# # Copyright 2022 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) # # Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets # the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for # service performance. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package centreon::plugins::snmp; use strict; use warnings; use SNMP; use Socket; use POSIX; sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # $options{options} = options object # $options{output} = output object # $options{exit_value} = integer if (!defined($options{output})) { print "Class SNMP: Need to specify 'output' argument.\n"; exit 3; } if (!defined($options{options})) { $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Class SNMP: Need to specify 'options' argument."); $options{output}->option_exit(); } if (!defined($options{noptions})) { $options{options}->add_options(arguments => { 'hostname|host:s' => { name => 'host' }, 'snmp-community:s' => { name => 'snmp_community', default => 'public' }, 'snmp-version:s' => { name => 'snmp_version', default => 1 }, 'snmp-port:s' => { name => 'snmp_port', default => 161 }, 'snmp-timeout:s' => { name => 'snmp_timeout', default => 1 }, 'snmp-retries:s' => { name => 'snmp_retries', default => 5 }, 'maxrepetitions:s' => { name => 'maxrepetitions', default => 50 }, 'subsetleef:s' => { name => 'subsetleef', default => 50 }, 'subsettable:s' => { name => 'subsettable', default => 100 }, 'snmp-autoreduce:s' => { name => 'snmp_autoreduce' }, 'snmp-force-getnext' => { name => 'snmp_force_getnext' }, 'snmp-username:s' => { name => 'snmp_security_name' }, 'authpassphrase:s' => { name => 'snmp_auth_passphrase' }, 'authprotocol:s' => { name => 'snmp_auth_protocol' }, 'privpassphrase:s' => { name => 'snmp_priv_passphrase' }, 'privprotocol:s' => { name => 'snmp_priv_protocol' }, 'contextname:s' => { name => 'snmp_context_name' }, 'contextengineid:s' => { name => 'snmp_context_engine_id' }, 'securityengineid:s' => { name => 'snmp_security_engine_id' }, 'snmp-errors-exit:s' => { name => 'snmp_errors_exit', default => 'unknown' }, }); $options{options}->add_help(package => __PACKAGE__, sections => 'SNMP OPTIONS'); } ##### $self->{session} = undef; $self->{output} = $options{output}; $self->{snmp_params} = {}; # Dont load MIB $SNMP::auto_init_mib = 0; $ENV{MIBS} = ''; # For snmpv v1 - get request retries when you have "NoSuchName" $self->{RetryNoSuch} = 1; # Dont try to translate OID (we keep value) $self->{UseNumeric} = 1; $self->{error_msg} = undef; $self->{error_status} = 0; return $self; } sub connect { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->{snmp_params}->{RetryNoSuch} = $self->{RetryNoSuch}; $self->{snmp_params}->{UseNumeric} = $self->{UseNumeric}; if (!$self->{output}->is_litteral_status(status => $self->{snmp_errors_exit})) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Unknown value '" . $self->{snmp_errors_exit} . "' for --snmp-errors-exit."); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => 'unknown'); } $self->{session} = new SNMP::Session(%{$self->{snmp_params}}); if (!defined($self->{session})) { if (defined($options{dont_quit}) && $options{dont_quit} == 1) { $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => 'SNMP Session : unable to create'); return 1; } $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP Session : unable to create'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum}) { if (defined($options{dont_quit}) && $options{dont_quit} == 1) { $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => 'SNMP Session : ' . $self->{session}->{ErrorStr}); return 1; } $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP Session : ' . $self->{session}->{ErrorStr}); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } return 0; } sub load { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{oids} = ref to array of oids (example: ['.1.2', '.1.2']) # $options{instances} = ref to array of oids instances # $options{begin}, $args->{end} = integer instance end # $options{instance_regexp} = str # 3 way to use: with instances, with end, none if (defined($options{end})) { for (my $i = $options{begin}; $i <= $options{end}; $i++) { foreach (@{$options{oids}}) { push @{$self->{oids_loaded}}, $_ . "." . $i; } } return ; } if (defined($options{instances})) { $options{instance_regexp} = defined($options{instance_regexp}) ? $options{instance_regexp} : '(\d+)$'; foreach my $instance (@{$options{instances}}) { $instance =~ /$options{instance_regexp}/; foreach (@{$options{oids}}) { push @{$self->{oids_loaded}}, $_ . "." . $1; } } return ; } push @{$self->{oids_loaded}}, @{$options{oids}}; } sub autoreduce_table { my ($self, %options) = @_; return 1 if (defined($self->{snmp_force_getnext}) || $self->is_snmpv1()); if ($self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} > 1) { $self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} = 1; $self->connect(); } return 1 if (${$options{repeat_count}} == 1); ${$options{repeat_count}} = int(${$options{repeat_count}} / $self->{snmp_autoreduce_divisor}); ${$options{repeat_count}} = 1 if (${$options{repeat_count}} < 1); return 0; } sub autoreduce_multiple_table { my ($self, %options) = @_; if ($self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} > 1) { $self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} = 1; $self->connect(); } return 1 if (${$options{repeat_count}} == 1); ${$options{repeat_count}} = int(${$options{repeat_count}} / $self->{snmp_autoreduce_divisor}); $self->{subsettable} = int($self->{subsettable} / $self->{snmp_autoreduce_divisor}); ${$options{repeat_count}} = 1 if (${$options{repeat_count}} < 1); return 0; } sub autoreduce_leef { my ($self, %options) = @_; if ($self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} > 1) { $self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} = 1; $self->connect(); } return 1 if ($self->{subsetleef} == 1); $self->{subsetleef} = int($self->{subsetleef} / $self->{snmp_autoreduce_divisor}); $self->{subsetleef} = 1 if ($self->{subsetleef} < 1); my $array_ref = []; my $subset_current = 0; my $subset_construct = []; foreach ([@{$options{current}}], @{$self->{array_ref_ar}}) { foreach my $entry (@$_) {; push @$subset_construct, [$entry->[0], $entry->[1]]; $subset_current++; if ($subset_current == $self->{subsetleef}) { push @$array_ref, \@$subset_construct; $subset_construct = []; $subset_current = 0; } } } if ($subset_current) { push @$array_ref, \@$subset_construct; } $self->{array_ref_ar} = \@$array_ref; return 0; } sub get_leef { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{dont_quit} = integer # $options{nothing_quit} = integer # $options{oids} = ref to array of oids (example: ['.1.2', '.1.2']) # Returns array # 'undef' value for an OID means NoSuchValue my ($dont_quit) = (defined($options{dont_quit}) && $options{dont_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; my ($nothing_quit) = (defined($options{nothing_quit}) && $options{nothing_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; $self->set_error(); if (!defined($options{oids})) { if ($#{$self->{oids_loaded}} < 0) { if ($dont_quit == 1) { $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => "Need to specify OIDs"); return undef; } $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Need to specify OIDs'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } push @{$options{oids}}, @{$self->{oids_loaded}}; @{$self->{oids_loaded}} = (); } my $results = {}; $self->{array_ref_ar} = []; my $subset_current = 0; my $subset_construct = []; foreach my $oid (@{$options{oids}}) { # Get last value next if ($oid !~ /(.*)\.(\d+)([\.\s]*)$/); my ($oid, $instance) = ($1, $2); $results->{$oid . "." . $instance} = undef; push @$subset_construct, [$oid, $instance]; $subset_current++; if ($subset_current == $self->{subsetleef}) { push @{$self->{array_ref_ar}}, \@$subset_construct; $subset_construct = []; $subset_current = 0; } } if ($subset_current) { push @{$self->{array_ref_ar}}, \@$subset_construct; } ############################ # If wrong oid with SNMP v1, packet resent (2 packets more). Not the case with SNMP > 1. # Can have "NoSuchName", if nothing works... # = v1: wrong oid # bless( [ # '.', # '0', # '199720062', # 'TICKS' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ), # bless( [ # '.', # '0' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ), # bless( [ # '.', # '1000' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ) # > v1: wrong oid # bless( [ # '.', # '0', # '199728713', # 'TICKS' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ), # bless( [ # '.', # '3', # 'NOSUCHINSTANCE', # 'TICKS' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ) # bless( [ # '.', # '0', # 'NOSUCHOBJECT', # 'NOSUCHOBJECT' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ), # bless( [ # '.', # '1000', # 'NOSUCHOBJECT', # 'NOSUCHOBJECT' # ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ) ############################ my $total = 0; while (my $entry = shift(@{$self->{array_ref_ar}})) { my $vb = new SNMP::VarList(@{$entry}); $self->{session}->get($vb); if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum}) { # 0 noError Pas