# # Copyright 2020 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) # # Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets # the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for # service performance. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package centreon::plugins::values; use strict; use warnings; # Warning message with sprintf and too much arguments. # Really annoying. Need to disable that warning no if ($^V gt v5.22.0), 'warnings' => 'redundant'; sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->{statefile} = $options{statefile}; $self->{output} = $options{output}; $self->{perfdata} = $options{perfdata}; $self->{label} = $options{label}; $self->{nlabel} = $options{nlabel}; $self->{thlabel} = defined($options{thlabel}) ? $options{thlabel} : $self->{label}; $self->{perfdatas} = []; $self->{output_template} = $self->{label} . ' : %s'; $self->{output_use} = undef; $self->{output_change_bytes} = 0; $self->{output_error_template} = $self->{label} . ' : %s'; $self->{threshold_use} = undef; $self->{threshold_warn} = undef; $self->{threshold_crit} = undef; $self->{per_second} = 0; $self->{manual_keys} = 0; $self->{last_timestamp} = undef; $self->{result_values} = {}; return $self; } sub init { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $warn = defined($self->{threshold_warn}) ? $self->{threshold_warn} : 'warning-' . $self->{thlabel}; my $crit = defined($self->{threshold_crit}) ? $self->{threshold_crit} : 'critical-' . $self->{thlabel}; if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => $warn, value => $options{option_results}->{$warn})) == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong $warn threshold '" . $options{option_results}->{$warn} . "'."); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } if (($self->{perfdata}->threshold_validate(label => $crit, value => $options{option_results}->{$crit})) == 0) { $self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "Wrong $crit threshold '" . $options{option_results}->{$crit} . "'."); $self->{output}->option_exit(); } } sub set { my ($self, %options) = @_; foreach (keys %options) { $self->{$_} = $options{$_}; } } sub calc { my ($self, %options) = @_; # manage only one value ;) foreach my $value (@{$self->{key_values}}) { if (defined($value->{per_second}) && $value->{per_second} == 1) { $self->{result_values}->{$value->{name}} = ($options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} - $options{old_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}}) / $options{delta_time}; } elsif (defined($value->{diff}) && $value->{diff} == 1) { $self->{result_values}->{$value->{name}} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} - $options{old_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}}; } else { $self->{result_values}->{$value->{name}} = $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}}; } } return 0; } sub threshold_check { my ($self, %options) = @_; if (defined($self->{closure_custom_threshold_check})) { return &{$self->{closure_custom_threshold_check}}($self, %options); } my $warn = defined($self->{threshold_warn}) ? $self->{threshold_warn} : 'warning-' . $self->{thlabel}; my $crit = defined($self->{threshold_crit}) ? $self->{threshold_crit} : 'critical-' . $self->{thlabel}; my $value = ''; if (defined($self->{threshold_use})) { $value = $self->{result_values}->{ $self->{threshold_use} }; } else { $value = defined($self->{key_values}->[0]) ? $self->{result_values}->{ $self->{key_values}->[0]->{name} } : ''; } return $self->{perfdata}->threshold_check( value => $value, threshold => [ { label => $crit, exit_litteral => 'critical' }, { label => $warn, exit_litteral => 'warning' } ] ); } sub output_error { my ($self, %options) = @_; return sprintf($self->{output_error_template}, $self->{error_msg}); } sub output { my ($self, %options) = @_; if (defined($self->{closure_custom_output})) { return $self->{closure_custom_output}->($self); } my ($value, $unit, $name) = ('', ''); if (defined($self->{output_use})) { $name = $self->{output_use}; } else { $name = defined($self->{key_values}->[0]) ? $self->{key_values}->[0]->{name} : undef; } if (defined($name)) { $value = $self->{result_values}->{$name}; if ($self->{output_change_bytes} == 1) { ($value, $unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $value); } elsif ($self->{output_change_bytes} == 2) { ($value, $unit) = $self->{perfdata}->change_bytes(value => $value, network => 1); } } return sprintf($self->{output_template}, $value, $unit); } sub use_instances { my ($self, %options) = @_; if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0 || $self->{output}->use_new_perfdata()) { return 1; } return 0; } sub perfdata { my ($self, %options) = @_; if (defined($self->{closure_custom_perfdata})) { return &{$self->{closure_custom_perfdata}}($self, %options); } my $warn = defined($self->{threshold_warn}) ? $self->{threshold_warn} : 'warning-' . $self->{thlabel}; my $crit = defined($self->{threshold_crit}) ? $self->{threshold_crit} : 'critical-' . $self->{thlabel}; foreach my $perf (@{$self->{perfdatas}}) { my ($label, $extra_label, $min, $max, $th_total) = ($self->{label}, ''); my $cast_int = (defined($perf->{cast_int}) && $perf->{cast_int} == 1) ? 