Fix environment variables priority between environment and .env

Signed-off-by: Ulysses Souza <>
This commit is contained in:
Ulysses Souza 2022-06-08 00:44:12 +02:00
parent bac398aa9f
commit e9c8cfcef3
9 changed files with 142 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -354,11 +354,9 @@ func setEnvWithDotEnv(prjOpts *projectOptions) error {
return err
for k, v := range envFromFile {
if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(k); !ok {
if err := os.Setenv(k, v); err != nil {
if err := os.Setenv(k, v); err != nil { // overwrite the process env with merged OS + env file results
return err
return nil

View File

@ -151,3 +151,5 @@ replace ( => v0.22.4 => v0.22.4
replace => v1.2.9-0.20220712021117-dcfe0889b601 // TODO Remove and bump require section when PR is merged

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@ -285,9 +285,8 @@ v0.0.0-20200714090401-bf6692d28da5/go.mod h1:h v1.2.4/go.mod h1:rQD95gz6FARkaKkQXUksEje/d9a6wBJoCr5oaCLELYA= v0.0.0-20190617123548-eb05cc24525f/go.mod h1:i/u985jwjWRlyHXQbwatDASoW0RMlZ/3i9yJHE2xLkI= v0.0.0-20160425231609-f8ad88b59a58/go.mod h1:sE/e/2PUdi/liOCUjSTXgM1o87ZssimdTWN964YiIeI= v1.2.1/go.mod h1:pAy7Mikpeft4pxkFU565/DRHEbDfR84G6AQuiL+Hdg8= v1.2.9 h1:+7q2X8gCd16qUX+FU5EPtepK9lWZSGfc8Xe2cGmZqDc= v1.2.9/go.mod h1:rGaQw1U8uhZhmANQHIocMnQ+qu6ER2+1OwhWjRqQEPI= v1.2.9-0.20220712021117-dcfe0889b601 h1:dG3F1lPuUkmpxGs5qB3dFhqsXp06bpJHd0Btt6K15cU= v1.2.9-0.20220712021117-dcfe0889b601/go.mod h1:rGaQw1U8uhZhmANQHIocMnQ+qu6ER2+1OwhWjRqQEPI= v0.0.0-20200908144142-dab0cbea06f4/go.mod h1:nukgQABAEopAHvB6j7cnP5zJ+/3aVcE7hCYqvIwAHyE= v0.0.0-20201003224125-76a6863f2989/go.mod h1:AkGGQs9NM2vtYHaUen+NljV0/baGCAPELGm2q9ZXpWU= v0.0.0-20210316121734-20793ff83c97/go.mod h1:kL5kd6KM5TzQjR79jljyi4olc1Vrx6XBlcyj3gNv2PU=
@ -1007,7 +1006,6 @@ v0.0.0-20160808181253-ca63d7c062ee/go.mod h1:F v1.1.2/go.mod h1:FVVH3fgwuzCH5S8UJGiWEs2h04kUh9fWfEaFds41c1Y= v1.3.1/go.mod h1:bFUtVrKA4DC2yAKiSyO/QUcy7e+RRV2QTWOzhPopBRo= v1.4.1/go.mod h1:bFUtVrKA4DC2yAKiSyO/QUcy7e+RRV2QTWOzhPopBRo= v1.4.3/go.mod h1:bFUtVrKA4DC2yAKiSyO/QUcy7e+RRV2QTWOzhPopBRo= v1.5.0 h1:jeMsZIYE/09sWLaz43PL7Gy6RuMjD2eJVyuac5Z2hdY= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:bFUtVrKA4DC2yAKiSyO/QUcy7e+RRV2QTWOzhPopBRo= v0.0.0-20151018003038-5e2d6d41470f/go.mod h1:OkQIRizQZAeMln+1tSwduZz7+Af5oFlKirV/MSYes2A=
@ -2121,7 +2119,6 @@ v2.2.0+incompatible h1:VsBPFP1AI068pPrMxtb/S8Zkgf9xEmTLJjfM+P5UIEo= v2.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:DsYFclhRJ6vuDpmuTbkuFWG+y2sxOXAzmJt81HFBacw= v3.0.2/go.mod h1:3SzNCllyD9/Y+b5r9JIKQ474KzkZyqLqEfYqMsX94Bk= v3.0.3/go.mod h1:Z7Lb0S5l+klDB31fvDQX8ss/FlKDxtlFlw3Oa8Ymbl8= v3.1.0/go.mod h1:fHy7eyTmJFO5bQbUsEGQ1v4m2J3Jz9eWL54TP2/ZuYQ= v3.3.0 h1:MfDY1b1/0xN1CyMlQDac0ziEy9zJQd9CXBRRDHw2jJo= v3.3.0/go.mod h1:Mcr9QNxkg0uMvy/YElmo4SpXgJKWgQvYrT7Kw5RzJ1A= v0.0.0-20170609214715-11d0a25b4919/go.mod h1:77eQGdRu53HpSqPFJFmuJdjuHRquDANNeA4x7B8WQ9o=

