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# Copyright 2017 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package hardware::pdu::raritan::snmp::mode::components::resources;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
our $thresholds;
our $mapping;
our %raritan_type;
our %map_type;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($thresholds $mapping %raritan_type %map_type);
my %map_units = (
-1 => '', # none
0 => 'other',
1 => 'V', # volt,
2 => 'A', # amp,
3 => 'W', # watt
4 => 'voltamp',
5 => 'wattHour',
6 => 'voltampHour',
7 => 'C', # degreeC
8 => 'Hz', # hertz
9 => '%', # percent
10 => 'meterpersec',
11 => 'pascal',
12 => 'psi',
13 => 'g',
14 => 'degreeF',
15 => 'feet',
16 => 'inches',
17 => 'cm',
18 => 'meters',
19 => 'rpm',
20 => 'degrees',
21 => 'lux',
my %map_state = (
-1 => 'unavailable', 0 => 'open', 1 => 'closed', 2 => 'belowLowerCritical',
3 => 'belowLowerWarning', 4 => 'normal', 5 => 'aboveUpperWarning', 6 => 'aboveUpperCritical',
7 => 'on', 8 => 'off', 9 => 'detected', 10 => 'notDetected', 11 => 'alarmed',
12 => 'ok', 14 => 'fail', 15 => 'yes', 16 => 'no', 17 => 'standby',
18 => 'one', 19 => 'two', 20 => 'inSync', 21 => 'outOfSync',
22 => 'i1OpenFault', 23 => 'i1ShortFault',
24 => 'i2OpenFault', 25 => 'i2ShortFault', 26 => 'fault',
27 => 'warning', 28 => 'critical',
29 => 'selfTest',
$mapping = {
inlet_label => {
Label => { oid => '.' }, # inletLabel
inlet => {
Unit => { oid => '.', map => \%map_units }, # inletSensorUnits
Decimal => { oid => '.' }, # inletSensorDecimalDigits
EnabledThresholds => { oid => '.' }, # inletSensorEnabledThresholds
LowerCriticalThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # inletSensorLowerCriticalThreshold
LowerWarningThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # inletSensorLowerWarningThreshold
UpperCriticalThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # inletSensorUpperCriticalThreshold
UpperWarningThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # inletSensorUpperWarningThreshold
State => { oid => '.', map => \%map_state }, # measurementsInletSensorState
Value => { oid => '.' }, # measurementsInletSensorValue
outlet_label => {
Label => { oid => '.' }, # outletLabel
outlet => {
Unit => { oid => '.', map => \%map_units }, # outletSensorUnits
Decimal => { oid => '.' }, # outletSensorDecimalDigits
EnabledThresholds => { oid => '.' }, # outletSensorEnabledThresholds
LowerCriticalThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # outletSensorLowerCriticalThreshold
LowerWarningThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # outletSensorLowerWarningThreshold
UpperCriticalThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # outletSensorUpperCriticalThreshold
UpperWarningThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # outletSensorUpperWarningThreshold
State => { oid => '.', map => \%map_state }, # measurementsOutletSensorState
Value => { oid => '.' }, # measurementsOutletSensorValue
ocprot_label => {
Label => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorLabel
ocprot => {
Unit => { oid => '.', map => \%map_units }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorUnits
Decimal => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorDecimalDigits
EnabledThresholds => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorEnabledThresholds
LowerCriticalThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorLowerCriticalThreshold
LowerWarningThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorLowerWarningThreshold
UpperCriticalThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorUpperCriticalThreshold
UpperWarningThreshold => { oid => '.' }, # overCurrentProtectorSensorUpperWarningThreshold
State => { oid => '.', map => \%map_state }, # measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorState
Value => { oid => '.' }, # measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorValue
%raritan_type = (
rmsCurrent => 1, peakCurrent => 2, unbalancedCurrent => 3,
rmsVoltage => 4, activePower => 5, apparentPower => 6,
powerFactor => 7, activeEnergy => 8, apparentEnergy => 9,
temperature => 10, humidity => 11, airFlow => 12,
airPressure => 13, onOff => 14, trip => 15,
vibration => 16, waterDetection => 17, smokeDetection => 18,
binary => 19, contact => 20, fanSpeed => 21,
surgeProtectorStatus => 22, frequency => 23, phaseAngle => 24,
rmsVoltageLN => 25, residualCurrent => 26, rcmState => 27,
other => 30, none => 31, powerQuality => 32,
overloadStatus => 33, overheatStatus => 34, fanStatus => 37,
inletPhaseSyncAngle => 38, inletPhaseSync => 39, operatingState => 40,
activeInlet => 41, illuminance => 42, doorContact => 43,
tamperDetection => 44, motionDetection => 45, i1smpsStatus => 46,
i2smpsStatus => 47, switchStatus => 48,
%map_type = (
1 => 'numeric',
2 => 'numeric',
3 => 'numeric',
4 => 'numeric',
5 => 'numeric',
6 => 'numeric',
7 => 'numeric',
8 => 'numeric',
9 => 'numeric',
10 => 'numeric',
11 => 'numeric',
12 => 'numeric',
13 => 'numeric',
14 => 'onoff',
15 => 'contact',
16 => 'alarm',
17 => 'alarm',
18 => 'alarm',
19 => 'alarm',
20 => 'alarm',
21 => 'numeric',
22 => 'fault',
23 => 'numeric',
24 => 'numeric',
25 => 'numeric',
26 => 'numeric',
27 => 'alarm',
30 => 'numeric',
31 => 'numeric',
32 => 'powerQuality',
33 => 'fault',
34 => 'fault',
37 => 'fault',
38 => 'numeric',
39 => 'inletPhaseSync',
40 => 'operatingState',
41 => 'activeInlet',
42 => 'numeric',
43 => 'contact',
44 => 'alarm',
45 => 'motionDetection',
46 => 'fault',
47 => 'fault',
48 => 'switchStatus',
$thresholds = {
numeric => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['normal', 'OK'],
['belowLowerCritical', 'CRITICAL'],
['belowLowerWarning', 'WARNING'],
['aboveUpperWarning', 'WARNING'],
['aboveUpperCritical', 'CRITICAL'],
onoff => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['on', 'OK'],
['off', 'OK'],
contact => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['open', 'OK'],
['closed', 'OK'],
alarm => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['normal', 'OK'],
['alarmed', 'CRITICAL'],
['selfTest', 'OK'],
['fail', 'CRITICAL'],
fault => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['ok', 'OK'],
['fault', 'CRITICAL'],
powerQuality => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['normal', 'OK'],
['warning', 'WARNING'],
['critical', 'CRITICAL'],
inletPhaseSync => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['inSync', 'OK'],
['outOfSync', 'CRITICAL'],
operatingState => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['normal', 'OK'],
['standby', 'OK'],
['off', 'CRITICAL'],
activeInlet => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['one', 'OK'],
['two', 'OK'],
['none', 'WARNING'],
motionDetection => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
switchStatus => [
['unavailable', 'UNKNOWN'],
['ok', 'OK'],
['i1OpenFault', 'WARNING'],
['i1ShortFault', 'WARNING'],
['i2OpenFault', 'WARNING'],
['i2ShortFault', 'WARNING'],