/* Cockpit Navigator - A File System Browser for Cockpit. Copyright (C) 2021 Josh Boudreau Copyright (C) 2021 Sam Silver This file is part of Cockpit Navigator. Cockpit Navigator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Cockpit Navigator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cockpit Navigator. If not, see . */ function property_entry_html(/*string*/ key, /*string*/ value) { var html = ''; return html; } function format_bytes(/*int*/ bytes) { if (bytes === 0) return "0 B"; var units = [" B", " KiB", " MiB", " GiB", " TiB", " PiB"]; var index = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)), units.length - 1); var pow = Math.pow(1024, index); var formatted = bytes / pow; return formatted.toFixed(2).toString() + units[index]; } function format_time(/*int*/ timestamp) { var date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); return date.toLocaleString(); } function format_permissions(/*int*/ mode) { var bit_list = ["x", "w", "r"]; var result = ""; for (let bit = 8; bit >= 0; bit--) { var test_bit = 1 << bit; var test_result = mode & test_bit; if (test_result != 0) { result += bit_list[bit % bit_list.length]; } else { result += "-"; } } return result; } function set_last_theme_state() { var toggle_switch = document.getElementById("toggle-theme"); var state = localStorage.getItem("houston-theme-state"); var icon = document.getElementById("houston-theme-icon"); if (state === "light") { toggle_switch.checked = false; document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "light"); icon.classList.remove("fa-moon"); icon.classList.add("fa-sun"); } else if (state === "dark") { toggle_switch.checked = true; document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "dark"); icon.classList.remove("fa-sun"); icon.classList.add("fa-moon"); } else { toggle_switch.checked = false; state = "light"; localStorage.setItem("houston-theme-state", state); } } function switch_theme(/*event*/ e) { var icon = document.getElementById("houston-theme-icon"); var state = ""; if (e.target.checked) { state = "dark"; icon.classList.remove("fa-sun"); icon.classList.add("fa-moon"); } else { state = "light"; icon.classList.remove("fa-moon"); icon.classList.add("fa-sun"); } document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", state); localStorage.setItem("houston-theme-state", state); } class NavEntry { constructor(/*string or array*/ path, /*dict*/ stat, /*NavWindow*/ nav_window_ref) { this.nav_window_ref = nav_window_ref; if (typeof path == "string") this.path = path.split("/").splice(1); else this.path = (path.length) ? path : [""]; this.dom_element = document.createElement("div"); this.dom_element.classList.add("nav-item"); let icon = this.dom_element.nav_item_icon = document.createElement("i"); icon.classList.add("nav-file-icon"); let title = this.dom_element.nav_item_title = document.createElement("div"); title.classList.add("nav-item-title"); title.innerText = this.filename(); this.dom_element.appendChild(icon); this.dom_element.appendChild(title); this.stat = stat; this.dom_element.addEventListener("click", this); } handleEvent(/*event*/ e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": this.show_properties(); this.nav_window_ref.set_selected(this); e.stopPropagation(); break; } } destroy() { while (this.dom_element.firstChild) { this.dom_element.removeChild(this.dom_element.firstChild); } if (this.dom_element.parentElement) this.dom_element.parentElement.removeChild(this.dom_element); } filename() { var name = this.path[this.path.length - 1]; if (name === "") name = "/"; return name; } path_str() { return "/" + this.path.join("/"); } parent_dir() { return this.path.slice(0, this.path.length - 1); } show() { document.getElementById("nav-contents-view").appendChild(this.dom_element); } get_properties() { return this.stat; } get_permissions() { return this.stat["mode"] & 0o777; } async chmod(/*int*/ new_perms) { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["chmod", (new_perms & 0o777).toString(8), this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; } async chown(/*string*/ new_owner, /*string*/ new_group) { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["chown", [new_owner, new_group].join(":"), this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; } async mv(/*string*/ new_path) { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["mv", "-n", this.path_str(), [this.nav_window_ref.pwd().path_str(), new_path].join("/")], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; } show_properties(/*string*/ extra_properties = "") { var selected_name_fields = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-info-column-filename"); for (let elem of selected_name_fields) { elem.innerText = this.filename(); } var html = ""; html += property_entry_html("Mode", this.stat["mode-str"]); html += property_entry_html("Owner", this.stat["owner"] + " (" + this.stat["uid"] + ")"); html += property_entry_html("Group", this.stat["group"] + " (" + this.stat["gid"] + ")"); html += property_entry_html("Size", format_bytes(this.stat["size"])); html += property_entry_html("Accessed", format_time(this.stat["atime"])); html += property_entry_html("Modified", format_time(this.stat["mtime"])); html += property_entry_html("Created", format_time(this.stat["ctime"])); html += extra_properties; document.getElementById("nav-info-column-properties").innerHTML = html; } populate_edit_fields() { document.getElementById("nav-edit-filename").value = this.filename(); var mode_bits = [ "other-exec", "other-write", "other-read", "group-exec", "group-write", "group-read", "owner-exec", "owner-write", "owner-read" ]; for (let i = 0; i < mode_bits.length; i++) { var bit_check = 1 << i; var result = this.stat["mode"] & bit_check; document.getElementById(mode_bits[i]).checked = (result != 0); } document.getElementById("nav-edit-owner").value = this.stat["owner"]; document.getElementById("nav-edit-group").value = this.stat["group"]; } } class NavFile extends NavEntry { constructor(/*string or array*/ path, /*dict*/ stat, nav_window_ref) { super(path, stat, nav_window_ref); this.nav_type = "file"; this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-file"); this.double_click = false; } handleEvent(/*event*/ e) { switch(e.type){ case "click": if(this.double_click) this.show_edit_file_contents(); else{ // single click this.double_click = true; if(this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout) this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.double_click = false; }, 500); } break; } super.handleEvent(e); } async rm() { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["rm", "-f", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; } async show_edit_file_contents() { for (let button of document.getElementsByTagName("button")) { if (!button.classList.contains("editor-btn")) button.disabled = true; } var proc_output = await cockpit.spawn(["file", "--mime-type", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try"}); var fields = proc_output.split(':'); var type = fields[1].trim(); if(!(type.match(/^text/) || type.match(/^inode\/x-empty$/) || this.stat["size"] === 0)){ if(!window.confirm("File is of type `" + type + "`. Are you sure you want to edit it?")) return; } var contents = await cockpit.spawn(["cat", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try"}); document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea").value = contents; document.getElementById("nav-cancel-edit-contents-btn").onclick = this.hide_edit_file_contents.bind(this); document.getElementById("nav-continue-edit-contents-btn").onclick = this.write_to_file.bind(this); document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-header").innerText = "Editing " + this.path_str(); document.getElementById("nav-contents-view").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-view").style.display = "flex"; } async write_to_file() { var new_contents = document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-textarea").value; await cockpit.script("echo -n \"$1\" > $2", [new_contents, this.path_str()], {superuser: "try"}); this.nav_window_ref.refresh(); this.hide_edit_file_contents(); } hide_edit_file_contents() { document.getElementById("nav-edit-contents-view").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("nav-contents-view").style.display = "flex"; for (let button of document.getElementsByTagName("button")) { button.disabled = false; } } } class NavDir extends NavEntry { constructor(/*string or array*/ path, /*dict*/ stat, nav_window_ref) { super(path, stat, nav_window_ref); this.nav_type = "dir"; this.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-folder"); this.double_click = false; } handleEvent(/*event*/ e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": if (this.double_click) this.nav_window_ref.cd(this); else { // single click this.double_click = true; if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.double_click = false; }, 500); } break; } super.handleEvent(e); } async get_children(/*NavWindow*/ nav_window_ref, /*boolean*/ no_alert = false) { var children = []; var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["/usr/share/cockpit/navigator/scripts/ls.py", this.path_str()], {err:"out", superuser: "try"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { if(!no_alert) window.alert(data); }); var data = await proc; var response = JSON.parse(data); this.stat = response["."]["stat"]; var entries = response["children"]; entries.forEach((entry) => { var filename = entry["filename"]; var path = (this.path.length >= 1 && this.path[0]) ? [...this.path, filename] : [filename]; var stat = entry["stat"]; if (entry["isdir"]) children.push(new NavDir(path, stat, nav_window_ref)); else children.push(new NavFile(path, stat, nav_window_ref)); }); children.sort((first, second) => { if (first.nav_type === second.nav_type) { return first.filename().localeCompare(second.filename()); } if (first.nav_type === "dir") return -1; return 1; }); return children; } async rm() { var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["rmdir", this.path_str()], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; } async cephfs_dir_stats() { try { var proc = await cockpit.spawn( ["cephfs-dir-stats", "-j", this.path_str()], {err: "ignore"} ); return JSON.parse(proc)[0]; } catch { return null; } } async show_properties() { var extra_properties = ""; if(!this.hasOwnProperty("ceph_stats")) this.ceph_stats = await this.cephfs_dir_stats(); // See if a JSON object exists for folder we are currently looking at if (this.ceph_stats !== null) { extra_properties += '
'; extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Files", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("files") ? this.ceph_stats.files : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Directories", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("subdirs") ? this.ceph_stats.subdirs : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Recursive files", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("rfiles") ? this.ceph_stats.rfiles : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Recursive directories", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("rsubdirs") ? this.ceph_stats.rsubdirs : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Total size", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("rbytes") ? this.ceph_stats.rbytes : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Layout pool", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("layout.pool") ? this.ceph_stats["layout.pool"] : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Max files", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("max_files") ? this.ceph_stats.max_files : "N/A" ); extra_properties += property_entry_html( "Max bytes", this.ceph_stats.hasOwnProperty("max_bytes") ? this.ceph_stats.max_bytes : "N/A" ); } super.show_properties(extra_properties); } } class NavWindow { constructor() { this.path_stack = [new NavDir("/", this)]; this.path_stack_index = this.path_stack.length - 1; this.selected_entry = this.pwd(); this.entries = []; this.window = document.getElementById("nav-contents-view"); this.window.addEventListener("click", this); } handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": this.set_selected(this.pwd()); this.show_selected_properties(); break; } } async refresh() { this.start_load(); var files = await this.pwd().get_children(this); while (this.entries.length) { var entry = this.entries.pop(); entry.destroy(); } files.forEach((file) => { file.show(); this.entries.push(file); }); document.getElementById("pwd").value = this.pwd().path_str(); this.set_selected(this.pwd()); this.show_selected_properties(); this.stop_load(); } pwd() { return this.path_stack[this.path_stack_index]; } cd(/*NavDir*/ new_dir) { this.path_stack.length = this.path_stack_index + 1; this.path_stack.push(new_dir); this.path_stack_index = this.path_stack.length - 1; this.refresh().catch(() => { this.back(); }); } back() { this.path_stack_index = Math.max(this.path_stack_index - 1, 0); this.refresh(); } forward() { this.path_stack_index = Math.min(this.path_stack_index + 1, this.path_stack.length - 1); this.refresh(); } up() { if(this.pwd().path_str() !== '/') this.cd(new NavDir(this.pwd().parent_dir())); } show_selected_properties() { this.selected_entry.show_properties(); } set_selected(/*NavEntry*/ entry) { this.hide_edit_selected(); this.selected_entry.dom_element.classList.remove("nav-item-selected"); if (this.selected_entry.nav_type === "dir") { this.selected_entry.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.remove("fa-folder-open"); this.selected_entry.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fa-folder"); } this.selected_entry = entry; this.selected_entry.dom_element.classList.add("nav-item-selected"); if (this.selected_entry.nav_type === "dir") { this.selected_entry.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.remove("fa-folder"); this.selected_entry.dom_element.nav_item_icon.classList.add("fa-folder-open"); } } show_edit_selected() { var dangerous_dirs = [ "/", "/usr", "/bin", "/sbin", "/lib", "/lib32", "/lib64", "/usr/bin", "/usr/include", "/usr/lib", "/usr/lib32", "/usr/lib64", "/usr/sbin", ]; if (dangerous_dirs.includes(this.selected_entry.path_str())) { if ( !window.confirm( "Warning: editing `" + this.selected_entry.path_str() + "` can be dangerous. Are you sure?" ) ) { return; } } this.selected_entry.populate_edit_fields(); this.update_permissions_preview(); document.getElementById("nav-edit-properties").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("nav-show-properties").style.display = "none"; } hide_edit_selected() { document.getElementById("nav-show-properties").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("nav-edit-properties").style.display = "none"; } get_new_permissions() { var category_list = ["other", "group", "owner"]; var action_list = ["exec", "write", "read"]; var result = 0; var bit = 0; for (let category of category_list) { for (let action of action_list) { if (document.getElementById(category + "-" + action).checked) result |= 1 << bit; bit++; } } return result; } update_permissions_preview() { var new_perms = this.get_new_permissions(); var text = format_permissions(new_perms); text += " (" + (new_perms & 0o777).toString(8) + ")"; document.getElementById("nav-mode-preview").innerText = text; } async apply_edit_selected() { // do mv last so the rest don't fail from not finding path var new_owner = document.getElementById("nav-edit-owner").value; var new_group = document.getElementById("nav-edit-group").value; if ( new_owner !