d'erreurs. # 1 tooBig Reponse de taille trop grande. # 2 noSuchName Variable inexistante. # -24 Timeout if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 2) { # We are at the end with snmpv1. We next. next; } if ($self->{snmp_autoreduce} == 1 && ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 1 || $self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 5 || $self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == -24)) { next if ($self->autoreduce_leef(current => $entry) == 0); } my $msg = 'SNMP GET Request : ' . $self->{session}->{ErrorStr}; if ($dont_quit == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => $msg); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => $msg); return undef; } # Some equipments gives a partial response and no error. # We look the last value if it's empty or not # In snmpv1 we have the retryNoSuch if (((scalar(@$vb) != scalar(@{$entry})) || (scalar(@{@$vb[-1]}) < 3)) && !$self->is_snmpv1()) { next if ($self->{snmp_autoreduce} == 1 && $self->autoreduce_leef(current => $entry) == 0); if ($dont_quit == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP partial response. Please try --snmp-autoreduce option'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => 'SNMP partial response'); return undef; } foreach my $entry (@$vb) { if ($#$entry < 3) { # Can be snmpv1 not find next; } if (${$entry}[2] eq 'NOSUCHOBJECT' || ${$entry}[2] eq 'NOSUCHINSTANCE') { # Error in snmp > 1 next; } $total++; $results->{${$entry}[0] . "." . ${$entry}[1]} = ${$entry}[2]; } } if ($nothing_quit == 1 && $total == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP GET Request : Cant get a single value.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } return $results; } sub multiple_find_bigger { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $getting = {}; my @values = (); foreach my $key (keys %{$options{working_oids}}) { push @values, $options{working_oids}->{$key}->{start}; $getting->{ $options{working_oids}->{$key}->{start} } = $key; } @values = $self->oid_lex_sort(@values); return $getting->{pop(@values)}; } sub get_multiple_table { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{dont_quit} = integer # $options{oids} = refs array # [ { oid => 'x.x.x.x', start => '', end => ''}, { oid => 'y.y.y.y', start => '', end => ''} ] # $options{return_type} = integer my ($return_type) = (defined($options{return_type}) && $options{return_type} == 1) ? 1 : 0; my ($dont_quit) = (defined($options{dont_quit}) && $options{dont_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; my ($nothing_quit) = (defined($options{nothing_quit}) && $options{nothing_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; $self->set_error(); my $working_oids = {}; my $results = {}; # Check overlap foreach my $entry (@{$options{oids}}) { # Transform asking if ($entry->{oid} !~ /(.*)\.(\d+)([\.\s]*)$/) { if ($dont_quit == 1) { $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => "Method 'get_multiple_table': Wrong OID '" . $entry->{oid} . "'."); return undef; } $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Method 'get_multiple_table': Wrong OID '" . $entry->{oid} . "'."); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } if (defined($entry->{start})) { $working_oids->{$entry->{oid}} = { start => $entry->{start}, end => $entry->{end} }; # last in it } else { $working_oids->{$entry->{oid}} = { start => $entry->{oid}, end => $entry->{end} }; } if ($return_type == 0) { $results->{$entry->{oid}} = {}; } } # we use a medium (UDP have a PDU limit. SNMP protcol cant send multiples for one request) # So we need to manage # It's for "bulk". We ask 50 next values. If you set 1, it's like a getnext (snmp v1) my $repeat_count = 50; if (defined($self->{maxrepetitions}) && $self->{maxrepetitions} =~ /^\d+$/) { $repeat_count = $self->{maxrepetitions}; } # Quit if base not the same or 'ENDOFMIBVIEW' value. Need all oid finish otherwise we continue :) while (1) { my $current_oids = 0; my @bindings = (); my @bases = (); foreach my $key (keys %{$working_oids}) { $working_oids->{$key}->{start} =~ /(.*)\.(\d+)([\.