External volumes are created and managed by the user.
They are not namespaced.
They are expected to exist at the beginning of the up phase.
Signed-off-by: Joffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
During the initialize_volumes phase, if a volume using the
non-namespaced name already exists, don't create the namespaced
Signed-off-by: Joffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
- Remove --x-networking and --x-network-driver
- There's now no way to set a network driver - this will be added back
with the 'networks' key
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
Assume version=1 if file is empty in get_config_version
Empty files are invalid anyway, so this simplifies the algorithm
Don't leak version considerations in interpolation/service validation
Signed-off-by: Joffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
When created through the compose file, volumes are prefixed
with the name of the project they belong to + underscore,
similarly to how containers are currently handled.
Signed-off-by: Joffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
* Bump default API version to 1.21 (required for named volume management)
* Introduce new, versioned compose file format while maintaining support
for current (legacy) format
* Test updates to reflect changes made to the internal API
Signed-off-by: Joffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
Split env resolving into two phases. The first phase is to expand the paths
of env_files, which is done before merging extends. Once all files are merged
together, the final phase is to read the env_files and use them as the base
for environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
Refactors config validation of a service to use a ServiceConfig data object.
Instead of passing around a bunch of related scalars, we can use the
ServiceConfig object as a parameter to most of the service validation functions.
This allows for a fix to the config schema, where the name is a field in the
schema, but not actually in the configuration. My passing the name around as
part of the ServiceConfig object, we don't need to add it to the config options.
validate_against_service_schema() is moved from a conditional branch in
ServiceExtendsResolver() to happen as one of the last steps after all
configuration is merged. This schema only contains constraints which only need
to be true at the very end of merging.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
ServiceLoader has evolved to be not really all that related to "loading" a
service. It's responsibility is more to do with handling the `extends`
field, which is only part of loading. The class and its primary method
(make_service_dict()) were renamed to better reflect their responsibility.
As part of that change process_container_options() was removed from
make_service_dict() and renamed to process_service(). It contains logic for
handling the non-extends options.
This change allows us to remove the hacks from testcase.py and only call
the functions we need to format a service dict correctly for integration tests.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
It has been an unnecessary wrapper around container.start() for a little while now, so we can call it directly.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
These cli tests are now a different kind of that that run the compose binary. They are not the same as integration tests that test some internal interface.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
So we're not displaying output of all previous logs for a container, we attach,
if possible, to a container before the container is started.
LogPrinter checks if a container has a log_stream already attached and
print from that rather than always attempting to attach one itself.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
create_host_config from docker.utils will be deprecated so that
the new create_host_config has access to the _version so
we can ensure that network_mode only gets set to 'default' by
default if the version is high enough and won't explode.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
Now docker-py isn't hardcoding a list of valid log_drivers, we
can expect an APIError in response rather than a ValueError
if we send an invalid log_driver.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
Some were missing build '.' from their dicts, others were the
incorrect type and one I've moved from integration to unit.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
This is minimal disruptive change I could make to ensure
the service integration tests worked, now we have some validation
There is some coupling/entanglement/assumption going on here.
Project when creating a service, using it's class method from_dicts
performs some transformations on links, net & volume_from, which
get passed on to Service when creating. Service itself, then performs
some transformation on those values. This worked fine in the tests before
because those options were merely passed on via make_service_dict.
This is no longer true with our validation in place. You can't pass to
ServiceLoader [(obj, 'string')] for links, the validation expects it to be
a list of strings. Which it would be when passed into Project.from_dicts
I think the tests need some re-factoring but for now, manually deleting
keys out of the kwargs and then putting them back in for Service Creation
allows the tests to continue.
I am not super happy about this approach. Hopefully we can come back and
improve it.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
Moving service name and dict out of the function make_service_dict
and into __init__. We always call make_service_dict with those so
let's put them in the initialiser. Slightly cleaner design intent.
The whole purpose of the ServiceLoader is to take a
service name&service dictionary then validate, process and return
service dictionaries ready to be created.
This is also another step towards cleaning the code up so we can
interpolate and validate an extended dictionary.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
While it can be set to ultimately a value of None, when a
config file is read in from stdin, it is not optional.
We kinda make use of it's ability to be set to None in our
tests but functionally and design wise, it is required.
