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Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package ecs
import (
// awsResources hold the AWS component being used or created to support services definition
type awsResources struct {
vpc string // shouldn't this also be an awsResource ?
subnets []awsResource
cluster awsResource
loadBalancer awsResource
loadBalancerType string
securityGroups map[string]string
filesystems map[string]awsResource
func (r *awsResources) serviceSecurityGroups(service types.ServiceConfig) []string {
var groups []string
for net := range service.Networks {
groups = append(groups, r.securityGroups[net])
return groups
func (r *awsResources) allSecurityGroups() []string {
var securityGroups []string
for _, r := range r.securityGroups {
securityGroups = append(securityGroups, r)
return securityGroups
func (r *awsResources) subnetsIDs() []string {
var ids []string
for _, r := range r.subnets {
ids = append(ids, r.ID())
return ids
// awsResource is abstract representation for any (existing or future) AWS resource that we can refer both by ID or full ARN
type awsResource interface {
ARN() string
ID() string
// existingAWSResource hold references to an existing AWS component
type existingAWSResource struct {
arn string
id string
func (r existingAWSResource) ARN() string {
return r.arn
func (r existingAWSResource) ID() string {
// cloudformationResource hold references to a future AWS resource managed by CloudFormation
// to be used by CloudFormation resources where Ref returns the Amazon Resource ID
type cloudformationResource struct {
logicalName string
func (r cloudformationResource) ARN() string {
return cloudformation.GetAtt(r.logicalName, "Arn")
func (r cloudformationResource) ID() string {
return cloudformation.Ref(r.logicalName)
// cloudformationARNResource hold references to a future AWS resource managed by CloudFormation
// to be used by CloudFormation resources where Ref returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
type cloudformationARNResource struct {
logicalName string
nameProperty string
func (r cloudformationARNResource) ARN() string {
return cloudformation.Ref(r.logicalName)
func (r cloudformationARNResource) ID() string {
return cloudformation.GetAtt(r.logicalName, r.nameProperty)
// parse look into compose project for configured resource to use, and check they are valid
func (b *ecsAPIService) parse(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) (awsResources, error) {
r := awsResources{}
var err error
r.cluster, err = b.parseClusterExtension(ctx, project, template)
if err != nil {
return r, err
r.vpc, r.subnets, err = b.parseVPCExtension(ctx, project)
if err != nil {
return r, err
r.loadBalancer, r.loadBalancerType, err = b.parseLoadBalancerExtension(ctx, project)
if err != nil {
return r, err
r.securityGroups, err = b.parseExternalNetworks(ctx, project)
if err != nil {
return r, err
r.filesystems, err = b.parseExternalVolumes(ctx, project)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) parseClusterExtension(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) (awsResource, error) {
if x, ok := project.Extensions[extensionCluster]; ok {
nameOrArn := x.(string) // can be name _or_ ARN.
cluster, err :=, nameOrArn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(errdefs.ErrNotFound, "cluster %q does not exist", cluster)
template.Metadata["Cluster"] = cluster.ARN()
return cluster, nil
return nil, nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) parseVPCExtension(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project) (string, []awsResource, error) {
var vpc string
if x, ok := project.Extensions[extensionVPC]; ok {
vpcID := x.(string)
err :=, vpcID)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
} else {
defaultVPC, err :=
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
vpc = defaultVPC
subNets, err :=, vpc)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if len(subNets) < 2 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("VPC %s should have at least 2 associated subnets in different availability zones", vpc)
return vpc, subNets, nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) parseLoadBalancerExtension(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project) (awsResource, string, error) {
if x, ok := project.Extensions[extensionLoadBalancer]; ok {
nameOrArn := x.(string)
loadBalancer, loadBalancerType, err :=, nameOrArn)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
required := getRequiredLoadBalancerType(project)
if loadBalancerType != required {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("load balancer %q is of type %s, project require a %s", nameOrArn, loadBalancerType, required)
return loadBalancer, loadBalancerType, err
return nil, "", nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) parseExternalNetworks(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project) (map[string]string, error) {
securityGroups := make(map[string]string, len(project.Networks))
for name, net := range project.Networks {
// FIXME remove this for G.A
if x, ok := net.Extensions[extensionSecurityGroup]; ok {
logrus.Warn("to use an existing security-group, use `network.external` and `` in your compose file")
logrus.Debugf("Security Group for network %q set by user to %q", net.Name, x)
net.External.External = true
net.Name = x.(string)
project.Networks[name] = net
if !net.External.External {
exists, err :=, net.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(errdefs.ErrNotFound, "security group %q doesn't exist", net.Name)
securityGroups[name] = net.Name
return securityGroups, nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) parseExternalVolumes(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project) (map[string]awsResource, error) {
filesystems := make(map[string]awsResource, len(project.Volumes))
for name, vol := range project.Volumes {
if vol.External.External {
arn, err :=, vol.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filesystems[name] = arn
logrus.Debugf("searching for existing filesystem as volume %q", name)
tags := map[string]string{
compose.ProjectTag: project.Name,
compose.VolumeTag: name,