\s]*)$/; push @bindings, [$1, $2]; push @bases, $key; $current_oids++; last if ($current_oids > $self->{subsettable}); } # Nothing more to check. We quit last if ($current_oids == 0); my $vb = new SNMP::VarList(@bindings); if ($self->is_snmpv1() || defined($self->{snmp_force_getnext})) { $self->{session}->getnext($vb); } else { my $current_repeat_count = floor($repeat_count / $current_oids); $current_repeat_count = 1 if ($current_repeat_count == 0); $self->{session}->getbulk(0, $current_repeat_count, $vb); } # Error if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum}) { # 0 noError Pas d'erreurs. # 1 tooBig Reponse de taille trop grande. # 2 noSuchName Variable inexistante. if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 2) { # We are at the end with snmpv1. Need to find the most up oid ;) my $oid_base = $self->multiple_find_bigger(working_oids => $working_oids); delete $working_oids->{$oid_base}; next; } if ($self->{snmp_autoreduce} == 1 && ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 1 || $self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 5 || $self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == -24)) { next if ($self->autoreduce_multiple_table(repeat_count => \$repeat_count) == 0); } my $msg = 'SNMP Table Request : ' . $self->{session}->{ErrorStr}; if ($dont_quit == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => $msg); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => $msg); return undef; } # Manage # step by step: [ 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1 ], [ 1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 2 ],... my $pos = -1; foreach my $entry (@$vb) { $pos++; # Already destruct. we continue next if (!defined($working_oids->{ $bases[$pos % $current_oids] })); # ENDOFMIBVIEW is on each iteration. So we need to delete and skip after that if (${$entry}[2] eq 'ENDOFMIBVIEW') { delete $working_oids->{ $bases[$pos % $current_oids] }; # END mib next; } # Not in same table my $complete_oid = ${$entry}[0] . "." . ${$entry}[1]; my $base = $bases[$pos % $current_oids]; if ($complete_oid !~ /^$base\./ || (defined($working_oids->{ $bases[$pos % $current_oids] }->{end}) && $self->check_oid_up(current => $complete_oid, end => $working_oids->{ $bases[$pos % $current_oids] }->{end}))) { delete $working_oids->{ $bases[$pos % $current_oids] }; next; } if ($return_type == 0) { $results->{$bases[$pos % $current_oids]}->{$complete_oid} = ${$entry}[2]; } else { $results->{$complete_oid} = ${$entry}[2]; } $working_oids->{ $bases[$pos % $current_oids] }->{start} = $complete_oid; } # infinite loop. Some equipments it returns nothing!!?? if ($pos == -1) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP Table Request: problem to get values (try --snmp-force-getnext option)'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } } my $total = 0; if ($nothing_quit == 1) { if ($return_type == 1) { $total = scalar(keys %{$results}); } else { foreach (keys %{$results}) { $total += scalar(keys %{$results->{$_}}); } } if ($total == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP Table Request: Cant get a single value.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } } return $results; } sub get_table { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{dont_quit} = integer # $options{oid} = string (example: '.1.2') # $options{start} = string (example: '.1.2') # $options{end} = string (example: '.1.2') my ($dont_quit) = (defined($options{dont_quit}) && $options{dont_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; my ($nothing_quit) = (defined($options{nothing_quit}) && $options{nothing_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; $self->set_error(); if (defined($options{start})) { $options{start} = $self->clean_oid($options{start}); } if (defined($options{end})) { $options{end} = $self->clean_oid($options{end}); } # we use a medium (UDP have a PDU limit. SNMP protcol cant send multiples for one request) # So we need to manage # It's for "bulk". We ask 50 next values. If you set 1, it's like a getnext (snmp v1) my $repeat_count = 50; if (defined($self->{maxrepetitions}) && $self->{maxrepetitions} =~ /^\d+$/) { $repeat_count = $self->{maxrepetitions}; } # Transform asking if ($options{oid} !~ /(.*)\.(\d+)([\.\s]*)$/) { if ($dont_quit == 1) { $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => "Method 'get_table': Wrong OID '" . $options{oid} . "'."); return undef; } $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Method 'get_table': Wrong OID '" . $options{oid} . "'."); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } my $main_indice = $1 . "." . $2; my $results = {}; # Quit if base not the same or 'ENDOFMIBVIEW' value my $leave = 1; my $last_oid; if (defined($options{start})) { $last_oid = $options{start}; } else { $last_oid = $options{oid}; } while ($leave) { $last_oid =~ /(.*)\.(\d+)([\.\s]*)$/; my $vb = new SNMP::VarList([$1, $2]); if ($self->is_snmpv1() || defined($self->{snmp_force_getnext})) { $self->{session}->getnext($vb); } else { $self->{session}->getbulk(0, $repeat_count, $vb); } # Error if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum}) { # 0 noError Pas d'erreurs. # 1 tooBig Reponse de taille trop grande. # 2 noSuchName Variable inexistante. # -24 Timeout if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 2) { # We are at the end with snmpv1. We quit. last; } if ($self->{snmp_autoreduce} == 1 && ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 1 || $self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == 5 || $self->{session}->{ErrorNum} == -24)) { next if ($self->autoreduce_table(repeat_count => \$repeat_count) == 0); } my $msg = 'SNMP Table Request : ' . $self->{session}->{ErrorStr}; if ($dont_quit == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => $msg); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => $msg); return undef; } # Manage foreach my $entry (@$vb) { if (${$entry}[2] eq 'ENDOFMIBVIEW') { # END mib $leave = 0; last; } # Not in same table my $complete_oid = ${$entry}[0] . "." . ${$entry}[1]; if ($complete_oid !~ /^$main_indice\./ || (defined($options{end}) && $self->check_oid_up(current => $complete_oid, end => $options{end}))) { $leave = 0; last; } $results->{$complete_oid} = ${$entry}[2]; $last_oid = $complete_oid; } } if ($nothing_quit == 1 && scalar(keys %$results) == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'SNMP Table Request: Cant get a single value.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } return $results; } sub set { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{dont_quit} = integer # $options{oids} = ref to hash table my ($dont_quit) = (defined($options{dont_quit}) && $options{dont_quit} == 1) ? 1 : 0; $self->set_error(); my $vars = []; foreach my $oid (keys %{$options{oids}}) { # Get last value next if ($oid !~ /(.*)\.(\d+)([\.\s]*)$/); my $value = $options{oids}->{$oid}->{value}; my $type = $options{oids}->{$oid}->{type}; my ($oid, $instance) = ($1, $2); push @$vars, [$oid, $instance, $value, $type]; } $self->{session}->set($vars); if ($self->{session}->{ErrorNum}) { # 0 noError Pas d'erreurs. # 1 tooBig Reponse de taille trop grande. # 2 noSuchName Variable inexistante. my $msg = 'SNMP SET Request : ' . $self->{session}->{ErrorStr}; if ($dont_quit == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => $msg); $self->{output}->option_exit(exit_litteral => $self->{snmp_errors_exit}); } $self->set_error(error_status => -1, error_msg => $msg); return undef; } return 0; } sub is_snmpv1 { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{snmp_params}->{Version} eq '1') { return 1; } return 0; } sub clean_oid { my ($self, $oid) = @_; $oid =~ s/\.$//; $oid =~ s/^(\d)/\.$1/; return $oid; } sub check_oid_up { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $current_oid = $options{current}; my $end_oid = $options{end}; my @current_oid_splitted = split /\./, $current_oid; my @end_oid_splitted = split /\./, $end_oid; # Skip first value (before first '.' empty) for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#current_oid_splitted && $i <= $#end_oid_splitted; $i++) { if (int($current_oid_splitted[$i]) > int($end_oid_splitted[$i])) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub check_options { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{option_results} = ref to options result if (!defined($options{option_results}->{host})) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Missing parameter --hostname.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } $options{option_results}->{snmp_version} =~ s/^v//; if ($options{option_results}->{snmp_version} !~ /1|2c|2|3/) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Unknown snmp version.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } $self->{snmp_force_getnext} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_force_getnext}; $self->{maxrepetitions} = $options{option_results}->{maxrepetitions}; $self->{subsetleef} = (defined($options{option_results}->{subsetleef}) && $options{option_results}->{subsetleef} =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? $options{option_results}->{subsetleef} : 50; $self->{subsettable} = (defined($options{option_results}->{subsettable}) && $options{option_results}->{subsettable} =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? $options{option_results}->{subsettable} : 100; $self->{snmp_errors_exit} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_errors_exit}; $self->{snmp_autoreduce} = 0; $self->{snmp_autoreduce_divisor} = 2; if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_autoreduce})) { $self->{snmp_autoreduce} = 