== this.selected_entry.stat["owner"] || new_group !== this.selected_entry.stat["group"] ) { await this.selected_entry.chown(new_owner, new_group).catch(/*ignore, caught in chown*/); } var new_perms = this.get_new_permissions(); if ((new_perms & 0o777) !== (this.selected_entry.stat["mode"] & 0o777)) { await this.selected_entry.chmod(new_perms).catch(/*ignore, caught in chmod*/); } var new_name = document.getElementById("nav-edit-filename").value; if (new_name !== this.selected_entry.filename()) { await this.selected_entry.mv(new_name).catch(/*ignore, caught in mv*/); } this.refresh(); this.hide_edit_selected(); } async delete_selected() { if ( !window.confirm( "Deleting `" + this.selected_entry.path_str() + "` cannot be undone. Are you sure?" ) ) { return; } await this.selected_entry.rm().catch(/*ignore, caught in rm*/); this.refresh(); } async mkdir() { var new_dir_name = window.prompt("Directory Name: "); if (new_dir_name === null) return; if (new_dir_name.includes("/")) { window.alert("Directory name can't contain `/`."); return; } var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["mkdir", this.pwd().path_str() + "/" + new_dir_name], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; this.refresh(); } async touch() { var new_file_name = window.prompt("File Name: "); if (new_file_name === null) return; if (new_file_name.includes("/")) { window.alert("File name can't contain `/`."); return; } var proc = cockpit.spawn( ["touch", this.pwd().path_str() + "/" + new_file_name], {superuser: "try", err: "out"} ); proc.fail((e, data) => { window.alert(data); }); await proc; this.refresh(); } nav_bar_event_handler(/*event*/ e) { switch(e.key){ case 'Enter': this.nav_bar_cd(); break; default: break; } } nav_bar_cd() { var new_path = document.getElementById("pwd").value; this.cd(new NavDir(new_path)); } async nav_bar_update_choices() { var list = document.getElementById("possible-paths"); var partial_path_str = document.getElementById("pwd").value; var last_delim = partial_path_str.lastIndexOf('/'); if(last_delim === -1) return; var parent_path_str = partial_path_str.slice(0, last_delim); if(this.nav_bar_last_parent_path_str === parent_path_str) return; this.nav_bar_last_parent_path_str = parent_path_str; var parent_dir = new NavDir(parent_path_str); console.log(parent_dir.path_str()); var error = false; var objs = await parent_dir.get_children(this, true).catch(() => {error = true}); if(error) return; objs = objs.filter((child) => {return child.nav_type === "dir"}); while(list.firstChild) list.removeChild(list.firstChild); objs.forEach((obj) => { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = obj.path_str(); list.appendChild(option); }); } start_load() { document.getElementById("nav-loader-container").hidden = false; var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (let button of buttons) { button.disabled = true; } } stop_load() { document.getElementById("nav-loader-container").hidden = true; var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (let button of buttons) { button.disabled = false; } } } let nav_window = new NavWindow(); function set_up_buttons() { document.getElementById("nav-back-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.back.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-forward-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.forward.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-up-dir-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.up.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-refresh-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.refresh.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-mkdir-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.mkdir.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-touch-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.touch.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-delete-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.delete_selected.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-edit-properties-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.show_edit_selected.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-cancel-edit-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.hide_edit_selected.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("nav-apply-edit-btn").addEventListener("click", nav_window.apply_edit_selected.bind(nav_window)); var mode_checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("mode-checkbox"); for (let checkbox of mode_checkboxes) { checkbox.addEventListener("change", nav_window.update_permissions_preview.bind(nav_window)); } document.getElementById("pwd").addEventListener("input", nav_window.nav_bar_update_choices.bind(nav_window), false); document.getElementById("pwd").addEventListener("focus", nav_window.nav_bar_update_choices.bind(nav_window), false); document.getElementById("pwd").addEventListener("keydown", nav_window.nav_bar_event_handler.bind(nav_window)); document.getElementById("toggle-theme").addEventListener("change", switch_theme, false); } async function main() { set_last_theme_state(); await nav_window.refresh(); set_up_buttons(); } main();