mirror of https://github.com/docker/compose.git
run release on tag by Jenkinsfile
Signed-off-by: Nicolas De Loof <nicolas.deloof@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
def dockerVersions = ['19.03.5', '18.09.9']
def baseImages = ['alpine', 'debian']
def pythonVersions = ['py27', 'py37']
def pythonVersions = ['py37']
pipeline {
agent none
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ pipeline {
steps {
checkout scm
sh './script/setup/osx'
sh 'tox -e py27,py37 -- tests/unit'
sh 'tox -e py37 -- tests/unit'
sh './script/build/osx'
dir ('dist') {
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ pipeline {
steps {
checkout scm
bat 'tox.exe -e py27,py37 -- tests/unit'
bat 'tox.exe -e py37 -- tests/unit'
powershell '.\\script\\build\\windows.ps1'
dir ('dist') {
@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ pipeline {
agent {
label 'linux'
environment {
GITHUB_TOKEN = credentials('github-release-token')
steps {
checkout scm
sh 'mkdir -p dist'
@ -167,7 +170,20 @@ pipeline {
unstash "bin-linux"
unstash "bin-win"
unstash "changelog"
curl -SfL https://github.com/github/hub/releases/download/v2.13.0/hub-linux-amd64-2.13.0.tgz | tar xzv --wildcards 'hub-*/bin/hub' --strip=2
./hub release create --draft --prerelease=${env.TAG_NAME !=~ /v[0-9\.]+/} \\
-a docker-compose-Darwin-x86_64 \\
-a docker-compose-Darwin-x86_64.sha256 \\
-a docker-compose-Darwin-x86_64.tgz \\
-a docker-compose-Darwin-x86_64.tgz.sha256 \\
-a docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 \\
-a docker-compose-Linux-x86_64.sha256 \\
-a docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe \\
-a docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe.sha256 \\
-a ../script/run/run.sh \\
@ -175,20 +191,18 @@ pipeline {
agent {
label 'linux'
environment {
PYPIRC = credentials('pypirc-docker-dsg-cibot')
steps {
checkout scm
withCredentials([[$class: "FileBinding", credentialsId: 'pypirc-docker-dsg-cibot', variable: 'PYPIRC']]) {
sh """
virtualenv venv-publish
source venv-publish/bin/activate
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
pip install twine
twine upload --config-file ${PYPIRC} ./dist/docker-compose-${env.TAG_NAME}.tar.gz ./dist/docker_compose-${env.TAG_NAME}-py2.py3-none-any.whl
post {
sh 'deactivate; rm -rf venv-publish'
sh """
rm -rf build/ dist/
pip install wheel
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
pip install twine
~/.local/bin/twine upload --config-file ${PYPIRC} ./dist/docker-compose-*.tar.gz ./dist/docker_compose-*-py2.py3-none-any.whl
@ -268,9 +282,8 @@ def buildRuntimeImage(baseImage) {
def pushRuntimeImage(baseImage) {
unstash "compose-${baseImage}"
sh 'echo -n "${DOCKERHUB_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login --username "${DOCKERHUB_CREDS_USR}" --password-stdin'
sh "docker load -i dist/docker-compose-${baseImage}.tar"
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'dockerbuildbot-hub.docker.com') {
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'dockerhub-dockerdsgcibot') {
sh "docker push docker/compose:${baseImage}-${env.TAG_NAME}"
if (baseImage == "alpine" && env.TAG_NAME != null) {
sh "docker tag docker/compose:alpine-${env.TAG_NAME} docker/compose:${env.TAG_NAME}"
@ -279,33 +292,6 @@ def pushRuntimeImage(baseImage) {
def githubRelease() {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'github-compose-release-test-token', variable: 'GITHUB_TOKEN')]) {
def prerelease = !( env.TAG_NAME ==~ /v[0-9\.]+/ )
changelog = readFile "CHANGELOG.md"
def data = """{
\"tag_name\": \"${env.TAG_NAME}\",
\"name\": \"${env.TAG_NAME}\",
\"draft\": true,
\"prerelease\": ${prerelease},
\"body\" : \"${changelog}\"
echo $data
def url = "https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases"
def upload_url = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """
curl -sSf -H 'Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '$data' $url") \\
| jq '.upload_url | .[:rindex("{")]'
for f in * ; do
curl -sf -H 'Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-type: application/octet-stream' \\
-X POST --data-binary @\$f ${upload_url}?name=\$f;
def checksum(filepath) {
if (isUnix()) {
sh "openssl sha256 -r -out ${filepath}.sha256 ${filepath}"
@ -1,201 +1,9 @@
# Release HOWTO
This file describes the process of making a public release of `docker-compose`.
Please read it carefully before proceeding!
The release process is fully automated by `Release.Jenkinsfile`.
## Prerequisites
## Usage
The following things are required to bring a release to a successful conclusion
### Local Docker engine (Linux Containers)
The release script builds images that will be part of the release.
### Docker Hub account
You should be logged into a Docker Hub account that allows pushing to the
following repositories:
- docker/compose
- docker/compose-tests
### Python
The release script is written in Python and requires Python 3.3 at minimum.
### A Github account and Github API token
Your Github account needs to have write access on the `docker/compose` repo.
