
219 lines
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# $Id: check_graph_ping.pl,v 1.2 2005/07/27 22:21:49 wistof Exp $
# Oreon's plugins are developped with GPL Licence :
# http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt
# Developped by : Mathieu Chateau - Christophe Coraboeuf
# The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
# OREON makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever,
# whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality,
# safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for
# any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the OREON web site.
# In no event will OREON be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,
# incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if OREON has
# been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
package oreon;
use Exporter ();
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
if (eval "require Config::IniFiles" ) {
use Config::IniFiles;
} else {
print "Unable to load Config::IniFiles\n";
### RRDTOOL Module
use lib qw(@RRDTOOL_PERL_LIB@ ../lib/perl);
if (eval "require RRDs" ) {
use RRDs;
} else {
print "Unable to load RRDs perl module\n";
# On défini une version pour les vérifications
#$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: XXX $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_parameters create_rrd update_rrd fetch_rrd &is_valid_serviceid);
my $params_file="oreon.conf";
my @ds = ("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l");
# Get all parameters from the ini file
sub get_parameters
$params_file = "@NAGIOS_PLUGINS@/$params_file";
unless (-e $params_file)
print "Unknown - In oreon.pm :: $params_file :: $!\n";
my %oreon;
tie %oreon, 'Config::IniFiles', ( -file => $params_file );
return %oreon;
# Create RRD file
sub create_rrd($$$$$$$)
my @rrd_arg;
my ($rrd, $nb_ds ,$start, $step, $min, $max, $type) = @_;
$nb_ds = 1 unless($nb_ds);
$start = time unless($start);
$step = 300 unless($step);
$min = "U" unless($min);
$max = "U" unless($max);
$type = "GAUGE" unless($type);
my $ERROR = RRDs::error;
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_ds; $i++) {
push(@rrd_arg,"DS:".$ds[$i].":$type:".($step * 2).":".$min.":".$max);
RRDs::create (@rrd_arg);
$ERROR = RRDs::error;
if ($ERROR) {
print "unable to create '$rrd' : $ERROR\n" ;
exit 3;
# Update RRD file
sub update_rrd($$@)
my @rrd_arg;
my ($rrd, $start,@values) = @_;
$start = time unless($start);
my $ERROR = RRDs::error;
for (@values) {
s/,/\./ ;
$str_value .= ":" . $_;
RRDs::update ($rrd, "$start$str_value");
$ERROR = RRDs::error;
if ($ERROR) {
print "unable to update '$rrd' : $ERROR\n" ;
exit 3;
# Fetch RRD file
sub fetch_rrd($$)
my ($line, $val, @valeurs, $update_time, $step, $ds_names, $data, $i) ;
my ($rrd, $CF,@values) = @_;
$start = time unless($start);
my $ERROR = RRDs::error;
($update_time,$step,$ds_names,$data) = RRDs::fetch($rrd, "--resolution=300","--start=now-5min","--end=now",$CF);
$ERROR = RRDs::error;
if ($ERROR) {
print "unable to update '$rrd' : $ERROR\n" ;
exit 3;
foreach $line (@$data) {
foreach $val (@$line) {
if ( defined $val ) { $valeur[$i]=$val; } else { $valeur[$i]="undef"; }
return @valeur;
# Is a valid ServiceId
sub is_valid_serviceid {
my $ServiceId = shift;
if ($ServiceId && $ServiceId =~ m/^([0-9_]+)$/) {
return $ServiceId;
print "Unknown -S Service ID expected... or it doesn't exist, try another id - number\n";
=head1 NAME
Oreon - shared module for Oreon plugins
use oreon;
oreon::create_rrd( )
oreon::update_rrd( )
=head2 Functions
B<oreon::create_rrd> create a rrd database.
create_rrd($rrd, $nb_ds ,$start, $step, $min, $max, $type );
$rrd : RRD filename
$nb_ds : Number of Data Sources to create
$start : Start time of RRD
$step : RRD step
$min : Minimum value in RRD
$max : Maximum value in RRD
$type : GAUGE or COUNTER
update_rrd($rrd, $start,@values);
$rrd : RRD filename to update
$start :
@values : update RRD with list values
=head1 AUTHOR
Mathieu Chateau E<lt>mathieu.chateau@lsafrance.comE<gt>
Christophe Coraboeuf E<lt>ccoraboeuf@oreon-project.orgE<gt>