Document new release process

Signed-off-by: Joffrey F <>
This commit is contained in:
Joffrey F 2018-04-23 14:37:34 -07:00
parent a50c056d7c
commit 7503a2eddd
2 changed files with 185 additions and 148 deletions

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Building a Compose release
## Prerequisites
The release scripts require the following tools installed on the host:
## To get started with a new release
Create a branch, update version, and add release notes by running `make-branch`
./script/release/make-branch $VERSION [$BASE_VERSION]
`$BASE_VERSION` will default to master. Use the last version tag for a bug fix
As part of this script you'll be asked to:
1. Update the version in `compose/` and `script/run/`.
If the next release will be an RC, append `-rcN`, e.g. `1.4.0-rc1`.
2. Write release notes in ``.
Almost every feature enhancement should be mentioned, with the most
visible/exciting ones first. Use descriptive sentences and give context
where appropriate.
Bug fixes are worth mentioning if it's likely that they've affected lots
of people, or if they were regressions in the previous version.
Improvements to the code are not worth mentioning.
3. Create a new repository on [bintray](
The name has to match the name of the branch (e.g. `bump-1.9.0`) and the
type should be "Generic". Other fields can be left blank.
4. Check that the `vnext-compose` branch on
[the docs repo]( has
documentation for all the new additions in the upcoming release, and create
a PR there for what needs to be amended.
## When a PR is merged into master that we want in the release
1. Check out the bump branch and run the cherry pick script
git checkout bump-$VERSION
./script/release/cherry-pick-pr $PR_NUMBER
2. When you are done cherry-picking branches move the bump version commit to HEAD
git push --force $USERNAME bump-$VERSION
## To release a version (whether RC or stable)
Check out the bump branch and run the `build-binaries` script
git checkout bump-$VERSION
When prompted build the non-linux binaries and test them.
1. Download the different platform binaries by running the following script:
`./script/release/download-binaries $VERSION`
The binaries for Linux, OSX and Windows will be downloaded in the `binaries-$VERSION` folder.
3. Draft a release from the tag on GitHub (the `build-binaries` script will open the window for
The tag will only be present on Github when you run the `push-release`
script in step 7, but you can pre-fill it at that point.
4. Paste in installation instructions and release notes. Here's an example -
change the Compose version and Docker version as appropriate:
If you're a Mac or Windows user, the best way to install Compose and keep it up-to-date is **[Docker for Mac and Windows](**.
Docker for Mac and Windows will automatically install the latest version of Docker Engine for you.
Alternatively, you can use the usual commands to install or upgrade Compose:
curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
See the [install docs]( for more install options and instructions.
## Compose file format compatibility matrix
| Compose file format | Docker Engine |
| --- | --- |
| 3.3 | 17.06.0+ |
| 3.0 &ndash; 3.2 | 1.13.0+ |
| 2.3| 17.06.0+ |
| 2.2 | 1.13.0+ |
| 2.1 | 1.12.0+ |
| 2.0 | 1.10.0+ |
| 1.0 | 1.9.1+ |
## Changes
...release notes go here...
5. Attach the binaries and `script/run/`
6. Add "Thanks" with a list of contributors. The contributor list can be generated
by running `./script/release/contributors`.
7. If everything looks good, it's time to push the release.
8. Merge the bump PR.
8. Publish the release on GitHub.
9. Check that all the binaries download (following the install instructions) and run.
10. Announce the release on the appropriate Slack channel(s).
## If its a stable release (not an RC)
1. Close the releases milestone.
## If its a minor release (1.x.0), rather than a patch release (1.x.y)
1. Open a PR against `master` to:
- update `` to bring it in line with `release`
- bump the version in `compose/` to the *next* minor version number with `dev` appended. For example, if you just released `1.4.0`, update it to `1.5.0dev`.
2. Get the PR merged.
## Finally
1. Celebrate, however youd like.

