Fig === [![Build Status](]( Punctual, lightweight development environments using Docker. Fig is a tool for defining and running isolated application environments. You define the services which comprise your app in a simple, version-controllable YAML configuration file that looks like this: ```yaml web: build: . links: - db ports: - 8000:8000 db: image: orchardup/postgresql ``` Then type `fig up`, and Fig will start and run your entire app: ![example fig run]( There are commands to: - start, stop and rebuild services - view the status of running services - tail running services' log output - run a one-off command on a service Fig is a project from [Orchard](, a Docker hosting service. [Follow us on Twitter]( to keep up to date with Fig and other Docker news. Getting started --------------- Let's get a basic Python web app running on Fig. It assumes a little knowledge of Python, but the concepts should be clear if you're not familiar with it. First, install Docker. If you're on OS X, you can use [docker-osx]( $ curl > /usr/local/bin/docker $ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker $ docker version Docker has guides for [Ubuntu]( and [other platforms]( in their documentation. Next, install Fig: $ sudo pip install fig (If you don’t have pip installed, try `brew install python` or `apt-get install python-pip`.) You'll want to make a directory for the project: $ mkdir figtest $ cd figtest Inside this directory, create ``, a simple web app that uses the Flask framework and increments a value in Redis: ```python from flask import Flask from redis import Redis import os app = Flask(__name__) redis = Redis( host=os.environ.get('FIGTEST_REDIS_1_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR'), port=int(os.environ.get('FIGTEST_REDIS_1_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT')) ) @app.route('/') def hello(): redis.incr('hits') return 'Hello World! I have been seen %s times.' % redis.get('hits') if __name__ == "__main__":"", debug=True) ``` We define our Python dependencies in a file called `requirements.txt`: flask redis And we define how to build this into a Docker image using a file called `Dockerfile`: FROM stackbrew/ubuntu:13.10 RUN apt-get -qq update RUN apt-get install -y python python-pip ADD . /code WORKDIR /code RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 CMD python That tells Docker to create an image with Python and Flask installed on it, run the command `python`, and open port 5000 (the port that Flask listens on). We then define a set of services using `fig.yml`: web: build: . ports: - 5000:5000 volumes: - .:/code links: - redis redis: image: orchardup/redis This defines two services: - `web`, which is built from `Dockerfile` in the current directory. It also says to forward the exposed port 5000 on the container to port 5000 on the host machine, connect up the Redis service, and mount the current directory inside the container so we can work on code without having to rebuild the image. - `redis`, which uses the public image [orchardup/redis]( Now if we run `fig up`, it'll pull a Redis image, build an image for our own code, and start everything up: $ fig up Pulling image orchardup/redis... Building web... Starting figtest_redis_1... Starting figtest_web_1... figtest_redis_1 | [8] 02 Jan 18:43:35.576 # Server started, Redis version 2.8.3 figtest_web_1 | * Running on Open up [http://localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000) in your browser (or [http://localdocker:5000](http://localdocker:5000) if you're using [docker-osx]( and you should see it running! If you want to run your services in the background, you can pass the `-d` flag to `fig up` and use `fig ps` to see what is currently running: $ fig up -d Starting figtest_redis_1... Starting figtest_web_1... $ fig ps Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------- figtest_redis_1 /usr/local/bin/run Up figtest_web_1 /bin/sh -c python Up 5000->5000/tcp `fig run` allows you to run one-off commands for your services. For example, to see what environment variables are available to the `web` service: $ fig run web env See `fig --help` other commands that are available. You'll probably want to stop your services when you've finished with them: $ fig stop That's more-or-less how Fig works. See the reference section below for full details on the commands, configuration file and environment variables. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, [open an issue on GitHub]( or [email us]( Reference --------- ### fig.yml Each service defined in `fig.yml` must specify exactly one of `image` or `build`. Other keys are optional, and are analogous to their `docker run` command-line counterparts. As with `docker run`, options specified in the Dockerfile (e.g. `CMD`, `EXPOSE`, `VOLUME`, `ENV`) are respected by default - you don't need to specify them again in `fig.yml`. ```yaml -- Tag or partial image ID. Can be local or remote - Fig will attempt to pull if it doesn't exist locally. image: ubuntu image: orchardup/postgresql image: a4bc65fd -- Path to a directory containing a Dockerfile. Fig will build and tag it with a generated name, and use that image thereafter. build: /path/to/build/dir -- Override the default command. command: bundle exec thin -p 3000 -- Link to containers in another service (see "Communicating between containers"). links: - db - redis -- Expose ports. Either specify both ports (HOST:CONTAINER), or just the container port (a random host port will be chosen). ports: - 3000 - 8000:8000 -- Map volumes from the host machine (HOST:CONTAINER). volumes: - cache/:/tmp/cache -- Add environment variables. environment: RACK_ENV: development ``` ### Commands Most commands are run against one or more services. If the service is omitted, it will apply to all services. Run `fig [COMMAND] --help` for full usage. #### build Build or rebuild services. Services are built once and then tagged as `project_service`. If you change a service's `Dockerfile` or its configuration in `fig.yml`, you will probably need to run `fig build` to rebuild it, then run `fig rm` to make `fig up` recreate your containers. #### kill Force stop service containers. #### logs View output from services. #### ps List running containers. #### rm Remove stopped service containers. #### run Run a one-off command for a service. E.g.: $ fig run web python shell Note that this will not start any services that the command's service links to. So if, for example, your one-off command talks to your database, you will need to run `fig up -d db` first. #### start Start existing containers for a service. #### stop Stop running containers without removing them. They can be started again with `fig start`. #### up Build, create, start and attach to containers for a service. If there are stopped containers for a service, `fig up` will start those again instead of creating new containers. When it exits, the containers it started will be stopped. This means if you want to recreate containers, you will need to explicitly run `fig rm`. ### Environment variables Fig uses [Docker links] to expose services' containers to one another. Each linked container injects a set of environment variables, each of which begins with the uppercase name of the container. name\_PORT
Full URL, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT=tcp://` name\_PORT\_num\_protocol
Full URL, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP=tcp://` name\_PORT\_num\_protocol\_ADDR
Container's IP address, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR=` name\_PORT\_num\_protocol\_PORT
Exposed port number, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT=5432` name\_PORT\_num\_protocol\_PROTO
Protocol (tcp or udp), e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_PORT_5432_TCP_PROTO=tcp` name\_NAME
Fully qualified container name, e.g. `MYAPP_DB_1_NAME=/myapp_web_1/myapp_db_1` [Docker links]: