plugin name modified to centreon and traps plugin updated

git-svn-id: 6bcd3966-0018-0410-8128-fd23d134de7e
This commit is contained in:
Mat Sugumaran 2007-06-27 14:20:37 +00:00
parent 1e13a13d0d
commit ddd0832136
17 changed files with 640 additions and 1240 deletions

View File

@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ sub print_usage () {
print " -w (--warning) Three warning tresholds (defaults : 1,3,5)\n";
print " -v (--snmp_version) 1 for SNMP v1 (default)\n";
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -k (--key) snmp V3 key\n";
print " -p (--password) snmp V3 password\n";
print " -u (--username) snmp v3 username \n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";

View File

@ -193,6 +193,9 @@ sub print_usage () {
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -n (--number) Return the number of current running processes. \n";
print " -p (--process) Set the process name ex: by default smbd\n";
print " -k (--key) snmp V3 key\n";
print " -x (--password) snmp V3 password\n";
print " -u (--username) snmp v3 username \n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";
print " -h (--help) usage help\n";

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use lib "/srv/nagios/libexec";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ sub print_usage () {
print " 2 for SNMP v2c\n";
print " -t (--type) Data Source Type (GAUGE or COUNTER) (GAUGE by default)\n";
print " -o (--oid) OID to check\n";
print " -k (--key) snmp V3 key\n";
print " -p (--password) snmp V3 password\n";
print " -u (--username) snmp v3 username \n";
print " -w (--warning) Warning level\n";
print " -c (--critical) Critical level\n";
print " -V (--version) Plugin version\n";

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ use vars qw($opt_H $opt_p $opt_s $opt_v $opt_V $opt_h $opt_w $opt_c $opt_S $opt_
my $pathtolibexecnt = $oreon{GLOBAL}{NAGIOS_LIBEXEC}."check_nt";
my($op_v, $op_d, $op_s, $op_t, $op_l, $port, @values, @test, @test2, @test3, @test4, @test5, $warning, $critical, @w, @c, $uptime);
my($warning2, $critical2, $warning3, $critical3, $warning4, $critical4, @output);
$PROGNAME = "check_nt_oreon";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();