project/ Symbolic link
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script/release/ Normal file
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# Release HOWTO
This file describes the process of making a public release of `docker-compose`.
Please read it carefully before proceeding!
## Prerequisites
The following things are required to bring a release to a successful conclusion
### Local Docker engine (Linux Containers)
The release script runs inside a container and builds images that will be part
of the release.
### Docker Hub account
You should be logged into a Docker Hub account that allows pushing to the
following repositories:
- docker/compose
- docker/compose-tests
### A Github account and Github API token
Your Github account needs to have write access on the `docker/compose` repo.
To generate a Github token, head over to the
[Personal access tokens]( page in your
Github settings and select "Generate new token". Your token should include
(at minimum) the following scopes:
- `repo:status`
- `public_repo`
This API token should be exposed to the release script through the
`GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.
### A Bintray account and Bintray API key
Your Bintray account will need to be an admin member of the
[docker-compose organization](
Additionally, you should generate a personal API key. To do so, click your
username in the top-right hand corner and select "Edit profile" ; on the new
page, select "API key" in the left-side menu.
This API key should be exposed to the release script through the
`BINTRAY_TOKEN` environment variable.
### A PyPi account
Said account needs to be a member of the maintainers group for the
[`docker-compose` project](
Moreover, the `~/.pypirc` file should exist on your host and contain the
relevant pypi credentials.
## Start a feature release
A feature release is a release that includes all changes present in the
`master` branch when initiated. It's typically versioned `X.Y.0-rc1`, where
Y is the minor version of the previous release incremented by one. A series
of one or more Release Candidates (RCs) should be made available to the public
to find and squash potential bugs.
From the root of the Compose repository, run the following command:
./script/release/ -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> start X.Y.0-rc1
After a short initialization period, the script will invite you to edit the
`` file. Do so by being careful to respect the same format as
previous releases. Once done, the script will display a `diff` of the staged
changes for the bump commit. Once you validate these, a bump commit will be
created on the newly created release branch and pushed remotely.
The release tool then waits for the CI to conclude before proceeding.
If failures are reported, the release will be aborted until these are fixed.
Please refer to the "Resume a draft release" section below for more details.
Once all resources have been prepared, the release script will exit with a
message resembling this one:
You're almost done! Please verify that everything is in order and you are ready
to make the release public, then run the following command:
./script/release/ -b user finalize X.Y.0-rc1
Once you are ready to finalize the release (making binaries and other versioned
assets public), proceed to the "Finalize a release" section of this guide.
## Start a patch release
A patch release is a release that builds off a previous release with discrete
additions. This can be an RC release after RC1 (`X.Y.0-rcZ`, `Z > 1`), a GA release
based off the final RC (`X.Y.0`), or a bugfix release based off a previous
GA release (`X.Y.Z`, `Z > 0`).
From the root of the Compose repository, run the following command:
./script/release/ -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> start --patch=BASE_VERSION RELEASE_VERSION
The process of starting a patch release is identical to starting a feature
release except for one difference ; at the beginning, the script will ask for
PR numbers you wish to cherry-pick into the release. These numbers should
correspond to existing PRs on the docker/compose repository. Multiple numbers
should be separated by whitespace.
Once you are ready to finalize the release (making binaries and other versioned
assets public), proceed to the "Finalize a release" section of this guide.
## Finalize a release
Once you're ready to make your release public, you may execute the following
command from the root of the Compose repository:
./script/release/ -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> finalize RELEAE_VERSION
Note that this command will create and publish versioned assets to the public.
As a result, it can not be reverted. The command will perform some basic
sanity checks before doing so, but it is your responsibility to ensure
everything is in order before pushing the button.
After the command exits, you should make sure:
- The `docker/compose:VERSION` image is available on Docker Hub and functional
- The `pip install -U docker-compose==VERSION` command correctly installs the
specified version
- The install command on the Github release page installs the new release
## Resume a draft release
"Resuming" a release lets you address the following situations occurring before
a release is made final:
- Cherry-pick additional PRs to include in the release
- Resume a release that was aborted because of CI failures after they've been
- Rebuild / redownload assets after manual changes have been made to the
release branch
- etc.
From the root of the Compose repository, run the following command:
./script/release/ -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> resume RELEASE_VERSION
The release tool will attempt to determine what steps it's already been through
for the specified release and pick up where it left off. Some steps are
executed again no matter what as it's assumed they'll produce different
results, like building images or downloading binaries.
## Cancel a draft release
If issues snuck into your release branch, it is sometimes easier to start from
scratch. Before a release has been finalized, it is possible to cancel it using
the following command:
./script/release/ -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> cancel RELEASE_VERSION
This will remove the release branch with this release (locally and remotely),
close the associated PR, remove the release page draft on Github and delete
the Bintray repository for it, allowing you to start fresh.
## Manual operations
Some common, release-related operations are not covered by this tool and should
be handled manually by the operator:
- After any release:
- Announce new release on Slack
- After a GA release:
- Close the release milestone
- Merge back `` changes from the `release` branch into `master`
- Bump the version in `compose/` to the *next* minor version
number with `dev` appended. For example, if you just released `1.4.0`,
update it to `1.5.0dev`
## Advanced options
You can consult the full list of options for the release tool by executing
`./script/release/ --help`.