mirror of https://github.com/docker/compose.git
Add port mapping to `compose ps`
Signed-off-by: aiordache <anca.iordache@docker.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ func NewKubeClient(config genericclioptions.RESTClientGetter) (*KubeClient, erro
}, nil
// GetContainers get containers for a given compose project
// GetPod retrieves a service pod
func (kc KubeClient) GetPod(ctx context.Context, projectName, serviceName string) (*corev1.Pod, error) {
pods, err := kc.client.CoreV1().Pods(kc.namespace).List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{
LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", compose.ProjectTag, projectName),
@ -160,9 +161,39 @@ func (kc KubeClient) GetContainers(ctx context.Context, projectName string, all
if err != nil {
return nil, err
services := map[string][]compose.PortPublisher{}
result := []compose.ContainerSummary{}
for _, pod := range pods.Items {
result = append(result, podToContainerSummary(pod))
summary := podToContainerSummary(pod)
serviceName := pod.GetObjectMeta().GetLabels()[compose.ServiceTag]
ports, ok := services[serviceName]
if !ok {
s, err := kc.client.CoreV1().Services(kc.namespace).Get(ctx, serviceName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") {
return nil, err
result = append(result, summary)
ports = []compose.PortPublisher{}
if s != nil {
if s.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer {
if len(s.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0 {
port := compose.PortPublisher{URL: s.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].IP}
if len(s.Spec.Ports) > 0 {
port.URL = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", port.URL, s.Spec.Ports[0].Port)
port.TargetPort = s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort.IntValue()
port.Protocol = string(s.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol)
ports = append(ports, port)
services[serviceName] = ports
summary.Publishers = ports
result = append(result, summary)
return result, nil
@ -253,8 +284,8 @@ func (kc KubeClient) MapPortsToLocalhost(ctx context.Context, opts PortMappingOp
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for serviceName, servicePorts := range opts.Services {
serviceName = serviceName
servicePorts = servicePorts
serviceName := serviceName
servicePorts := servicePorts
pod, err := kc.GetPod(ctx, opts.ProjectName, serviceName)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -99,8 +99,10 @@ type WaitForStatusOptions struct {
Log LogFunc
// Ports holds published ports data
type Ports []compose.PortPublisher
// PortMappingOptions holds the port mapping for project services
type PortMappingOptions struct {
ProjectName string
Services map[string]Ports
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func (s *composeService) Up(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options
w.Event(progress.NewEvent(eventName, progress.Done, ""))
err = s.client.WaitForPodState(ctx, client.WaitForStatusOptions{
return s.client.WaitForPodState(ctx, client.WaitForStatusOptions{
ProjectName: project.Name,
Services: project.ServiceNames(),
Status: compose.RUNNING,
@ -122,32 +122,6 @@ func (s *composeService) Up(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options
w.Event(progress.NewEvent(pod, state, message))
if err != nil {
return err
// check if there is a port mapping
services := map[string]client.Ports{}
for _, s := range project.Services {
if len(s.Ports) > 0 {
services[s.Name] = client.Ports{}
for _, p := range s.Ports {
services[s.Name] = append(services[s.Name], compose.PortPublisher{
TargetPort: int(p.Target),
PublishedPort: int(p.Published),
Protocol: p.Protocol,
if len(services) > 0 {
return s.client.MapPortsToLocalhost(ctx, client.PortMappingOptions{
ProjectName: project.Name,
Services: services,
return nil
// Down executes the equivalent to a `compose down`
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ func mapToService(project *types.Project, service types.ServiceConfig) *core.Ser
ports = append(ports,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", p.Target, strings.ToLower(p.Protocol)),
Port: int32(p.Target),
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", p.Published, strings.ToLower(p.Protocol)),
Port: int32(p.Published),
TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(int(p.Target)),
Protocol: toProtocol(p.Protocol),
Reference in New Issue