View File

@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
############################## check_snmp_process ##############
# Version : 1.2.1
# Date : Dec 12 2004
# Author : Patrick Proy (patrick at
# Help :
# Licence : GPL -
# TODO : put $o_delta as an option
############### BASE DIRECTORY FOR TEMP FILE ########
my $o_base_dir="/tmp/tmp_Nagios_proc.";
my $file_history=200; # number of data to keep in files.
my $delta_of_time_to_make_average=300; # 5minutes by default
use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;
# Nagios specific
use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec";
use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);
#my $TIMEOUT = 5;
# Oreon specific
#use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec";
if (eval "require oreon" ) {
use oreon qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
use vars qw($VERSION %oreon);
} else {
print "Unable to load oreon perl module\n";
#my $pathtorrdbase = $oreon{GLOBAL}{DIR_RRDTOOL};
# SNMP Datas
my $process_table= '';
my $index_table = '';
my $run_name_table = '';
my $run_path_table = '';
my $proc_mem_table = ''; # Kbytes
my $proc_cpu_table = ''; # Centi sec of CPU
my $proc_run_state = '';
# Globals
my $Version='1.2.1';
my $o_host = undef; # hostname
my $o_community =undef; # community
my $o_port = 161; # port
my $o_descr = undef; # description filter
my $o_warn = 0; # warning limit
my @o_warnL= undef; # warning limits (min,max)
my $o_crit= 0; # critical limit
my @o_critL= undef; # critical limits (min,max)
my $o_help= undef; # wan't some help ?
my $o_verb= undef; # verbose mode
my $o_version= undef; # print version
my $o_noreg= undef; # Do not use Regexp for name
my $o_path= undef; # check path instead of name
my $o_inverse= undef; # checks max instead of min number of process
my $o_timeout= 5; # Default 5s Timeout
# SNMP V3 specific
my $o_login= undef; # snmp v3 login
my $o_passwd= undef; # snmp v3 passwd
# Memory & CPU
my $o_mem= undef; # checks memory (max)
my @o_memL= undef; # warn and crit level for mem
my $o_mem_avg= undef; # cheks memory average
my $o_cpu= undef; # checks CPU usage
my @o_cpuL= undef; # warn and crit level for cpu
my $o_delta= $delta_of_time_to_make_average; # delta time for CPU check
# Oreon specific
my $o_step= undef;
my $o_g= undef;
my $o_S= undef;
my $step= undef;
my $rrd= undef;
my $start= undef;
my $ServiceId= undef;
my @rrd_data= undef;
# functions
sub p_version { print "check_snmp_process version : $Version\n"; }
sub print_usage {
print "Usage: $0 [-v] -H <host> -C <snmp_community> | (-l login -x passwd) [-p <port>] -n <name> [-w <min_proc>[,<max_proc>] -c <min_proc>[,max_proc] ] [-m<warn Mb>,<crit Mb> -a -u<warn %>,<crit%> ] [-t <timeout>] [-f ] [-r] [-V]\n";
sub isnotnum { # Return true if arg is not a number
my $num = shift;
if ( $num =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*)|(^\.\d+)$/ ) { return 0 ;}
return 1;
# Get the alarm signal (just in case snmp timout screws up)
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
print ("ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios time-out)\n");
sub read_file {
# Input : File, items_number
# Returns : array of value : [line][item]
my ($traffic_file,$items_number)=@_;
my ($ligne,$n_rows)=(undef,0);
my (@last_values,@file_values,$i);
open(FILE,"<".$traffic_file) || return (1,0,0);
while($ligne = <FILE>)
@file_values = split(":",$ligne);
if ($#file_values >= ($items_number-1)) {
# check if there is enough data, else ignore line
for ( $i=0 ; $i< $items_number ; $i++ ) {$last_values[$n_rows][$i]=$file_values[$i]; }
close FILE;
if ($n_rows != 0) {
return (0,$n_rows,@last_values);
} else {
return (1,0,0);
sub write_file {
# Input : file , rows, items, array of value : [line][item]
# Returns : 0 / OK, 1 / error
my ($file_out,$rows,$item,@file_values)=@_;
my $start_line= ($rows > $file_history) ? $rows - $file_history : 0;
if ( open(FILE2,">".$file_out) ) {
for (my $i=$start_line;$i<$rows;$i++) {
for (my $j=0;$j<$item;$j++) {
print FILE2 $file_values[$i][$j];
if ($j != ($item -1)) { print FILE2 ":" };
print FILE2 "\n";
close FILE2;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sub help {
print "\nSNMP Process Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n";
print "(c)2004 to my cat Ratoune - Author: Patrick Proy\n\n";
print <<EOT;
-v, --verbose
print extra debugging information (and lists all storages)
-h, --help
print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
name or IP address of host to check
-C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME
community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies SNMP v1)
