name: "rpm-delivery" description: "rpm delivery" inputs: module_name: description: "The package module name" required: true distrib: description: "The distribution used for packaging" required: true cache_key: description: "The cached package key" required: true yum_repo_url: description: "The legacy yum repo url" required: true update_repo_path: description: "The update repo script path" required: true cloudfront_id: description: "The cloudfront ID for repo url" required: true yum_repo_address: description: "The legacy yum repo address" required: true yum_repo_key: description: "The repo key" required: true stability: description: "The package stability (stable, testing, unstable)" required: true artifactory_token: description: "token for artifactory" required: true runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Use cache RPM files uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ./*.rpm key: ${{ inputs.cache_key }} - uses: jfrog/setup-jfrog-cli@v3 env: JF_URL: JF_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ inputs.artifactory_token }} - name: Publish RPMs to plugins repository run: | FILES="*.rpm" echo "[DEBUG] - Distrib: ${{ inputs.distrib }}" if [ -z "${{ inputs.module_name }}" ]; then echo "module name is required" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${{ inputs.distrib }}" ]; then echo "distrib is required" exit 1 fi mkdir noarch x86_64 for FILE in $FILES; do echo "[DEBUG] - File: $FILE" ARCH=$(echo $FILE | grep -oP '(x86_64|noarch)') echo "[DEBUG] - Arch: $ARCH" cp "$FILE" "$ARCH" done for ARCH in "noarch" "x86_64"; do if [ "$(ls -A $ARCH)" ]; then if [ "${{ inputs.stability }}" == "stable" ]; then jf rt upload "$ARCH/*.rpm" "rpm-plugins/${{ inputs.distrib }}/${{ inputs.stability }}/$ARCH/" --flat else jf rt upload "$ARCH/*.rpm" "rpm-plugins/${{ inputs.distrib }}/${{ inputs.stability }}/$ARCH/${{ inputs.module_name }}/" --flat fi fi done shell: bash - name: Setup awscli run: | curl "" -o "" sudo unzip -q sudo ./aws/install shell: bash - name: Publish RPMs to standard repositories run: | FILES="*.rpm" REPOTYPE="${{ inputs.stability }}" PROJECT_PATH="standard" DISTRIB="${{ inputs.distrib }}" ARCH="noarch" eval `ssh-agent` ssh-add - <<< "${{ inputs.yum_repo_key }}" for MAJOR in "21.10" "22.04" "22.10"; do echo "::group::Delivering to $MAJOR $REPOTYPE" if [ "$REPOTYPE" == "stable" ]; then TARGET="/srv/centreon-yum/$PROJECT_PATH/$MAJOR/$DISTRIB/$REPOTYPE/$ARCH/RPMS" else TARGET="/srv/centreon-yum/$PROJECT_PATH/$MAJOR/$DISTRIB/$REPOTYPE/$ARCH/${{ inputs.module_name }}" PROJECT_LOCATION="/srv/centreon-yum/$PROJECT_PATH/$MAJOR/$DISTRIB/$REPOTYPE/$ARCH/${{ inputs.module_name }}" fi echo "[DEBUG] - Target : $TARGET" echo "[DEBUG] - PROJECT_LOCATION : $PROJECT_LOCATION" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${{ inputs.yum_repo_address }}" mkdir -p "$TARGET" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ./*.rpm "${{ inputs.yum_repo_address }}:$TARGET" # Update repository metadata METADATAS="/srv/centreon-yum/$PROJECT_PATH/$MAJOR/$DISTRIB/$REPOTYPE/$ARCH" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${{ inputs.yum_repo_address }}" "sh "${{ inputs.update_repo_path }}" $METADATAS" 2>&- # Invalidate cloudfront cache ID="${{ inputs.cloudfront_id }}" PATHS="/$PROJECT_PATH/$MAJOR/$DISTRIB/$REPOTYPE/$ARCH/*" ITERATIONS=1 until aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id "$ID" --paths "$PATHS"; do if [ ${ITERATIONS} -eq 10 ]; then return 0 fi echo "couldn't invalidate cache, AWS quota might have been reached, retrying in 30 seconds..." sleep 30s ITERATIONS=$((ITERATIONS+1)) done echo "::endgroup::" done shell: bash