View File

@ -114,15 +114,12 @@ func applyRunOptions(project *types.Project, service *types.ServiceConfig, opts
service.Entrypoint = opts.Entrypoint
if len(opts.Environment) > 0 {
env := types.NewMappingWithEquals(opts.Environment)
projectEnv := env.Resolve(func(s string) (string, bool) {
if _, ok := service.Environment[s]; ok {
return "", false
cmdEnv := types.NewMappingWithEquals(opts.Environment)
serviceOverrideEnv := cmdEnv.Resolve(func(s string) (string, bool) {
v, ok := project.Environment[s]
return v, ok
for k, v := range opts.Labels {
service.Labels = service.Labels.Add(k, v)

View File

@ -27,150 +27,196 @@ import (
func TestEnvPriority(t *testing.T) {
c := NewParallelCLI(t)
projectDir := "./fixtures/environment/env-priority"
t.Run("up", func(t *testing.T) {
c.RunDockerOrExitError(t, "rmi", "env-compose-priority")
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose-with-env.yaml",
"--project-directory", projectDir, "up", "-d", "--build")
"up", "-d", "--build")
// Full options activated
// 1. Compose file <-- Result expected
// 2. Shell environment variables
// 3. Environment file
// 4. Dockerfile
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by --env-file)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("compose file priority", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose-with-env.yaml",
"--project-directory", projectDir, "--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override", "run",
"--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "WHEREAMI=shell")
res := icmd.RunCmd(cmd)
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "Compose File")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "override")
// Full options activated
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("compose file priority", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose-with-env.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI=shell", "env-compose-priority")
res := icmd.RunCmd(cmd)
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "shell")
// No Compose file, all other options
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables <-- Result expected
// 3. Environment file
// 4. Dockerfile
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by --env-file)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("shell priority", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml", "--project-directory",
projectDir, "--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override", "run", "--rm", "-e",
"WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "WHEREAMI=shell")
res := icmd.RunCmd(cmd)
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "override")
// No Compose file, all other options with env variable from OS environment
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("shell priority file with default value", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override.with.default",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "WHEREAMI=shell")
res := icmd.RunCmd(cmd)
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "shell")
// No Compose file, all other options with env variable from OS environment
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment default value from file in --env-file)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("shell priority implicitly set", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override.with.default",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
res := icmd.RunCmd(cmd)
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "EnvFileDefaultValue")
// No Compose file and env variable pass to the run command
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables <-- Result expected
// 3. Environment file
// 4. Dockerfile
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("shell priority from run command", func(t *testing.T) {
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml", "--project-directory",
projectDir, "--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override", "run", "--rm", "-e",
"WHEREAMI=shell-run", "env-compose-priority")
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI=shell-run", "env-compose-priority")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "shell-run")
// No Compose file & no env variable but override env file
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables
// 3. Environment file <-- Result expected
// 4. Dockerfile
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by .env as a default --env-file value)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("override env file from compose", func(t *testing.T) {
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd("-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose-with-env-file.yaml",
"--project-directory", projectDir,
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose-with-env-file.yaml",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "Env File")
// No Compose file & no env variable but override by default env file
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by --env-file value)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("override env file", func(t *testing.T) {
