# Contributing to the Docker Compose documentation
The documentation in this directory is part of the [https://docs.docker.com](https://docs.docker.com) website. Docker uses [the Hugo static generator](http://gohugo.io/overview/introduction/) to convert project Markdown files to a static HTML site.
You don't need to be a Hugo expert to contribute to the compose documentation. If you are familiar with Markdown, you can modify the content in the `docs` files.
If you want to add a new file or change the location of the document in the menu, you do need to know a little more.
The `[menu.main]` section refers to navigation defined [in the main Docker menu](https://github.com/docker/docs-base/blob/hugo/config.toml). This metadata says *add a menu item called* Extending services in Compose *to the menu with the*`smn_workdw_compose`*identifier*. If you locate the menu in the configuration, you'll find *Create multi-container applications* is the menu title.
You can move an article in the tree by specifying a new parent. You can shift the location of the item by changing its weight. Higher numbers are heavier and shift the item to the bottom of menu. Low or no numbers shift it up.
## Other key documentation repositories
The `docker/docs-base` repository contains [the Hugo theme and menu configuration](https://github.com/docker/docs-base). If you open the `Dockerfile` you'll see the `make docs` relies on this as a base image for building the Compose documentation.
The `docker/docs.docker.com` repository contains [build system for building the Docker documentation site](https://github.com/docker/docs.docker.com). Fork this repository to build the entire documentation site.