# # Copyright 2020 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) # # Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets # the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for # service performance. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package centreon::plugins::misc; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; sub execute { my (%options) = @_; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { return windows_execute(%options, timeout => $options{options}->{timeout}); } else { return unix_execute(%options); } } sub windows_execute { my (%options) = @_; my $result; my ($stdout, $pid, $ended) = (''); my ($exit_code, $cmd); $cmd = $options{command_path} . '/' if (defined($options{command_path})); $cmd .= $options{command} . ' ' if (defined($options{command})); $cmd .= $options{command_options} if (defined($options{command_options})); centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load( output => $options{output}, module => 'Win32::Job', error_msg => "Cannot load module 'Win32::Job'." ); centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load( output => $options{output}, module => 'Time::HiRes', error_msg => "Cannot load module 'Time::HiRes'." ); $| = 1; pipe FROM_CHILD, TO_PARENT or do { $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Internal error: can't create pipe from child to parent: $!"); $options{output}->option_exit(); }; my $job = Win32::Job->new; my $stderr = 'NUL'; $stderr = \*TO_PARENT if ($options{output}->is_debug()); if (!($pid = $job->spawn(undef, $cmd, { stdin => 'NUL', stdout => \*TO_PARENT, stderr => $stderr }))) { $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Internal error: execution issue: $^E"); $options{output}->option_exit(); } close TO_PARENT; my $ein = ''; vec($ein, fileno(FROM_CHILD), 1) = 1; $job->watch( sub { my ($buffer); my $time = $options{timeout}; my $last_time = Time::HiRes::time(); $ended = 0; while (select($ein, undef, undef, $options{timeout})) { if (sysread(FROM_CHILD, $buffer, 16384)) { $buffer =~ s/\r//g; $stdout .= $buffer; } else { $ended = 1; last; } $options{timeout} -= Time::HiRes::time() - $last_time; last if ($options{timeout} <= 0); $last_time = Time::HiRes::time(); } return 1 if ($ended == 0); return 0; }, 0.1 ); $result = $job->status; close FROM_CHILD; if ($ended == 0) { $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => 'Command too long to execute (timeout)...'); $options{output}->option_exit(); } chomp $stdout; if (defined($options{no_quit}) && $options{no_quit} == 1) { return ($stdout, $result->{$pid}->{exitcode}); } if ($result->{$pid}->{exitcode} != 0) { $stdout =~ s/\n/ - /g; $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Command error: $stdout"); $options{output}->option_exit(); } return ($stdout, $result->{$pid}->{exitcode}); } sub unix_execute { my (%options) = @_; my $cmd = ''; my $args = []; my ($lerror, $stdout, $exit_code); my $redirect_stderr = 1; $redirect_stderr = $options{redirect_stderr} if (defined($options{redirect_stderr})); my $wait_exit = 1; $wait_exit = $options{wait_exit} if (defined($options{wait_exit})); # Build command line # Can choose which command is done remotely (can filter and use local file) if (defined($options{options}->{remote}) && ($options{options}->{remote} eq '' || !defined($options{label}) || $options{label} =~ /$options{options}->{remote}/)) { my $sub_cmd; $cmd = $options{options}->{ssh_path} . '/' if (defined($options{options}->{ssh_path})); $cmd .= $options{options}->{ssh_command} if (defined($options{options}->{ssh_command})); foreach (@{$options{options}->{ssh_option}}) { if (/^(.*?)(?:=(.*))?$/) { push @$args, $1 if (defined($1)); push @$args, $2 if (defined($2)); } } if (defined($options{options}->{ssh_address}) && $options{options}->{ssh_address} ne '') { push @$args, $options{options}->{ssh_address}; } else { push @$args, $options{options}->{hostname}; } $sub_cmd = 'sudo ' if (defined($options{sudo})); $sub_cmd .= $options{command_path} . '/' if (defined($options{command_path})); $sub_cmd .= $options{command} . ' ' if (defined($options{command})); $sub_cmd .= $options{command_options} if (defined($options{command_options})); # On some equipment. Cannot get a pseudo terminal if (defined($options{ssh_pipe}) && $options{ssh_pipe} == 1) { $cmd = "echo '" . $sub_cmd . "' | " . $cmd . ' ' . join(' ', @$args); ($lerror, $stdout, $exit_code) = backtick( command => $cmd, timeout => $options{options}->{timeout}, wait_exit => $wait_exit, redirect_stderr => $redirect_stderr ); } else { ($lerror, $stdout, $exit_code) = backtick( command => $cmd, arguments => [@$args, $sub_cmd], timeout => $options{options}->{timeout}, wait_exit => $wait_exit, redirect_stderr => $redirect_stderr ); } } else { $cmd = 'sudo ' if (defined($options{sudo})); $cmd .= $options{command_path} . '/' if (defined($options{command_path})); $cmd .= $options{command} . ' ' if (defined($options{command})); $cmd .= $options{command_options} if (defined($options{command_options})); ($lerror, $stdout, $exit_code) = backtick( command => $cmd, timeout => $options{options}->{timeout}, wait_exit => $wait_exit, redirect_stderr => $redirect_stderr ); } if (defined($options{options}->{show_output}) && ($options{options}->{show_output} eq '' || (defined($options{label}) && $options{label} eq $options{options}->{show_output}))) { print $stdout; exit $exit_code; } $stdout =~ s/\r//g; if ($lerror <= -1000) { $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => $stdout); $options{output}->option_exit(); } if (defined($options{no_quit}) && $options{no_quit} == 1) { return ($stdout, $exit_code); } if ($exit_code != 0 && (!defined($options{no_errors}) || !defined($options{no_errors}->{$exit_code}))) { $stdout =~ s/\n/ - /g; $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Command error: $stdout"); $options{output}->option_exit(); } return $stdout; } sub mymodule_load { my (%options) = @_; my $file; ($file = ($options{module} =~ /\.pm$/ ? $options{module} : $options{module} . '.pm')) =~ s{::}{/}g; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'IGNORE'; require $file; $file =~ s{/}{::}g; $file =~ s/\.pm$//; }; if ($@) { return 1 if (defined($options{no_quit}) && $options{no_quit} == 1); $options{output}->add_option_msg(long_msg => $@); $options{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => $options{error_msg}); $options{output}->option_exit(); } return wantarray ? (0, $file) : 0; } sub backtick { my %arg = ( command => undef, arguments => [], timeout => 30, wait_exit => 0, redirect_stderr => 0, @_, ); my @output; my $pid; my $return_code; my $sig_do; if ($arg{wait_exit} == 0) { $sig_do = 'IGNORE'; $return_code = undef; } else { $sig_do = 'DEFAULT'; } local $SIG{CHLD} = $sig_do; $SIG{TTOU} = 'IGNORE'; $| = 1; if (!defined($pid = open( KID, "-|" ))) { return (-1001, "Cant fork: $!", -1); } if ($pid) { eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout by signal ALARM\n"; }; alarm( $arg{timeout} ); while (<KID>) { chomp; push @output, $_; } alarm(0); }; if ($@) { if ($pid != -1) { kill -9, $pid; } alarm(0); return (-1000, 'Command too long to execute (timeout)...', -1); } else { if ($arg{wait_exit} == 1) { # We're waiting the exit code waitpid($pid, 0); $return_code = ($? >> 8); } close KID; } } else { # child # set the child process to be a group leader, so that # kill -9 will kill it and all its descendents # We have ignore SIGTTOU to let write background processes setpgrp( 0, 0 ); if ($arg{redirect_stderr} == 1) { open STDERR, '>&STDOUT'; } if (scalar(@{$arg{arguments}}) <= 0) { exec($arg{command}); } else { exec($arg{command}, @{$arg{arguments}}); } # Exec is in error. No such command maybe. exit(127); } return (0, join("\n", @output), $return_code); } sub trim { my ($value) = $_[0]; # Sometimes there is a null character $value =~ s/\x00$//; $value =~ s/^[ \t\n]+//; $value =~ s/[ \t\n]+$//; return $value; } sub powershell_encoded { require Encode; require MIME::Base64; my $bytes = Encode::encode('utf16LE', $_[0]); return MIME::Base64::encode_base64($bytes, ''); } sub powershell_escape { my ($value) = $_[0]; $value =~ s/`/``/g; $value =~ s/#/`#/g; $value =~ s/'/`'/g; $value =~ s/"/`"/g; return $value; } sub minimal_version { my ($version_src, $version_dst) = @_; # No Version. We skip if (!defined($version_src) || !defined($version_dst) || $version_src !~ /^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9\.]+)*$/ || $version_dst !~ /^[0-9x]+(?:\.[0-9x]+)*$/) { return 1; } my @version_src = split /\./, $version_src; my @versions = split /\./, $version_dst; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@versions); $i++) { return 1 if ($versions[$i] eq 'x'); return 1 if (!defined($version_src[$i])); $version_src[$i] =~ /^([0-9]*)/; next if ($versions[$i] == int($1)); return 0 if ($versions[$i] > int($1)); return 1 if ($versions[$i] < int($1)); } return 1; } sub change_seconds { my %options = @_; my ($str, $str_append) = ('', ''); my $periods = [ { unit => 'y', value => 31556926 }, { unit => 'M', value => 2629743 }, { unit => 'w', value => 604800 }, { unit => 'd', value => 86400 }, { unit => 'h', value => 3600 }, { unit => 'm', value => 60 }, { unit => 's', value => 1 }, ]; my %values = ('y' => 1, 'M' => 2, 'w' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'h' => 5, 'm' => 6, 's' => 7); foreach (@$periods) { next if (defined($options{start}) && $values{$_->{unit}} < $values{$options{start}}); my $count = int($options{value} / $_->{value}); next if ($count == 0); $str .= $str_append . $count . $_->{unit}; $options{value} = $options{value} % $_->{value}; $str_append = ' '; } if ($str eq '') { $str = $options{value}; $str .= $options{start} if (defined($options{start})); } return $str; } sub scale_bytesbit { my (%options) = @_; my $base = 1024; if (defined($options{dst_unit}) && defined($options{src_unit})) { $options{value} *= 8 if ($options{dst_unit} =~ /b/ && $options{src_unit} =~ /B/); $options{value} /= 8 if ($options{dst_unit} =~ /B/ && $options{src_unit} =~ /b/); if ($options{dst_unit} =~ /b/) { $base = 1000; } } my %expo = ('' => 0, k => 1, m => 2, g => 3, t => 4, p => 5, e => 6); my ($src_expo, $dst_expo) = (0, 0); $src_expo = $expo{lc($options{src_quantity})} if (defined($options{src_quantity}) && $options{src_quantity} =~ /[kmgtpe]/i); if ($options{dst_unit} eq 'auto') { my @auto = ('', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e'); my $i = defined($options{src_quantity}) ? $expo{$options{src_quantity}} : 0; for (; $i < scalar(@auto); $i++) { last if ($options{value} < $base); $options{value} = $options{value} / $base; } return ($options{value}, $auto[$i], $options{src_unit}); } elsif (defined($options{dst_quantity}) && ($options{dst_quantity} eq '' || $options{dst_quantity} =~ /[kmgtpe]/i )) { my $dst_expo = $expo{lc($options{dst_quantity})}; if ($dst_expo - $src_expo > 0) { $options{value} = $options{value} / ($base ** ($dst_expo - $src_expo)); } elsif ($dst_expo - $src_expo < 0) { $options{value} = $options{value} * ($base ** (($dst_expo - $src_expo) * -1)); } } return $options{value}; } sub convert_bytes { my (%options) = @_; my %expo = (k => 1, m => 2, g => 3, t => 4, p => 5); my $value = $options{value}; my $base = defined($options{network}) ? 1000 : 1024; if ($options{unit} =~ /([kmgt])b/i) { $value = $value * ($base ** $expo{lc($1)}); } return $value; } sub convert_fahrenheit { my (%options) = @_; return ($options{value} - 32) / 1.8; } sub expand_exponential { my (%options) = @_; return $options{value} unless ($options{value} =~ /^(.*)e([-+]?)(.*)$/); my ($num, $sign, $exp) = ($1, $2, $3); my $sig = $sign eq '-' ? "." . ($exp - 1 + length $num) : ''; return sprintf("%${sig}f", $options{value}); } sub parse_threshold { my (%options) = @_; my $perf = trim($options{threshold}); my $perf_result = { arobase => 0, infinite_neg => 0, infinite_pos => 0, start => '', end => '' }; my $global_status = 1; if ($perf =~ /^(\@?)((?:~|(?:\+|-)?\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)?(?:[KMGTPE][bB])?|):)?((?:\+|-)?\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)?(?:[KMGTPE][bB])?)?$/) { $perf_result->{start} = $2 if (defined($2)); $perf_result->{end} = $3 if (defined($3)); $perf_result->{arobase} = 1 if (defined($1) && $1 eq '@'); $perf_result->{start} =~ s/[\+:]//g; $perf_result->{end} =~ s/\+//; if ($perf_result->{start} =~ s/([KMGTPE])([bB])//) { $perf_result->{start} = scale_bytesbit( value => $perf_result->{start}, src_unit => $2, dst_unit => $2, src_quantity => $1, dst_quantity => '', ); } if ($perf_result->{end} =~ s/([KMGTPE])([bB])//) { $perf_result->{end} = scale_bytesbit( value => $perf_result->{end}, src_unit => $2, dst_unit => $2, src_quantity => $1, dst_quantity => '', ); } if ($perf_result->{end} eq '') { $perf_result->{end} = 1e500; $perf_result->{infinite_pos} = 1; } $perf_result->{start} = 0 if ($perf_result->{start} eq ''); $perf_result->{start} =~ s/,/\./; $perf_result->{end} =~ s/,/\./; if ($perf_result->{start} eq '~') { $perf_result->{start} = -1e500; $perf_result->{infinite_neg} = 1; } } else { $global_status = 0; } return ($global_status, $perf_result); } sub get_threshold_litteral { my (%options) = @_; my $perf_output = ($options{arobase} == 1 ? '@' : '') . (($options{infinite_neg} == 0) ? $options{start} : '~') . ':' . (($options{infinite_pos} == 0) ? $options{end} : ''); return $perf_output; } sub set_timezone { my (%options) = @_; return {} if (!defined($options{name}) || $options{name} eq ''); centreon::plugins::misc::mymodule_load( output => $options{output}, module => 'DateTime::TimeZone', error_msg => "Cannot load module 'DateTime::TimeZone'." ); if (DateTime::TimeZone->is_valid_name($options{name})) { return { time_zone => DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => $options{name}) }; } # try to manage syntax (:Pacific/Noumea for example) if ($options{name} =~ /^:(.*)$/ && DateTime::TimeZone->is_valid_name($1)) { return { time_zone => DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => $1) }; } return {}; } sub uniq { my %seen; return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_; } 1; __END__