diff --git a/fig/cli/main.py b/fig/cli/main.py
index 9a47771f4..e00e0a6ef 100644
--- a/fig/cli/main.py
+++ b/fig/cli/main.py
@@ -264,17 +264,21 @@ class TopLevelCommand(Command):
         Usage: run [options] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
-            -d                Detached mode: Run container in the background, print
-                              new container name.
-            --entrypoint CMD  Override the entrypoint of the image.
-            -e KEY=VAL        Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)
-            --no-deps         Don't start linked services.
-            --rm              Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.
-            -T                Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `fig run`
-                              allocates a TTY.
+            --allow-insecure-ssl  Allow insecure connections to the docker
+                                  registry
+            -d                    Detached mode: Run container in the background, print
+                                  new container name.
+            --entrypoint CMD      Override the entrypoint of the image.
+            -e KEY=VAL            Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)
+            --no-deps             Don't start linked services.
+            --rm                  Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.
+            -T                    Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `fig run`
+                                  allocates a TTY.
         service = project.get_service(options['SERVICE'])
+        insecure_registry = options['--allow-insecure-ssl']
         if not options['--no-deps']:
             deps = service.get_linked_names()
@@ -309,8 +313,11 @@ class TopLevelCommand(Command):
         if options['--entrypoint']:
             container_options['entrypoint'] = options.get('--entrypoint')
-        container = service.create_container(one_off=True, **container_options)
+        container = service.create_container(
+            one_off=True,
+            insecure_registry=insecure_registry,
+            **container_options
+        )
         if options['-d']:
             service.start_container(container, ports=None, one_off=True)
@@ -396,12 +403,15 @@ class TopLevelCommand(Command):
         Usage: up [options] [SERVICE...]
-            -d             Detached mode: Run containers in the background,
-                           print new container names.
-            --no-color     Produce monochrome output.
-            --no-deps      Don't start linked services.
-            --no-recreate  If containers already exist, don't recreate them.
+            --allow-insecure-ssl  Allow insecure connections to the docker
+                                  registry
+            -d                    Detached mode: Run containers in the background,
+                                  print new container names.
+            --no-color            Produce monochrome output.
+            --no-deps             Don't start linked services.
+            --no-recreate         If containers already exist, don't recreate them.
+        insecure_registry = options['--allow-insecure-ssl']
         detached = options['-d']
         monochrome = options['--no-color']
@@ -413,7 +423,8 @@ class TopLevelCommand(Command):
-            recreate=recreate
+            recreate=recreate,
+            insecure_registry=insecure_registry,
         to_attach = [c for s in project.get_services(service_names) for c in s.containers()]
diff --git a/fig/project.py b/fig/project.py
index 38b9f46fc..b30513dd9 100644
--- a/fig/project.py
+++ b/fig/project.py
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class Project(object):
                 log.info('%s uses an image, skipping' % service.name)
-    def up(self, service_names=None, start_links=True, recreate=True):
+    def up(self, service_names=None, start_links=True, recreate=True, insecure_registry=False):
         running_containers = []
         for service in self.get_services(service_names, include_links=start_links):
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class Project(object):
                 for (_, container) in service.recreate_containers():
-                for container in service.start_or_create_containers():
+                for container in service.start_or_create_containers(insecure_registry=insecure_registry):
         return running_containers
diff --git a/fig/service.py b/fig/service.py
index 6c635dee0..558ada2b2 100644
--- a/fig/service.py
+++ b/fig/service.py
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class Service(object):
                 log.info("Removing %s..." % c.name)
-    def create_container(self, one_off=False, **override_options):
+    def create_container(self, one_off=False, insecure_registry=False, **override_options):
         Create a container for this service. If the image doesn't exist, attempt to pull
@@ -179,7 +179,11 @@ class Service(object):
         except APIError as e:
             if e.response.status_code == 404 and e.explanation and 'No such image' in str(e.explanation):
                 log.info('Pulling image %s...' % container_options['image'])
-                output = self.client.pull(container_options['image'], stream=True)
+                output = self.client.pull(
+                    container_options['image'],
+                    stream=True,
+                    insecure_registry=insecure_registry
+                )
                 stream_output(output, sys.stdout)
                 return Container.create(self.client, **container_options)
@@ -270,12 +274,12 @@ class Service(object):
         return container
-    def start_or_create_containers(self):
+    def start_or_create_containers(self, insecure_registry=False):
         containers = self.containers(stopped=True)
         if not containers:
             log.info("Creating %s..." % self._next_container_name(containers))
-            new_container = self.create_container()
+            new_container = self.create_container(insecure_registry=insecure_registry)
             return [self.start_container(new_container)]
             return [self.start_container_if_stopped(c) for c in containers]
diff --git a/tests/unit/service_test.py b/tests/unit/service_test.py
index bfe53a94e..f1d1c79d9 100644
--- a/tests/unit/service_test.py
+++ b/tests/unit/service_test.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from .. import unittest
 import mock
 import docker
+from requests import Response
 from fig import Service
 from fig.container import Container
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ from fig.service import (
+    APIError,
@@ -174,6 +176,21 @@ class ServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.mock_client.pull.assert_called_once_with('someimage:sometag', insecure_registry=True)
         mock_log.info.assert_called_once_with('Pulling foo (someimage:sometag)...')
+    @mock.patch('fig.service.log', autospec=True)
+    def test_create_container_from_insecure_registry(self, mock_log):
+        service = Service('foo', client=self.mock_client, image='someimage:sometag')
+        mock_response = mock.Mock(Response)
+        mock_response.status_code = 404
+        mock_response.reason = "Not Found"
+        Container.create = mock.Mock()
+        Container.create.side_effect = APIError('Mock error', mock_response, "No such image")
+        try:
+            service.create_container(insecure_registry=True)
+        except APIError:  # We expect the APIError because our service requires a non-existent image.
+            pass
+        self.mock_client.pull.assert_called_once_with('someimage:sometag', insecure_registry=True, stream=True)
+        mock_log.info.assert_called_once_with('Pulling image someimage:sometag...')
 class ServiceVolumesTest(unittest.TestCase):