Write the warning using `logrus.Warn`. The function being used was
coming from `cfssl`'s log package, which was presumably the result
of auto-import being _slightly_ too aggressive.
(Note: `cfssl` is still an indirect dependency after this.)
Signed-off-by: Milas Bowman <milas.bowman@docker.com>
When an image pull fails but the service has a `build` section, it
will be built, so it's not an unrecoverable error. It's now logged as
a warning - in situations where the image will _never_ exist in a
registry, `pull_policy: never` can & should be used, which will
prevent the error and avoid unnecessary pull attempts.
Signed-off-by: Risky Feryansyah Pribadi <riskypribadi24@gmail.com>
This commit adds progress output while waiting for `depends_on`
conditions to resolve. The initial output looks like so:
⠿ Container chbench-zookeeper-1 Waiting 0s
⠿ Container chbench-kafka-1 Waiting 0s
⠿ Container chbench-one-off Waiting 0s
Once all conditions have been resolved, the ouput looks like this:
⠿ Container chbench-zookeeper-1 Healthy 1.2s
⠿ Container chbench-kafka-1 Healthy 3.2s
⠿ Container chbench-schema-registry-1 Exited 4s
As shown above, `service_healthy` conditions result in a terminal status
of "Healthy" while `service_exited_successfully` conditions result in a
terminal status of "Exited".
Signed-off-by: Nikhil Benesch <nikhil.benesch@gmail.com>