# # Copyright 2021 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) # # Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets # the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for # service performance. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package os::aix::local::mode::errpt; use base qw(centreon::plugins::mode); use strict; use warnings; sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options); bless $self, $class; $options{options}->add_options(arguments => { 'error-type:s' => { name => 'error_type' }, 'error-class:s' => { name => 'error_class' }, 'error-id:s' => { name => 'error_id' }, 'retention:s' => { name => 'retention' }, 'timezone:s' => { name => 'timezone' }, 'description' => { name => 'description' }, 'filter-resource:s' => { name => 'filter_resource' }, 'filter-id:s' => { name => 'filter_id' }, 'exclude-id:s' => { name => 'exclude_id' }, 'format-date' => { name => 'format_date' } }); return $self; } sub check_options { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->SUPER::init(%options); if (defined($self->{option_results}->{exclude_id}) && defined($self->{option_results}->{error_id})) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Please use --error-id OR --exclude-id, these options are mutually exclusives"); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } } sub manage_selection { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $extra_options = ''; if (defined($self->{option_results}->{error_type})){ $extra_options .= ' -T '.$self->{option_results}->{error_type}; } if (defined($self->{option_results}->{error_class})){ $extra_options .= ' -d '.$self->{option_results}->{error_class}; } if (defined($self->{option_results}->{error_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{error_id} ne ''){ $extra_options.= ' -j '.$self->{option_results}->{error_id}; } if (defined($self->{option_results}->{exclude_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{exclude_id} ne ''){ $extra_options.= ' -k ' . $self->{option_results}->{exclude_id}; } if (defined($self->{option_results}->{retention}) && $self->{option_results}->{retention} ne ''){ my $retention = time() - $self->{option_results}->{retention}; if (defined($self->{option_results}->{timezone})){ $ENV{TZ} = $self->{option_results}->{timezone}; } my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($retention); $year = $year - 100; if (length($sec) == 1){ $sec = '0' . $sec; } if (length($min) == 1){ $min = '0' . $min; } if (length($hour) == 1){ $hour = '0' . $hour; } if (length($mday) == 1){ $mday = '0' . $mday; } $mon = $mon + 1; if (length($mon) == 1){ $mon = '0' . $mon; } $retention = $mon . $mday . $hour . $min . $year; $extra_options .= ' -s '.$retention; } my ($stdout) = $options{custom}->execute_command( command => 'errpt', command_options => $extra_options ); my $results = {}; my @lines = split /\n/, $stdout; # Header not needed shift @lines; foreach my $line (@lines) { next if ($line !~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/); my ($identifier, $timestamp, $resource_name, $description) = ($1, $2, $5, $6); $results->{ $timestamp . '~' . $identifier . '~' . $resource_name } = { description => $description }; } return $results; } sub run { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $extra_message = ''; if (defined($self->{option_results}->{retention})) { $extra_message = ' since ' . $self->{option_results}->{retention} . ' seconds'; } my $results = $self->manage_selection(custom => $options{custom}); $self->{output}->output_add( severity => 'OK', short_msg => sprintf("No error found%s.", $extra_message) ); my $total_error = 0; foreach my $errpt_error (sort(keys %$results)) { my @split_error = split ('~', $errpt_error); my $timestamp = $split_error[0]; my $identifier = $split_error[1]; my $resource_name = $split_error[2]; my $description = $results->{$errpt_error}->{description}; next if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_resource}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_resource} ne '' && $resource_name !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_resource}/); next if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_id}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_id} ne '' && $identifier !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_id}/); my $output_date = $split_error[0]; if (defined($self->{option_results}->{format_date})) { my ($month, $day, $hour, $minute, $year) = unpack("(A2)*", $output_date); $output_date = sprintf("20%s/%s/%s %s:%s", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute); } $total_error++; if (defined($description)) { $self->{output}->output_add( long_msg => sprintf( "Error '%s' Date: %s ResourceName: %s Description: %s", $identifier, $output_date, $resource_name, $description ) ); } else { $self->{output}->output_add( long_msg => sprintf( "Error '%s' Date: %s ResourceName: %s", $identifier, $output_date, $resource_name ) ); } } if ($total_error != 0) { $self->{output}->output_add( severity => 'critical', short_msg => sprintf("%s error(s) found(s)%s", $total_error, $extra_message) ); } $self->{output}->display(); $self->{output}->exit(); } 1; __END__ =head1 MODE Check errpt messages. Command used: 'errpt' with dynamic options =over 8 =item B<--error-type> Filter error type separated by a coma (INFO, PEND, PERF, PERM, TEMP, UNKN). =item B<--error-class> Filter error class ('H' for hardware, 'S' for software, '0' for errlogger, 'U' for undetermined). =item B<--error-id> Filter specific error code (can be a comma separated list). =item B<--retention> Retention time of errors in seconds. =item B<--verbose> Print error description in long output. [ Error 'CODE' Date: Timestamp ResourceName: RsrcName Description: Desc ] =item B<--filter-resource> Filter resource (can use a regexp). =item B<--filter-id> Filter error code (can use a regexp). =item B<--exclude-id> Filter on specific error code (can be a comma separated list). =item B<--format-date> Print the date to format 20YY/mm/dd HH:MM instead of mmddHHMMYY. =back =cut