
85 lines
2.7 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../../../src";
use centreon::plugins::statefile;
# Mock options class
package MockOptions;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
sub add_options { }
sub add_help { }
sub process_test {
my ($dir, $filename, $suffix, $format, $crypt_algo, $crypt_key) = @_;
# Create mock objects
my $options = MockOptions->new();
my $expected_statefile = $dir . '/' . $filename . $suffix;
unlink $expected_statefile if (-e $expected_statefile);
# Options to create a statefile object
$options->{statefile_dir} = $dir;
$options->{statefile_suffix} = $suffix;
$options->{statefile_format} = $format;
$options->{statefile_cipher} = $crypt_algo;
$options->{statefile_key} = $crypt_key;
# Test object creation
my $statefile;
eval { $statefile = centreon::plugins::statefile->new(options => $options) };
ok(!$@, 'Object creation without errors');
$statefile->check_options(option_results => $options);
# Test if the object is blessed correctly
is(ref($statefile), 'centreon::plugins::statefile', 'Object is of correct class');
# Test if the object has the expected attributes
can_ok($statefile, qw(new check_options read write get get_string_content error));
# Try a first read to initiate a session
is( $statefile->read(statefile => 'test_statefile'), 0, 'State file read.' );
ok(!$@, 'Read method executed without errors');
# Test write method
is( $statefile->write(data => { some_key => 'some_value' }), 1, 'State file written.' );
ok(!$@, 'Write method executed with plain text data without errors');
# Test if the statefile was created
ok(-e $expected_statefile, 'File ' . $expected_statefile . ' exists');
# Test read method
eval { $statefile->read(statefile => 'test_statefile') };
ok(!$@, 'Read method executed without errors');
# Test get method
my $value = $statefile->get(name => 'some_key');
#use Data::Dumper;
#is($value, 'some_value', 'Get method with plain text data retrieves correct value' . Dumper($statefile->{datas}));
is($value, 'some_value', 'Get method with plain text data retrieves correct value');
# Test get_string_content method
my $string_content = $statefile->get_string_content();
like($string_content, qr/some_key/, 'Get plain text string content method works correctly');
# cleanup the mess
unlink $expected_statefile;
sub main {
process_test('/tmp', 'test_statefile', '_plaintext', 'json', undef, undef);
process_test('/tmp', 'test_statefile', '_encrypted', 'json', 'AES', 'mellon');