mirror of https://github.com/docker/compose.git
convert compose model into moby API types to prepare "up" local implementation
Signed-off-by: Nicolas De Loof <nicolas.deloof@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ package local
import (
@ -53,22 +52,23 @@ func service(ctx context.Context) (backend.Service, error) {
}, nil
func (cs *containerService) ContainerService() containers.Service {
return cs
func (s *local) ContainerService() containers.Service {
return s.containerService
func (ms *local) ComposeService() compose.Service {
func (s *local) ComposeService() compose.Service {
return s
func (s *local) SecretsService() secrets.Service {
return nil
func (ms *local) SecretsService() secrets.Service {
func (s *local) VolumeService() volumes.Service {
return s.volumeService
func (s *local) ResourceService() resources.Service {
return nil
func (vs *volumeService) VolumeService() volumes.Service {
return vs
func (ms *local) ResourceService() resources.Service {
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
// +build local
Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package local
import (
moby "github.com/docker/docker/api/types"
func (s *local) Up(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, detach bool) error {
for k, network := range project.Networks {
if !network.External.External {
network.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", project.Name, k)
project.Networks[k] = network
err := s.ensureNetwork(ctx, network)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, service := range project.Services {
containerConfig, hostConfig, networkingConfig, err := getContainerCreateOptions(project, service)
if err != nil {
return err
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", project.Name, service.Name)
id, err := s.create(ctx, containerConfig, hostConfig, networkingConfig, name)
if err != nil {
return err
for net, _ := range service.Networks {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", project.Name, net)
err = s.connectContainerToNetwork(ctx, id, service.Name, name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = s.containerService.apiClient.ContainerStart(ctx, id, moby.ContainerStartOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *local) Down(ctx context.Context, projectName string) error {
panic("implement me")
func (s *local) Logs(ctx context.Context, projectName string, w io.Writer) error {
panic("implement me")
func (s *local) Ps(ctx context.Context, projectName string) ([]compose.ServiceStatus, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (s *local) List(ctx context.Context, projectName string) ([]compose.Stack, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (s *local) Convert(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, format string) ([]byte, error) {
panic("implement me")
func getContainerCreateOptions(p *types.Project, s types.ServiceConfig) (*container.Config, *container.HostConfig, *network.NetworkingConfig, error) {
labels := map[string]string{
"com.docker.compose.project": p.Name,
"com.docker.compose.service": s.Name,
var (
runCmd strslice.StrSlice
entrypoint strslice.StrSlice
if len(s.Command) > 0 {
runCmd = strslice.StrSlice(s.Command)
if len(s.Entrypoint) > 0 {
entrypoint = strslice.StrSlice(s.Entrypoint)
image := s.Image
if s.Image == "" {
image = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", p.Name, s.Name)
var (
tty = s.Tty
stdinOpen = s.StdinOpen
attachStdin = false
containerConfig := container.Config{
Hostname: s.Hostname,
Domainname: s.DomainName,
User: s.User,
ExposedPorts: buildContainerPorts(s),
Tty: tty,
OpenStdin: stdinOpen,
StdinOnce: true,
AttachStdin: attachStdin,
AttachStderr: true,
AttachStdout: true,
Cmd: runCmd,
Image: image,
WorkingDir: s.WorkingDir,
Entrypoint: entrypoint,
NetworkDisabled: s.NetworkMode == "disabled",
MacAddress: s.MacAddress,
Labels: labels,
StopSignal: s.StopSignal,
// Env: s.Environment, FIXME conversion
// Healthcheck: s.HealthCheck, FIXME conversion
// Volumes: // FIXME unclear to me the overlap with HostConfig.Mounts
// StopTimeout: s.StopGracePeriod FIXME conversion
mountOptions, err := buildContainerMountOptions(p, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
bindings, err := buildContainerBindingOptions(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
networkMode := getNetworkMode(p, s)
hostConfig := container.HostConfig{
Mounts: mountOptions,
CapAdd: strslice.StrSlice(s.CapAdd),
CapDrop: strslice.StrSlice(s.CapDrop),
NetworkMode: networkMode,
Init: s.Init,
ReadonlyRootfs: s.ReadOnly,
// ShmSize: , TODO
Sysctls: s.Sysctls,
PortBindings: bindings,
networkConfig := buildDefaultNetworkConfig(s, networkMode)
return &containerConfig, &hostConfig, networkConfig, nil
func buildContainerPorts(s types.ServiceConfig) nat.PortSet {
ports := nat.PortSet{}
for _, p := range s.Ports {
p := nat.Port(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", p.Target, p.Protocol))
ports[p] = struct{}{}
return ports
func buildContainerBindingOptions(s types.ServiceConfig) (nat.PortMap, error) {
bindings := nat.PortMap{}
for _, port := range s.Ports {
p := nat.Port(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", port.Target, port.Protocol))
bind := []nat.PortBinding{}
binding := nat.PortBinding{}
if port.Published > 0 {
binding.HostPort = fmt.Sprint(port.Published)
bind = append(bind, binding)
bindings[p] = bind
return bindings, nil
func buildContainerMountOptions(p *types.Project, s types.ServiceConfig) ([]mount.Mount, error) {
mounts := []mount.Mount{}
for _, v := range s.Volumes {
source := v.Source
if v.Type == "bind" && !filepath.IsAbs(source) {
// FIXME handle ~/
source = filepath.Join(p.WorkingDir, source)
mounts = append(mounts, mount.Mount{
Type: mount.Type(v.Type),
Source: source,
Target: v.Target,
ReadOnly: v.ReadOnly,
Consistency: mount.Consistency(v.Consistency),
BindOptions: buildBindOption(v.Bind),
VolumeOptions: buildVolumeOptions(v.Volume),
TmpfsOptions: buildTmpfsOptions(v.Tmpfs),
return mounts, nil
func buildBindOption(bind *types.ServiceVolumeBind) *mount.BindOptions {
if bind == nil {
return nil
return &mount.BindOptions{
Propagation: mount.Propagation(bind.Propagation),
// NonRecursive: false, FIXME missing from model ?