If filename is not set, extends does not work.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
In particular it includes:
- some extension of CONTRIBUTING.md
- one fix for Python 2.6 in tests/integration/cli_test.py
- one fix for Python 3.3 in tests/integration/service_test.py
- removal of unused imports
Make stream_output Python 3-compatible
Signed-off-by: Frank Sachsenheim <funkyfuture@riseup.net>
If we get back an error that wasn't an APIError, it was causing the
thread to hang. This catch all, while I appreciate feels risky to
have a catch all, is better than not catching and silently failing,
with a never ending thread.
If something worse than an APIError has gone wrong, we want to stop
the incredible journey of what we're doing.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
If a container is in the process of being removed, or removal has
failed, it can sometimes appear in the output of GET /containers/json
but not have a 'Name' key. In that case, rather than crashing, we can
ignore it.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
* Add support for volume_driver parameter in compose yml
* Don't expand volume host paths if a volume_driver is specified
(i.e., disable compose feature "relative to absolute path
transformation" when volume drivers are in use, since volume drivers
can use name where host path is normally specified; this is a
Signed-off-by: Luke Marsden <luke@clusterhq.com>
When an image declares a volume such as `/var/lib/mysql`, and a Compose
file has a line like `./data:/var/lib/mysql/` (note the trailing slash),
Compose creates duplicate volume binds when *recreating* the container.
(The first container is created without a hitch, but contains multiple
entries in its "Volumes" config.)
Fixed by normalizing all paths in volumes config.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
Also warn the user about the one-off containers in the standard error
message about legacy containers.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
This top level function is a test helper, so I've moved it into the
config_test file and updated accordingly.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
If you have an alternate YAML file with different services defined,
containers for those services will be shown in `docker-compose ps` even
if you don't pass that file in.
Furthermore, `docker-compose rm` will claim that it's going to remove
them, but actually won't.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
Add a test to make sure NoSuchService is raised if
a bogus service name is given to 'docker-compose logs'.
Signed-off-by: Dan O'Reilly <oreilldf@gmail.com>
I think the original intention of the original test was the check that
different signals work, I think. This does this -- it sends a signal
that doesn't cause the container to stop.
Closes#759. Replaces #1467.
Signed-off-by: Ben Firshman <ben@firshman.co.uk>
This fixes a bug where migration would fail with an error if a
downstream container was migrated before its upstream dependencies, due
to `check_for_legacy_containers()` being implicitly called when we fetch
`links`, `volumes_from` or `net` dependencies.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
When an upstream dependency (e.g. a db) has a container but a downstream
service (e.g. a web app) doesn't, a web container is not created on
`docker-compose up`.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
- One-off containers were included in the warning log messages, which can
make for unreadable output when there are lots (as there often are).
- Compose was attempting to recreate one-off containers as normal
containers when migrating.
Fixed by implementing the exact naming logic from before we used labels.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
- Rename `migration` module to `legacy` to make its legacy-ness explicit
- Move `check_for_legacy_containers` into `legacy` module
- Fix migration test so it can be run in isolation
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
list-of-strings in examples
disallow extra_hosts support for list-of-dicts
A more thorough sets of tests for extra_hosts
Provide better examples
As per @aanand's [comment](https://github.com/docker/compose/pull/1158/files#r28326312)
I think it'd be better to check `if not isinstance(extra_hosts_line,
six.string_types)` and raise an error saying `extra_hosts_config must be
either a list of strings or a string->string mapping`. We shouldn't need
to do anything special with the list-of-dicts case.
order result to work with assert
use set() instead of sort()
Signed-off-by: CJ <lim@chernjie.com>
This is required for Swarm integration: the cluster needs to know
about config like `links` and `volumes_from` at create time so that it
can co-schedule containers.
Signed-off-by: Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
This shall lower the propability to interfere with another service (e.g. the
WebUI of an application) that is running on the machine where tests are run.
Signed-off-by: funkyfuture <funkyfuture@riseup.net>
Allows overriding a user on the command line from the one specified in
the docker-compose.yml
The added tests verify that a specified user overrides a default
user in the docker-compose.yml file.
Based on commit f2f01e207b by @chmouel
Signed-off-by: Ian VanSchooten <ian@badgelabsllc.com>