith = IN + OUT / Delta(T) = 6 Mb/s
## (100 * Bandwith) / (2(si full duplex) * Ispeed)
## Count must round at 4294967296
if (($in_bits - $last_in_bits > 0) && defined($last_in_bits)) {
my $total = 0;
if ($in_bits - $last_in_bits < 0){
$total = 4294967296 - $last_in_bits + $in_bits;
} else {
$total = $in_bits - $last_in_bits;
my $diff = time() - $last_check_time;
if ($diff == 0){$diff = 1;}
my $pct_in_traffic = $in_traffic = abs($total / $diff);
} else {
$in_traffic = 0;
if ($out_bits - $last_out_bits > 0 && defined($last_out_bits)) {
my $total = 0;
if ($out_bits - $last_out_bits < 0){
$total = 4294967296 - $last_out_bits + $out_bits;
} else {
$total = $out_bits - $last_out_bits;
my $diff = time() - $last_check_time;
if ($diff == 0){$diff = 1;}
my $pct_out_traffic = $out_traffic = abs($total / $diff);
} else {
$out_traffic = 0;
if ( $speed_card != 0 ) {
$in_usage = sprintf("%.1f",($in_traffic*100) / $speed_card);
$out_usage = sprintf("%.1f",($out_traffic*100) / $speed_card);
## RRDtools update
if ($opt_g) {
$start = time;
update_rrd($rrd,$start, sprintf("%.1f",abs($in_traffic)), sprintf("%.1f",abs($out_traffic)));
my $in_prefix = "";
my $out_prefix = "";
my $in_perfparse_traffic = $in_traffic;
my $out_perfparse_traffic = $out_traffic;
if ($in_traffic > 1000) {
$in_traffic = $in_traffic / 1000;
$in_prefix = "k";
if($in_traffic > 1000){
$in_traffic = $in_traffic / 1000;
$in_prefix = "M";
if($in_traffic > 1000){
$in_traffic = $in_traffic / 1000;
$in_prefix = "G";
if ($out_traffic > 1000){
$out_traffic = $out_traffic / 1000;
$out_prefix = "k";
if ($out_traffic > 1000){
$out_traffic = $out_traffic / 1000;
$out_prefix = "M";
if ($out_traffic > 1000){
$out_traffic = $out_traffic / 1000;
$out_prefix = "G";
my $in_bits_unit = "";
$in_bits = $in_bits/1048576;
if ($in_bits > 1000){
$in_bits = $in_bits / 1000;
$in_bits_unit = "G";
} else {
$in_bits_unit = "M";
my $out_bits_unit = "";
$out_bits = $out_bits/1048576;
if ($out_bits > 1000){
$out_bits = $out_bits / 1000;
$out_bits_unit = "G";
} else {
$out_bits_unit = "M";
if ( $speed_card == 0 ) {
print "CRITICAL: Interface speed equal 0! Interface must be down.|traffic_in=0B/s traffic_out=0B/s\n";
##### Display result
my $in_perfparse_traffic_str = sprintf("%.1f",abs($in_perfparse_traffic));
my $out_perfparse_traffic_str = sprintf("%.1f",abs($out_perfparse_traffic));
$in_perfparse_traffic_str =~ s/\./,/g;
$out_perfparse_traffic_str =~ s/\./,/g;
my $status = "OK";
if(($in_usage > $warning) or ($out_usage > $warning)){
$status = "WARNING";
if (($in_usage > $critical) or ($out_usage > $critical)){
$status = "CRITICAL";
printf("Traffic In : %.2f ".$in_prefix."b/s (".$in_usage." %%), Out : %.2f ".$out_prefix."b/s (".$out_usage." %%) - ", $in_traffic, $out_traffic);
printf("Total RX Bits In : %.2f ".$in_bits_unit."B, Out : %.2f ".$out_bits_unit."b", $in_bits, $out_bits);
printf("|traffic_in=".$in_perfparse_traffic_str."Bits/s traffic_out=".$out_perfparse_traffic_str."Bits/s\n");
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create a rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " --rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -s (--show) Describes all interfaces number (debug mode)\n";
print " -i (--interface) Set the interface number (2 by default)\n";
print " -n (--name) Allows to use interface name with option -d instead of interface oid index\n";
print " (ex: -i \"eth0\" -n, -i \"VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8\" -n\n";
print " (choose an unique expression for each interface)\n";
print " -w (--warn) Signal strength at which a warning message will be generated\n";
print " (default 80)\n";
print " -c (--crit) Signal strength at which a critical message will be generated\n";
print " -T Max Banwidth\n";
print " (default 95)\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "##########################################\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Oreon #\n";
print "# Bugs to #\n";
print "##########################################\n";
print "\n";

View File

@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: check_graph_traffic,v 1.1 2004/10/21 17:00:00 projectOREON $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# Last Developpement by : Jean Baptiste Gouret - Julien Mathis - Mathieu Mettre - Romain Le Merlus - Yohann Lecarpentier
# REVISED BY CVF 6/05/05
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Christophe Coraboeuf
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp oid_lex_sort);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd fetch_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_g $opt_v $opt_C $opt_H $opt_D $opt_step $opt_i $opt_w $opt_c $opt_s $opt_S $opt_T $opt_Y);
