248 lines
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248 lines
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# Copyright 2019 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/)
# Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets
# the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for
# service performance.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package database::mysql::mode::databasessize;
use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::counter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub set_counters {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->{maps_counters_type} = [
{ name => 'global', type => 0, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_global_output', cb_init => 'skip_global' },
{ name => 'database', type => 3, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_database_output',
cb_long_output => 'database_long_output', indent_long_output => ' ',
message_multiple => 'All databases are ok',
group => [
{ name => 'global_db', type => 0, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
{ name => 'table', display_long => 0, cb_prefix_output => 'prefix_table_output',
message_multiple => 'All tables are ok', type => 1, skipped_code => { -10 => 1 } },
$self->{maps_counters}->{global} = [
{ label => 'total-usage', nlabel => 'databases.space.usage.bytes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' } ],
output_template => 'Used Space: %s %s',
output_change_bytes => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'used_absolute', template => '%s', unit => 'B',
min => 0 },
{ label => 'total-free', nlabel => 'databases.space.free.bytes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'free' } ],
output_template => 'Free Space: %s %s',
output_change_bytes => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'free_absolute', template => '%s', unit => 'B',
min => 0 },
$self->{maps_counters}->{global_db} = [
{ label => 'db-usage', nlabel => 'database.space.usage.bytes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' } ],
output_template => 'Used: %s %s',
output_change_bytes => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'used_absolute', template => '%s', unit => 'B',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1 },
{ label => 'db-free', nlabel => 'database.space.free.bytes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'free' } ],
output_template => 'Free: %s %s',
output_change_bytes => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'free_absolute', template => '%s', unit => 'B',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1 },
$self->{maps_counters}->{table} = [
{ label => 'table-usage', nlabel => 'table.space.usage.bytes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'used' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Used: %s %s',
output_change_bytes => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'used_absolute', template => '%s', unit => 'B',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1 },
{ label => 'table-free', nlabel => 'table.space.free.bytes', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'free' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Free: %s %s',
output_change_bytes => 1,
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'free_absolute', template => '%s', unit => 'B',
min => 0, label_extra_instance => 1 },
{ label => 'table-frag', nlabel => 'table.fragmentation.percentage', set => {
key_values => [ { name => 'frag' }, { name => 'display' } ],
output_template => 'Fragmentation: %.2f %%',
perfdatas => [
{ value => 'frag_absolute', template => '%.2f', unit => '%',
min => 0, max => 100, label_extra_instance => 1 },
sub skip_global {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
scalar(keys %{$self->{database}}) > 1 ? return(0) : return(1);
sub prefix_global_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Databases Total ";
sub prefix_database_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Database '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub database_long_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Checking Database '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "'";
sub prefix_table_output {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
return "Table '" . $options{instance_value}->{display} . "' ";
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options, force_new_perfdata => 1);
bless $self, $class;
$options{options}->add_options(arguments => {
'filter-database:s' => { name => 'filter_database' },
return $self;
sub manage_selection {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
if (!($options{sql}->is_version_minimum(version => '5'))) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "MySQL version '" . $self->{sql}->{version} . "' is not supported.");
query => q{show variables like 'innodb_file_per_table'}
my ($name, $value) = $options{sql}->fetchrow_array();
my $innodb_per_table = 0;
$innodb_per_table = 1 if ($value =~ /on/i);
query => q{SELECT table_schema, table_name, engine, data_free, data_length+index_length as data_used, (DATA_FREE / (DATA_LENGTH+INDEX_LENGTH)) as TAUX_FRAG FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND engine IN ('InnoDB', 'MyISAM')}
my $result = $options{sql}->fetchall_arrayref();
my $innodb_ibdata_done = 0;
$self->{global} = { free => 0, used => 0 };
$self->{database} = {};
foreach my $row (@$result) {
next if (defined($self->{option_results}->{filter_database}) && $self->{option_results}->{filter_database} ne '' &&
$$row[0] !~ /$self->{option_results}->{filter_database}/);
if (!defined($self->{database}->{$$row[0]})) {
$self->{database}->{$$row[0]} = {
display => $$row[0],
global_db => { free => 0, used => 0 },
table => {}
if (($$row[2] =~ /innodb/i && ($innodb_per_table == 1 || $innodb_ibdata_done == 0))) {
$self->{global}->{free} += $$row[3];
$self->{global}->{used} += $$row[4];
$innodb_ibdata_done = 1;
if ($$row[2] !~ /innodb/i ||
($$row[2] =~ /innodb/i && $innodb_per_table == 1)
) {
$self->{database}->{$$row[0]}->{global_db}->{free} += $$row[3];
$self->{database}->{$$row[0]}->{global_db}->{used} += $$row[4];
$self->{database}->{$$row[0]}->{table}->{$$row[1]} = {
display => $$row[1],
free => $$row[3],
used => $$row[4],
frag => $$row[5]
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{database}}) <= 0) {
$self->{output}->add_option_msg(short_msg => "No database found.");
=head1 MODE
Check MySQL databases size.
=over 8
=item B<--filter-database>
Filter database to checks (Can be a regexp).
=item B<--warning-*> B<--critical-*>
Thresholds (Can be: 'total-usage', 'total-free', 'db-usage',
'db-free', 'table-usage', 'table-free', 'table-frag').