To generate a Github token, head over to the
[Personal access tokens](https://github.com/settings/tokens) page in your
Github settings and select "Generate new token". Your token should include
(at minimum) the following scopes:
- `repo:status`
- `public_repo`
This API token should be exposed to the release script through the
`GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.
### A Bintray account and Bintray API key
Your Bintray account will need to be an admin member of the
[docker-compose organization](https://bintray.com/docker-compose).
Additionally, you should generate a personal API key. To do so, click your
username in the top-right hand corner and select "Edit profile" ; on the new
page, select "API key" in the left-side menu.
This API key should be exposed to the release script through the
`BINTRAY_TOKEN` environment variable.
### A PyPi account
Said account needs to be a member of the maintainers group for the
[`docker-compose` project](https://pypi.org/project/docker-compose/).
Moreover, the `~/.pypirc` file should exist on your host and contain the
relevant pypi credentials.
The following is a sample `.pypirc` provided as a guideline:
index-servers =
username = user
password = pass
## Start a feature release
A feature release is a release that includes all changes present in the
`master` branch when initiated. It's typically versioned `X.Y.0-rc1`, where
Y is the minor version of the previous release incremented by one. A series
of one or more Release Candidates (RCs) should be made available to the public
to find and squash potential bugs.
From the root of the Compose repository, run the following command:
./script/release/release.sh -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> start X.Y.0-rc1
After a short initialization period, the script will invite you to edit the
`CHANGELOG.md` file. Do so by being careful to respect the same format as
previous releases. Once done, the script will display a `diff` of the staged
changes for the bump commit. Once you validate these, a bump commit will be
created on the newly created release branch and pushed remotely.
The release tool then waits for the CI to conclude before proceeding.
If failures are reported, the release will be aborted until these are fixed.
Please refer to the "Resume a draft release" section below for more details.
Once all resources have been prepared, the release script will exit with a
message resembling this one:
You're almost done! Please verify that everything is in order and you are ready
to make the release public, then run the following command:
./script/release/release.sh -b user finalize X.Y.0-rc1
Once you are ready to finalize the release (making binaries and other versioned
assets public), proceed to the "Finalize a release" section of this guide.
## Start a patch release
A patch release is a release that builds off a previous release with discrete
additions. This can be an RC release after RC1 (`X.Y.0-rcZ`, `Z > 1`), a GA release
based off the final RC (`X.Y.0`), or a bugfix release based off a previous
GA release (`X.Y.Z`, `Z > 0`).
From the root of the Compose repository, run the following command:
./script/release/release.sh -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> start --patch=BASE_VERSION RELEASE_VERSION
The process of starting a patch release is identical to starting a feature
release except for one difference ; at the beginning, the script will ask for
PR numbers you wish to cherry-pick into the release. These numbers should
correspond to existing PRs on the docker/compose repository. Multiple numbers
should be separated by whitespace.
Once you are ready to finalize the release (making binaries and other versioned
assets public), proceed to the "Finalize a release" section of this guide.
## Finalize a release
Once you're ready to make your release public, you may execute the following
command from the root of the Compose repository:
./script/release/release.sh -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> finalize RELEASE_VERSION
Note that this command will create and publish versioned assets to the public.
As a result, it can not be reverted. The command will perform some basic
sanity checks before doing so, but it is your responsibility to ensure
everything is in order before pushing the button.
After the command exits, you should make sure:
- The `docker/compose:VERSION` image is available on Docker Hub and functional
- The `pip install -U docker-compose==VERSION` command correctly installs the
specified version
- The install command on the Github release page installs the new release
## Resume a draft release
"Resuming" a release lets you address the following situations occurring before
a release is made final:
- Cherry-pick additional PRs to include in the release
- Resume a release that was aborted because of CI failures after they've been
- Rebuild / redownload assets after manual changes have been made to the
release branch
- etc.
From the root of the Compose repository, run the following command:
./script/release/release.sh -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> resume RELEASE_VERSION
The release tool will attempt to determine what steps it's already been through
for the specified release and pick up where it left off. Some steps are
executed again no matter what as it's assumed they'll produce different
results, like building images or downloading binaries.
## Cancel a draft release
If issues snuck into your release branch, it is sometimes easier to start from
scratch. Before a release has been finalized, it is possible to cancel it using
the following command:
./script/release/release.sh -b <BINTRAY_USERNAME> cancel RELEASE_VERSION
This will remove the release branch with this release (locally and remotely),
close the associated PR, remove the release page draft on Github and delete
the Bintray repository for it, allowing you to start fresh.
## Manual operations
Some common, release-related operations are not covered by this tool and should
be handled manually by the operator:
- After any release:
- Announce new release on Slack
- After a GA release:
- Close the release milestone
- Merge back `CHANGELOG.md` changes from the `release` branch into `master`
- Bump the version in `compose/__init__.py` to the *next* minor version
number with `dev` appended. For example, if you just released `1.4.0`,
update it to `1.5.0dev`
- Update compose_version in [github.com/docker/docker.github.io/blob/master/_config.yml](https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/blob/master/_config.yml) and [github.com/docker/docker.github.io/blob/master/_config_authoring.yml](https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/blob/master/_config_authoring.yml)
- Update the release note in [github.com/docker/docker.github.io](https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/blob/master/release-notes/docker-compose.md)
## Advanced options
You can consult the full list of options for the release tool by executing
`./script/release/release.sh --help`.
