diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cf661cefe..4b053b536 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ web:
### Communicating between containers
-Your web app will probably need to talk to your database. You can use [Docker links](http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/use/port_redirection/#linking-a-container) to enable containers to communicate, pass in the right IP address and port via environment variables:
+Your web app will probably need to talk to your database. You can use [Docker links] to enable containers to communicate, pass in the right IP address and port via environment variables:
@@ -135,39 +135,17 @@ web:
- db
-This will pass an environment variable called `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT` into the web container, whose value will look like `tcp://`. Your web app's code can use that to connect to the database. To see all of the environment variables available, run `env` inside a container:
+This will pass an environment variable called `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT` into the web container (where MYAPP is the name of the current directory). Your web app's code can use that to connect to the database.
$ fig up -d db
$ fig run web env
-### Container configuration options
-You can pass extra configuration options to a container, much like with `docker run`:
- build: .
- -- override the default command
- command: bundle exec thin -p 3000
- -- expose ports, optionally specifying both host and container ports (a random host port will be chosen otherwise)
- ports:
- - 3000
- - 8000:8000
- -- map volumes
- volumes:
- - cache/:/tmp/cache
- -- add environment variables
- environment:
- RACK_ENV: development
+The full set of environment variables is documented in the Reference section.
Running a one-off command
@@ -180,4 +158,67 @@ $ fig run web rake db:migrate
$ fig run web bash
+### fig.yml
+Each service defined in `fig.yml` must specify exactly one of `image` or `build`. Other keys are optional, and are analogous to their `docker run` command-line counterparts.
+As with `docker run`, options specified in the Dockerfile (e.g. `CMD`, `EXPOSE`, `VOLUME`, `ENV`) are respected by default - you don't need to specify them again in `fig.yml`.
+-- Tag or partial image ID. Can be local or remote - Fig will attempt to pull if it doesn't exist locally.
+image: ubuntu
+image: orchardup/postgresql
+image: a4bc65fd
+-- Path to a directory containing a Dockerfile. Fig will build and tag it with a generated name, and use that image thereafter.
+build: /path/to/build/dir
+-- Override the default command.
+command: bundle exec thin -p 3000
+-- Link to containers in another service (see "Communicating between containers").
+ - db
+ - redis
+-- Expose ports. Either specify both ports (HOST:CONTAINER), or just the container port (a random host port will be chosen).
+ - 3000
+ - 8000:8000
+-- Map volumes from the host machine (HOST:CONTAINER).
+ - cache/:/tmp/cache
+-- Add environment variables.
+ RACK_ENV: development
+### Environment variables
+Fig uses [Docker links] to expose services' containers to one another. Each linked container injects a set of environment variables, each of which begins with the uppercase name of the container.
+Full URL, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT=tcp://`
+Full URL, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP=tcp://`
+Container's IP address, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR=`
+Exposed port number, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT=5432`
+Protocol (tcp or udp), e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP_PROTO=tcp`
+Fully qualified container name, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_NAME=/myapp_web_1/myapp_db_1`
+[Docker links]: http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/use/port_redirection/#linking-a-container