# Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) MOBY_DOCKER=/usr/bin/docker endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) MOBY_DOCKER=/Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/bin/docker endif GIT_TAG?=$(shell git describe --tags --match "v[0-9]*") TEST_FLAGS?= E2E_TEST?= ifeq ($(E2E_TEST),) else TEST_FLAGS=-run $(E2E_TEST) endif all: cli protos: ## Generate go code from .proto files @docker build . --target protos \ --output ./cli/server/protos cli: ## Compile the cli @docker build . --target cli \ --platform local \ --build-arg BUILD_TAGS=e2e,kube \ --build-arg GIT_TAG=$(GIT_TAG) \ --output ./bin e2e-local: ## Run End to end local tests. Set E2E_TEST=TestName to run a single test go test -count=1 -v $(TEST_FLAGS) ./local/e2e/compose ./local/e2e/container ./local/e2e/cli-only e2e-win-ci: ## Run end to end local tests on Windows CI, no Docker for Linux containers available ATM. Set E2E_TEST=TestName to run a single test go test -count=1 -v $(TEST_FLAGS) ./local/e2e/cli-only e2e-aci: ## Run End to end ACI tests. Set E2E_TEST=TestName to run a single test go test -count=1 -v $(TEST_FLAGS) ./aci/e2e e2e-ecs: ## Run End to end ECS tests. Set E2E_TEST=TestName to run a single test go test -timeout 20m -count=1 -v $(TEST_FLAGS) ./ecs/e2e/ecs ./ecs/e2e/ecs-local cross: ## Compile the CLI for linux, darwin and windows @docker build . --target cross \ --build-arg BUILD_TAGS \ --build-arg GIT_TAG=$(GIT_TAG) \ --output ./bin \ test: ## Run unit tests @docker build . \ --build-arg GIT_TAG=$(GIT_TAG) \ --target test cache-clear: ## Clear the builder cache @docker builder prune --force --filter type=exec.cachemount --filter=unused-for=24h lint: ## run linter(s) @docker build . \ --build-arg BUILD_TAGS=e2e \ --build-arg GIT_TAG=$(GIT_TAG) \ --target lint check-dependencies: ## check dependency updates go list -u -m -f '{{if not .Indirect}}{{if .Update}}{{.}}{{end}}{{end}}' all import-restrictions: ## run import-restrictions script @docker build . \ --target import-restrictions serve: cli ## start server @./bin/docker serve --address unix:///tmp/backend.sock moby-cli-link: ## Create com.docker.cli symlink if does not already exist ln -s $(MOBY_DOCKER) /usr/local/bin/com.docker.cli validate-headers: ## Check license header for all files @docker build . --target check-license-headers go-mod-tidy: ## Run go mod tidy in a container and output resulting go.mod and go.sum @docker build . --target go-mod-tidy --output . validate-go-mod: ## Validate go.mod and go.sum are up-to-date @docker build . --target check-go-mod validate: validate-go-mod validate-headers ## Validate sources pre-commit: validate import-restrictions check-dependencies lint cli test e2e-local build-aci-sidecar: ## build aci sidecar image locally and tag it with make build-aci-sidecar tag=0.1 docker build -t docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:$(tag) aci/etchosts publish-aci-sidecar: build-aci-sidecar ## build & publish aci sidecar image with make publish-aci-sidecar tag=0.1 docker pull docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:$(tag) && echo "Failure: Tag already exists" || docker push docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:$(tag) build-ecs-search-sidecar: ## build ecs search sidecar image locally and tag it with make build-ecs-search-sidecar tag=0.1 docker build -t docker/ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:$(tag) ecs/resolv publish-ecs-search-sidecar: build-ecs-search-sidecar ## build & publish ecs search sidecar image with make publish-ecs-search-sidecar tag=0.1 docker pull docker/ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:$(tag) && echo "Failure: Tag already exists" || docker push docker/ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:$(tag) build-ecs-secrets-sidecar: ## build ecs secrets sidecar image locally and tag it with make build-ecs-secrets-sidecar tag=0.1 docker build -t docker/ecs-secrets-sidecar:$(tag) ecs/secrets publish-ecs-secrets-sidecar: build-ecs-secrets-sidecar ## build & publish ecs secrets sidecar image with make publish-ecs-secrets-sidecar tag=0.1 docker pull docker/ecs-secrets-sidecar:$(tag) && echo "Failure: Tag already exists" || docker push docker/ecs-secrets-sidecar:$(tag) clean-aci-e2e: ## Make sure no ACI tests are currently runnnig in the CI when invoking this. Delete ACI E2E tests resources that might have leaked when ctrl-C E2E tests. @ echo "Will delete resource groups: " @ az group list | jq '.[].name' | grep -i E2E-Test az group list | jq '.[].name' | grep -i E2E-Test | xargs -n1 az group delete -y --no-wait -g help: ## Show help @echo Please specify a build target. The choices are: @grep -E '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' FORCE: .PHONY: all validate protos cli e2e-local cross test cache-clear lint check-dependencies serve classic-link help clean-aci-e2e go-mod-tidy