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "override")
// No Compose file & no env variable but override env file
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables
// 3. Environment file <-- Result expected
// 4. Dockerfile
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("override env file", func(t *testing.T) {
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml", "--project-directory",
projectDir, "--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.override", "run", "--rm", "-e",
"WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "override")
// No Compose file & no env variable but override env file
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables
// 3. Environment file <-- Result expected
// 4. Dockerfile
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by --env-file value)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("env file", func(t *testing.T) {
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml", "--project-directory",
projectDir, "run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "Env File")
// No Compose file & no env variable, using an empty override env file
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables
// 3. Environment file
// 4. Dockerfile <-- Result expected
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive <-- Result expected
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("use Dockerfile", func(t *testing.T) {
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml", "--project-directory",
projectDir, "--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.empty", "run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI",
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/compose.yaml",
"--env-file", "./fixtures/environment/env-priority/.env.empty",
"run", "--rm", "-e", "WHEREAMI", "env-compose-priority")
assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), "Dockerfile")
t.Run("down", func(t *testing.T) {
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "--project-directory", projectDir, "down")
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "--project-name", "env-priority", "down")
func TestEnvInterpolation(t *testing.T) {
c := NewParallelCLI(t)
projectDir := "./fixtures/environment/env-interpolation"
// No variable defined in the Compose file and env variable pass to the run command
// 1. Compose file
// 2. Shell environment variables <-- Result expected
// 3. Environment file
// 4. Dockerfile
// No variable defined in the Compose file and nor env variable pass to the run command
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by .env as a default --env-file value)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("shell priority from run command", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-interpolation/compose.yaml",
"--project-directory", projectDir, "config")
cmd := c.NewDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-interpolation/compose.yaml", "config")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "WHEREAMI=shell")
res := icmd.RunCmd(cmd)
res.Assert(t, icmd.Expected{Out: `IMAGE: default_env:shell`})
res.Assert(t, icmd.Expected{Out: `IMAGE: default_env:EnvFile`})
// No variable defined in the Compose file and env variable pass to the run command
// 1. Command Line (docker compose run --env <KEY[=VAL]>)
// 2. Compose File (service::environment section) <-- Result expected (From environment patched by .env as a default --env-file value.
// This variable has a default value in case of an absent variable in the OS environment)
// 3. Compose File (service::env_file section file)
// 4. Container Image ENV directive
// 5. Variable is not defined
t.Run("shell priority from run command using default value fallback", func(t *testing.T) {
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-interpolation-default-value/compose.yaml", "config").
Assert(t, icmd.Expected{Out: `IMAGE: default_env:EnvFileDefaultValue`})
func TestCommentsInEnvFile(t *testing.T) {
c := NewParallelCLI(t)
projectDir := "./fixtures/environment/env-file-comments"
t.Run("comments in env files", func(t *testing.T) {
c.RunDockerOrExitError(t, "rmi", "env-file-comments")
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-file-comments/compose.yaml", "--project-directory",
projectDir, "up", "-d", "--build")
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-file-comments/compose.yaml", "up", "-d", "--build")
res := c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "-f", "./fixtures/environment/env-file-comments/compose.yaml",
"--project-directory", projectDir, "run", "--rm", "-e", "COMMENT", "-e", "NO_COMMENT", "env-file-comments")
"run", "--rm", "-e", "COMMENT", "-e", "NO_COMMENT", "env-file-comments")
res.Assert(t, icmd.Expected{Out: `COMMENT=1234`})
res.Assert(t, icmd.Expected{Out: `NO_COMMENT=1234#5`})
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "--project-directory", projectDir, "down", "--rmi", "all")
c.RunDockerComposeCmd(t, "--project-name", "env-file-comments", "down", "--rmi", "all")

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
image: bash
command: echo "$IMAGE"

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@