1; $self->{snmp_autoreduce_divisor} = $1 if ($options{option_results}->{snmp_autoreduce} =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)/ && $1 > 1); } %{$self->{snmp_params}} = ( DestHost => $options{option_results}->{host}, Community => $options{option_results}->{snmp_community}, Version => $options{option_results}->{snmp_version}, RemotePort => $options{option_results}->{snmp_port}, Retries => 5 ); if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_timeout}) && $options{option_results}->{snmp_timeout} =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { $self->{snmp_params}->{Timeout} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_timeout} * (10**6); } if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_retries}) && $options{option_results}->{snmp_retries} =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { $self->{snmp_params}->{Retries} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_retries}; } if ($options{option_results}->{snmp_version} eq '3') { delete $self->{snmp_params}->{Community}; $self->{snmp_params}->{Context} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_context_name} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_context_name})); $self->{snmp_params}->{ContextEngineId} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_context_engine_id} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_context_engine_id})); $self->{snmp_params}->{SecEngineId} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_security_engine_id} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_security_engine_id})); $self->{snmp_params}->{SecName} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_security_name} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_security_name})); # Certificate SNMPv3. Need net-snmp > 5.6 if ($options{option_results}->{host} =~ /^(dtls|tls|ssh).*:/) { $self->{snmp_params}->{OurIdentity} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_our_identity} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_our_identity})); $self->{snmp_params}->{TheirIdentity} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_their_identity} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_their_identity})); $self->{snmp_params}->{TheirHostname} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_their_hostname} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_their_hostname})); $self->{snmp_params}->{TrustCert} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_trust_cert} if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_trust_cert})); $self->{snmp_params}->{SecLevel} = 'authPriv'; return ; } if (!defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_security_name}) || $options{option_results}->{snmp_security_name} eq '') { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Missing parameter Security Name.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } # unauthenticated and unencrypted $self->{snmp_params}->{SecLevel} = 'noAuthNoPriv'; my $user_activate = 0; if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_passphrase}) && $options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_passphrase} ne '') { if (!defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_protocol})) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Missing parameter authenticate protocol.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } $options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_protocol} = uc($options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_protocol}); if ($options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_protocol} !~ /^(?:MD5|SHA|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512)$/) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Wrong authentication protocol.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } $self->{snmp_params}->{SecLevel} = 'authNoPriv'; $self->{snmp_params}->{AuthProto} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_protocol}; $self->{snmp_params}->{AuthPass} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_auth_passphrase}; $user_activate = 1; } if (defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_passphrase}) && $options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_passphrase} ne '') { if (!defined($options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_protocol})) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Missing parameter privacy protocol.