use Data::Dumper;
GetOptions ("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"s" => \$opt_s, "show" => \$opt_s,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"D=s" => \$opt_D, "directory=s" => \$opt_D,
"i=s" => \$opt_i, "interface=s" => \$opt_i,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
"T=s" => \$opt_T, "Speed=s" => \$opt_T,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,
my $PROGNAME = "check_graph_traffic_rrd";
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
sub print_help () {
print "\n";
print_revision($PROGNAME,'Revision: 1.1 ');
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
sub main () {
## Plugin var init
my ($in_usage, $out_usage, $in_prefix, $out_prefix, $in_traffic, $out_traffic);
my ($host, $snmp, $community);
my ($interface, $ServiceId, $critical, $warning, $rrd, $start, $name);
my $ERROR;
my $result;
my ($in_bits, $out_bits, $speed, $ds_names, $step, $data);
my @valeur;
my $i = 0;
my ($line, $update_time, $rrdstep, $rrdheartbeat, $bitcounter);
my $not_traffic = 1;
my $OID_IN =$oreon{MIB2}{IF_IN_OCTET};
my $OID_OUT = $oreon{MIB2}{IF_OUT_OCTET};
my $OID_SPEED = $oreon{MIB2}{IF_SPEED};
my $OID_DESC = $oreon{MIB2}{IF_DESC};
if ($opt_V) { print_revision ($PROGNAME, "Revision: 1.1 "); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; }
if ($opt_h) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; }
if (defined($opt_H) && $opt_H =~ m/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) { $host = $1; } else { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; }
if ($opt_v) { $snmp = $opt_v; } else { $snmp = "2c"; }
if ($opt_C) { $community = $opt_C; } else { $community = "public"; }
if ($opt_s || (defined($opt_i) && $opt_i =~ /([0-9]+)/)) { $interface = $1;} else { print "\nUnknown -i number expected... or it doesn't exist, try another interface - number\n"; }
if ($opt_g) {
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
$ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
if (defined($opt_step) && $opt_step =~ /([0-9]+)/) { $rrdstep = $1; $rrdheartbeat = $rrdstep * 2; } else { $rrdstep = 300; $rrdheartbeat = $rrdstep * 2; }
if (defined($opt_c) && $opt_c =~ /([0-9]+)/) { $critical = $1; } else { $critical = 95; }
if (defined($opt_w) && $opt_w =~ /([0-9]+)/) { $warning = $1; } else { $warning = 80; }
if (defined($opt_c) && defined($opt_w) && $critical <= $warning){ print "(--crit) must be superior to (--warn)"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; }
if (defined($opt_D) && $opt_D =~ /([-.\/\_\ A-Za-z0-9]+)/) { $pathtorrdbase = $1; }
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "1");
$snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
## RRDTool var init
if ($opt_i) {
$OID_IN .= ".".$interface;
$OID_OUT .= ".".$interface;
$OID_SPEED .= ".".$interface;
if ($opt_g && $opt_S) {
$rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
$start = time;
$name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
## RRDTool create rrd
if (!(-e $rrd)) {
$_ = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk $host -c $community -v $snmp $OID_IN 2>/dev/null`;
if ($_ =~ m/Counter(\d+)/) { $bitcounter = $1; } else { $bitcounter = 32; }
$bitcounter = 2 ** $bitcounter;
create_rrd ($rrd,2,$start,$rrdstep,0,$bitcounter,"COUNTER");
## Plugin snmp requests
# if ($opt_s) { $_ = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk $host -c $community -v $snmp $OID_DESC 2>/dev/null`; print $_; exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; }
# create a SNMP session #
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $host,-community => $community, -version => $snmp);
if ( !defined($session) ) { print("UNKNOWN: $error"); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; }
if ($opt_s) {
# Get desctiption table
my $result = $session->get_table(
Baseoid => $OID_DESC
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: Description Table : %s.\n", $session->error);
foreach my $key ( oid_lex_sort(keys %$result)) {
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
my $index = pop (@oid_list) ;
print "Interface $index :: $$result{$key}\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
# get IN bits #
$result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$OID_IN] );
if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR : IN : %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close; exit($ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}); }
$in_bits = $result->{$OID_IN} * 8;