func buildVolumeOptions(vol *types.ServiceVolumeVolume) *mount.VolumeOptions {
if vol == nil {
return nil
return &mount.VolumeOptions{
NoCopy: vol.NoCopy,
// Labels: , // FIXME missing from model ?
// DriverConfig: , // FIXME missing from model ?
func buildTmpfsOptions(tmpfs *types.ServiceVolumeTmpfs) *mount.TmpfsOptions {
if tmpfs == nil {
return nil
return &mount.TmpfsOptions{
SizeBytes: tmpfs.Size,
// Mode: , // FIXME missing from model ?
func buildDefaultNetworkConfig(s types.ServiceConfig, networkMode container.NetworkMode) *network.NetworkingConfig {
config := map[string]*network.EndpointSettings{}
net := string(networkMode)
config[net] = &network.EndpointSettings{
Aliases: getAliases(s, s.Networks[net]),
return &network.NetworkingConfig{
EndpointsConfig: config,
func getAliases(s types.ServiceConfig, c *types.ServiceNetworkConfig) []string {
aliases := []string{s.Name}
if c != nil {
aliases = append(aliases, c.Aliases...)
return aliases
func getNetworkMode(p *types.Project, service types.ServiceConfig) container.NetworkMode {
mode := service.NetworkMode
if mode == "" {
if len(p.Networks) > 0 {
for name := range getNetworksForService(service) {
return container.NetworkMode(p.Networks[name].Name)
return container.NetworkMode("none")
/// FIXME incomplete implementation
if strings.HasPrefix(mode, "service:") {
panic("Not yet implemented")
if strings.HasPrefix(mode, "container:") {
panic("Not yet implemented")
return container.NetworkMode(mode)
func getNetworksForService(s types.ServiceConfig) map[string]*types.ServiceNetworkConfig {
if len(s.Networks) > 0 {
return s.Networks
return map[string]*types.ServiceNetworkConfig{"default": nil}
func (s *local) ensureNetwork(ctx context.Context, n types.NetworkConfig) error {
_, err := s.containerService.apiClient.NetworkInspect(ctx, n.Name, moby.NetworkInspectOptions{})
if err != nil {
if errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
createOpts := moby.NetworkCreate{
// TODO NameSpace Labels
Labels: n.Labels,
Driver: n.Driver,
Options: n.DriverOpts,
Internal: n.Internal,
Attachable: n.Attachable,
if n.Ipam.Driver != "" || len(n.Ipam.Config) > 0 {
createOpts.IPAM = &network.IPAM{}
if n.Ipam.Driver != "" {
createOpts.IPAM.Driver = n.Ipam.Driver
for _, ipamConfig := range n.Ipam.Config {
config := network.IPAMConfig{
Subnet: ipamConfig.Subnet,
createOpts.IPAM.Config = append(createOpts.IPAM.Config, config)
if _, err := s.containerService.apiClient.NetworkCreate(context.Background(), n.Name, createOpts); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create network %s", n.Name)
return nil
} else {
return err
return nil
func (s *local) connectContainerToNetwork(ctx context.Context, id string, service string, n string) error {
err := s.containerService.apiClient.NetworkConnect(ctx, n, id, &network.EndpointSettings{
Aliases: []string{service},
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package local
import (
@ -134,13 +135,21 @@ func (cs *containerService) Run(ctx context.Context, r containers.ContainerConfi
created, err := cs.apiClient.ContainerCreate(ctx, containerConfig, hostConfig, nil, r.ID)
id, err := cs.create(ctx, containerConfig, hostConfig, nil, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
return cs.apiClient.ContainerStart(ctx, id, types.ContainerStartOptions{})
func (cs *containerService) create(ctx context.Context, containerConfig *container.Config, hostConfig *container.HostConfig, networkingConfig *network.NetworkingConfig, name string) (string, error) {
created, err := cs.apiClient.ContainerCreate(ctx, containerConfig, hostConfig, networkingConfig, name)
if err != nil {
if client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
io, err := cs.apiClient.ImagePull(ctx, r.Image, types.ImagePullOptions{})
io, err := cs.apiClient.ImagePull(ctx, containerConfig.Image, types.ImagePullOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
return "", err
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(io)
@ -149,21 +158,20 @@ func (cs *containerService) Run(ctx context.Context, r containers.ContainerConfi
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return err
return "", err
if err = io.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return "", err
created, err = cs.apiClient.ContainerCreate(ctx, containerConfig, hostConfig, nil, r.ID)
created, err = cs.apiClient.ContainerCreate(ctx, containerConfig, hostConfig, networkingConfig, name)
if err != nil {
return err
return "", err
} else {
return err
return "", err
return cs.apiClient.ContainerStart(ctx, created.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{})
return created.ID, nil
func (cs *containerService) Start(ctx context.Context, containerID string) error {
Reference in New Issue