/* Cockpit Navigator - A File System Browser for Cockpit. Copyright (C) 2021 Josh Boudreau Copyright (C) 2021 Sam Silver Copyright (C) 2021 Dawson Della Valle This file is part of Cockpit Navigator. Cockpit Navigator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Cockpit Navigator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cockpit Navigator. If not, see . */ /** * * @param {string} key * @param {string} value * @returns {string} */ function property_entry_html(key, value) { var html = ''; return html; } /** * * @param {number} bytes * @returns {string} */ function format_bytes(bytes) { if (bytes === 0) return "0 B"; var units = [" B", " KiB", " MiB", " GiB", " TiB", " PiB"]; var index = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)), units.length - 1); var pow = Math.pow(1024, index); var formatted = bytes / pow; return formatted.toFixed(2).toString() + units[index]; } /** * * @param {number} timestamp * @returns {string} */ function format_time(timestamp) { var date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); return date.toLocaleString(); } /** * * @param {number} seconds * @returns {string} */ function format_time_remaining(seconds_) { var hours = Math.floor(seconds_ / 3600); var seconds = seconds_ % 3600; var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60); var out = ""; if (hours) { out = String(hours).padStart(2, '0') + ":"; } if (minutes) { out += String(minutes).padStart(2, '0') + ":"; } out += String(seconds).padStart(2, '0'); return out; } /** * * @param {number} mode * @returns {string} */ function format_permissions(mode) { var bit_list = ["x", "w", "r"]; var result = ""; for (let bit = 8; bit >= 0; bit--) { var test_bit = 1 << bit; var test_result = mode & test_bit; if (test_result != 0) { result += bit_list[bit % bit_list.length]; } else { result += "-"; } } return result; } /** * * @param {NavWindow} nav_window */ function load_hidden_file_state(nav_window) { const state = localStorage.getItem('show-hidden-files') === 'true'; const element = document.querySelector('#nav-show-hidden'); if (state) { element.checked = true; nav_window.toggle_show_hidden({ target: element }); } } /** * * @param {NavWindow} nav_window */ function load_item_display_state(nav_window) { const state = localStorage.getItem('item-display'); if (state === 'list') { nav_window.switch_item_display(); } } function set_last_theme_state() { var toggle_switch = document.getElementById("toggle-theme"); var state = localStorage.getItem("houston-theme-state"); var icon = document.getElementById("houston-theme-icon"); var logo = document.getElementById("logo-45d"); if (state === "light") { toggle_switch.checked = false; document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "light"); icon.classList.remove("fa-moon"); icon.classList.add("fa-sun"); logo.src = "branding/logo-light.svg"; } else if (state === "dark") { toggle_switch.checked = true; document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "dark"); icon.classList.remove("fa-sun"); icon.classList.add("fa-moon"); logo.src = "branding/logo-dark.svg"; } else { toggle_switch.checked = false; state = "light"; localStorage.setItem("houston-theme-state", state); logo.src = "branding/logo-light.svg"; } } /** * * @param {Event} e */ function switch_theme(e) { var icon = document.getElementById("houston-theme-icon"); var logo = document.getElementById("logo-45d"); var state = ""; if (e.target.checked) { state = "dark"; icon.classList.remove("fa-sun"); icon.classList.add("fa-moon"); logo.src = "branding/logo-dark.svg"; } else { state = "light"; icon.classList.remove("fa-moon"); icon.classList.add("fa-sun"); logo.src = "branding/logo-light.svg"; } document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", state); localStorage.setItem("houston-theme-state", state); } class NavDownloader { /** * * @param {NavFile} file */ constructor(file) { this.path = file.path_str(); this.filename = file.filename(); this.read_size = file.stat["size"]; } async download() { let query = window.btoa(JSON.stringify({ payload: 'fsread1', binary: 'raw', path: this.path, superuser: true, max_read_size: this.read_size, external: { 'content-disposition': 'attachment; filename="' + this.filename + '"', 'content-type': 'application/x-xz, application/octet-stream' }, })); let prefix = (new URL(cockpit.transport.uri('channel/' + cockpit.transport.csrf_token))).pathname; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = prefix + "?" + query; a.style.display = "none"; a.download = this.filename; document.body.appendChild(a); var event = new MouseEvent('click', { 'view': window, 'bubbles': false, 'cancelable': true }); a.dispatchEvent(event); } } class NavEntry { /** * * @param {string} path * @param {object} stat * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref */ constructor(path, stat, nav_window_ref) { this.nav_window_ref = nav_window_ref; if (typeof path == "string") this.path = path.split("/").splice(1); else this.path = (path.length) ? path : [""]; this.dom_element = document.createElement("div"); this.dom_element.classList.add("nav-item"); let icon = this.dom_element.nav_item_icon = document.createElement("i"); icon.classList.add("nav-item-icon"); let title = this.dom_element.nav_item_title = document.createElement("div"); title.classList.add("nav-item-title", "no-select"); title.innerText = this.filename(); this.dom_element.appendChild(icon); this.dom_element.appendChild(title); this.stat = stat; this.dom_element.addEventListener("click", this); this.dom_element.addEventListener("contextmenu", this); this.is_hidden_file = this.filename().startsWith('.'); if (this.is_hidden_file) icon.style.opacity = 0.5; this.dom_element.title = this.filename(); if (nav_window_ref && nav_window_ref.item_display === "list") { let mode = document.createElement("div"); let owner = document.createElement("div"); let group = document.createElement("div"); let size = document.createElement("div"); mode.title = mode.innerText = this.stat["mode-str"]; owner.title = owner.innerText = this.stat["owner"]; group.title = group.innerText = this.stat["group"]; size.title = size.innerText = format_bytes(this.stat["size"]); this.dom_element.appendChild(mode); this.dom_element.appendChild(owner); this.dom_element.appendChild(group); this.dom_element.appendChild(size); } } /** * * @param {Event} e */ handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": this.nav_window_ref.set_selected(this, e.shiftKey, e.ctrlKey); this.context_menu_ref.hide(); e.stopPropagation(); break; case "contextmenu": this.context_menu_ref.show(e, this); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); break; } } destroy() { while (this.dom_element.firstChild) { this.dom_element.removeChild(this.dom_element.firstChild); } if (this.dom_element.parentElement) this.dom_element.parentElement.removeChild(this.dom_element); } /** * * @returns {string} */ filename() { var name = this.path[this.path.length - 1]; if (!name) name = "/"; return name; } /** * * @returns {string} */ path_str() { return "/" + this.path.join("/"); } /** * * @returns {string} */ parent_dir() { return this.path.slice(0, this.path.length - 1); } show() { this.dom_element.style.display = "flex"; } hide() { this.dom_element.style.display = "none"; } /** * * @returns {object} */ get_properties() { return this.stat; } /** * * @returns {number} */ get_permissions() { return this.stat["mode"] & 0o777; } /** * * @param {number} new_perms * @returns {Promise} */ chmod(new_perms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["chmod", (new_perms & 0o777).toString(8), this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); } /** * * @param {string} new_owner * @param {string} new_group * @returns {Promise} */ chown(new_owner, new_group) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!new_owner && !new_group) { resolve(); return; } var cmd = ""; var arg = ""; if (new_group && !new_owner) { cmd = "chgrp"; arg = new_group; } else { cmd = "chown"; arg = new_owner; if (new_group) arg += ":" + new_group; } var proc = cockpit.spawn( [cmd, arg, this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); } /** * * @param {string} new_path * @returns {Promise} */ mv(new_path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["mv", "-n", this.path_str(), [this.nav_window_ref.pwd().path_str(), new_path].join("/")], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); } /** * * @param {string} extra_properties */ show_properties(extra_properties = "") { var selected_name_fields = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-info-column-filename"); for (let elem of selected_name_fields) { elem.innerHTML = this.filename(); elem.title = this.filename(); } var html = ""; html += property_entry_html("Mode", this.stat["mode-str"]); html += property_entry_html("Owner", this.stat["owner"] + " (" + this.stat["uid"] + ")"); html += property_entry_html("Group", this.stat["group"] + " (" + this.stat["gid"] + ")"); html += property_entry_html("Size", format_bytes(this.stat["size"])); html += property_entry_html("Accessed", format_time(this.stat["atime"])); html += property_entry_html("Modified", format_time(this.stat["mtime"])); html += property_entry_html("Created", format_time(this.stat["ctime"])); html += extra_properties; document.getElementById("nav-info-column-properties").innerHTML = html; } populate_edit_fields() { document.getElementById("nav-edit-filename").innerText = this.filename(); var mode_bits = [ "other-exec", "other-write", "other-read", "group-exec", "group-write", "group-read", "owner-exec", "owner-write", "owner-read" ]; for (let i = 0; i < mode_bits.length; i++) { var bit_check = 1 << i; var result = this.stat["mode"] & bit_check; document.getElementById(mode_bits[i]).checked = (result != 0); } document.getElementById("nav-edit-owner").value = this.stat["owner"]; document.getElementById("nav-edit-group").value = this.stat["group"]; } } class NavFile extends NavEntry { /** * * @param {string|string[]} path * @param {object} stat * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref */ constructor(path, stat, nav_window_ref) { super(path, stat, nav_window_ref); this.nav_type = "file"; this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-file"); this.double_click = false; } /** * * @param {Event} e */ handleEvent(e) { switch(e.type){ case "click": if (this.double_click) this.open(); else { // single click this.double_click = true; if(this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout) this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.double_click = false; }, 500); } break; case "keydown": if (e.keyCode === 83 && e.ctrlKey === true) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.write_to_file(); } break; } super.handleEvent(e); } /** * * @returns {Promise} */ rm() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["rm", "-f", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); } async open() { var proc_output = await cockpit.spawn(["file", "--mime-type", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try"}); var fields = proc_output.split(/:(?=[^:]+$)/); // ensure it's the last : with lookahead var type = fields[1].trim(); if ((/^text/.test(type) || /^inode\/x-empty$/.test(type) || this.stat["size"] === 0)) { this.show_edit_file_contents(); } else { console.log("Unknown mimetype: " + type); if (window.confirm("Can't open " + this.filename() + " for editing. Download?")) { var download = new NavDownloader(this); download.download(); } } } async show_edit_file_contents() { window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.nav_window_ref); this.nav_window_ref.disable_buttons_for_editing(); var contents = ""; try { contents = await cockpit.file(this.path_str(), {superuser: "try"}).read(); } catch (e) { this.nav_window_ref.enable_buttons(); window.alert(e.message); return; } var text_area = document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea"); text_area.value = contents; text_area.addEventListener("keydown", this); document.getElementById("nav-cancel-edit-contents-btn").onclick = this.hide_edit_file_contents.bind(this); document.getElementById("nav-continue-edit-contents-btn").onclick = this.write_to_file.bind(this); document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-header").innerText = "Editing " + this.path_str(); document.getElementById("nav-contents-view").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-view").style.display = "flex"; } async write_to_file() { var new_contents = document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea").value; try { if (new_contents.length) await cockpit.file(this.path_str(), {superuser: "try"}).replace(new_contents); else await cockpit.script("echo -n > $1", [this.path_str()], {superuser: "try"}); } catch (e) { window.alert(e.message); } this.nav_window_ref.refresh(); this.hide_edit_file_contents(); } hide_edit_file_contents() { window.addEventListener("keydown", this.nav_window_ref); document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea").removeEventListener("keydown", this); document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-view").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("nav-contents-view").style.display = "flex"; this.nav_window_ref.enable_buttons(); } } class NavFileLink extends NavFile{ /** * * @param {string} path * @param {object} stat * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref * @param {string} link_target */ constructor(path, stat, nav_window_ref, link_target) { super(path, stat, nav_window_ref); var link_icon = this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.link_icon = document.createElement("i"); link_icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-link", "nav-item-symlink-symbol-file"); this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.appendChild(link_icon); this.double_click = false; this.link_target = link_target; this.dom_element.nav_item_title.style.fontStyle = "italic"; if (nav_window_ref.item_display === "list") this.dom_element.nav_item_title.innerHTML += " → " + this.link_target; } show_properties() { var extra_properties = property_entry_html("Link Target", this.link_target); super.show_properties(extra_properties); } /** * * @returns {string} */ get_link_target_path() { var target = ""; if (this.link_target.charAt(0) === '/') target = this.link_target; else target = this.parent_dir().join("/") + "/" + this.link_target; if (target.charAt(0) !== '/') target = '/' + target; return target; } async open() { var target_path = this.get_link_target_path(); var proc_output = await cockpit.spawn(["file", "--mime-type", target_path], {superuser: "try"}); var fields = proc_output.split(/:(?=[^:]+$)/); // ensure it's the last : with lookahead var type = fields[1].trim(); if ((/^text/.test(type) || /^inode\/x-empty$/.test(type) || this.stat["size"] === 0)) { this.show_edit_file_contents(); } else { console.log("Unknown mimetype: " + type); window.alert("Can't open " + this.filename() + " for editing."); } } async show_edit_file_contents() { window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.nav_window_ref); this.nav_window_ref.disable_buttons_for_editing(); document.getElementById("pwd").disabled = true; var target_path = this.get_link_target_path(); var contents = ""; try { contents = await cockpit.file(target_path, {superuser: "try"}).read(); } catch(e) { this.nav_window_ref.enable_buttons(); window.alert(e.message); return; } var text_area = document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea"); text_area.value = contents; text_area.addEventListener("keydown", this); document.getElementById("nav-cancel-edit-contents-btn").onclick = this.hide_edit_file_contents.bind(this); document.getElementById("nav-continue-edit-contents-btn").onclick = this.write_to_file.bind(this); document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-header").innerHTML = "Editing " + this.path_str() + ' ' + this.get_link_target_path(); document.getElementById("nav-contents-view").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-view").style.display = "flex"; } async write_to_file() { var target_path = this.get_link_target_path(); var new_contents = document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea").value; try { await cockpit.file(target_path, {superuser: "try"}).replace(new_contents); } catch (e) { window.alert(e.message); } this.nav_window_ref.refresh(); this.hide_edit_file_contents(); } } class NavDir extends NavEntry { /** * * @param {string|string[]} path * @param {object} stat * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref */ constructor(path, stat, nav_window_ref) { super(path, stat, nav_window_ref); this.nav_type = "dir"; this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-folder"); this.double_click = false; } /** * * @param {Event} e */ handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": if (this.double_click) this.nav_window_ref.cd(this); else { // single click this.double_click = true; if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.double_click = false; }, 500); } break; } super.handleEvent(e); } /** * * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref * @returns {Promise} */ get_children(nav_window_ref) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var children = []; var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/ls.py", this.path_str()], {err:"out", superuser: "try"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); var data; try { data = await proc; } catch(e) { reject(e); return; } var response = JSON.parse(data); this.stat = response["."]["stat"]; var entries = response["children"]; var filename, path, stat; entries.forEach((entry) => { filename = entry["filename"]; path = (this.path.length >= 1 && this.path[0]) ? [...this.path, filename] : [filename]; stat = entry["stat"]; switch(stat["mode-str"].charAt(0)) { case 'd': children.push(new NavDir(path, stat, nav_window_ref)); break; case 'l': if(entry["isdir"]) children.push(new NavDirLink(path, stat, nav_window_ref, entry["link-target"])); else children.push(new NavFileLink(path, stat, nav_window_ref, entry["link-target"])); break; default: children.push(new NavFile(path, stat, nav_window_ref)); break; } }); resolve(children); }); } /** * * @returns {Promise} */ rm() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["rmdir", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { if (/^rmdir: failed to remove .*: Directory not empty\n?$/.test(data)) { if (window.confirm("WARNING: '" + this.path_str() + "' is not empty. Delete recursively? This can NOT be undone.")) { this.rm_recursive(resolve, reject); } } else { reject(data); } }); }); } /** * * @param {Function} resolve * @param {Function} reject */ rm_recursive(resolve, reject) { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["rm", "-rf", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); } /** * * @returns {Object} */ async cephfs_dir_stats() { try { var proc = await cockpit.spawn( ["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/cephfs-dir-stats.py", "-j", this.path_str()], {err: "ignore"} ); return JSON.parse(proc)[0]; } catch { return null; } } /** * * @param {string} extra_properties */ async show_properties(extra_properties = "") { if(!this.hasOwnProperty("ceph_stats")) this.ceph_stats = await this.cephfs_dir_stats(); // See if a JSON object exists for folder we are currently looking at if (this.ceph_stats !== null) { extra_properties += '
'; extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Files", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("files") ? this.ceph_stats.files : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Directories", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("subdirs") ? this.ceph_stats.subdirs : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Recursive files", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("rfiles") ? this.ceph_stats.rfiles : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Recursive directories", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("rsubdirs") ? this.ceph_stats.rsubdirs : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Total size", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("rbytes") ? this.ceph_stats.rbytes : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Layout pool", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("layout.pool") ? this.ceph_stats["layout.pool"] : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Max files", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("max_files") ? this.ceph_stats.max_files : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Max bytes", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("max_bytes") ? this.ceph_stats.max_bytes : "N/A" ); } super.show_properties(extra_properties); } } class NavDirLink extends NavDir{ /** * * @param {string|string[]} path * @param {object} stat * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref * @param {string} link_target */ constructor(path, stat, nav_window_ref, link_target) { super(path, stat, nav_window_ref); var link_icon = this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.link_icon = document.createElement("i"); link_icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-link", "nav-item-symlink-symbol-dir"); this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.appendChild(link_icon); this.double_click = false; this.link_target = link_target; this.dom_element.nav_item_title.style.fontStyle = "italic"; if (nav_window_ref.item_display === "list") this.dom_element.nav_item_title.innerHTML += " → " + this.link_target; } /** * * @returns {Promise} */ rm() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["rm", "-f", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }) proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); } show_properties() { var extra_properties = property_entry_html("Link Target", this.link_target); super.show_properties(extra_properties); } } class NavContextMenu { /** * * @param {string} id */ constructor(id, nav_window_ref) { this.dom_element = document.getElementById(id); this.nav_window_ref = nav_window_ref; this.menu_options = {}; document.documentElement.addEventListener("click", (event) => { if (event.target !== this.dom_element) this.hide(); }); var functions = [ ["new_dir", '
'], ["new_file", '
'], ["new_link", '
'], ["cut", '
'], ["copy", '
'], ["paste", '
'], ["rename", '
'], ["delete", '
'], ["download", '
'], ["properties", '
'] ]; for (let func of functions) { var elem = document.createElement("div"); var name_list = func[0].split("_"); name_list.forEach((word, index) => {name_list[index] = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)}); elem.innerHTML = func[1] + name_list.join(" "); elem.addEventListener("click", (e) => {this[func[0]].bind(this).apply()}); elem.classList.add("nav-context-menu-item") elem.id = "nav-context-menu-" + func[0]; this.dom_element.appendChild(elem); this.menu_options[func[0]] = elem; } this.menu_options["paste"].style.display = "none"; } new_dir() { this.nav_window_ref.mkdir(); } new_file() { this.nav_window_ref.touch(); } new_link() { var default_target = ""; if (this.nav_window_ref.selected_entries.size <= 1 && this.target !== this.nav_window_ref.pwd()) default_target = this.target.filename(); this.nav_window_ref.ln(default_target); } cut() { this.nav_window_ref.cut(); } copy() { this.nav_window_ref.copy(); } paste() { this.nav_window_ref.paste(); } async rename() { this.hide(); var new_name = window.prompt("New Name: ", this.target.filename()); if (new_name === null) return; if (new_name.includes("/")) { window.alert("File name can't contain `/`."); return; } try { await this.target.mv(new_name); } catch(e) { window.alert(e); return; } this.nav_window_ref.refresh(); } zip_for_download() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var cmd = [ "/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/zip-for-download.py", this.nav_window_ref.pwd().path_str() ]; for (let entry of this.nav_window_ref.selected_entries) { cmd.push(entry.path_str()); } var proc = cockpit.spawn(cmd, {superuser: "try", err: "out"}); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(JSON.parse(data)); }); proc.done((data) => { resolve(JSON.parse(data)); }); }); } async download() { var download_target = ""; if (this.nav_window_ref.selected_entries.size === 1 && !