This requires azure service principal credentials to login to azure.
To get the values to be set in local environment variables, you can create a new service principal once you're logged in azure (with `docker login azure`)
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name 'MyTestServicePrincipal' --sdk-auth
Running aci e2e tests will override your local login, the service principal credentials use a token that cannot be refreshed automatically.
* check that the CI is green on the master commit you want to release
* simply create a new tag of th form vx.y.z, following existing tags, and push the tag
Pushing the tag will automatically ceate a new release and make binaries (mac, win, linux) available for download.
Note: Linux binaries are not automatically copied to /docker/aci-integration-beta, if you want to make the linux binary publically available, you'll need to manually create a release in aci-integration-beta and upload the binary.
For Desktop integration, you need to make a PR in /docker/pinata and update the cli release number [here](