1 : 0; my $template = '%s'; $template = $perf->{template} if (defined($perf->{template})); $label = $perf->{label} if (defined($perf->{label})); if (defined($perf->{min})) { $min = ($perf->{min} =~ /[^0-9]/) ? $self->{result_values}->{$perf->{min}} : $perf->{min}; } if (defined($perf->{max})) { $max = ($perf->{max} =~ /[^0-9]/) ? $self->{result_values}->{$perf->{max}} : $perf->{max}; } if (defined($perf->{threshold_total})) { $th_total = ($perf->{threshold_total} =~ /[^0-9]/) ? $self->{result_values}->{$perf->{threshold_total}} : $perf->{threshold_total}; } my $instances; if (defined($perf->{label_extra_instance}) && $perf->{label_extra_instance} == 1) { my $instance = ''; if (defined($perf->{instance_use})) { $instance = $self->{result_values}->{$perf->{instance_use}}; } else { $instance = $self->{instance}; } if (!defined($options{extra_instance}) || $options{extra_instance} != 0 || $self->{output}->use_new_perfdata()) { $instances = $instance; } } my $value = defined($perf->{value}) ? $perf->{value} : $self->{key_values}->[0]->{name}; $self->{output}->perfdata_add( label => $label, instances => $instances, nlabel => $self->{nlabel}, unit => $perf->{unit}, value => $cast_int == 1 ? int($self->{result_values}->{$value}) : sprintf($template, $self->{result_values}->{$value}), warning => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $warn, total => $th_total, cast_int => $cast_int), critical => $self->{perfdata}->get_perfdata_for_output(label => $crit, total => $th_total, cast_int => $cast_int), min => $min, max => $max ); } } sub execute { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $old_datas = {}; $self->{result_values} = {}, $self->{error_msg} = undef; my $quit = 0; $options{new_datas} = {} if (!defined($options{new_datas})); foreach my $value (@{$self->{key_values}}) { if (!defined($options{values}->{$value->{name}}) || defined($value->{no_value}) && $options{values}->{$value->{name}} eq $value->{no_value}) { $quit = 2; last; } if ((defined($value->{diff}) && $value->{diff} == 1) || (defined($value->{per_second}) && $value->{per_second} == 1)) { $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} = $options{values}->{$value->{name}}; $old_datas->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} = $self->{statefile}->get(name => $self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}); if (!defined($old_datas->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}})) { $quit = 1; next; } if ($old_datas->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} > $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}}) { $old_datas->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} = 0; } } else { $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} = $options{values}->{$value->{name}}; if (defined($self->{statefile})) { $old_datas->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}} = $self->{statefile}->get(name => $self->{instance} . '_' . $value->{name}); } } } # Very manual if ($self->{manual_keys} == 1) { foreach my $name (keys %{$options{values}}) { $options{new_datas}->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $name} = $options{values}->{$name}; if (defined($self->{statefile})) { $old_datas->{$self->{instance} . '_' . $name} = $self->{statefile}->get(name => $self->{instance} . '_' . $name); } } } if ($quit == 2) { $self->{error_msg} = 'skipped (no value(s))'; return -10; } if (defined($self->{statefile})) { $self->{last_timestamp} = $self->{statefile}->get(name => 'last_timestamp'); } if ($quit == 1) { $self->{error_msg} = 'Buffer creation'; return -1; } my $delta_time; if (defined($self->{statefile}) && defined($self->{last_timestamp})) { $delta_time = $options{new_datas}->{last_timestamp} - $self->{last_timestamp}; if ($delta_time <= 0) { $delta_time = 1; } } if (defined($self->{closure_custom_calc})) { return $self->{closure_custom_calc}->( $self, old_datas => $old_datas, new_datas => $options{new_datas}, delta_time => $delta_time, extra_options => $self->{closure_custom_calc_extra_options} ); } return $self->calc(old_datas => $old_datas, new_datas => $options{new_datas}, delta_time => $delta_time); } 1; __END__