(this.target instanceof NavDir)) { download_target = this.target; } else { this.nav_window_ref.start_load(); var result; try { result = await this.zip_for_download(); } catch(e) { this.nav_window_ref.stop_load(); window.alert(e.message); return; } this.nav_window_ref.stop_load(); download_target = new NavFile(result["archive-path"], result["stat"], this.nav_window_ref); } var download = new NavDownloader(download_target); download.download(); } delete() { this.nav_window_ref.delete_selected(); } properties() { this.nav_window_ref.show_edit_selected(); } /** * * @param {Event} event * @param {NavEntry} target */ show(event, target) { if (this.nav_window_ref.selected_entries.size > 1) { if (event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey) this.nav_window_ref.set_selected(target, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey); } else { this.nav_window_ref.set_selected(target, false, false); } this.menu_options["download"].style.display = "flex"; if (target === this.nav_window_ref.pwd()) { this.menu_options["copy"].style.display = "none"; this.menu_options["cut"].style.display = "none"; this.menu_options["delete"].style.display = "none"; } else { this.menu_options["copy"].style.display = "flex"; this.menu_options["cut"].style.display = "flex"; this.menu_options["delete"].style.display = "flex"; } if (this.nav_window_ref.selected_entries.size > 1) { this.menu_options["rename"].style.display = "none"; } else { this.menu_options["rename"].style.display = "flex"; if (target instanceof NavFileLink) this.menu_options["download"].style.display = "none"; } this.target = target; this.dom_element.style.display = "inline"; this.dom_element.style.left = event.clientX + "px"; var height = this.dom_element.getBoundingClientRect().height; var max_height = window.innerHeight; if (event.clientY > max_height - height) { this.dom_element.style.top = event.clientY - height + "px"; } else { this.dom_element.style.top = event.clientY + "px"; } } hide() { this.dom_element.style.display = "none"; } hide_paste() { this.menu_options["paste"].style.display = "none"; } } class FileUpload { /** * * @param {File|Blob} file * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref */ constructor(file, nav_window_ref) { try { this.chunk_size = (parseInt(cockpit.info.version) > 238)? 1048576 : 65536; } catch(e) { console.log(e); this.chunk_size = 65536; } this.filename = file.name; this.nav_window_ref = nav_window_ref; this.path = nav_window_ref.pwd().path_str() + "/" + file.name; this.reader = new FileReader(); this.chunks = this.slice_file(file); this.chunk_index = 0; this.timestamp = Date.now(); } check_if_exists() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn(["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/fail-if-exists.py", this.path], {superuser: "try"}); proc.done((data) => {resolve(false)}); proc.fail((e, data) => {resolve(true)}); }); } make_html_element() { var notification = document.createElement("div"); notification.classList.add("nav-notification"); var header = document.createElement("div"); header.classList.add("nav-notification-header"); notification.appendChild(header); header.innerText = "Uploading " + this.filename; var info = document.createElement("div"); info.classList.add("flex-row", "space-between"); notification.appendChild(info); var rate = document.createElement("div"); rate.classList.add("monospace-sm"); info.appendChild(rate); rate.innerText = "-"; this.rate = rate; var eta = document.createElement("div"); eta.classList.add("monospace-sm"); info.appendChild(eta); eta.innerText = "-"; this.eta = eta; var progress = document.createElement("progress"); progress.max = this.num_chunks; notification.appendChild(progress); this.progress = progress; this.html_elements = [progress, eta, rate, info, header, notification]; document.getElementById("nav-notifications").appendChild(notification); } remove_html_element() { for (let elem of this.html_elements) { if (elem.parentElement) elem.parentElement.removeChild(elem); } } /** * * @param {File|Blob} file * @returns {Array} */ slice_file(file) { var offset = 0; var next_offset; var chunks = []; this.num_chunks = Math.ceil(file.size / this.chunk_size); for (let i = 0; i < this.num_chunks; i++) { next_offset = Math.min(this.chunk_size * (i + 1), file.size); chunks.push(file.slice(offset, next_offset)); offset = next_offset; } return chunks; } async upload() { if (await this.check_if_exists()) { if (!window.confirm(this.filename + ": File exists. Replace?")) return; } this.make_html_element(); this.proc = cockpit.spawn(["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/write-chunks.py", this.path], {err: "out", superuser: "try"}); this.proc.fail((e, data) => { this.reader.onload = () => {} this.done(); window.alert(data); }) this.proc.done((data) => { this.nav_window_ref.refresh(); }) this.reader.onload = (function(uploader_ref) { return async function(evt) { uploader_ref.write_to_file(evt, uploader_ref.chunk_index * uploader_ref.chunk_size); uploader_ref.chunk_index++; uploader_ref.progress.value = uploader_ref.chunk_index; if (uploader_ref.chunk_index < uploader_ref.num_chunks) uploader_ref.reader.readAsArrayBuffer(uploader_ref.chunks[uploader_ref.chunk_index]); else { uploader_ref.done(); } }; })(this); this.reader.readAsArrayBuffer(this.chunks[0]); } arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) { let binary = ''; let bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); let len = bytes.byteLength; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return window.btoa(binary); } /** * * @param {Event} evt */ write_to_file(evt) { var chunk_b64 = this.arrayBufferToBase64(evt.target.result); const seek = this.chunk_index * this.chunk_size; var obj = { seek: seek, chunk: chunk_b64 }; this.proc.input(JSON.stringify(obj) + "\n", true); this.update_xfr_rate(); } done() { this.proc.input(); // close stdin this.remove_html_element(); } update_xfr_rate() { var now = Date.now(); var elapsed = (now - this.timestamp) / 1000; this.timestamp = now; var rate = this.chunk_size / elapsed; this.rate.innerText = cockpit.format_bytes_per_sec(rate); // keep exponential moving average of chunk time for eta this.chunk_time = (this.chunk_time) ? (0.125 * elapsed + (0.875 * this.chunk_time)) : elapsed; var eta = (this.num_chunks - this.chunk_index) * this.chunk_time; this.eta.innerText = format_time_remaining(eta); } } class NavDragDrop { /** * * @param {HTMLDivElement} drop_area * @param {NavWindow} nav_window_ref */ constructor(drop_area, nav_window_ref) { drop_area.addEventListener("dragenter", this); drop_area.addEventListener("dragover", this); drop_area.addEventListener("dragleave", this); drop_area.addEventListener("drop", this); this.drop_area = drop_area; this.nav_window_ref = nav_window_ref; } handleEvent(e) { e.preventDefault(); switch(e.type){ case "dragenter": this.drop_area.classList.add("drag-enter"); break; case "dragover": break; case "dragleave": this.drop_area.classList.remove("drag-enter"); break; case "drop": if (e.dataTransfer.items) { for (let item of e.dataTransfer.items) { if (item.kind === 'file') { var file = item.getAsFile(); if (file.type === "") { window.alert(file.name + ": Cannot upload folders."); continue; } var uploader = new FileUpload(file, this.nav_window_ref); uploader.upload(); } } } else { for (let file of ev.dataTransfer.files) { if (file.type === "") continue; var uploader = new FileUpload(file, this.nav_window_ref); uploader.upload(); } } this.drop_area.classList.remove("drag-enter"); break; default: this.drop_area.classList.remove("drag-enter"); break; } e.stopPropagation(); } } class SortFunctions { constructor() { this.orders = { name: "asc", owner: "asc", group: "asc", size: "asc", } this.icons = {}; for (let option of ["name", "owner", "group", "size"]) { this.icons[option] = document.getElementById(`sort-${option}-icon`); } this.current_choice = "name"; } get_func() { return this[`${this.current_choice}_${this.orders[this.current_choice]}`]; } set_func(option) { if (this.current_choice === option) { if (this.orders[this.current_choice] === "asc") { this.orders[this.current_choice] = "desc"; this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.remove("fa-chevron-up"); this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.add("fa-chevron-down"); } else { this.orders[this.current_choice] = "asc"; this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.remove("fa-chevron-down"); this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.add("fa-chevron-up"); } } else { this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.remove("fa-chevron-up", "fa-chevron-down"); this.current_choice = option; if (this.orders[this.current_choice] === "asc") { this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.add("fa-chevron-up"); } else { this.icons[this.current_choice].classList.add("fa-chevron-down"); } } } name_asc(first, second) { return first.filename().localeCompare(second.filename()); } name_desc(first, second) { return second.filename().localeCompare(first.filename()); } owner_asc(first, second) { return first.stat["owner"].localeCompare(second.stat["owner"]); } owner_desc(first, second) { return second.stat["owner"].localeCompare(first.stat["owner"]); } group_asc(first, second) { return first.stat["group"].localeCompare(second.stat["group"]); } group_desc(first, second) { return second.stat["group"].localeCompare(first.stat["group"]); } size_asc(first, second) { return first.stat["size"] - second.stat["size"]; } size_desc(first, second) { return second.stat["size"] - first.stat["size"]; } } class NavWindow { constructor() { this.item_display = "grid"; this.path_stack = (localStorage.getItem('navigator-path') ?? '/').split('/'); this.path_stack = this.path_stack.map((_, index) => new NavDir([...this.path_stack.slice(0, index + 1)].filter(part => part != ''), this)); this.path_stack_index = this.path_stack.length - 1; this.selected_entries = new Set([this.pwd()]); this.entries = []; this.window = document.getElementById("nav-contents-view"); this.window.addEventListener("click", this); this.window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this); window.addEventListener("keydown", this); this.last_selected_index = -1; this.context_menu = new NavContextMenu("nav-context-menu", this); this.clip_board = []; this.uploader = new NavDragDrop(this.window, this); this.sort_function = new SortFunctions(); } /** * * @param {Event} e */ handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": this.clear_selected(); this.show_selected_properties(); break; case "contextmenu": this.context_menu.show(e, this.pwd()); e.preventDefault(); break; case "keydown": if (e.keyCode === 46) { this.delete_selected(); } else if (e.keyCode === 65 && e.ctrlKey) { this.select_all(); e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 67 && e.ctrlKey) { this.copy(); } else if (e.keyCode === 86 && e.ctrlKey) { this.paste(); } else if (e.keyCode === 88 && e.ctrlKey) { this.cut(); } break; default: break; } } async refresh() { localStorage.setItem('navigator-path', `/${this.path_stack[this.path_stack_index].path.join('/')}`); var num_dirs = 0; var num_files = 0; var bytes_sum = 0; this.show_hidden = document.getElementById("nav-show-hidden").checked; this.start_load(); try { var files = await this.pwd().get_children(this); } catch(e) { this.up(); window.alert(e); return; } while (this.entries.length) { var entry = this.entries.pop(); entry.destroy(); } files.sort((first, second) => { if (first.nav_type === second.nav_type) { return this.item_display === "list" ? this.sort_function.get_func()(first, second) : this.sort_function.name_asc(first, second); // default to sort by name in grid view } if (first.nav_type === "dir") return -1; return 1; }); files.forEach((file) => { if (file.nav_type === "dir") num_dirs++; else { num_files++; bytes_sum += file.stat["size"]; } if(!file.is_hidden_file || this.show_hidden) { this.window.appendChild(file.dom_element); this.entries.push(file); } file.context_menu_ref = this.context_menu; }); document.getElementById("pwd").value = this.pwd().path_str(); this.set_selected(this.pwd(), false, false); this.show_selected_properties(); document.getElementById("nav-num-dirs").innerText = num_dirs.toString(); document.getElementById("nav-num-files").innerText = num_files.toString(); document.getElementById("nav-num-bytes"). innerText = format_bytes(bytes_sum); this.stop_load(); } /** * * @returns {NavDir} */ pwd() { return this.path_stack[this.path_stack_index]; } /** * * @param {NavDir} new_dir */ cd(new_dir) { this.path_stack.length = this.path_stack_index + 1; this.path_stack.push(new_dir); this.path_stack_index = this.path_stack.length - 1; this.refresh(); } back() { this.path_stack_index = Math.max(this.path_stack_index - 1, 0); this.refresh(); } forward() { this.path_stack_index = Math.min(this.path_stack_index + 1, this.path_stack.length - 1); this.refresh(); } up() { if(this.pwd().path_str() !== '/') this.cd(new NavDir(this.pwd().parent_dir())); } /** * * @param {NavEntry} entry * @param {Boolean} select_range * @param {Boolean} append */ set_selected(entry, select_range, append) { this.hide_edit_selected(); for (let i of this.selected_entries) { i.dom_element.classList.remove("nav-item-selected"); if (i.nav_type === "dir") { i.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.remove("fa-folder-open"); i.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fa-folder"); } } var to_be_selected = []; if (append && this.selected_entries.has(entry)) { this.selected_entries.delete(entry); if (this.selected_entries.size === 0) { this.clear_selected(); } } else if (select_range && this.last_selected_index !== -1) { var start = this.last_selected_index; var end = this.entries.indexOf(entry); if (end < start) [start, end] = [end, start]; if (end === -1) return; to_be_selected = this.entries.slice(start, end + 1); } else { if (!append) this.selected_entries.clear(); to_be_selected = [entry]; } for (let i of to_be_selected) { this.selected_entries.add(i); } for (let i of this.selected_entries) { i.dom_element.classList.add("nav-item-selected"); if (i.nav_type === "dir") { i.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.remove("fa-folder"); i.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fa-folder-open"); } } if (this.selected_entries.size > 1){ var name_fields = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-info-column-filename"); for (let name_field of name_fields) { name_field.innerText = this.selected_entries.size.toString() + " selected" name_field.title = name_field.innerText; } document.getElementById("nav-info-column-properties").innerHTML = ""; } else { this.show_selected_properties(); } this.last_selected_index = this.entries.indexOf(entry); } clear_selected() { this.set_selected(this.pwd(), false, false); } selected_entry() { return [...this.selected_entries][this.selected_entries.size - 1]; } show_selected_properties() { this.selected_entry().show_properties(); } show_edit_selected() { var dangerous_dirs = [ "/", "/usr", "/bin", "/sbin", "/lib", "/lib32", "/lib64", "/usr/bin", "/usr/include", "/usr/lib", "/usr/lib32", "/usr/lib64", "/usr/sbin", ]; var dangerous_selected = []; for (let i of this.selected_entries) { var path = i.path_str(); if (dangerous_dirs.includes(path)) { dangerous_selected.push(path); } } if (dangerous_selected.length > 0) { var dangerous_selected_str = ""; if (dangerous_selected.length > 2) { var last = dangerous_selected.pop(); dangerous_selected_str = dangerous_selected.join(", "); dangerous_selected_str += ", and " + last; } else if (dangerous_selected.length === 2) { dangerous_selected_str = dangerous_selected.join(" and "); } else { dangerous_selected_str = dangerous_selected[0]; } if (!window.confirm( "Warning: editing " + dangerous_selected_str + " can be dangerous. Are you sure?" )) { return; } } else if (this.selected_entries.size > 1) { if (!window.confirm( "Warning: are you sure you want to edit permissions for " + this.selected_entries.size + " files?" )) { return; } } if (this.selected_entries.size === 1) { this.selected_entry().populate_edit_fields(); document.getElementById("selected-files-list-header").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("selected-files-list").innerText = ""; } else { for (let field of ["owner", "group"]) { document.getElementById("nav-edit-" + field).value = ""; } var filename = document.getElementById("nav-edit-filename"); filename.value = "N/A"; filename.disabled = true; for (let checkbox of document.getElementsByClassName("mode-checkbox")) { checkbox.checked = false; } var targets = []; for (let target of this.selected_entries) { targets.push(target.filename()); } var targets_str = targets.join(", "); document.getElementById("selected-files-list-header").innerText = "Applying edits to:"; document.getElementById("selected-files-list").innerText = targets_str; } this.update_permissions_preview(); this.changed_mode = false; document.getElementById("nav-mode-preview").innerText = "unchanged"; document.getElementById("nav-edit-properties").style.display = "flex"; document.getElementById("nav-show-properties").style.display = "none"; } hide_edit_selected() { document.getElementById("nav-show-properties").style.display = "flex"; document.getElementById("nav-edit-properties").style.display = "none"; } /** * * @returns {number} */ get_new_permissions() { var category_list = ["other", "group", "owner"]; var action_list = ["exec", "write", "read"]; var result = 0; var bit = 0; for (let category of category_list) { for (let action of action_list) { if (document.getElementById(category + "-" + action).checked) result |= 1 << bit; bit++; } } return result; } update_permissions_preview() { var new_perms = this.get_new_permissions(); var text = format_permissions(new_perms); text += " (" + (new_perms & 0o777).toString(8) + ")"; document.getElementById("nav-mode-preview").innerText = text; this.changed_mode = true; } async apply_edit_selected() { var new_owner = document.getElementById("nav-edit-owner").value; var new_group = document.getElementById("nav-edit-group").value; var new_perms = this.get_new_permissions(); for (let entry of this.selected_entries) { if ( new_owner !== entry.stat["owner"] || new_group !== entry.stat["group"] ) { try { await entry.chown(new_owner, new_group); } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } } if (this.changed_mode && (new_perms & 0o777) !== (entry.stat["mode"] & 0o777)) { try { await entry.chmod(new_perms); } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } } } this.refresh(); this.hide_edit_selected(); } async delete_selected() { var prompt = ""; if (this.selected_entries.size > 1) { prompt = "Deleting " + this.selected_entries.size + " files. This cannot be undone. Are you sure?"; } else { prompt = "Deleting `" + this.selected_entry().path_str() + "` cannot be undone. Are you sure?"; } if (!window.confirm(prompt)) { return; } for (let target of this.selected_entries) { try { await target.rm(); } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } } this.refresh(); } async mkdir() { var new_dir_name = window.prompt("Directory Name: "); if (new_dir_name === null) return; if (new_dir_name.includes("/")) { window.alert("Directory name can't contain `/`."); return; } var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["mkdir", this.pwd().path_str() + "/" + new_dir_name], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); try { await promise; } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } this.refresh(); } async touch() { var new_file_name = window.prompt("File Name: "); if (new_file_name === null) return; if (new_file_name.includes("/")) { window.alert("File name can't contain `/`."); return; } var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/touch.py", this.pwd().path_str() + "/" + new_file_name], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); try { await promise; } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } this.refresh(); } async ln(default_target = "") { var link_target = window.prompt("Link Target: ", default_target); if (link_target === null) return; var link_name = window.prompt("Link Name: "); if (link_name === null) return; if (link_name.includes("/")) { window.alert("Link name can't contain `/`."); return; } var link_path = this.pwd().path_str() + "/" + link_name; var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["ln", "-sn", link_target, link_path], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); }); try { await promise; } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } this.refresh(); } cut() { this.clip_board = [...this.selected_entries]; this.copy_or_move = "move"; this.paste_cwd = this.pwd().path_str(); this.context_menu.menu_options["paste"].style.display = "flex"; } copy() { this.clip_board = [...this.selected_entries]; this.copy_or_move = "copy"; this.paste_cwd = this.pwd().path_str(); this.context_menu.menu_options["paste"].style.display = "flex"; } paste() { this.paste_clipboard(); this.context_menu.hide_paste(); } async paste_clipboard() { this.start_load(); this.context_menu.hide_paste(); var cmd = ["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/paste.py"]; var dest = this.pwd().path_str(); if (this.copy_or_move === "move") { cmd.push("-m"); } cmd.push(this.paste_cwd); for (let item of this.clip_board) { cmd.push(item.path_str()); } cmd.push(dest); var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn( cmd, {superuser: "try", err: "ignore"} ); proc.stream((data) => { var payload = JSON.parse(data); if (payload["wants-response"]) { var user_response = window.confirm(payload["message"]); proc.input(JSON.stringify(user_response) + "\n", true); } else { window.alert(payload["message"]); } }); proc.done((data) => { resolve(); }); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject("Paste failed."); }); }); try { await promise; } catch(e) { window.alert(e); } this.stop_load(); this.refresh(); } /** * * @param {Event} e */ nav_bar_event_handler(e) { switch(e.key){ case 'Enter': this.nav_bar_cd(); break; default: break; } } nav_bar_cd() { var new_path = document.getElementById("pwd").value; while (new_path.charAt(new_path.length - 1) === '/' && new_path.length > 1) new_path = new_path.substr(0, new_path.length - 1); this.cd(new NavDir(new_path)); } async nav_bar_update_choices() { var list = document.getElementById("possible-paths"); var partial_path_str = document.getElementById("pwd").value; var last_delim = partial_path_str.lastIndexOf('/'); if(last_delim === -1) return; var parent_path_str = partial_path_str.slice(0, last_delim); if(this.nav_bar_last_parent_path_str === parent_path_str) return; this.nav_bar_last_parent_path_str = parent_path_str; var parent_dir = new NavDir(parent_path_str); var objs; try { objs = await parent_dir.get_children(this); } catch(e) { return; } objs = objs.filter((child) => {return child.nav_type === "dir"}); while(list.firstChild) list.removeChild(list.firstChild); objs.forEach((obj) => { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = obj.path_str(); list.appendChild(option); }); } start_load() { document.getElementById("nav-loader-container").style.display = "block"; var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (let button of buttons) { button.disabled = true; } } stop_load() { document.getElementById("nav-loader-container").style.display = "none"; var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (let button of buttons) { button.disabled = false; } } /** * * @param {Event} e */ toggle_show_hidden(e) { localStorage.setItem('show-hidden-files', e.target.checked); var icon = document.getElementById("nav-show-hidden-icon"); if (e.target.checked) { icon.classList.remove("fa-low-vision"); icon.classList.add("fa-eye"); } else { icon.classList.remove("fa-eye"); icon.classList.add("fa-low-vision"); } this.refresh(); } /** * * @returns {Promise} */ get_system_users() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn(["getent", "passwd"], {err: "ignore", superuser: "try"}); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); var list = document.getElementById("possible-owners"); while(list.firstChild) { list.removeChild(list.firstChild); } var passwd; try { passwd = await proc; } catch(e) { reject(e); return; } var passwd_entries = passwd.split("\n"); for (let entry of passwd_entries) { var cols = entry.split(":"); var username = cols[0]; var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = username; list.appendChild(option); } resolve(); }); } /** * * @returns {Promise} */ get_system_groups() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var proc = cockpit.spawn(["getent", "group"], {err: "ignore", superuser: "try"}); proc.fail((e, data) => { reject(data); }); var list = document.getElementById("possible-groups"); while(list.firstChild) { list.removeChild(list.firstChild); } var group try { group = await proc; } catch(e) { reject(e); return; } var group_entries = group.split("\n"); for (let entry of group_entries) { var cols = entry.split(":"); var groupname = cols[0]; var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = groupname; list.appendChild(option); } resolve(); }); } disable_buttons_for_editing() { for (let button of document.getElementsByTagName("button")) { if (!button.classList.contains("editor-btn")) button.disabled = true; } document.getElementById("pwd").disabled = true; } enable_buttons() { for (let button of document.getElementsByTagName("button")) { button.disabled = false; } document.getElementById("pwd").disabled = false; } select_all() { this.selected_entries.clear(); for (let entry of this.entries) { if (!entry.is_hidden_file || this.show_hidden) { this.set_selected(entry, false, true); } } } async switch_item_display() { var button = document.getElementById("nav-item-display-icon"); if (this.item_display === "grid") { this.item_display = "list"; await this.refresh(); this.window.classList.remove("contents-view-grid"); this.window.classList.add("contents-view-list"); button.classList.remove("fa-list"); button.classList.add("fa-th"); 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