   Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

package convert

import (


	compose "github.com/compose-spec/compose-go/types"


const (
	// Specific username from ACR docs : https://github.com/Azure/acr/blob/master/docs/AAD-OAuth.md#getting-credentials-programatically
	tokenUsername = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
	dockerHub     = "index.docker.io"

type registryHelper interface {
	getAllRegistryCredentials() (map[string]types.AuthConfig, error)
	autoLoginAcr(registry string) error

type cliRegistryHelper struct {
	cfg *configfile.ConfigFile

func (c cliRegistryHelper) getAllRegistryCredentials() (map[string]types.AuthConfig, error) {
	return c.cfg.GetAllCredentials()

func newCliRegistryConfLoader() cliRegistryHelper {
	return cliRegistryHelper{
		cfg: config.LoadDefaultConfigFile(os.Stderr),

func getRegistryCredentials(project compose.Project, helper registryHelper) ([]containerinstance.ImageRegistryCredential, error) {
	usedRegistries, acrRegistries := getUsedRegistries(project)
	for _, registry := range acrRegistries {
		err := helper.autoLoginAcr(registry)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("WARNING: %v\n", err)
			fmt.Printf("Could not automatically login to %s from your Azure login. Assuming you already logged in to the ACR registry\n", registry)

	allCreds, err := helper.getAllRegistryCredentials()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var registryCreds []containerinstance.ImageRegistryCredential
	for name, oneCred := range allCreds {
		parsedURL, err := url.Parse(name)
		// Credentials can contain some garbage, we don't return the error here
		// because we don't care about these garbage creds.
		if err != nil {

		hostname := parsedURL.Host
		if hostname == "" {
			hostname = parsedURL.Path
		if _, ok := usedRegistries[hostname]; ok {
			if oneCred.Password != "" {
				aciCredential := containerinstance.ImageRegistryCredential{
					Server:   to.StringPtr(hostname),
					Password: to.StringPtr(oneCred.Password),
					Username: to.StringPtr(oneCred.Username),
				registryCreds = append(registryCreds, aciCredential)
			} else if oneCred.IdentityToken != "" {
				userName := tokenUsername
				if oneCred.Username != "" {
					userName = oneCred.Username
				aciCredential := containerinstance.ImageRegistryCredential{
					Server:   to.StringPtr(hostname),
					Password: to.StringPtr(oneCred.IdentityToken),
					Username: to.StringPtr(userName),
				registryCreds = append(registryCreds, aciCredential)
	return registryCreds, nil

func getUsedRegistries(project compose.Project) (map[string]bool, []string) {
	usedRegistries := map[string]bool{}
	acrRegistries := []string{}
	for _, service := range project.Services {
		imageName := service.Image
		tokens := strings.Split(imageName, "/")
		registry := tokens[0]
		if len(tokens) == 1 { // ! image names can include "." ...
			registry = dockerHub
		} else if !strings.Contains(registry, ".") {
			registry = dockerHub
		} else if strings.HasSuffix(registry, login.AcrRegistrySuffix) {
			acrRegistries = append(acrRegistries, registry)
		usedRegistries[registry] = true
	return usedRegistries, acrRegistries

func (c cliRegistryHelper) autoLoginAcr(registry string) error {
	loginService, err := login.NewAzureLoginService()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	token, err := loginService.GetValidToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tenantID, err := loginService.GetTenantID()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	data := url.Values{
		"grant_type":   {"access_token"},
		"service":      {registry},
		"tenant":       {tenantID},
		"access_token": {token.AccessToken},
	repoAuthURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/oauth2/exchange", registry)
	res, err := http.Post(repoAuthURL, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not query ACR token")
	bits, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not read response body")
	if res.StatusCode != 200 {
		return errors.Errorf("could not obtain ACR token from Azure login, status : %s, response: %s", res.Status, string(bits))

	newToken := oauth2.Token{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(bits, &newToken); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not read ACR token")
	cmd := exec.Command("docker", "login", "-u", tokenUsername, "-p", newToken.RefreshToken, registry)
	bytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("could not 'docker login' to %s :\n%s\n", registry, string(bytes)))
	return nil