-l, --login=LOGIN
Login for snmpv3 authentication (implies v3 protocol with MD5)
-x, --passwd=PASSWD
Password for snmpv3 authentication
-p, --port=PORT
SNMP port (Default 161)
-n, --name=NAME
Name of the process (regexp)
No trailing slash !
-r, --noregexp
Do not use regexp to match NAME in description OID
-f, --fullpath
Use full path name instead of process name
(Windows doesn't provide full path name)
-w, --warn=MIN[,MAX]
Number of process that will cause a warning
-c, --critical=MIN[,MAX]
number of process that will cause an error
Notes on warning and critical :
with the following options : -w m1,x1 -c m2,x2
you must have : m2 <= m1 < x1 <= x2
you can omit x1 or x2 or both
-m, --memory=WARN,CRIT
checks memory usage (default max of all process)
values are warning and critical values in Mb
-a, --average
makes an average of memory used by process instead of max
-u, --cpu=WARN,CRIT
checks cpu usage of all process
values are warning and critical values in % of CPU usage
if more than one CPU, value can be > 100% : 100%=1 CPU
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)
-V, --version
prints version number
-g (--rrdgraph) Create a rrd base if necessary and add datas into this one
--rrd_step Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD (300 by default)
-S (--ServiceId) Oreon Service Id
Note :
CPU usage is in % of one cpu, so maximum can be 100% * number of CPU
example :
Browse process list : <script> -C <community> -H <host> -n <anything> -v
the -n option allows regexp in perl format :
All process of /opt/soft/bin : -n /opt/soft/bin/ -f
All 'named' process : -n named
sub verb { my $t=shift; print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb) ; }
sub check_options {
my $compat_o_cpu_sum;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
'v' => \$o_verb, 'verbose' => \$o_verb,
'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help,
'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host,
'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port,
'C:s' => \$o_community, 'community:s' => \$o_community,
'l:s' => \$o_login, 'login:s' => \$o_login,
'x:s' => \$o_passwd, 'passwd:s' => \$o_passwd,
'c:s' => \$o_crit, 'critical:s' => \$o_crit,
'w:s' => \$o_warn, 'warn:s' => \$o_warn,
't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout,
'n:s' => \$o_descr, 'name:s' => \$o_descr,
'r' => \$o_noreg, 'noregexp' => \$o_noreg,
'f' => \$o_path, 'fullpath' => \$o_path,
'm:s' => \$o_mem, 'memory:s' => \$o_mem,
'a' => \$o_mem_avg, 'average' => \$o_mem_avg,
'u:s' => \$o_cpu, 'cpu' => \$o_cpu,
#### To be compatible with version 1.2, will be removed... ####
's' => \$compat_o_cpu_sum, 'cpusum' => \$compat_o_cpu_sum,
'V' => \$o_version, 'version' => \$o_version,
# For Oreon rrdtool graph
"rrd_step:s" => \$o_step,
"g" => \$o_g, "rrdgraph" => \$o_g,
"S=s" => \$o_S, "ServiceId=s" => \$o_S
if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
# check snmp information
if ( !defined($o_community) && (!defined($o_login) || !defined($o_passwd)) )
{ print "Put snmp login info!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
# Check compulsory attributes
if ( ! defined($o_descr) || ! defined($o_host) ) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
#verb("$#o_warnL $#o_critL");
if ( isnotnum($o_warnL[0]) || isnotnum($o_critL[0]))
{ print "Numerical values for warning and critical\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};}
if ((defined($o_warnL[1]) && isnotnum($o_warnL[1])) || (defined($o_critL[1]) && isnotnum($o_critL[1])))
{ print "Numerical values for warning and critical\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};}
# Check for positive numbers
if (($o_warnL[0] < 0) || ($o_critL[0] < 0))
{ print " warn and critical > 0 \n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if ((defined($o_warnL[1]) && ($o_warnL[1] < 0)) || (defined($o_critL[1]) && ($o_critL[1] < 0)))
{ print " warn and critical > 0 \n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
# Check min_crit < min warn < max warn < crit warn
if ($o_warnL[0] < $o_critL[0]) { print " warn minimum must be >= crit minimum\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if (defined($o_warnL[1])) {
if ($o_warnL[1] <= $o_warnL[0])
{ print "warn minimum must be < warn maximum\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
} elsif ( defined($o_critL[1]) && ($o_critL[1] <= $o_warnL[0]))
{ print "warn minimum must be < crit maximum when no crit warning defined\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};}
if ( defined($o_critL[1]) && defined($o_warnL[1]) && ($o_critL[1]<$o_warnL[1]))
{ print "warn max must be <= crit maximum\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};}
#### Memory checks
if (defined ($o_mem)) {
if ($#o_memL != 1)
{print "2 values (warning,critical) for memory\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if (isnotnum($o_memL[0]) || isnotnum($o_memL[1]))
{print "Numeric values for memory!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if ($o_memL[0]>$o_memL[1])
{print "Warning must be <= Critical for memory!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
#### CPU checks
if (defined ($o_cpu)) {
if ($#o_cpuL != 1)
{print "2 values (warning,critical) for cpu\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if (isnotnum($o_cpuL[0]) || isnotnum($o_cpuL[1]))
{print "Numeric values for cpu!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
if ($o_cpuL[0]>$o_cpuL[1])
{print "Warning must be <= Critical for cpu!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
###### Oreon #######
if (!defined($o_S)) { $o_S="1_1" }
$ServiceId = is_valid_serviceid($o_S);
if (!defined($o_step)) { $o_step="300" }
$step = $1 if ($o_step =~ /(\d+)/);
########## MAIN #######
#$rrd = $pathtorrdbase.$ServiceId.".rrd";
# Check gobal timeout if snmp screws up
if (defined($TIMEOUT)) {
#verb("Alarm at $TIMEOUT");
} else {
#verb("no timeout defined : $o_timeout + 10");
alarm ($o_timeout+10);
# Connect to host
my ($session,$error);
if ( defined($o_login) && defined($o_passwd)) {
# SNMPv3 login
verb("SNMPv3 login");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => '3',
-username => $o_login,
-authpassword => $o_passwd,
-authprotocol => 'md5',
-privpassword => $o_passwd,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
# SNMPV1 login
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout
if (!defined($session)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
# Look for process in name or path name table
my $resultat=undef;
if ( !defined ($o_path) ) {
$resultat = $session->get_table(
Baseoid => $run_name_table
} else {
$resultat = $session->get_table(
Baseoid => $run_path_table
if (!defined($resultat)) {
printf("ERROR: Process name table : %s.\n", $session->error);
my @tindex = undef;
my @oids = undef;
my @descr = undef;
my $num_int = 0;
my $count_oid = 0;
# Select storage by regexp of exact match
# and put the oid to query in an array
#verb("Filter : $o_descr");
foreach my $key ( keys %$resultat) {
# verb("OID : $key, Desc : $$resultat{$key}");
# test by regexp or exact match
my $test = defined($o_noreg)
? $$resultat{$key} eq $o_descr
: $$resultat{$key} =~ /$o_descr/;
if ($test) {
# get the index number of the interface
my @oid_list = split (/\./,$key);
$tindex[$num_int] = pop (@oid_list);
# get the full description
# put the oid of running and mem (check this maybe ?) in an array.
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
$oids[$count_oid++]=$proc_run_state . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
#verb("Name : $descr[$num_int], Index : $tindex[$num_int]");
# verb($oids[$count_oid-1]);
if ( $num_int == 0) {
print "No process ",(defined ($o_noreg)) ? "named " : "matching ", $o_descr, " found : CRITICAL\n";
my $result=undef;
my $num_int_ok=0;
my %result_cons=();
if ( $count_oid >= 50) {
my @toid=undef;
my $tmp_num=0;
my $tmp_index=0;
my $tmp_count=$count_oid;
my $tmp_result=undef;
# verb("More than 50 oid, splitting");
while ( $tmp_count != 0 ) {
$tmp_num = ($tmp_count >=50) ? 50 : $tmp_count;
for (my $i=0; $i<$tmp_num;$i++) {
#verb("$i : $toid[$i] : $oids[$i+$tmp_index]");
$tmp_result = $session->get_request(
Varbindlist => \@toid
if (!defined($tmp_result)) { printf("ERROR: running table : %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close;
foreach (@toid) { $result_cons{$_}=$$tmp_result{$_}; }
} else {
$result = $session->get_request(
Varbindlist => \@oids
if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR: running table : %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close;
foreach (@oids) {$result_cons{$_}=$$result{$_};}
#Check if process are in running or runnable state
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) {
my $state=$result_cons{$proc_run_state . "." . $tindex[$i]};
my $tmpmem=$result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};
my $tmpcpu=$result_cons{$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};
# verb ("Process $tindex[$i] in state $state using $tmpmem, and $tmpcpu CPU");
$num_int_ok++ if (($state == 1) || ($state ==2));
#$rrd_data[0] = $num_int_ok;
my $final_status=0;
my ($res_memory,$res_cpu)=(0,0);
my $memory_print="";
my $cpu_print="";
###### Checks memory usage
if (defined ($o_mem) ) {
if (defined ($o_mem_avg)) {
