name: "@NAME@" arch: "${ARCH}" platform: "linux" version_schema: "none" version: "@VERSION@" release: "3${DIST}" section: "default" priority: "optional" maintainer: "Centreon " description: | This package provides Perl bindings to access the OpenWSMAN client API. Commit: @COMMIT_HASH@ homepage: "" license: "BSD" contents: - src: "/tmp/openwsman-@VERSION@/build/bindings/perl/" dst: "@PERL_VENDORARCH@/" file_info: mode: 0644 - src: "/tmp/openwsman-@VERSION@/build/bindings/perl/" dst: "@PERL_VENDORARCH@/" file_info: mode: 0644 overrides: rpm: depends: - libwsman1 provides: - perl(openwsman) deb: depends: - libwsman1 rpm: summary: Perl interface for openwsman compression: zstd signature: key_file: ${RPM_SIGNING_KEY_FILE} key_id: ${RPM_SIGNING_KEY_ID}