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } $options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_protocol} = uc($options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_protocol}); if ($options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_protocol} !~ /^(?:DES|AES|AES192|AES192C|AES256|AES256C)$/) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Wrong privacy protocol.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } if ($user_activate == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Cannot use snmp v3 privacy option without snmp v3 authentification options.'); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } $self->{snmp_params}->{SecLevel} = 'authPriv'; $self->{snmp_params}->{PrivPass} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_passphrase}; $self->{snmp_params}->{PrivProto} = $options{option_results}->{snmp_priv_protocol}; } } } sub set_snmp_connect_params { my ($self, %options) = @_; foreach (keys %options) { $self->{snmp_params}->{$_} = $options{$_}; } } sub set_snmp_params { my ($self, %options) = @_; foreach (keys %options) { $self->{$_} = $options{$_}; } } sub set_error { my ($self, %options) = @_; # $options{error_msg} = string error # $options{error_status} = integer status $self->{error_status} = defined($options{error_status}) ? $options{error_status} : 0; $self->{error_msg} = defined($options{error_msg}) ? $options{error_msg} : undef; } sub error_status { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{error_status}; } sub error { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{error_msg}; } sub get_hostname { my ($self) = @_; my $host = $self->{snmp_params}->{DestHost}; $host =~ s/.*://; return $host; } sub get_port { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{snmp_params}->{RemotePort}; } sub map_instance { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $results = {}; my $instance = ''; $instance = '.' . $options{instance} if (defined($options{instance})); foreach my $name (keys %{$options{mapping}}) { my $entry = $options{mapping}->{$name}->{oid} . $instance; if (defined($options{results}->{$entry})) { $results->{$name} = $options{results}->{$entry}; } elsif (defined($options{results}->{$options{mapping}->{$name}->{oid}}->{$entry})) { $results->{$name} = $options{results}->{$options{mapping}->{$name}->{oid}}->{$entry}; } else { $results->{$name} = defined($options{default}) ? $options{default} : undef; } if (defined($options{mapping}->{$name}->{map})) { if (defined($results->{$name})) { $results->{$name} = defined($options{mapping}->{$name}->{map}->{$results->{$name}}) ? $options{mapping}->{$name}->{map}->{$results->{$name}} : (defined($options{default}) ? $options{default} : 'unknown'); } } } return $results; } sub oid_lex_sort { my $self = shift; if (@_ <= 1) { return @_; } return map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { my $oid = $_; $oid =~ s/^\.//; $oid =~ s/ /\.0/g; [$_, pack 'N*', split m/\./, $oid] } @_; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME SNMP global =head1 SYNOPSIS snmp class =head1 SNMP OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--hostname> Hostname to query (required). =item B<--snmp-community> Read community (defaults to public). =item B<--snmp-version> Version: 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3. =item B<--snmp-port> Port (default: 161). =item B<--snmp-timeout> Timeout in secondes (default: 1) before retries. =item B<--snmp-retries> Set the number of retries (default: 5) before failure. =item B<--maxrepetitions> Max repetitions value (default: 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3). =item B<--subsetleef> How many oid values per SNMP request (default: 50) (for get_leef method. Be cautious when you set it. Prefer to let the default value). =item B<--snmp-autoreduce> Auto reduce SNMP request size in case of SNMP errors (By default, the divisor is 2). =item B<--snmp-force-getnext> Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3). =item B<--snmp-username> Security name (only for SNMP v3). =item B<--authpassphrase> Authentication protocol pass phrase. =item B<--authprotocol> Authentication protocol: MD5|SHA. Since net-snmp 5.9.1: SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512. =item B<--privpassphrase> Privacy protocol pass phrase =item B<--privprotocol> Privacy protocol: DES|AES. Since net-snmp 5.9.1: AES192|AES192C|AES256|AES256C. =item B<--contextname> Context name =item B<--contextengineid> Context engine ID =item B<--securityengineid> Security engine ID =item B<--snmp-errors-exit> Exit code for SNMP Errors (default: unknown) =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B. =cut