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) { $res_memory += $result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};}
$res_memory /= ($num_int_ok*1024);
#verb("Memory average : $res_memory");
} else {
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) {
$res_memory = ($result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]} > $res_memory) ? $result_cons{$proc_mem_table . "." . $tindex[$i]} : $res_memory;
$res_memory /=1024;
#verb("Memory max : $res_memory");
if ($res_memory > $o_memL[1]) {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb > ".$o_memL[1]." CRITICAL";
} elsif ( $res_memory > $o_memL[0]) {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb > ".$o_memL[0]." WARNING";
} else {
$memory_print=", Mem : ".sprintf("%.1f",$res_memory)."Mb OK";
#push @rrd_data, $res_memory;
######## Checks CPU usage
if (defined ($o_cpu) ) {
my $timenow=time;
my $temp_file_name;
my ($return,@file_values)=(undef,undef);
my $n_rows=0;
my $n_items_check=2;
my $trigger=$timenow - ($o_delta - ($o_delta/10));
my $trigger_low=$timenow - 3*$o_delta;
my ($old_value,$old_time)=undef;
my $found_value=undef;
#### Get the current values
for (my $i=0; $i< $num_int; $i++) { $res_cpu += $result_cons{$proc_cpu_table . "." . $tindex[$i]};}
# verb("Time: $timenow , cpu (centiseconds) : $res_cpu");
#### Read file
$temp_file_name =~ s/ /_/g;
$temp_file_name = $o_base_dir . $o_host ."." . $temp_file_name;
# First, read entire file
my @ret_array=read_file($temp_file_name,$n_items_check);
$return = shift(@ret_array);
$n_rows = shift(@ret_array);
if ($n_rows != 0) { @file_values = @ret_array };
# verb ("File read returns : $return with $n_rows rows");
#make the checks if the file is OK
if ($return ==0) {
my $j=$n_rows-1;
do {
if ($file_values[$j][0] < $trigger) {
if ($file_values[$j][0] > $trigger_low) {
# found value = centiseconds / seconds = %cpu
$found_value= ($res_cpu-$file_values[$j][1]) / ($timenow - $file_values[$j][0] );
} while ( ($j>=0) && (!defined($found_value)) );
###### Write file
if ($return != 0) { $cpu_print.="! ERROR writing file $temp_file_name !";$final_status=3;}
##### Check values (if something to check...)
if (defined($found_value)) {
if ($found_value > $o_cpuL[1]) {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% > ".$o_cpuL[1]." CRITICAL";
} elsif ( $found_value > $o_cpuL[0]) {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% > ".$o_cpuL[0]." WARNING";
} else {
$cpu_print.=", Cpu : ".sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."% OK";
#push @rrd_data, $found_value;
} else {
if ($final_status==0) { $final_status=3 };
$cpu_print.=", No data for CPU (".$n_rows." line(s)):UNKNOWN";
## RRD management
# if ($o_g) {
# $start=time;
# if (! -e $rrd) {
# create_rrd($rrd,$#rrd_data+1,$start,$step,0,"U","GAUGE");
# }
# update_rrd($rrd,$start,@rrd_data);
print $num_int_ok, " process ", (defined ($o_noreg)) ? "named " : "matching ", $o_descr, " ";
#### Check for min and max number of process
if ( $num_int_ok <= $o_critL[0] ) {
print "(<= ",$o_critL[0]," : CRITICAL)";
} elsif ( $num_int_ok <= $o_warnL[0] ) {
print "(<= ",$o_warnL[0]," : WARNING)";
} else {
print "(> ",$o_warnL[0],")";
if (defined($o_critL[1]) && ($num_int_ok > $o_critL[1])) {
print " (> ",$o_critL[1]," : CRITICAL)";
} elsif (defined($o_warnL[1]) && ($num_int_ok > $o_warnL[1])) {
print " (> ",$o_warnL[1]," : WARNING)";
} elsif (defined($o_warnL[1])) {
print " (<= ",$o_warnL[1],"):OK";
print $memory_print,$cpu_print,"\n";
if ($final_status==2) { exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"};}
if ($final_status==1) { exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"};}
if ($final_status==3) { exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};}
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ sub main() {
if (defined($values[3])) {
print FILE "FORMAT ".$values[3]."\n";
print FILE "EXEC ".$NAGIOS_TRAPS."/trapHandler \$aA \$o \"\$*\"\n";
print FILE "EXEC ".$NAGIOS_TRAPS."/trapHandler \$aA \$o \"$values[3]\"\n";
if (defined($values[4])) {
print FILE "SDESC\n".$values[4];
if ($values[4] =~ /\n$/) {
@ -101,21 +101,21 @@ sub main() {
if (!open(TEMP, "> /tmp/snmptt.ini.tmp")) {
print "Cannot open /tmp/snmptt.ini.tmp in write mode - Export Aborded\n";
print "Cannot open /tmp/snmptt.ini.tmp in write mode - Export Aborded\n";
my $continue = 1;
while ($continue == 1) {
my $line = <FILE>;
if ($line) {
if (!($line =~ /^snmptt\_conf\_files/)) {
print TEMP $line;
} else {
$continue = 0;
} else {
$continue = -1;
my $line = <FILE>;
if ($line) {
if (!($line =~ /^snmptt\_conf\_files/)) {
print TEMP $line;
} else {
$continue = 0;
} else {
$continue = -1;
if (!$continue) {
print TEMP "snmptt_conf_files = <<END\n";