1. edit `compose/__init__.py` to set release version number
1. commit and tag as `v{major}.{minor}.{patch}`
1. edit `compose/__init__.py` again to set next development version number
@ -26,14 +26,17 @@ changes=$(pullrequests | uniq)
echo "pull requests merged within range:"
echo $changes
echo '#Features' > CHANGELOG.md
echo '#Features' > FEATURES.md
echo '#Bugs' > BUGS.md
for pr in $changes; do
curl -fs -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/pulls/${pr} \
| jq -r ' select( .labels[].name | contains("kind/feature") ) | "* "+.title' >> CHANGELOG.md
curl -fs -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/pulls/${pr} -o PR.json
cat PR.json | jq -r ' select( .labels[].name | contains("kind/feature") ) | "- "+.title' >> FEATURES.md
cat PR.json | jq -r ' select( .labels[].name | contains("kind/bug") ) | "- "+.title' >> BUGS.md
echo '#Bugs' >> CHANGELOG.md
for pr in $changes; do
curl -fs -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/pulls/${pr} \
| jq -r ' select( .labels[].name | contains("kind/bug") ) | "* "+.title' >> CHANGELOG.md
echo >> CHANGELOG.md
echo >> CHANGELOG.md
cat BUGS.md >> CHANGELOG.md
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# Create the official release
. "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils.sh"
function usage() {
>&2 cat << EOM
Publish a release by building all artifacts and pushing them.
This script requires that 'git config branch.${BRANCH}.release' is set to the
release version for the release branch.
exit 1
BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
VERSION="$(git config "branch.${BRANCH}.release")" || usage
if [ -z "$(command -v jq 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
>&2 echo "$0 requires https://stedolan.github.io/jq/"
>&2 echo "Please install it and make sure it is available on your \$PATH."
exit 2
# Check the build status is green
sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
build_status=$(curl -s $url | jq -r '.[0].state')
if [ -n "$SKIP_BUILD_CHECK" ]; then
echo "Skipping build status check..."
elif [[ "$build_status" != "success" ]]; then
>&2 echo "Build status is $build_status, but it should be success."
exit -1
echo "Tagging the release as $VERSION"
git tag $VERSION
echo "Uploading the docker image"
docker push docker/compose:$VERSION
echo "Uploading the compose-tests image"
docker push docker/compose-tests:latest
docker push docker/compose-tests:$VERSION
echo "Uploading package to PyPI"
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
if [ "$(command -v twine 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
twine upload ./dist/docker-compose-${VERSION/-/}.tar.gz ./dist/docker_compose-${VERSION/-/}-py2.py3-none-any.whl
python setup.py upload
echo "Testing pip package"
deactivate || true
virtualenv venv-test
source venv-test/bin/activate
pip install docker-compose==$VERSION
docker-compose version
rm -rf venv-test
echo "Now publish the github release, and test the downloads."
echo "Email maintainers@dockerproject.org and engineering@docker.com about the new release."
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# Move the "bump to <version>" commit to the HEAD of the branch
. "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils.sh"
function usage() {
>&2 cat << EOM
Move the "bump to <version>" commit to the HEAD of the branch
This script requires that 'git config branch.${BRANCH}.release' is set to the
release version for the release branch.
exit 1
BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
VERSION="$(git config "branch.${BRANCH}.release")" || usage
sha="$(git log --grep "$COMMIT_MSG\$" --format="%H")"
if [ -z "$sha" ]; then
>&2 echo "No commit with message \"$COMMIT_MSG\""
exit 2
if [[ "$sha" == "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" ]]; then
>&2 echo "Bump commit already at HEAD"
exit 0
commits=$(git log --format="%H" "$sha..HEAD" | wc -l | xargs echo)
git rebase --onto $sha~1 HEAD~$commits $BRANCH
git cherry-pick $sha
@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
from jinja2 import Template
from release.bintray import BintrayAPI
from release.const import BINTRAY_ORG
from release.const import NAME
from release.const import REPO_ROOT
from release.downloader import BinaryDownloader
from release.images import ImageManager
from release.images import is_tag_latest
from release.pypi import check_pypirc
from release.pypi import pypi_upload
from release.repository import delete_assets
from release.repository import get_contributors
from release.repository import Repository
from release.repository import upload_assets
from release.utils import branch_name
from release.utils import compatibility_matrix
from release.utils import read_release_notes_from_changelog
from release.utils import ScriptError
from release.utils import update_init_py_version
from release.utils import update_run_sh_version
from release.utils import yesno
def create_initial_branch(repository, args):
release_branch = repository.create_release_branch(args.release, args.base)
if args.base and args.cherries:
print('Detected patch version.')
cherries = input('Indicate (space-separated) PR numbers to cherry-pick then press Enter:\n')
repository.cherry_pick_prs(release_branch, cherries.split())
return create_bump_commit(repository, release_branch, args.bintray_user, args.bintray_org)
def create_bump_commit(repository, release_branch, bintray_user, bintray_org):
with release_branch.config_reader() as cfg:
release = cfg.get('release')
print('Updating version info in __init__.py and run.sh')
input('Please add the release notes to the CHANGELOG.md file, then press Enter to continue.')
