Implement --filter flag for docker-compose config --services.

Fix #1498
Signed-off-by: Svyatoslav Ilinskiy <>
This commit is contained in:
Svyatoslav Ilinskiy 2017-11-17 17:43:12 -06:00
parent d1633d8e9d
commit 21e312e402
3 changed files with 91 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class TopLevelCommand(object):
Validate and view the Compose file.
Usage: config [options]
Usage: config [options] [-f KEY=VAL...]
--resolve-image-digests Pin image tags to digests.
@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ class TopLevelCommand(object):
--services Print the service names, one per line.
--volumes Print the volume names, one per line.
-f, --filter KEY=VAL Filter containers by a property (can be used multiple times)
@ -309,7 +310,15 @@ class TopLevelCommand(object):
if options['--services']:
print('\n'.join(service['name'] for service in
filters = build_filters(options.get('--filter'))
if filters:
if not self.project:
self.project = project_from_options('.', config_options)
services = filter_services(filters,, self.project)
services = [service['name'] for service in]
if options['--volumes']:
@ -1312,3 +1321,51 @@ def build_exec_command(options, container_id, command):
args += [container_id]
args += command
return args
def has_container_with_state(containers, state):
for container in containers:
states = {
'running': container.is_running,
'stopped': not container.is_running,
'paused': container.is_paused,
if state not in states:
raise UserError("Invalid state: %s" % state)
if states[state]:
return True
return False
def filter_services(filters, services, project):
def should_include(service):
for f in filters:
if f == 'status':
containers = project.containers([], stopped=True)
for status in filters[f]:
if not has_container_with_state(containers, status):
return False
elif f == 'option':
for option in filters[f]:
if option == 'image' or option == 'build':
if option not in service.options:
return False
raise UserError("Invalid option: %s" % option)
raise UserError("Invalid filter: %s" % f)
return True
return [ for s in services if should_include(s)]
def build_filters(args):
filters = {}
for arg in args:
if '=' not in arg:
raise UserError("Arguments to --filter should be in form KEY=VAL")
key, val = arg.split('=', 1)
if key not in filters:
filters[key] = []
return filters

View File

@ -440,6 +440,32 @@ class CLITestCase(DockerClientTestCase):
def test_config_services_filter_option(self):
self.base_dir = 'tests/fixtures/config-services-filter'
image = self.dispatch(['config', '--services', '--filter', 'option=image'])
build = self.dispatch(['config', '--services', '--filter', 'option=build'])
self.assertIn('with_build', build.stdout)
self.assertNotIn('with_build', image.stdout)
self.assertIn('with_image', image.stdout)
self.assertNotIn('with_image', build.stdout)
def test_config_services_filter_status(self):
self.base_dir = 'tests/fixtures/config-services-filter'
self.dispatch(['up', '-d'])
self.dispatch(['pause', 'with_image'])
paused = self.dispatch(['config', '--services', '--filter', 'status=paused'])
stopped = self.dispatch(['config', '--services', '--filter', 'status=stopped'])
running = self.dispatch(['config', '--services', '--filter', 'status=running',
'--filter', 'option=build'])
self.assertNotIn('with_build', stopped.stdout)
self.assertNotIn('with_image', stopped.stdout)
self.assertNotIn('with_build', paused.stdout)
self.assertIn('with_image', paused.stdout)
self.assertIn('with_build', running.stdout)
self.assertNotIn('with_image', running.stdout)
def test_ps(self):
result = self.dispatch(['ps'])

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
image: busybox:latest
command: top
build: ../build-ctx/
command: top