diff --git a/compose/cli/main.py b/compose/cli/main.py
index a7aec945e..98fc4e451 100644
--- a/compose/cli/main.py
+++ b/compose/cli/main.py
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ from .formatter import Formatter
 from .log_printer import build_log_presenters
 from .log_printer import LogPrinter
 from .utils import get_version_info
+from .utils import human_readable_file_size
 from .utils import yesno
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ class TopLevelCommand(object):
       events             Receive real time events from containers
       exec               Execute a command in a running container
       help               Get help on a command
+      images             List images
       kill               Kill containers
       logs               View output from containers
       pause              Pause services
@@ -481,6 +483,45 @@ class TopLevelCommand(object):
+    def images(self, options):
+        """
+        List images used by the created containers.
+        Usage: images [options] [SERVICE...]
+        Options:
+        -q     Only display IDs
+        """
+        containers = sorted(
+            self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) +
+            self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=OneOffFilter.only),
+            key=attrgetter('name'))
+        if options['-q']:
+            for image in set(c.image for c in containers):
+                print(image.split(':')[1])
+        else:
+            headers = [
+                'Container',
+                'Repository',
+                'Tag',
+                'Image Id',
+                'Size'
+            ]
+            rows = []
+            for container in containers:
+                image_config = container.image_config
+                repo_tags = image_config['RepoTags'][0].split(':')
+                image_id = image_config['Id'].split(':')[1][:12]
+                size = human_readable_file_size(image_config['Size'])
+                rows.append([
+                    container.name,
+                    repo_tags[0],
+                    repo_tags[1],
+                    image_id,
+                    size
+                ])
+            print(Formatter().table(headers, rows))
     def kill(self, options):
         Force stop service containers.
diff --git a/compose/cli/utils.py b/compose/cli/utils.py
index 580bd1b07..4d4fc4c18 100644
--- a/compose/cli/utils.py
+++ b/compose/cli/utils.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
 from __future__ import division
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import math
 import os
 import platform
 import ssl
@@ -135,3 +136,15 @@ def unquote_path(s):
     if s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"':
         return s[1:-1]
     return s
+def human_readable_file_size(size):
+    suffixes = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', ]
+    order = int(math.log(size, 2) / 10) if size else 0
+    if order >= len(suffixes):
+        order = len(suffixes) - 1
+    return '{0:.3g} {1}'.format(
+        size / float(1 << (order * 10)),
+        suffixes[order]
+    )
diff --git a/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose b/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose
index f4b9342f3..fa099eac4 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose
+++ b/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose
@@ -220,6 +220,16 @@ _docker_compose_help() {
 	COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${commands[*]}" -- "$cur" ) )
+_docker_compose_images() {
+    case "$cur" in
+	-*)
+	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help -q" -- "$cur" ) )
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    __docker_compose_services_all
+	    ;;
+    esac
 _docker_compose_kill() {
 	case "$prev" in
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/cli_test.py b/tests/acceptance/cli_test.py
index 115dc6439..e1c1d8394 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/cli_test.py
+++ b/tests/acceptance/cli_test.py
@@ -1986,3 +1986,18 @@ class CLITestCase(DockerClientTestCase):
         result = wait_on_process(proc, returncode=1)
         assert 'exitcodefrom_another_1 exited with code 1' in result.stdout
+    def test_images(self):
+        self.project.get_service('simple').create_container()
+        result = self.dispatch(['images'])
+        assert 'busybox' in result.stdout
+        assert 'simplecomposefile_simple_1' in result.stdout
+    def test_images_default_composefile(self):
+        self.base_dir = 'tests/fixtures/multiple-composefiles'
+        self.dispatch(['up', '-d'])
+        result = self.dispatch(['images'])
+        assert 'busybox' in result.stdout
+        assert 'multiplecomposefiles_another_1' in result.stdout
+        assert 'multiplecomposefiles_simple_1' in result.stdout