proceed = None
while not proceed:
proceed = yesno('Are these changes ok? y/N ', default=False)
if repository.diff():
repository.create_bump_commit(release_branch, release)
bintray_api = BintrayAPI(os.environ['BINTRAY_TOKEN'], bintray_user)
if not bintray_api.repository_exists(bintray_org, release_branch.name):
print('Creating data repository {} on bintray'.format(release_branch.name))
bintray_api.create_repository(bintray_org, release_branch.name, 'generic')
print('Bintray repository {} already exists. Skipping'.format(release_branch.name))
def monitor_pr_status(pr_data):
print('Waiting for CI to complete...')
last_commit = pr_data.get_commits().reversed[0]
while True:
status = last_commit.get_combined_status()
if status.state == 'pending' or status.state == 'failure':
summary = {
'pending': 0,
'success': 0,
'failure': 0,
'error': 0,
for detail in status.statuses:
if detail.context == 'dco-signed':
# dco-signed check breaks on merge remote-tracking ; ignore it
if detail.state in summary:
summary[detail.state] += 1
'{pending} pending, {success} successes, {failure} failures, '
'{error} errors'.format(**summary)
if summary['failure'] > 0 or summary['error'] > 0:
raise ScriptError('CI failures detected!')
elif summary['pending'] == 0 and summary['success'] > 0:
# This check assumes at least 1 non-DCO CI check to avoid race conditions.
# If testing on a repo without CI, use --skip-ci-check to avoid looping eternally
return True
elif status.state == 'success':
print('{} successes: all clear!'.format(status.total_count))
return True
def check_pr_mergeable(pr_data):
if pr_data.mergeable is False:
# mergeable can also be null, in which case the warning would be a false positive.
'WARNING!! PR #{} can not currently be merged. You will need to '
'resolve the conflicts manually before finalizing the release.'.format(pr_data.number)
return pr_data.mergeable is True
def create_release_draft(repository, version, pr_data, files):
print('Creating Github release draft')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'release.md.tmpl'), 'r') as f:
template = Template(f.read())
print('Rendering release notes based on template')
release_notes = template.render(
gh_release = repository.create_release(
version, release_notes, draft=True, prerelease='-rc' in version,
print('Release draft initialized')
return gh_release
def print_final_instructions(args):
"You're almost done! Please verify that everything is in order and "
"you are ready to make the release public, then run the following "
"command:\n{exe} -b {user} finalize {version}".format(
exe='./script/release/release.sh', user=args.bintray_user, version=args.release
def distclean():
print('Running distclean...')
dirs = [
os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'build'), os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'dist'),
os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'docker-compose.egg-info')
files = []
for base, dirnames, fnames in os.walk(REPO_ROOT):
for fname in fnames:
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base, fname))
if fname.endswith('.pyc'):
elif fname.startswith('.coverage.'):
for dirname in dirnames:
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base, dirname))
if dirname == '__pycache__':
elif dirname == '.coverage-binfiles':
for file in files:
for folder in dirs:
shutil.rmtree(folder, ignore_errors=True)
def resume(args):
repository = Repository(REPO_ROOT, args.repo)
br_name = branch_name(args.release)
if not repository.branch_exists(br_name):
raise ScriptError('No local branch exists for this release.')
gh_release = repository.find_release(args.release)
if gh_release and not gh_release.draft:
print('WARNING!! Found non-draft (public) release for this version!')
proceed = yesno(
'Are you sure you wish to proceed? Modifying an already '
'released version is dangerous! y/N ', default=False
if proceed.lower() is not True:
raise ScriptError('Aborting release')
release_branch = repository.checkout_branch(br_name)
if args.cherries:
cherries = input('Indicate (space-separated) PR numbers to cherry-pick then press Enter:\n')
repository.cherry_pick_prs(release_branch, cherries.split())
create_bump_commit(repository, release_branch, args.bintray_user, args.bintray_org)
pr_data = repository.find_release_pr(args.release)
if not pr_data:
pr_data = repository.create_release_pull_request(args.release)
if not args.skip_ci:
downloader = BinaryDownloader(args.destination)
files = downloader.download_all(args.release)
if not gh_release:
gh_release = create_release_draft(repository, args.release, pr_data, files)
upload_assets(gh_release, files)
tag_as_latest = is_tag_latest(args.release)
img_manager = ImageManager(args.release, tag_as_latest)
except ScriptError as e:
return 1
return 0
def cancel(args):
repository = Repository(REPO_ROOT, args.repo)
bintray_api = BintrayAPI(os.environ['BINTRAY_TOKEN'], args.bintray_user)
print('Removing Bintray data repository for {}'.format(args.release))
bintray_api.delete_repository(args.bintray_org, branch_name(args.release))
except ScriptError as e:
return 1
print('Release cancellation complete.')
return 0
def start(args):
repository = Repository(REPO_ROOT, args.repo)
create_initial_branch(repository, args)
pr_data = repository.create_release_pull_request(args.release)
if not args.skip_ci:
downloader = BinaryDownloader(args.destination)
files = downloader.download_all(args.release)
gh_release = create_release_draft(repository, args.release, pr_data, files)
upload_assets(gh_release, files)
tag_as_latest = is_tag_latest(args.release)
img_manager = ImageManager(args.release, tag_as_latest)
except ScriptError as e:
return 1
return 0
def finalize(args):
repository = Repository(REPO_ROOT, args.repo)
tag_as_latest = is_tag_latest(args.release)
img_manager = ImageManager(args.release, tag_as_latest)
pr_data = repository.find_release_pr(args.release)
if not pr_data:
raise ScriptError('No PR found for {}'.format(args.release))
if not check_pr_mergeable(pr_data):
raise ScriptError('Can not finalize release with an unmergeable PR')
if not img_manager.check_images():
raise ScriptError('Missing release image')
br_name = branch_name(args.release)
if not repository.branch_exists(br_name):
raise ScriptError('No local branch exists for this release.')
gh_release = repository.find_release(args.release)
if not gh_release:
raise ScriptError('No Github release draft for this version')
os.system('python {setup_script} sdist bdist_wheel'.format(
setup_script=os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'setup.py')))
merge_status = pr_data.merge()
if not merge_status.merged and not args.finalize_resume:
raise ScriptError(
'Unable to merge PR #{}: {}'.format(pr_data.number, merge_status.message)
except ScriptError as e:
return 1
return 0
EPILOG = '''Example uses:
* Start a new feature release (includes all changes currently in master)
release.sh -b user start 1.23.0
* Start a new patch release
release.sh -b user --patch 1.21.0 start 1.21.1
* Cancel / rollback an existing release draft
release.sh -b user cancel 1.23.0
* Restart a previously aborted patch release
release.sh -b user -p 1.21.0 resume 1.21.1
def main():
if 'GITHUB_TOKEN' not in os.environ:
print('GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable must be set')
return 1
if 'BINTRAY_TOKEN' not in os.environ:
print('BINTRAY_TOKEN environment variable must be set')
return 1
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Orchestrate a new release of docker/compose. This tool assumes that you have '
'obtained a Github API token and Bintray API key and set the GITHUB_TOKEN and '
'BINTRAY_TOKEN environment variables accordingly.',
epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
'action', choices=ACTIONS, help='The action to be performed for this release'
parser.add_argument('release', help='Release number, e.g. 1.9.0-rc1, 2.1.1')
'--patch', '-p', dest='base',
help='Which version is being patched by this release'
'--repo', '-r', dest='repo', default=NAME,
help='Start a release for the given repo (default: {})'.format(NAME)
'-b', dest='bintray_user', required=True, metavar='USER',
help='Username associated with the Bintray API key'
'--bintray-org', dest='bintray_org', metavar='ORG', default=BINTRAY_ORG,
help='Organization name on bintray where the data repository will be created.'
'--destination', '-o', metavar='DIR', default='binaries',
help='Directory where release binaries will be downloaded relative to the project root'
'--no-cherries', '-C', dest='cherries', action='store_false',
help='If set, the program will not prompt the user for PR numbers to cherry-pick'
'--skip-ci-checks', dest='skip_ci', action='store_true',
help='If set, the program will not wait for CI jobs to complete'
'--finalize-resume', dest='finalize_resume', action='store_true',
help='If set, finalize will continue through steps that have already been completed.'
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.action == 'start':
return start(args)
elif args.action == 'resume':
return resume(args)
elif args.action == 'cancel':
return cancel(args)
elif args.action == 'finalize':
return finalize(args)
print('Unexpected action "{}"'.format(args.action), file=sys.stderr)
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
if test -d ${VENV_DIR:-./.release-venv}; then
if test -z "$*"; then
${VENV_DIR:-./.release-venv}/bin/python ./script/release/release.py "$@"
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import requests
from .const import NAME
class BintrayAPI(requests.Session):
def __init__(self, api_key, user, *args, **kwargs):
super(BintrayAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.auth = (user, api_key)
self.base_url = 'https://api.bintray.com/'
def create_repository(self, subject, repo_name, repo_type='generic'):
url = '{base}repos/{subject}/{repo_name}'.format(
base=self.base_url, subject=subject, repo_name=repo_name,
data = {
'name': repo_name,
'type': repo_type,
'private': False,
'desc': 'Automated release for {}: {}'.format(NAME, repo_name),
'labels': ['docker-compose', 'docker', 'release-bot'],
return self.post_json(url, data)
def repository_exists(self, subject, repo_name):
url = '{base}/repos/{subject}/{repo_name}'.format(
base=self.base_url, subject=subject, repo_name=repo_name,
result = self.get(url)
if result.status_code == 404:
return False
return True
def delete_repository(self, subject, repo_name):
url = '{base}repos/{subject}/{repo_name}'.format(
base=self.base_url, subject=subject, repo_name=repo_name,
return self.delete(url)
def post_json(self, url, data, **kwargs):
if 'headers' not in kwargs:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
return self.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), **kwargs)
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
REPO_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')
NAME = 'docker/compose'
BINTRAY_ORG = 'docker-compose'
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import hashlib
import os
import requests
from .const import BINTRAY_ORG
from .const import NAME
from .const import REPO_ROOT
from .utils import branch_name
class BinaryDownloader(requests.Session):
base_bintray_url = 'https://dl.bintray.com/{}'.format(BINTRAY_ORG)
base_appveyor_url = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/{}/artifacts/'.format(NAME)
def __init__(self, destination, *args, **kwargs):
