I'm not sure if it should be there at all, but at least it should hardly be where it currently is located.
Signed-off-by: Per Persson <per.persson@exertisztorm.com>
This change adds cgroup-parent support to compose project. It allows
each service to specify a 'cgroup_parent' option.
Signed-off-by: Mohit Soni <mosoni@paypal.com>
Also incorporated the structural changes by @moxiegirl in PR #1994 as well as subsequent issues reported by @aanand.
Signed-off-by: Charles Chan <charleswhchan@users.noreply.github.com>
Removed 'Compose command line completion' and 'Compose environment variables' from the list. command line completion is linked to from install docs, and environment variables are deprecated.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
The Dockerfile should use the same Gemfile.lock as the app, to make sure the container gets the expected versions of gems installed. Aside from wanting that in principle, without it you can get mysterious gem dependency errors. Here's the scenario:
1. Suppose `Gemfile` includes `gem "some-active-gem", "~> 1.0"
2. When developing the app, you run `bundle install`, which installs the latest version--let's say, 1.0.1-and records it in `Gemfile.lock`
3. Suppose the developers of `some-active-gem` then release v1.0.2
4. Now build the container: docker runs `bundle install`, which installs v1.0.2 and records it in `Gemfile.lock` and then "ADD"s the app worktree, which replaces the `Gemfile.lock` with the one from the worktree that lists v1.0.1.
5. Immediately run your app and it fails with the error `Could not find some-active-gem-1.0.1 in any of the sources` which is a bit befuddling since you just saw it run bundle install so you expect all gem dependencies to be resolved properly.
Signed-off-by: ronen barzel <ronen@barzel.org>
Bring in line with Glossary. https://docs.docker.com/reference/glossary/
Alphabetising list makes makes parsing by humans easier.
Signed-off-by: Mike Bailey <mike.bailey@rea-group.com>
When users were putting true/false/yes/no in the environment key,
the YML parser was converting them into True/False, rather than leaving
them as a string.
This change will force people to put them in quotes, thus ensuring
that the value gets passed through as intended.
Signed-off-by: Mazz Mosley <mazz@houseofmnowster.com>
* clarify Python & Flask
* minor edits & reformatting
* merge the elevated installation instructions with `sudo -i` discussed by @asveepay and @aanand in PR #1201; fixes#1081 (not sure what happened to the merge, but it's not showing up on the master branch or website)
* minor edits
Signed-off-by: Charles Chan <charleswhchan@users.noreply.github.com>