# get OUT bits #
$result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$OID_OUT] );
if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR : OUT : %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close; exit($ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}); }
$out_bits = $result->{$OID_OUT} * 8;
# Get SPEED of interface #
if (!defined($opt_T) || $opt_T == 0) {
$result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$OID_SPEED] );
if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close; exit($ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}); }
$speed = $result->{$OID_SPEED};
else {
$speed = $opt_T * 1000000;
## RRDtools update
if ($opt_g) {
update_rrd ($rrd,$start,$in_bits,$out_bits);
## Get the real value in rrdfile
# ($update_time,$step,$ds_names,$data) = RRDs::fetch($rrd, "--resolution=300","--start=now-5min","--end=now","AVERAGE");
# foreach $line (@$data) {
# foreach $val (@$line) {
# if ( defined $val ) { $valeur[$i]=$val; } else { $valeur[$i]="undef"; }
# $i++;
# }
# }*/
@valeur = fetch_rrd($rrd,"AVERAGE");
$in_traffic = $valeur[0];
$out_traffic = $valeur[1];
if (!(defined($in_traffic)) && !(defined($out_traffic))) {
$not_traffic = 0;
} else {
$in_prefix = " ";
$out_prefix = " ";
if (!($in_traffic eq "undef")) {
if ($in_traffic > 1000000) {
$in_usage = sprintf("%.2f",($in_traffic/($speed))*100);
$in_traffic = sprintf("%.2f",$in_traffic/1000000);
$in_prefix = "M";
elsif ($in_traffic > 1000) {
$in_usage = sprintf("%.2f",($in_traffic/($speed))*100);
$in_traffic = sprintf("%.2f",$in_traffic/1000);
$in_prefix = "K";
elsif ($in_traffic < 1000) {
$in_usage = sprintf("%.2f",($in_traffic/($speed))*100);
$in_traffic = sprintf("%.2f",$in_traffic);
$in_prefix = " ";
else {
print "ERROR\n"; exit 1;
} else {
$in_usage = 0 ;
if (!($out_traffic eq "undef")) {
if ($out_traffic > 1000000) {
$out_usage = sprintf("%.2f",($out_traffic/($speed))*100);
$out_traffic = sprintf("%.2f",$out_traffic/1000000);
$out_prefix = "M";
elsif ($out_traffic > 1000) {
$out_usage = sprintf("%.2f",($out_traffic/($speed))*100);
$out_traffic = sprintf("%.2f",$out_traffic/1000);
$out_prefix = "K";
elsif ($out_traffic < 1000) {
$out_usage = sprintf("%.2f",($out_traffic/($speed))*100);
$out_traffic = sprintf("%.2f",$out_traffic);
$out_prefix = " ";
} else {
$out_usage = 0 ;
## Plugin return code && Status
if ( $speed == 0 ) {
print "CRITICAL: Interface speed equal 0! Interface must be down.\n";
else {
$speed = sprintf("%.2f",($speed/1000000));
if ($not_traffic != 1) {
print "Counter: IN = $in_bits bits and OUT = $out_bits bits - Traffic cannot be calculated when the last value from the rrdfile is `undef' (check if the `-g' option is enabled)\n"; exit($ERRORS{"OK"});
} else {
if(($in_usage > $critical) || ($out_usage > $critical)) {
print "CRITICAL: (".$critical."%) depassed threshold. Traffic: $in_traffic ".$in_prefix."b/s (".$in_usage."%) in, $out_traffic ".$out_prefix."b/s (".$out_usage."%) out - Speed Interface = ".$speed." Mb/s \n";
if(($in_usage > $warning) || ($out_usage > $warning)) {
print "WARNING: (".$warning."%) depassed threshold. Traffic: $in_traffic ".$in_prefix."b/s (".$in_usage."%) in, $out_traffic ".$out_prefix."b/s (".$out_usage."%) out - Speed Interface = ".$speed." Mb/s\n";
print "OK: Traffic: $in_traffic ".$in_prefix."b/s (".$in_usage."%) in, $out_traffic ".$out_prefix."b/s (".$out_usage."%) out - Speed Interface = ".$speed." Mb/s\n $opt_g"; exit($ERRORS{"OK"});
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create à rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -s (--show) Describes all interfaces number (debug mode)\n";
print " -i (--interface) Set the interface number (2 by default)\n";
print " -T (--speed) Set the speed interface in Mbit/s (by default speed interface capacity)\n";
print " --rrdstep Set the rrdstep in second (5 minuntes by default)\n";
print " -w (--warn) Signal strength at which a warning message will be generated\n";
print " (default 80)\n";
print " -c (--crit) Signal strength at which a critical message will be generated\n";
print " (default 95)\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n\n";
main ();

View File

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 wistof Exp $
# This plugin is developped under GPL Licence:
# Developped by Linagora SA:
# Modified for Oreon Project by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# Modified For Oreon compatibility by Julien Mathis For Merethis
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# LINAGORA makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the LINAGORA web site.
