# Quickstart: Compose and WordPress You can use Compose to easily run WordPress in an isolated environment built with Docker containers. ## Define the project First, [Install Compose](install.md) and then download WordPress into the current directory: $ curl https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz | tar -xvzf - This will create a directory called `wordpress`. If you wish, you can rename it to the name of your project. Next, inside that directory, create a `Dockerfile`, a file that defines what environment your app is going to run in. For more information on how to write Dockerfiles, see the [Docker user guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/dockerimages/#building-an-image-from-a-dockerfile) and the [Dockerfile reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/). In this case, your Dockerfile should be: FROM orchardup/php5 ADD . /code This tells Docker how to build an image defining a container that contains PHP and WordPress. Next you'll create a `docker-compose.yml` file that will start your web service and a separate MySQL instance: version: '2' services: web: build: . command: php -S -t /code ports: - "8000:8000" depends_on: - db volumes: - .:/code db: image: orchardup/mysql environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress A supporting file is needed to get this working. `wp-config.php` is the standard WordPress config file with a single change to point the database configuration at the `db` container: