package centreon::common::microsoft::skype::mssql::mode::videoqoe; use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter); use strict; use warnings; sub set_counters { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->{maps_counters_type} = [ { name => 'global', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } }, { name => 'count', type => 0 }, ]; $self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [ { label => 'packet-loss', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'VideoPacketLossRate' } ], output_template => 'Packet Loss Rate: %.2f%%', perfdatas => [ { label => 'video_pckt_loss_rate', value => 'VideoPacketLossRate_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100 }, ], } }, { label => 'post-fecplr', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'VideoPostFECPLR' } ], output_template => 'Packet Loss Rate After Correction: %.2f%%', perfdatas => [ { label => 'video_post_fecplr', value => 'VideoPostFECPLR_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100 }, ], } }, { label => 'local-frame-loss', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg' } ], output_template => 'Video Frame Loss: %.2f%%', perfdatas => [ { label => 'video_frame_loss_prct_avg', value => 'VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100 }, ], } }, { label => 'recv-frame', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'RecvFrameRateAverage' } ], output_template => 'Receiver Frame Rate: %.2f/s', perfdatas => [ { label => 'rcv_frame_rate_avg', value => 'RecvFrameRateAverage_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => 'frames/s', min => 0 }, ], } }, { label => 'inbound-frame', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'InboundVideoFrameRateAvg' } ], output_template => 'Inbound Video Frame Rate: %.2f%%', perfdatas => [ { label => 'inbound_video_frame_rate_avg', value => 'InboundVideoFrameRateAvg_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100 }, ], } }, { label => 'outbound-frame', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg' } ], output_template => 'Outbound Video Frame Rate: %.2f%%', perfdatas => [ { label => 'outbound_video_frame_rate_avg', value => 'OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => '%', min => 0, max => 100 }, ], } }, ]; $self->{maps_counters}->{count} = [ { label => 'stream-count', set => { key_values => [ { name => 'TotalStreams' } ], output_template => 'Streams Count: %.2f/s', perfdatas => [ { label => 'stream_count', value => 'TotalStreams_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => 'streams/s', min => 0 }, ], } }, ]; } sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options); bless $self, $class; $self->{version} = '1.0'; $options{options}->add_options(arguments => { "timeframe:s" => { name => 'timeframe', default => '900' }, "filter-counters:s" => { name => 'filter_counters', default => '' }, }); return $self; } sub check_options { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->SUPER::check_options(%options); } sub manage_selection { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->{sql} = $options{sql}; $self->{sql}->connect(); my $query = "SELECT AVG(VideoPostFECPLR) AS VideoPostFECPLR, AVG(VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg) AS VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg, AVG(RecvFrameRateAverage) AS RecvFrameRateAverage, AVG(VideoPacketLossRate) AS VideoPacketLossRate, AVG(InboundVideoFrameRateAvg) AS InboundVideoFrameRateAvg, AVG(OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg) AS OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg, COUNT(*) AS TotalStreams FROM [QoEMetrics].[dbo].VideoStream WHERE ConferenceDateTime > (DATEADD(SECOND,-" . $self->{option_results}->{timeframe} . ",SYSUTCDATETIME())) AND ConferenceDateTime < SYSUTCDATETIME()"; $self->{sql}->query(query => $query); my $results = $self->{sql}->fetchrow_hashref; $self->{global} = { VideoPostFECPLR => (defined($results->{VideoPostFECPLR})) ? $results->{VideoPostFECPLR} : 0, VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg => (defined($results->{VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg})) ? $results->{VideoLocalFrameLossPercentageAvg} : 0, RecvFrameRateAverage => (defined($results->{RecvFrameRateAverage})) ? $results->{RecvFrameRateAverage} : 0, VideoPacketLossRate => (defined($results->{VideoPacketLossRate})) ? $results->{VideoPacketLossRate} : 0, InboundVideoFrameRateAvg => (defined($results->{InboundVideoFrameRateAvg})) ? $results->{InboundVideoFrameRateAvg} : 0, OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg => (defined($results->{OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg})) ? $results->{OutboundVideoFrameRateAvg} : 0, }; $self->{count}->{TotalStreams} = $results->{TotalStreams} / $self->{option_results}->{timeframe}; } 1; __END__ =head1 MODE Check video stream QoE from SQL Server (Lync 2013, Skype 2015). =over 8 =item B<--filter-counters> Only display some counters (regexp can be used). =item B<--timeframe> Set the timeframe to query in seconds (Default: 900) =item B<--warning-*> Set warning thresholds. Can be : 'recv-frame', 'local-frame-loss', 'post-fecplr', 'packet-loss', 'inboud-frame', 'outbound-frame' =item B<--critical-*> Set critical thresholds. Can be : 'recv-frame', 'local-frame-loss', 'post-fecplr', packet-loss', 'inboud-frame', 'outbound-frame' =back =cut