super(BinaryDownloader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.destination = destination
os.makedirs(self.destination, exist_ok=True)
def download_from_bintray(self, repo_name, filename):
print('Downloading {} from bintray'.format(filename))
url = '{base}/{repo_name}/{filename}'.format(
base=self.base_bintray_url, repo_name=repo_name, filename=filename
full_dest = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, self.destination, filename)
return self._download(url, full_dest)
def download_from_appveyor(self, branch_name, filename):
print('Downloading {} from appveyor'.format(filename))
url = '{base}/dist%2F{filename}?branch={branch_name}'.format(
base=self.base_appveyor_url, filename=filename, branch_name=branch_name
full_dest = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, self.destination, filename)
return self._download(url, full_dest)
def _download(self, url, full_dest):
m = hashlib.sha256()
with open(full_dest, 'wb') as f:
r = self.get(url, stream=True)
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 600, decode_unicode=False):
print('.', end='', flush=True)
print(' download complete')
hex_digest = m.hexdigest()
with open(full_dest + '.sha256', 'w') as f:
f.write('{} {}\n'.format(hex_digest, os.path.basename(full_dest)))
return full_dest, hex_digest
def download_all(self, version):
files = {
'docker-compose-Darwin-x86_64.tgz': None,
'docker-compose-Darwin-x86_64': None,
'docker-compose-Linux-x86_64': None,
'docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe': None,
for filename in files.keys():
if 'Windows' in filename:
files[filename] = self.download_from_appveyor(
branch_name(version), filename
files[filename] = self.download_from_bintray(
branch_name(version), filename
return files
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import base64
import json
import os
import docker
from enum import Enum
from .const import NAME
from .const import REPO_ROOT
from .utils import ScriptError
from .utils import yesno
from script.release.release.const import COMPOSE_TESTS_IMAGE_BASE_NAME
class Platform(Enum):
ALPINE = 'alpine'
DEBIAN = 'debian'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
# Checks if this version respects the GA version format ('x.y.z') and not an RC
def is_tag_latest(version):
ga_version = all(n.isdigit() for n in version.split('.')) and version.count('.') == 2
return ga_version and yesno('Should this release be tagged as \"latest\"? [Y/n]: ', default=True)
class ImageManager(object):
def __init__(self, version, latest=False):
self.docker_client = docker.APIClient(**docker.utils.kwargs_from_env())
self.version = version
self.latest = latest
if 'HUB_CREDENTIALS' in os.environ:
print('HUB_CREDENTIALS found in environment, issuing login')
credentials = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(os.environ['HUB_CREDENTIALS']))
username=credentials['Username'], password=credentials['Password']
def _tag(self, image, existing_tag, new_tag):
existing_repo_tag = '{image}:{tag}'.format(image=image, tag=existing_tag)
new_repo_tag = '{image}:{tag}'.format(image=image, tag=new_tag)
self.docker_client.tag(existing_repo_tag, new_repo_tag)
def get_full_version(self, platform=None):
return self.version + '-' + platform.__str__() if platform else self.version
def get_runtime_image_tag(self, tag):
return '{image_base_image}:{tag}'.format(
def build_runtime_image(self, repository, platform):
git_sha = repository.write_git_sha()
compose_image_base_name = NAME
print('Building {image} image ({platform} based)'.format(
full_version = self.get_full_version(platform)
build_tag = self.get_runtime_image_tag(platform)
logstream = self.docker_client.build(
'BUILD_PLATFORM': platform.value,
'GIT_COMMIT': git_sha,
for chunk in logstream:
if 'error' in chunk:
raise ScriptError('Build error: {}'.format(chunk['error']))
if 'stream' in chunk:
print(chunk['stream'], end='')
if platform == Platform.ALPINE:
self._tag(compose_image_base_name, full_version, self.version)
if self.latest:
self._tag(compose_image_base_name, full_version, platform)
if platform == Platform.ALPINE:
self._tag(compose_image_base_name, full_version, 'latest')
def get_ucp_test_image_tag(self, tag=None):
return '{image}:{tag}'.format(
tag=tag or self.version
# Used for producing a test image for UCP
def build_ucp_test_image(self, repository):
print('Building test image (debian based for UCP e2e)')
git_sha = repository.write_git_sha()
ucp_test_image_tag = self.get_ucp_test_image_tag()
logstream = self.docker_client.build(
'BUILD_PLATFORM': Platform.DEBIAN.value,
'GIT_COMMIT': git_sha,
for chunk in logstream:
if 'error' in chunk:
raise ScriptError('Build error: {}'.format(chunk['error']))
if 'stream' in chunk:
print(chunk['stream'], end='')
self._tag(COMPOSE_TESTS_IMAGE_BASE_NAME, self.version, 'latest')
def build_images(self, repository):
self.build_runtime_image(repository, Platform.ALPINE)
self.build_runtime_image(repository, Platform.DEBIAN)
def check_images(self):
for name in self.get_images_to_push():
except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:
print('Expected image {} was not found'.format(name))
return False
return True
def get_images_to_push(self):
tags_to_push = {
"{}:{}".format(NAME, self.version),
if is_tag_latest(self.version):
return tags_to_push
def push_images(self):
tags_to_push = self.get_images_to_push()
print('Build tags to push {}'.format(tags_to_push))
for name in tags_to_push:
print('Pushing {} to Docker Hub'.format(name))
logstream = self.docker_client.push(name, stream=True, decode=True)
for chunk in logstream:
if 'status' in chunk:
if 'error' in chunk:
raise ScriptError(
'Error pushing {name}: {err}'.format(name=name, err=chunk['error'])
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from configparser import Error
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from twine.commands.upload import main as twine_upload
from twine.utils import get_config
from .utils import ScriptError
def pypi_upload(args):
print('Uploading to PyPi')
rel = args.release.replace('-rc', 'rc')
except HTTPError as e:
if e.response.status_code == 400 and 'File already exists' in str(e):
if not args.finalize_resume:
raise ScriptError(
'Package already uploaded on PyPi.'
print('Skipping PyPi upload - package already uploaded')
raise ScriptError('Unexpected HTTP error uploading package to PyPi: {}'.format(e))
def check_pypirc():
config = get_config()
except Error as e:
raise ScriptError('Failed to parse .pypirc file: {}'.format(e))
if config is None:
raise ScriptError('Failed to parse .pypirc file')
if 'pypi' not in config:
raise ScriptError('Missing [pypi] section in .pypirc file')
if not (config['pypi'].get('username') and config['pypi'].get('password')):
raise ScriptError('Missing login/password pair for pypi repo')
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import tempfile
import requests
from git import GitCommandError
from git import Repo
from github import Github
from .const import NAME
from .const import REPO_ROOT
from .utils import branch_name
from .utils import read_release_notes_from_changelog
from .utils import ScriptError
class Repository(object):
def __init__(self, root=None, gh_name=None):
if root is None:
root = REPO_ROOT
if gh_name is None:
gh_name = NAME
self.git_repo = Repo(root)
self.gh_client = Github(os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'])
self.gh_repo = self.gh_client.get_repo(gh_name)
def create_release_branch(self, version, base=None):
print('Creating release branch {} based on {}...'.format(version, base or 'master'))
remote = self.find_remote(self.gh_repo.full_name)
br_name = branch_name(version)
if self.branch_exists(br_name):
raise ScriptError(
"Branch {} already exists locally. Please remove it before "
"running the release script, or use `resume` instead.".format(
if base is not None:
base = self.git_repo.tag('refs/tags/{}'.format(base))
base = 'refs/remotes/{}/master'.format(remote.name)
release_branch = self.git_repo.create_head(br_name, commit=base)
self.git_repo.git.merge('--strategy=ours', '--no-edit', '{}/release'.format(remote.name))
with release_branch.config_writer() as cfg:
cfg.set_value('release', version)
return release_branch
def find_remote(self, remote_name=None):
if not remote_name:
remote_name = self.gh_repo.full_name
for remote in self.git_repo.remotes:
for url in remote.urls:
if remote_name in url:
return remote
return None
def create_bump_commit(self, bump_branch, version):
print('Creating bump commit...')
self.git_repo.git.commit('-a', '-s', '-m "Bump {}"'.format(version), '--no-verify')
def diff(self):
return self.git_repo.git.diff()
def checkout_branch(self, name):
return self.git_repo.branches[name].checkout()
def push_branch_to_remote(self, branch, remote_name=None):
print('Pushing branch {} to remote...'.format(branch.name))
remote = self.find_remote(remote_name)
remote.push(refspec=branch, force=True)
def branch_exists(self, name):
return name in [h.name for h in self.git_repo.heads]
def create_release_pull_request(self, version):
return self.gh_repo.create_pull(
title='Bump {}'.format(version),
body='Automated release for docker-compose {}\n\n{}'.format(
version, read_release_notes_from_changelog()
def create_release(self, version, release_notes, **kwargs):
return self.gh_repo.create_git_release(
tag=version, name=version, message=release_notes, **kwargs
def find_release(self, version):
print('Retrieving release draft for {}'.format(version))
releases = self.gh_repo.get_releases()
for release in releases:
if release.tag_name == version and release.title == version:
return release
return None
def publish_release(self, release):
def remove_release(self, version):
print('Removing release draft for {}'.format(version))
releases = self.gh_repo.get_releases()
for release in releases:
if release.tag_name == version and release.title == version:
if not release.draft:
'The release at {} is no longer a draft. If you TRULY intend '
'to remove it, please do so manually.'.format(release.url)
def remove_bump_branch(self, version, remote_name=None):
name = branch_name(version)
if not self.branch_exists(name):
return False
print('Removing local branch "{}"'.format(name))
if self.git_repo.active_branch.name == name:
print('Active branch is about to be deleted. Checking out to master...')
except GitCommandError:
raise ScriptError(
'Unable to checkout master. Try stashing local changes before proceeding.'
self.git_repo.branches[name].delete(self.git_repo, name, force=True)
print('Removing remote branch "{}"'.format(name))
remote = self.find_remote(remote_name)
remote.push(name, delete=True)
except GitCommandError as e:
if 'remote ref does not exist' in str(e):
return False
raise ScriptError(
'Error trying to remove remote branch: {}'.format(e)
return True
def find_release_pr(self, version):
print('Retrieving release PR for {}'.format(version))
name = branch_name(version)
open_prs = self.gh_repo.get_pulls(state='open')
for pr in open_prs:
if pr.head.ref == name:
print('Found matching PR #{}'.format(pr.number))
return pr
print('No open PR for this release branch.')
