Closes: #6890
Some remarks,
- `# coding ... utf-8` statements are not needed
- isdigit on strings instead of a try-catch.
- Default opening mode is read, so we can do `open()` without the `'r'` everywhere
- Removed inheritinng from `object` class, it isn't necessary in python3.
- `super(ClassName, self)` can now be replaced with `super()`
- Use of itertools and `chain` on a couple places dealing with sets.
- Used the operator module instead of lambdas when warranted
`itemgetter(0)` instead of `lambda x: x[0]`
`attrgetter('name')` instead of `lambda x:`
- `sorted` returns a list, so no need to use `list(sorted(...))`
- Removed `dict()` using dictionary comprehensions whenever possible
- Attempted to remove python3.2 support
Signed-off-by: alexrecuenco <>
After conversion a file would immediately not load in docker-compose 1.6.0 with the message:
ERROR: Version in "./converted.yml" is invalid - it should be a string.
Signed-off-by: Anthon van der Neut
Signed-off-by: Anthon van der Neut <>
If a warning is shown, and you happen to have no color setting in your (bash) prompt, the \033[37m setting, stays active. With the message hardly readable (light grey on my default light yellow background), that means the prompt is barely visible and you need to do `tput reset`.
Would probably be better if the background color was set as well in case you have dark on light theme by default in your terminal.
Signed-off-by: Anthon van der Neut <>