#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright The containerd Authors. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # verifies if the require and replace directives for two go.mod files are in sync # set -eu -o pipefail ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}") if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 dir-for-second-go-mod" exit 1 fi if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null ; then echo Please install jq exit 1 fi # Load the requires and replaces section in the root go.mod file declare -A map_requires_1 declare -A map_replaces_1 pushd "${ROOT}" > /dev/null while IFS='#' read -r key value do map_requires_1[$key]="$value" done<<<$(go mod edit -json | jq -r '.Require[] | .Path + " # " + .Version') while IFS='#' read -r key value do [ "$key" = "" ] || map_replaces_1[$key]="$value" done<<<$(go mod edit -json | jq -r 'try .Replace[] | .Old.Path + " # " + .New.Path + " : " + .New.Version') popd > /dev/null # Load the requires and replaces section in the other go.mod file declare -A map_requires_2 declare -A map_replaces_2 pushd "${ROOT}/$1" > /dev/null while IFS='#' read -r key value do [ "$key" = "" ] || map_requires_2[$key]="$value" done<<<$(go mod edit -json | jq -r '.Require[] | .Path + " # " + .Version') while IFS='#' read -r key value do map_replaces_2[$key]="$value" done<<<$(go mod edit -json | jq -r 'try .Replace[] | .Old.Path + " # " + .New.Path + " : " + .New.Version') popd > /dev/null # signal for errors later ERRORS=0 # iterate through the second go.mod's require section and ensure that all items # have the same values in the root go.mod replace section for k in "${!map_requires_2[@]}" do if [ -v "map_requires_1[$k]" ]; then if [ "${map_requires_2[$k]}" != "${map_requires_1[$k]}" ]; then echo "${k} has different values in the go.mod files require section:" \ "${map_requires_1[$k]} in root go.mod ${map_requires_2[$k]} in $1/go.mod" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) fi fi done # iterate through the second go.mod's replace section and ensure that all items # have the same values in the root go.mod's replace section. Except for the # containerd/containerd which we know will be different for k in "${!map_replaces_2[@]}" do if [[ "${k}" == "github.com/docker/compose"* ]]; then continue fi if [ -v "map_replaces_1[$k]" ]; then if [ "${map_replaces_2[$k]}" != "${map_replaces_1[$k]}" ]; then echo "${k} has different values in the go.mod files replace section:" \ "${map_replaces_1[$k]} in root go.mod ${map_replaces_2[$k]} in $1/go.mod" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) fi fi done # iterate through the root go.mod's replace section and ensure that all the # same items are present in the second go.mod's replace section and nothing is missing for k in "${!map_replaces_1[@]}" do if [[ "${k}" == "github.com/docker/compose"* ]]; then continue fi if [ ! -v "map_replaces_2[$k]" ]; then echo "${k} has an entry in root go.mod replace section, but is missing from" \ " replace section in $1/go.mod" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) fi done if [ "$ERRORS" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Found $ERRORS error(s)." exit 1 fi