return None
def close_release_pr(self, version):
print('Retrieving and closing release PR for {}'.format(version))
name = branch_name(version)
open_prs = self.gh_repo.get_pulls(state='open')
count = 0
for pr in open_prs:
if pr.head.ref == name:
print('Found matching PR #{}'.format(pr.number))
count += 1
if count == 0:
print('No open PR for this release branch.')
return count
def write_git_sha(self):
with open(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'compose', 'GITSHA'), 'w') as f:
return self.git_repo.head.commit.hexsha[:7]
def cherry_pick_prs(self, release_branch, ids):
if not ids:
for i in ids:
i = int(i)
except ValueError as e:
raise ScriptError('Invalid PR id: {}'.format(e))
print('Retrieving PR#{}'.format(i))
pr = self.gh_repo.get_pull(i)
patch_data = requests.get(pr.patch_url).text
def apply_patch(self, patch_data):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='_compose_cherry', encoding='utf-8') as f:
self.git_repo.git.am('--3way', f.name)
def get_prs_in_milestone(self, version):
milestones = self.gh_repo.get_milestones(state='open')
milestone = None
for ms in milestones:
if ms.title == version:
milestone = ms
if not milestone:
print('Didn\'t find a milestone matching "{}"'.format(version))
return None
issues = self.gh_repo.get_issues(milestone=milestone, state='all')
prs = []
for issue in issues:
if issue.pull_request is not None:
return sorted(prs)
def get_contributors(pr_data):
commits = pr_data.get_commits()
authors = {}
for commit in commits:
if not commit or not commit.author or not commit.author.login:
author = commit.author.login
authors[author] = authors.get(author, 0) + 1
return [x[0] for x in sorted(list(authors.items()), key=lambda x: x[1])]
def upload_assets(gh_release, files):
print('Uploading binaries and hash sums')
for filename, filedata in files.items():
print('Uploading {}...'.format(filename))
gh_release.upload_asset(filedata[0], content_type='application/octet-stream')
gh_release.upload_asset('{}.sha256'.format(filedata[0]), content_type='text/plain')
print('Uploading run.sh...')
os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'script', 'run', 'run.sh'), content_type='text/plain'
def delete_assets(gh_release):
print('Removing previously uploaded assets')
for asset in gh_release.get_assets():
print('Deleting asset {}'.format(asset.name))
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import re
from .const import REPO_ROOT
from compose import const as compose_const
section_header_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ \([0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]\)$')
class ScriptError(Exception):
def branch_name(version):
return 'bump-{}'.format(version)
def read_release_notes_from_changelog():
with open(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'CHANGELOG.md'), 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
if section_header_re.match(lines[i]):
i += 1
j = i + 1
while j < len(lines):
if section_header_re.match(lines[j]):
j += 1
return ''.join(lines[i + 2:j - 1])
def update_init_py_version(version):
path = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'compose', '__init__.py')
with open(path, 'r') as f:
contents = f.read()
contents = re.sub(r"__version__ = '[0-9a-z.-]+'", "__version__ = '{}'".format(version), contents)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def update_run_sh_version(version):
path = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'script', 'run', 'run.sh')
with open(path, 'r') as f:
contents = f.read()
contents = re.sub(r'VERSION="[0-9a-z.-]+"', 'VERSION="{}"'.format(version), contents)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def compatibility_matrix():
result = {}
for engine_version in compose_const.API_VERSION_TO_ENGINE_VERSION.values():
result[engine_version] = []
for fmt, api_version in compose_const.API_VERSIONS.items():
return result
def yesno(prompt, default=None):
Prompt the user for a yes or no.
Can optionally specify a default value, which will only be
used if they enter a blank line.
Unrecognised input (anything other than "y", "n", "yes",
"no" or "") will return None.
answer = input(prompt).strip().lower()
if answer == "y" or answer == "yes":
return True
elif answer == "n" or answer == "no":
return False
elif answer == "":
return default
return None
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
debian_based() { test -f /etc/debian_version; }
if test -z $VENV_DIR; then
if test -z $PYTHONBIN; then
PYTHONBIN=$(which python3)
if test -z $PYTHONBIN; then
PYTHONBIN=$(which python)
VERSION=$($PYTHONBIN -c "import sys; print('{}.{}'.format(*sys.version_info[0:2]))")
if test $(echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f1) -lt 3; then
echo "Python 3.3 or above is required"
if test $(echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f2) -lt 3; then
echo "Python 3.3 or above is required"
# Debian / Ubuntu workaround:
# https://askubuntu.com/questions/879437/ensurepip-is-disabled-in-debian-ubuntu-for-the-system-python
if debian_based; then
VENV_FLAGS="$VENV_FLAGS --without-pip"
if debian_based; then
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o $VENV_DIR/get-pip.py
$VENV_PYTHONBIN -m pip install -U Jinja2==2.10 \
PyGithub==1.39 \
GitPython==2.1.9 \
requests==2.18.4 \
setuptools==40.6.2 \
$VENV_PYTHONBIN setup.py develop
Reference in New Issue