previous, err :=, tags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(previous) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple filesystems are tags as project=%q, volume=%q", project.Name, name)
if len(previous) == 1 {
filesystems[name] = previous[0]
return filesystems, nil
// ensureResources create required resources in template if not yet defined
func (b *ecsAPIService) ensureResources(resources *awsResources, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) error {
b.ensureCluster(resources, project, template)
b.ensureNetworks(resources, project, template)
err := b.ensureVolumes(resources, project, template)
if err != nil {
return err
b.ensureLoadBalancer(resources, project, template)
return nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) ensureCluster(r *awsResources, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) {
if r.cluster != nil {
template.Resources["Cluster"] = &ecs.Cluster{
ClusterName: project.Name,
Tags: projectTags(project),
r.cluster = cloudformationResource{logicalName: "Cluster"}
func (b *ecsAPIService) ensureNetworks(r *awsResources, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) {
if r.securityGroups == nil {
r.securityGroups = make(map[string]string, len(project.Networks))
for name, net := range project.Networks {
if _, ok := r.securityGroups[name]; ok {
securityGroup := networkResourceName(name)
template.Resources[securityGroup] = &ec2.SecurityGroup{
GroupDescription: fmt.Sprintf("%s Security Group for %s network", project.Name, name),
VpcId: r.vpc,
Tags: networkTags(project, net),
ingress := securityGroup + "Ingress"
template.Resources[ingress] = &ec2.SecurityGroupIngress{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Allow communication within network %s", name),
IpProtocol: allProtocols,
GroupId: cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup),
SourceSecurityGroupId: cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup),
r.securityGroups[name] = cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup)
func (b *ecsAPIService) ensureVolumes(r *awsResources, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) error {
for name, volume := range project.Volumes {
if _, ok := r.filesystems[name]; ok {
var backupPolicy *efs.FileSystem_BackupPolicy
if backup, ok := volume.DriverOpts["backup_policy"]; ok {
backupPolicy = &efs.FileSystem_BackupPolicy{
Status: backup,
var lifecyclePolicies []efs.FileSystem_LifecyclePolicy
if policy, ok := volume.DriverOpts["lifecycle_policy"]; ok {
lifecyclePolicies = append(lifecyclePolicies, efs.FileSystem_LifecyclePolicy{
TransitionToIA: strings.TrimSpace(policy),
var provisionedThroughputInMibps float64
if t, ok := volume.DriverOpts["provisioned_throughput"]; ok {
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
provisionedThroughputInMibps = v
var performanceMode = volume.DriverOpts["performance_mode"]
var throughputMode = volume.DriverOpts["throughput_mode"]
var kmsKeyID = volume.DriverOpts["kms_key_id"]
n := volumeResourceName(name)
template.Resources[n] = &efs.FileSystem{
BackupPolicy: backupPolicy,
Encrypted: true,
FileSystemPolicy: nil,
FileSystemTags: []efs.FileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag{
Key: compose.ProjectTag,
Value: project.Name,
Key: compose.VolumeTag,
Value: name,
Key: "Name",
Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", project.Name, name),
KmsKeyId: kmsKeyID,
LifecyclePolicies: lifecyclePolicies,
PerformanceMode: performanceMode,
ProvisionedThroughputInMibps: provisionedThroughputInMibps,
ThroughputMode: throughputMode,
AWSCloudFormationDeletionPolicy: "Retain",
r.filesystems[name] = cloudformationResource{logicalName: n}
return nil
func (b *ecsAPIService) ensureLoadBalancer(r *awsResources, project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) {
if r.loadBalancer != nil {
if allServices(project.Services, func(it types.ServiceConfig) bool {
return len(it.Ports) == 0
}) {
logrus.Debug("Application does not expose any public port, so no need for a LoadBalancer")
balancerType := getRequiredLoadBalancerType(project)
var securityGroups []string
if balancerType == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication {
// see
// Network Load Balancers do not have associated security groups
securityGroups = r.getLoadBalancerSecurityGroups(project)
var loadBalancerAttributes []elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute
if balancerType == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumNetwork {
loadBalancerAttributes = append(
Key: "load_balancing.cross_zone.enabled",
Value: "true",
template.Resources["LoadBalancer"] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer{
Scheme: elbv2.LoadBalancerSchemeEnumInternetFacing,
SecurityGroups: securityGroups,
Subnets: r.subnetsIDs(),
Tags: projectTags(project),
Type: balancerType,
LoadBalancerAttributes: loadBalancerAttributes,
r.loadBalancer = cloudformationARNResource{
logicalName: "LoadBalancer",
nameProperty: "LoadBalancerName",
r.loadBalancerType = balancerType
func (r *awsResources) getLoadBalancerSecurityGroups(project *types.Project) []string {
securityGroups := []string{}
for name, network := range project.Networks {
if !network.Internal {
securityGroups = append(securityGroups, r.securityGroups[name])
return securityGroups
func getRequiredLoadBalancerType(project *types.Project) string {
loadBalancerType := elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumNetwork
if allServices(project.Services, func(it types.ServiceConfig) bool {
return allPorts(it.Ports, portIsHTTP)
}) {
loadBalancerType = elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication
return loadBalancerType
func portIsHTTP(it types.ServicePortConfig) bool {
if v, ok := it.Extensions[extensionProtocol]; ok {
protocol := v.(string)
return protocol == "http" || protocol == "https"
return it.Target == 80 || it.Target == 443
// predicate[types.ServiceConfig]
type servicePredicate func(it types.ServiceConfig) bool
// all[types.ServiceConfig]
func allServices(services types.Services, p servicePredicate) bool {
for _, s := range services {
if !p(s) {
return false
return true
// predicate[types.ServicePortConfig]
type portPredicate func(it types.ServicePortConfig) bool
// all[types.ServicePortConfig]
func allPorts(ports []types.ServicePortConfig, p portPredicate) bool {
for _, s := range ports {
if !p(s) {
return false
return true