# In no event will LINAGORA be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if LINAGORA has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
# based on "graph plugins" developped by Oreon Team. See
## Plugin init
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_V $opt_g $opt_D $opt_S $opt_H $opt_C $opt_v $opt_d $day $opt_step);
my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
"g" => \$opt_g, "rrdgraph" => \$opt_g,
"rrd_step=s" => \$opt_step,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp=s" => \$opt_v,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"S=s" => \$opt_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$opt_S,
"d" => \$opt_d, "day" => \$opt_d,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$opt_H = shift unless ($opt_H);
(print_usage() && exit $ERRORS{'OK'}) unless ($opt_H);
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = shift) || ($opt_v = "1");
my $snmp = $1 if ($opt_v =~ /(\d)/);
($opt_S) || ($opt_S = shift) || ($opt_S = "1_1");
my $ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($opt_S);
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = shift) || ($opt_C = "public");
my $rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
my $start=time;
my $name = $0;
$name =~ s/\.pl.*//g;
my $day = 0;
## RRDTools create rrd
if ($opt_g) {
if (! -e $rrd) {
## Plugin snmp requests
# create a SNMP session
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt_H,-community => $opt_C, -version => $snmp);
if ( !defined($session) ) {
print("CRITICAL: $error");
my $result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$OID_OBJECTID]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
my $return_result = $result->{$OID_OBJECTID};
my $OID = "";
if ($return_result =~ /.*Windows.*/i ) {
} else {
$result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$OID]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
my $un = 0;
$return_result = $result->{$OID};
if ( $return_result =~ m/(\d*) day[s]?,\s*(\d*):(\d*):(\d*).(\d*)/ ) {
$un = $5 + $4 * 100 + $3 * 100 * 60 + $2 * 100 * 60 * 60 + $1 * 100 * 60 * 60 * 24;
$day = $1;
if ( $return_result =~ m/(\d*) hour.*(\d*):(\d*).(\d*)/ ) {
$un = $4 + $3 * 100 + $3 * 100 * 60 + $1 * 100 * 60 * 60 ;
if ($opt_d) {
$un = $day;
#print "un : $un\n";
## RRDtools update
if ($opt_g) {
## Plugin return code
if ($un || ( $un == 0) ){
if ($opt_d) {
print "OK - Uptime (in day): $un|uptime=".$un."hs\n";
} else {
print "OK - Uptime (in hundredths of a second): $un|uptime=".$un."hs\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
print "CRITICAL Host unavailable\n";
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "$PROGNAME\n";
print " -H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)\n";
print " -C (--community) SNMP read community (defaults to public,\n";
print " used with SNMP v1 and v2c\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -g (--rrdgraph) create a rrd base and add datas into this one\n";
print " -D (--directory) Path to rrdatabase (or create the .rrd in this directory)\n";
print " by default: ".$pathtorrdbase."\n";
print " (The path is valid with spaces '/my\ path/...')\n";
print " -S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id\n";
print " -d (--day) Uptime in day\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";
sub print_help () {
print "Copyright (c) 2005 Linagora\n";
print "Modified by Merethis \n";
print "Bugs to\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";