View File

@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ sub get_servicename($$$) {
exit if (!defined $host_id);
my $query_trap = "SELECT traps_id, traps_args, traps_status from traps where traps_oid='$_[1]'";
my $query_trap = "SELECT traps_id, traps_status from traps where traps_oid='$_[1]'";
$sth = $_[0]->prepare($query_trap);
my ($trap_id, $argument, $trap_status) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my ($trap_id, $trap_status) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
exit if (!defined $trap_id);
my $query_services = "SELECT service_description FROM service s, host_service_relation h, traps_service_relation t";
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ sub get_servicename($$$) {
$new_service[scalar(@new_service)] = $temp;
return $trap_status, $argument, (@service,@new_service);
return $trap_status, (@service,@new_service);
@ -101,18 +101,16 @@ sub getTrapsInfos($$$){
my @host = get_hostinfos($dbh, $ip);
foreach(@host) {
my $this_host = $_;
my ($status, $argument, @servicename) = get_servicename($dbh, $oid, $_);
my ($status, @servicename) = get_servicename($dbh, $oid, $_);
foreach (@servicename) {
my $this_service = $_;
my $datetime=`date +%s`;
my @vars = split(/\ /,$arguments_line);
$argument =~ s/\$([0-9]+)/$vars[$1-1]/g;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT command_file FROM cfg_nagios WHERE nagios_activate = '1' LIMIT 1");
my @conf = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $submit = `/bin/echo "[$datetime] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;$this_host;$this_service;$status;$argument" >> $conf[0]`;
my $submit = `/bin/echo "[$datetime] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;$this_host;$this_service;$status;$arguments_line" >> $conf[0]`;
@ -126,5 +124,6 @@ if (scalar(@ARGV)) {
my $ip = $ARGV[0];
my $oid = $ARGV[1];
my $arguments = $ARGV[2];
my $toto = `/bin/echo $arguments >> /tmp/traphandler.log`;
getTrapsInfos($ip, $oid, $arguments);